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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Which leads me to my next topic:

Describe to the newer VIPs (like me) how it felt like to be a VIP while Big Bang was promoting, especially in their most successful years in South Korea, 2007 and 2008.

How did it feel when it was a day before the new album drops out?

How was the experience patiently waiting for their songs to win a mutizen?

And how happy were you when they grabbed all those mutizens?

How nerve-wracking was it to vote and vote and vote in order to make them win awards in awards shows?

How did you feel when they won daesangs?

When they beat out strong competitors and won Male Group awards for two consecutive years?


my 1st post ever in a BB thread

my 1st song was Lies, i didn't give a damn bout them/kpop until i heard Lies.

i love the song, so i checked them out and found out that their music is music that i'd enjoy

then not long after that they released Stand Up mini album, i completely went freaking crazy catching up their latest updates.

i download almost ALL their videos, and i vote for them, went freaking crazy again for not being able to read korean

2008 was their most active year ever, i could almost see them everywhere

the boys were tired. but they got better in sunset glow. their energy and vocals came back as well during sunset glow promotion.

Big Bang is totally an addiction.

I used to stick to my monitor 24/7 right after classes, watching their videos, voting for them, not wanting to go out etc..which is not a good thing imo.

I'm glad that i'm so over that super addicted period.

I've learnt to control myself as a fangirl, but i love them more n more <3

I feel so blessed to have BB in my life. They've gone through so much

i cried for them when they won the best artist in MKMF 2008. they deserved it (so did other groups <3)

and also i cried when i watched the making of the Great concert bout seungri's injury..was worried when tabi was hospitalized

and I'm always nervous watching their performances, and a day before their album drops out

sometimes i wish i wouldn't over react whenever there's something bout BB, but i can't

i just gotta scream/cry/laugh/smile/sing/dance for them

people thought i'm crazy, but it's just a way that i'm enjoying my life atm

They've made songs that i like and i don't quite like, but they're always improving and evolving

They're versatile and each of them stand out as an unique artist, which is what made me a fan until now

until now, i haven't found/loved any other group like how i love them

idk bout you but BB's upbeat songs always caught me more than the other groups' songs because they're unique in their own ways.

I love the GTOP the most, rap music is my thing

and YB's voice is just soulful and unique. Dae's voice is so good, and seungri is still improving ^^

i have faith in them, have expectation towards their music

like what GD said in the recent interview, he wasn't satisfied with the last 2 albums

it's ok babe, drop me some new hot stuff soon! <3

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I was on twitter and

I saw about the guys grabbing

the award : Best Newcomer at Japan Golden Disk Awards.

They must be very happy

& of course we fans are happy

for them too! CONGRATULATIONS!

Indeed the guys are gaining so

much recognition there.

I love those gifs from

the telecinema '19'.

I am really excited to watch it.

TABI's putting Seungri onto his shoulder

is one of the sweetest scenes.

Look at seungri's expression :lol:

I just love the question kresten posted;

reading different fan's account &

experience as becoming a VIP.

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Guest nisssr3

are daeri gonna be mcing along with fany and yuri like the 200th episode or just the two of them? coz i checked on soshi's thread and found out that the girls will hold encore concerts on 27th/28th.. or is it an encore telecast like nurika mentioned?

thanks kresten for posting the qn, now i got to know how VIPs felt when the boys were busy promoting back then, it must be really exciting, i envy you guys!! i only experienced it when gd and ty released their solo stuffs n their japanese album last year, they were really awesome!

and last but not least, CONGRATULATIONS BB for winning another award in japan!

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Guest ooxstacee

DaeRi's mcing again!? <3

I wonder what it's for. It's earlier too.

Hm, I hope I can watch it in time!

Describe to the newer VIPs (like me) how it felt like to be a VIP while Big Bang was promoting, especially in their most successful years in South Korea, 2007 and 2008.

How did it feel when it was a day before the new album drops out?

How was the experience patiently waiting for their songs to win a mutizen?

And how happy were you when they grabbed all those mutizens?

How nerve-wracking was it to vote and vote and vote in order to make them win awards in awards shows?

How did you feel when they won daesangs?

I started liking them towards the end of 2006. Maybe September or October? T__T Long time.

But the day before their album drops is DREADFUL! So close, yet so far. It kills me to wait like that, lol. But then when the day comes, that's not a very fun wait either. You refresh the page like NO other, or at least I do. Not only for the album to drop, but for music videos to come out or anything.

Waiting for them to win awards is all worth it. The voting is crucial [although, I've never really voted ALL that much]. But wah, when they win, you feel so freaking happy. There's no words for it. That feeling of excitement is amazing, lol. You don't really gain anything from it, but you can't help to be extremely happy for them.

So, Lollipop mv or whatever release is postponed till next week. :( Aw.

HURRY HURRY! I want to see it.


I miss them. Hurry & come back.

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TVXQ/DBSK/Tohoshinki and Big Bang both won awards at the Japan Golden Disk Awards, which was held on February 24th.

Big Bang won one of “The Best 5 New Artists” awards. Big Bang debuted in Japan in June of last year, when they released their first single, “My Heaven,” shortly after, they followed up with their second single, “Gara Gara Go.” Later on, they released their first album and third single, “Koe wo Kikasete.” Big Bang is definitely gaining popularity and their hard work paid off at the Japan Golden Disk Awards.

In addition, Tohoshinki won the award for “The Best Music Video,” with “All about Dong Bang Shinki season 3.”

But the true winner of the night was none other than Arashi, winning all of the top awards and racking up a total of 10 awards!

C : AllKpop

Congrats to them..

I'm so proud.. ^^


Remember the almost-topless pic of Tabi..??

the one that posted couple of page back..??

but it got censored sign on it..

I find another one and the censored part is altered away..

but still,looking at it carefully,

its look like its a photoshop pic.. >_>


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Guest kresten

@dada - you really cried? OMG! I bet, had I been a VIP then, I would have cried too!! And why are you guys all saying that you didn't expect Big Bang to win awards at that time? Was it really that hopeless back then? OMG I could only imagine how dreadful it must have been to wait for the awards night.

@universe - So just like me you are one of the newer VIPs too! Although technically we're both 1 year olds in the fandom. I completely agree with you because I also feel like a mother who missed the growing up years of her child, haha. Don't worry, I bet YG will go ALL OUT on Big Bang's come back! That'll way we'll get to experience their full scale promotion! So excited.

rom May 09 till now, believe it or not, Big Bang has not left my mind for a single day. i always look forward to the end of the day when i can surf soompi or other forums for their latest news. they even influenced me to go to Korea for my graduation trip early this year. and of course, i went for the Big Show. i know of VIPs who like them for much longer, yet do not have the chance to see them live. i got to say i'm a really lucky VIP in this aspect

AGREED AGAIN! Big Bang, since January 2009, has never left my mind even for a single hour that I'm awake! They have become my habit now, and I'm super duper addicted. My friends even say that they want to rehabilitate me already because I am so addicted. I talk about them, I surf about them, I write about them, I even study about them BECAUSE MY UNDERGRADUATE THESIS IS ABOUT KPOP's INFLUENCE ON THE LIFESTYLE OF THE FANS. Can you believe that? I'm that pathetic. God help me. Haha. That's HOW HUGE Big Bang has influenced my life.

@teenace - Aww. You've been a fan for three years already, I envy you so much! And yes, it must have been so painful to see the boys' health suffer back in the days. I'm glad none of them has been falling sick in the last year. Gosh, what a year 2008 must have been, no? Seeing Big Bang everywhere. I hope to see them everywhere this 2010 too, from Awards Shows, to collabs, to special stages, to Gayos, to awards shows... to variety shows, in dramas, musicals, concerts, parties and stuff. But I also pray they don't get sick.

@leslie_lei - I'm also in awe with their MKMF 07 performance. that was one of the first few special stages I've seen and it really helped me fall madly in love with them. If I could wave my bandana outside and sing Lies, I WOULD! My neighbors know it anyway, since I play it so LOUD! hehe. And they play it too because I don't know, maybe they've discovered Kpop or something. Haha.

@jiyanz I'm happy that you've learned to control yourself as a fan girl. HOW DID YOU DO IT? because I seem to need help right now! I'm currently doing what you did, updating myself almost every moment possible! and of course we all know it's not good.

@ooxstacee - I've been asking myself about what I gain on fan girling over Big Bang. haha. Nothing, just pure entertainment and happiness. It doesn't make us richer, or smarter, or wiser, but it does make me happier.

And like what universe said, Big Bang is also the source of my happiness these past months. Weird right? I don't even go out much anymore because I prefer Kpopping already! I wonder what my future boyfriend would say to this? I mean, he would be competing against five hot men for my attention! Haha.

Which leads me to my next topic.

How do your immediate persons (mom, dad, sis, bros, friends, BOYFRIENDS) react to your Big Bang fandom?

My mom thinks I'm immature, and that I'll get over it soon (no way!)

My dad urges me to work in the Philippine Embassy in South Korea (cause he's a consul)

My big sis, who is a psychologists, understands me and have learned to tolerate my craziness. If I'm screaming or jumping up for joy, she already knows it's Big Bang-related.

My young sis have been influence by me! She's already Kpopped too! She really really loves Big Bang, 2ne1 and SNSD.

MY BEST FRIEND THINKS LIKE MY MOM TOO, that I'll get over it soon. Cause I always get crazy over fads and get over it soon, maybe in six months time or so. But this Big Bang thing has been with me for 13 months now! SO NO! THis isn't a fad.

How about you guys?

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How do your immediate persons (mom, dad, sis, bros, friends, BOYFRIENDS) react to your Big Bang fandom?

lol.... i remember this one time...when i was watching a video of the compilation of daesung's vocals (since daesung is my favorite member)....and then my mom ask me... if who was that guy singing....and then i answered her..he's my hubby... she was like O.o and then she just ignored me...hahaha....

my cousin knew about by craziness about bigbang and 2ne1...or about kpop...she sometimes call me weird..for liking those kinds of things..but as soon as she heard their songs..even my family....they would say..."wow...who sings that song?..." hahaha...

my mom was actually against my craziness about kpop stuff...she really didn't understand me...she once said... "you know them but the did they know you?"...the heck..hahaha...

my brother...he always spoils me whenever it comes to kpop stuff...hahaha....

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.Which leads me to my next topic.

How do your immediate persons (mom, dad, sis, bros, friends, BOYFRIENDS) react to your Big Bang fandom?

Well i did cried.

& im glad my parents did

not see that or else they might think

im crazy.

About my BIG BANG fandom,

the people around me are used to it;

& they understand it.


will even inform me whenever

he saw BIG BANG's MV being

shown on the television.He will be like "Eh,your BIG BANG

is on ___channel right now".

I will only show my crazy fandom(you know

like spazzing & spamming about them)

side towards my close friends

and most of my close friends are either

those idols fans or a big fan of k-pop

so they understand it a lot.

Either that I tend to have my desktop

wallpaper,my msn dp & my hp wallpaper

infested in BIG BANG pictures.

So my other friends who saw these,

will ask 'who's that',

while others will be like 'It's BIG BANG' right?.

Some of them will even start singing

one of their songs when seeing my


I guess it is all due to the fact that k-pop

are spreading like flames right now.

& I do not really like go totally crazy(only

to the extend of spazzing over their music

with my k-pop friends)

but I will feel very satisfied,happy & excited whenever

it comes to BIG BANG.

So that censored picture

of TABI was afterall photoshopped eh?

I remembered TABI said

before he will never showcase his body.(unless

it is really neccessary,like part of the role

in a movie/drama?)

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Guest shinhdeplol

Thuy, you know I'm with you 101%.

kyaaahh :3333333

How do your immediate persons (mom, dad, sis, bros, friends, BOYFRIENDS) react to your Big Bang fandom?

My Dad said i (and my sister) would get tired of them soon. LOL. Some of my friends are crazy about Big Bang too (Linh + Van <333333).

BIGBANG for 『Japan Gold Disc Award 2010』


BIGBANG is selected as the one of The Best 5 New Artists in The 24th Japan Gold Disc Awards 2010.



Japan Gold Disc Awards is the major music awards held annually by The Recording Industry Association of Japan for the highest CD sales ranking in the country by both domestic and international artists.

BIGBANG has a major debut in Japan in June 2009 with the single "My Heaven" followed by "ガラガラ GO!!" and "声をきかせて" which all went to Top 5 on the Oricon chart and become a popular dance vocal group since then in Japan.

BIGBANG has also grabbed the same category from 3 other grand music awards like Japan Record Award,Japan Cable Award and Best Hits Song Festival.


• Recording Industry Association of Japan



• Sportsseoul

C: teambigbang.blogspot.com

Phone wallpapers 240x320









See the 240x400 version here: http://www.bbvipz.com/bbs/view.php?id=bigroom&no=14272

C: 죵차르 트 @ BBVIPZ

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Congrats!!!..4 Newcomer Awards..cool!

Daily Music Charts:

Mnet: #2


Melon: #4


Dosirak: #4


Bugs: #5


Monkey3: #5


**again,Idk about Soribada**


lol..all those awards are belong to GD..jkjk

Did anyone notice that during Electric Love Tour,GD always said "Everybody,screammmmm"..in Korean and not Japanese..lol..but the JVIPs seemed to understand what he's saying

coz they totally screamed really loud..I guess all VIPs are used to this trademark..lol

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How do your immediate persons (mom, dad, sis, bros, friends, BOYFRIENDS) react to your Big Bang fandom?

This is one interesting topic..!!

I'm in..!!

well my parents are like k-yoz,

they dont really care what Im doing but usually ask me

"why do you goes all crazy over these guys..?"

just like when Dae involved in his accident..

I was crying like crazy,my mom asked me

"you crying over a guy that doesnt even know know u exist.."

kekekeke..I laugh back at her..saying I just love them so much..^^

I usually show my fandom side to my close friend that into Kpop fandom too..

coz i usually got tease by my friend who not into Kpop.. :P

as for my siblings,just like dada,they kinda supportive..

they would call me when Big Bang MV is play on tv..

or even see any Big Bang album at stores when they are out..

my bro even buy me a Big Bang album for me once for my birthday last year...

I still keep give hint to him asking to buy another BB merchandise

for my birthday this yr..kekekeke

my boyfriend can get jealous sometimes..

keke,but usually he just shake his head when I was spazzing

over Big Bang or found any Big Bang related stuff when we go out on a date..


lol,sorry for the long post.. :lol:

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Electric Love Tour 300,000,000 Yen total costs!

Korean Popular Group “Bigbang” had a perfect Live tour at Tokyo & Budokan. Their First Live tour at japan “Electric Love tour” was a successful tour of 2010. Their Japan tour is about 2 Billion total production cost, Using Japan’s first Color Laser “Senon”. Japanese Single album had a very big impact at japan. The Hit song of Bigbang “Gara Gara Go” was the Opening song of Electric Love tour and the 5 Members run all over the colorful stage. Secret Guest Singer “Aoyama Thelma” (22) appeared in the middle of the show and one of the Bigbang Members “SOL”(21) had a Perfect Duet with the song “Fall in Love” many fans enjoyed the amazing collaboration.

After the concert, Bigbang had a Interview. G-Dragon(21) says : “The Level of our activities in Japan is now rising and because of that I feel confident now”. T.O.P(22) says : “The Cheering Voice of Fans was my energy” with thankfulness. V.I(19) says : “I’ll go next to the Dome” and reveals his ambitions, and looking forward to it.

Japanese Source : JoseiJishin

Translated : Bang @ iBigBang

Credit: Bang of ibigbang.wordpress.com

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How do your immediate persons (mom, dad, sis, bros, friends, BOYFRIENDS) react to your Big Bang fandom?

My parents know that I'm crazy in love with these boys. They understand me and are really supportive. They see BB as a good example/influence.

My mom, believe it or not, she's became a fan herself! lol She really adores our boys. She even asks me updates about them like 'what are they doing now?', 'anything new?' Like when Dae had the accident. She was always asking me "How's DS doing?", "Is he out of the hospital yet?". Last year she went to BB's concert with me, my sis and my bro. After the concert she said "Let's come see them again if they come back!...so save up money, dear!' I was like O.o! She even bought me BB posters and magazines that had BB in it. I was pretty shocked myself. haha

My dad totally understands me. He even knows all the members and watches their performances/concerts from the DVD at home with my mom. haha He thinks they're really talented and even praises them. Told me that I should learn from them, work hard like them.

My lil sister is, of course, a VIP herself. We always spazz about them like we can talk about them the whole day. hahaha (And also fangirl about other groups too. lol)

My lil bro even likes BB. And like most guys, he really admires YB.

My cousins, aunts, uncles know that I like them. LOL Obvious much, huh? My uncle even said he'll look out for concert tickets for me if they happen to come to Thailand again. I also must've infected my cousins with the BB virus too! They may not be a VIP, but they like BB and listen to their songs.

My friends, they know I'm a huge BB fan. Some of my friends, including my best friend, are fans of BB (and other K-groups) too, so we talk and spazz about them at school all the time! Some that are not fans say that they like BB's music, so I'm pretty comfortable with talking about BB with them too.

I'm pretty happy ppl around me understands me and accepts it. LOL

Sorry for the long post!

Oh, Congrats to BB on winning in the Japan Gold Disc Awards 2010! Wahhh, I totally miss the boys in Korea.

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Guest jedtherese

What was the all-time high of Big Bang's fan membership in Daum?


At present it is at 367,089. I read somewhere that it was at around 370,000+ on January 2009. But I recall that sometime in 2009, it hit about 380,000+. This is the highest count I remember. So for those who can recall, what was the largest number of their fan membership in the past?

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Guest ooxstacee

Dara's me2day update!


LOL! GD's outfit! O___O And shoes ..

HAHAHAH at the photoshopped picture of GD .. snowboarding to Gaho.

I wonder how Gaho's doing in his training.

How do your immediate persons (mom, dad, sis, bros, friends, BOYFRIENDS) react to your Big Bang fandom?

Mom&dad doesn't mind. LOL, even though they're pretty much ALL over my room. My mom even went with me to Korea for GD's concert, with my aunt. She wanted to go in to watch the concert but my aunt didn't want to. And they like to sing along to BB songs.

Sis & bro probably thinks I'm crazy. But my nephews [brother's kids] loves them and my brother blames me for brainwashing them.

Friends probably think I'm over the top crazy but WHO CARES. :) I got most of them liking them too, kind of. And my close friends either really like them or liked them a lot in the past, so I'm good.

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Guest Amber Jayne

How do your immediate persons (mom, dad, sis, bros, friends, BOYFRIENDS) react to your Big Bang fandom?

I am a sort of new Big Bang fan. I recently got really into their music.

First of all, my parents and brother think it is weird that I even like k-pop. I am 21 and I'm a white American. So, they just don't get why I like k-pop so much in general.

Now, as far as Big Bang...I have a big TOP bias, and my mom thinks it's the weirdest thing ever because he wears eyeliner. LOL

My friends don't mind it so much. The like some of their songs and stuff. But, my family thinks it's weird.

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