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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Electric Love Concert DVD. Issued : April, 28th 2010.

Stand Up Tour DVD. Issued : March 17th, 2010. (via HMV Japan)

2008 Bigbang Live Concert [global Warning Tour] [Limited Edition 2 DVD] Issued : March 31st, 2010.

Bigbang+live.Tracks Issued : March 31st, 2010. [new limited edition 2 CD]

We still didn't know the difference about the Korea Version and Japan Version, though. ):

credit: weloveYGfamily @ twitter

[Translations] BIGBANG captured the hearts of Japanese female stars, many came to cheer and show support

The South Korean 5 men group BIGBANG on the 17th of this month ended their first tour concert named "ELECTRIC LOVE TOUR" at Japan Budokan. Besides the several thousands of fans, there were also many Japanese stars who came to cheer and show support.

Well-known singers including Mika Nakashima, SPEED, Aya Matsuura, Perfume's Ayaka Nishiwaki, etc. arrived at the scene to attend the concert, many famous names can also be seen on the congratulations flower baskets outside the concert hall. Touring three places with six performances, it mobilized 60,000 people. On the 17th itself before the concert opening, sitting on the 2nd floor at the back row, wearing a green hat and holding a Chanel bag was a petite girl who attracted much attention from the audience on the 1st floor. On closer look, it was discovered that she is singer Kato Miriya. She was sitting beside Osawa Akane. According to eyewitnesses at the scene, when the LIVE began, Kato simply took off her coat and stood up with Osawa, singing along, during which they also shouted the names of BIGBANG members "the degree of fascination is no different from the general fans". Sitting behind them is popular group mihimaru GT's Hiroko. She and her boyfriend who had just been exposed by the media went to watch the SHOW together. Besides these few stars, Kou Shibasaki, former Morning Musume member Natsumi Abe also well dressed up to attend this concert.

Many local Japanese female stars showing support to BIGBANG at the concert had caused much sensation within the entertainment circle. "Not only the general Japanese females, even the stars are Korea-crazy?!" a sports newspaper entertainment reporter joked. Due to D-LITE's traffic accident, the delayed Japan tour has received good response. For the last performance, even invited Thelma Aoyama as a mystery guest, singing a duet with SOL for the song《Fall in Love》raising the climax at the scene. Just as Natsumi Abe who expressed her own thoughts on her blog, "those female stars who went to watch BIGBANG are mostly singles". BIGBANG who won the Best New Artist Award at the Japan Record Award last year, officially debuted in Japan for less than six months, had successfully held the concerts in Japan, there is much potential of them catching up with TVXQ in Japan.

source : ibtimes.com.cn

translated by Miseremei

credit if re-post, please link back

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Thanks for the news about the dvds and the translation of that article, ncly!

Aigoo. It seems like Japan is really crazy for our boys! OwO

And knowing that even stars go nuts over them makes me super happy!

I'm just kinda worried D: GD once said he wanted to marry a Japanese girl D:

And by the looks of it, any Japanese girl would die to marry the guy too!

:D Omo. I can't help but feel jealous whenever they're at Japan...

haha. So they should stay in Korea as much as possible! >:3

LOLS. It's not that i don't like them to marry a Japanese fan...

I want them to marry me instead! OHOHO. nevermind.

Anyway. CONGRATULATIONS to the boys for winning another award!

Their popularity is getting higher contrary to what most of us think.:D

And i'm proud of em boys!

Especially our maknae! <3

He looks so gorgeous at those pics above with Yuri!

He looks so cute doing the PEACE sign too :""">

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Guest shinhdeplol

^ I saw that @ AA CHAN too. But I think that girl is just temporary :lol: Shes really cute ^^ But whats the point of that vid? Is it the set of the MV??



Toy Car Bracelet by Nic Na



VROOM! Stretch Car Bracelet

C: http://big21fashion.blogspot.com/

^ Isnt the bracelet adorable? TOP is taking over Jiyong as the accessories king now :lol:

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Guest Da_song

TODAE is >3333


Cr:as tagge/bangxvip-twitvid

Dae: "It's really cool at stage."/"Let's make stage hot with our hot emotion"

TOP:"But,I feel hot because of you Daesung.


i miss todae badly, but now seem like they didnt show their love to each other. :huh:

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Guest shinhdeplol

LOL this is sooo funny.

i love how they made fake lyrics for GTOP's fighting scene in Haru Haru MV =]] "i just wanna kiss"~ LOLOLOL

BIGBANG 『ステージから溢れるパワーで圧倒!日本初コンサートツアー』-ORICON STYLE ミュージック







2009年度の各音楽賞で新人賞を総なめにした韓国出身の人気ダンスボーカルグループ・BIGBANGが、日本メジャーデビュー後初となるコンサートツアー『BIGBANG presents ELECTRIC LOVE TOUR 2010』を横浜、神戸、日本武道館で行った。その追加公演となる横浜アリーナ2日目の模様をレポート!!

超満員となった会場は、女性だけでなく男性の姿も多く、コンサートが始まる前から熱気に包まれ、客席のワクワク感が伝わってくる。そんななか、宇宙に飛び立つようなステージセットでカウントダウンが始まり、パワフルなナンバー「ガラガラ GO!!」で幕をあけた。最初のMCでは、「BIGBANGが日本でメジャデビューしてから初めてのコンサートです。最後まで盛り上がろう!」と、全員日本語で挨拶。メンバー同士がカバーしあい、一生懸命に日本語で話す姿に大きな声援が飛んだ。

ソロステージでは、トップバッターにV.Iが登場し、映像とシンクロしながら「Strong baby」を熱唱。いつもはメンバーのなかの末っ子として可愛らしい姿を見せているが、このステージでは一変。男らしいセクシーさのただようダンスを披露し、女性ダンサーと絡むシーンでは、会場から悲鳴(?)が巻き起こった。2番手は、SOL。日本初公開となる「Wedding Dress」では、鍛え上げられた肉体美と、しなやかでキレのあるダンス、バツグンの歌唱力で観客を魅了した。

続くT.O.Pは、トレンチコートに身を包み、ハーモニカの演奏を入れて、「Ah-Moo-Rut-Chi-Ah-Neun- Chuk」をワイルドにキメ、存在感を見せつけた。また、現在制作中のソロアルバムのなかから、「Turn It Up」の新作PV映像を日本初公開。モノクロの映像のなかで、独特な雰囲気のセクシーな姿を披露した。

コンサート中盤には、BIGBANGの事務所の後輩であり、いま韓国で人気No.1のガールズグループ、2NE1が登場。大ヒット曲「Fire」と「I Don’t Care」を披露し、BIGBANGに負けず劣らずの人気ぶりを見せた。

そして、再びメンバーのソロステージ。日本初公開となるD-LITEのソロ「Som sa tang」では、本人がたくさんの風船をつけた自転車に乗って可愛らしく登場!花道をゆっくりと歩き、来場者のひとりにプレゼントと手の甲にキスのサービスをする場面も。ミュージカル調のステージで、最高の笑顔を見せてくれた。次のD-LITEとV.Iのスペシャルメドレーでは、D-LITEの美しい高音が会場中に響き、V.Iの甘い歌声と交わりロマンティックなムードに。会場からは深い溜息がもれた。

ソロ最後を飾るのは、リーダーのG-DRAGON。「Heartbreaker」のイントロが流れると、大歓声が沸き起こる。レーザー光線が走り、ファイアーフレームが立ち上るなか熱唱。SOLとフューチャリングした「Korean Dream」では、DJブースが用意され、一瞬でアリーナが巨大クラブに!2人の息のあったグルーブ感がカッコいい。

BIGBANGのステージに戻ると、ダンスナンバーだけではなく、椅子に座ってしっとりと歌った「A Good Man」に続き、「Stay」「Haru Haru」を熱唱。この2曲は、会場みんなで大合唱となった。MCでは、T.O.Pがメロディーが可愛くてお気に入りという「ブルーライトヨコハマ」の話になり、サビを口ずさむと、会場中から歌声が沸きあがり、笑いが起きた。

ラストを飾ったのは、「声をきかせて」「Lie」「Last Farewell」。メンバーは花道を走り回って、観客も一緒に歌って踊っての大騒ぎ!会場が一体となりステージからも観客席からもパワーが溢れかえっていた。

最後のMCで、D-LITEは「昨年は、最優秀新人賞という大きな賞をもらいました。この場を借りて改めてみんなに感謝します!」。 V.Iは「コンサートができるのもみなさんのおかげです。本当にありがとうございます。みなさんの応援があっていまのBIGBANGがあります。昨年は、メンバーのソロ活動が多かったのですが、今年はBIGBANGとしてたくさん活動します」。

アンコールは、「How Gee」と日本デビュー曲「MY HEAVEN」。紙吹雪が舞い降り、会場中が最高潮の盛り上がりを見せるなか、嬉しそうに花道を走り、子供のようにはしゃいでいる5人。おもちゃ箱を開けるような、なにが飛び出してくるかわからない常にわくわくドキドキの約2時間のステージは、あっという間に過ぎた。満足した観客の笑顔が、このコンサートの大成功を物語っていた。


C: teambigbang.blogspot.com

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Guest andloveyelledno

Seems like it's a review of the ELT. All very positive from what I gather. The boy have a lot of energy and individual charms. The audience loved it all.

It seems like seeing Big Bang in concert is an unforgettable experience. I hope to do so for the first time during next year's Big Show :)

Seungri looks adorable and pretty happy. I hope the media isn't going to be bothering him often though. He needs privacy for all those "meetings" ;D

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say WHAAAAAT?????

lol but hey if that was true i'd say its rather sweet.

dont mind me...hihi

Seungri and Yuri (i was supposed to ask for her name thank goodness

someone here mentioned her name)

Seungri looked extra hot!!! thanks so much gals for the photos

BUT I LOVE YOU- they performed this song???

when when when???

Thuy the guitar thing is really good!

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Guest universe



click the purplish-blue button beside the orange one. you can vote again every 10 seconds. its for the top Kpop group i think. not somethng very major but its something all we i-VIPs can contribute to :)

and here's another one for Best MV


here's the ranking now if anyone is interested (they are currently #6)


our strong baby is all grown up now haha. but maknae desperately needs a shave and some good sleep LOL. and i bet he's loving all the attention the media gave him during the freshmen ceremony haha. i never thought i would ship Seungri with another person apart from GD :lol: but i ship Seungri and Yuri soooo hard now!! they look adorable together, both are really dorky, Seungri likes noonas, and are both the dancers in their respective groups. they can have so much in common. hahaha. i bet Seungri already asked for her number coz they are ~course mates~. :D

i'm sure the ELT was an unforgettable experience for all those who went, if the Big Show i went to was any indication of it. although i wish they can have some rest in Korea now, i was hoping that Universal would cash in on the post-concert euphoria and release a Japanese single. 60 000+ fans? i bet it would be a huge boost in their usual 30 000+ sales figures. but i doubt a new single is coming anytime soon coz there's no news or even a single fan picture of any MV filming though :( but i'm positive their next Japanese single would be highly anticipated especially by the 60 000+ audiences :D

and Top getting married? i sweared my fangirl heart stopped for a second. luckily i have some strength left in me to read on coz i was tempted to run around the house screaming :lol:

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Guest sarahkristine

hi guys! since we've been experiencing a flow of interesting topics this past few days, I'd like to propose one too!!

Just for laughs, has there been a time when you felt embarrassed of Big Bang or a particular member?


I've been so amazed at how much calm this thread is being amidst the sensitive issues like "popularity" etc. Hope this one doesn't cause a commotion. Let's all try to be peaceful and friendly. :-)

I really really disliked their debut stage costume (the lalala, and also the shake it costumes), and I couldn't even show it to my friends or my sis because it was so icky! The uniform costumes that are baggy and hipppityhop? I swear. I felt really embarrassed looking at those. Sorry!

And for GD, I LOVE THIS MAN SOOO MUCH, much I just couldn't bear looking at the way he wiped his lips at the end of their Haru haru stages. I know that for some, that's hot or sexy, but for me it's kinda uhm... embarrassing? Hehe.

For DS, there was this one time when his voice cracked while singing lies. THE CRACK WAS SO BAD, and it was their comeback stage. So yeah, I actually blushed when I heard it. But when I found out that Dae's throat was really bad during the Lies promo, I understood a little more.

And as for SR... well, the entire Strong Baby video was embarrassing. BUT NOT IN A BAD WAY. I just blushed when I first watched it because.... DAMN our baby maknae is kissing a girl and caressing her!!! Haha. it was just weird at first. It's like a teenage boy trying to be hot. But he was really hot in that vid. (and I guess this was the same way I felt when GD was performing his controversial breathe perf). In conclusion, I feel embarrassed in a good way whenever Big Bang do sexy. haha.

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Guest missARROGANT

Just for laughs, has there been a time when you felt embarrassed of Big Bang or a particular member?

THis sound interesting ;) I am IN.

Start form The Leader, Mr. Kwon..I felt terribly embarrassed when he did “tell me dance” in a TV show. He was so into the dance and it was so GIRLY. I don’t like it at all. Another moment is coffee prince parody. I just can’t stand him acting like a GIRL. And I kind of embarrassed when GD is being so dorky and immature in some interviews (some are cute&funny but sometimes a bit too much considering the fact that he is a LEADER) :huh:

Next..Mr.TOP..I find him really handsome and cool looking. But during the 17th Seoul music award show, the MC asked him to say a word after they received Daesang . He was like so blur. It is so UNCOOL. I also feel embarrassed whenever he keeps silent or trying to avoid MC question during Japan award show. Hope he will improve his Japanese. :)

Taeyang? The time I feel embarrassed is whenever he took out his shirt. Please don’t OVERDO it. :P

Baby Sengri.. SBS Gayo Daejun the way he tried to act cute, made me feel embarrassed. I seriously don’t find it CUTE.

Daesaung..I like his personality and the way he behave in interviews and onstage. I feel really embarrassed for him when I saw this picture. http://hauteissue.files.wordpress.com/2010...2933_img011.jpg :o

PS..I seriously like BB members. No bashing here.

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Guest Amber Jayne

What is this i'm reading.......TOP IS GETTING MARRIED?........ said WHO?! :blink::(:angry::wacko:

Haha, I think a few pages back someone posted about this. Apparently, someone in a different band (I think a Japanese band?) is also called Top and he is getting married. But, Big Bang's Top is not getting married.

One day all of the boys will be married though. All we can do is be supportive. ^_^

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Guest blackjackVip

Haha, I think a few pages back someone posted about this. Apparently, someone in a different band (I think a Japanese band?) is also called Top and he is getting married. But, Big Bang's Top is not getting married.

One day all of the boys will be married though. All we can do is be supportive. ^_^

:huh::lol:WHEW! what a relief.... REALLY... i was uberly shocked by it, WHO WOULDN'T? coz if that's true, it's so sudden, and he is sooo young, and also without even hearing anything about her fiance or gf or anything... WHEWWW!..

LMAO, i know i will accept it ofcourse if he gets married in the near future, but i was just SURPRISED by the word "TOP GETTING MARRIED" :o:lol:

I will accept it, but i dunno how i will take it. <_<

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