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What are the things you dislike doing/hearing...


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... that annoy your senses?
Well I don't know how to put into words, but basically the things you hate doing, or seeing other people do, that irk you senses. I'll give some examples:

- I dislike eating grapes because of this distinct feeling that grapes leave on my tongue. My way of describing it is - friction? Eating grapes, and some apples will cause a wave of goosebumps all over my body.

- When using markers, I don't like to write over the marker ink on the paper, scraping away bits and pieces of the paper when there's too much ink. This can really cause major goosebumps and I hate it too when others do it.

I really thought that I have some kind of disorder, until one day I was scraping the surface of a tissue paper with a knife and my friend stopped me and said she hated it when people do that cos it gives her an uneasy feeling.

Other common things, I guess, are like nails scratching against the blackboard, and the high-pitch sound of the marker against the paper.

What is this kind of feeling called? Lol. and what are your experiences?

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Guest The-Entity

The sound of adults improperly treating young children and thus mentally traumatizing or subconsciously teaching them something that will negatively affect their future outlook on humanity.

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I hate any kind of nasty sound like metal scratching, nails on blackboard, styrofoam rubbing against each other, etc. Those kinds of sounds make me shiver and twitch, hahah

edit: Oh, I just thought of a pet peeve because it just happened, hahah...

I HATE it when I'm listening to something on headphones/earphones and my mouse slips or something and I accidentally make the volume suddenly go to 100. GAH

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Guest icecream_x3

I think you mean a pet peeve?

I hate it when people send short replies without the clause! (ie: k) & type cAsE sEnsItiVe or '2 dum 4 me' bllehhh! & when people talk as if you're a mile away .___.

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Guest BukAlan

i hate people who don't pick up after themselves.  seriously.. how hard is it to keep your area clean?

i also hate it when people tell you to do something but they don't tell you why you need to do it.

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Guest Octopus__

When you're trying to concentrate in a quiet environment and some idiot disturbs the peace. Bugs the hell out of me. A thing I dislike doing is the dishes. I'm an anti-sponge person. So many germs on that one little sudsy material! I can't take it. So.. the dishwasher is my friend.

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Guest celina86

That horrible cringing noise when scratching against a metal, glass, anything related to it! Even when it stops I can still hear it ringing in my ears and not so pleasant at all.

People not cleaning up their mess even when told to do so

A person arguing over doing chores and pinkberrying about it so I have to explain to them it only takes a short while to get it done - how hard is that?

Hypocrites - this girl at work who used to pinkberry about things I say or do which to other people was no big deal but then I see her doing the same things. And then I found out she was acutally an attention seeker.

There`s a limit to irritation - even when being told that is enough in a serious tone, they still don`t stop.

People grinding their teeth in sleep.

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I hate it when I gained a little weights and met up with some friends. And they asked me why were you getting chubbier? What the????

What's the point seriously?! Don't you think I would know that I gained weight and tried to reduce it too!!!! <_<

Useless talking and hurting others' feeling. :tears:

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When someone tells me something ten goddamn times in a row. I once asked somebody "Why are you constantly repeating this to me?" and she replied "To make sure you understand." For some reason it got me so mad, I just got up and left. Do I look mentally retarded to you? Another thing would be making fun of others' appearance. My desk-mate does that all the time - she always points out others' flaws, like she's Miss Perfection or some crap. And, of course, chat-speaking always pisses me off.

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Guest frostyyy

when people talk so loudly on their cellphones. i get annoyed especially if I'm sleeping.

scratching metals, nails on blackboard, the thing in some envelopes to keep them intack, etc. they really HURT my ears. ):

i guess that's pretty much it.

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Guest daradiridaraduu-

I hate when something dry runs over my teeth, or any kind of feeling where one or more of my teeth get dry.... -shiver- just thinking it about now... :crazy:

My teacher, how much she says "You betcha" instead of "yes." -__- I just want to rip off her skin and wear it as a little jacket, seriously.

That's all i can think of ._.

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