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[Drama 2011] Paradise Ranch 파라다이스 목장

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Guest alexus

I am more confused after this episode more than ever. Who are the main couples here? Is it Dongjoo and Daji or is it YH and Daji?? Why so much time and focus on YH and Daji. Why is DongJoo playing maid of honor for DaJi?? I've had enough translating all this heartache of DaJi due to YH. I can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I want my couple to get it on. Start the engine and get a groove going.Please it's episode 12 tomorrow. Enough with the side dishes!!!! I want the main course served ASAP.

Rainyrainy: maybe you are on the right ship after all?? I might be the one sinking. I need the DongJoo+Daji's ship to start their engine. Am I asking for too much?? Should I be asking for a little canoe with a couple of paddles instead?? :lol: Don't worry about us being on different ships. You are I are too tight to let a man or two get inbetween us. Puaaahhh!!!!Plus, you know who my sweetie looks like so all of this is just fun and games ;)

Okay I am giving PR one more chance. YOu better smarten up by tomorrow's episode. I need DaJi to wake up and look at DongJoo. Please can't you see DongJoo LOVES you!!!! Why are you so blind!!!!! I am just going to go have supper and calm down. Deep Breath, breathe in, breathe out...... (sorry for my rant guys)

Love ya all!!!!

One more thing YukariiChangmin: thank you so much for clarifying things for us and also thank you for the screencaps of our sweetie!!! Big bear hug!!


bibidep: good to know.See I am not familiar with the sub thing because I don't use them. Waiting till Thursday is way too freakin long. I need us to spazz out together ASAP. Okay, thanks for the explanation.

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I'm so confused by this; at one point its like i cant even not dislike Yunho wife because essentially albit differently daji is doing the same thing.

I feel like i should feel bad for JY but honestly aside from getting kissed by my man( changmin wae lol) its like they havent had a relationship either so it w/e with her and stop falling for guys that are divorced or married.

Now girls, calm down this drama is cliche and it will end with Daji and Dongjoo getting together.....just gosh...i wanna see the date and happy NOWWWW

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Guest bibidep

I am more confused after this episode more than ever. Who are the main couples here? Is it Dongjoo and Daji or is it YH and Daji?? Why so much time and focus on YH and Daji. Why is DongJoo playing maid of honor for DaJi?? I've had enough translating all this heartache of DaJi due to YH. I can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I want my couple to get it on. Start the engine and get a groove going.Please it's episode 12 tomorrow. Enough with the side dishes!!!! I want the main course served ASAP.

Rainyrainy: maybe you are on the right ship after all?? I might be the one sinking. I need the DongJoo+Daji's ship to start their engine. Am I asking for too much?? Should I be asking for a little canoe with a couple of paddles instead?? :lol: Don't worry about us being on different ships. You are I are too tight to let a man or two get inbetween us. Puaaahhh!!!!Plus, you know who my sweetie looks like so all of this is just fun and games ;)

Okay I am giving PR one more chance. YOu better smarten up by tomorrow's episode. I need DaJi to wake up and look at DongJoo. Please can't you see DongJoo LOVES you!!!! Why are you so blind!!!!! I am just going to go have supper and calm down. Deep Breath, breathe in, breathe out...... (sorry for my rant guys)

Love ya all!!!!

One more thing YukariiChangmin: thank you so much for clarifying things for us and also thank you for the screencaps of our sweetie!!! Big bear hug!!


bibidep: good to know.See I am not familiar with the sub thing because I don't use them. Waiting till Thursday is way too freakin long. I need us to spazz out together ASAP. Okay, thanks for the explanation.

Hahaha Alexus I'm with you too, how many more episodes do Ahjussi and Da Ji need to solve their problem???

And now Dong Joo still on the side do some sidework for Da Ji. I don't want the last minute they put Dong Joo and

Da Ji together dating on the beach that is the end. Oh I hate that. Ah by the way, after I read your recaps, something just pop up, because his mom asked grandpa to bring Dong Joo back to Soul, I love that idea, when Dong Joo

in Soul he will miss Da Ji and come back to Jeju and say out loud to Da Ji that he still loves and cares for her, so

the slow head of Da Ji can wake up faster then we can have a long and happy sweet moment of the double DJ. Otherwise

the Episode 12 preview is not much help for the couple, Da Ji still wants to go back to Ahjussi, not much change.

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alexus I am calling it "DJ Love Boat" dear..I don't like a ferry too many people just a little boat for DJ+DJ a tiny space like when the drunk and slept together!! :lol:

this thread is getting more fascinating..this is confirm me that I choose the very nice drama after SG love you PR :P

bibidep I know you will be with me...writter nim did not make anyone really bad in this drama I don't hate any of the role and this is very hard but nice B)

Hahaha Alexus I'm with you too, how many more episodes do Ahjussi and Da Ji need to solve their problem???

And now Dong Joo still on the side do some sidework for Da Ji. I don't want the last minute they put Dong Joo and

Da Ji together dating on the beach that is the end. Oh I hate that. Ah by the way, after I read your recaps, something just pop up, because his mom asked grandpa to bring Dong Joo back to Soul, I love that idea, when Dong Joo

in Soul he will miss Da Ji and come back to Jeju and say out loud to Da Ji that he still loves and cares for her, so

the slow head of Da Ji can wake up faster then we can have a long and happy sweet moment of the double DJ. Otherwise

the Episode 12 preview is not much help for the couple, Da Ji still wants to go back to Ahjussi, not much change.

alexus I am calling it "DJ Love Boat" dear..I don't like a ferry too many people just a little boat for DJ+DJ a tiny space like when the drunk and slept together!! :lol:

this thread is getting more fascinating..this is confirm me that I choose the very nice drama after SG love you PR :P

bibidep I know you will be with me...writter nim did not make anyone really bad in this drama I don't hate any of the role and this is very hard but nice B)

bibidep good idea take Dongju away then don't forget to throw away a pillow!! make them seperate and let Daji comes home looking for him madly..we are so mean huh

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Guest lanziepanzie

thank you so much for the recap alexus! will watch the episode asap!

am i missing something again? i thought there was a hospital scene? or is that ep 12? oh boy!

i have a feeling we are going to have to wait till the very last episode till DJ couple realise their feelings and confess to one another! damn cliche k-dramas!!!

and WOW the subs came out so fast!!!

p.s i really love the flashbacks of their marriage back in the past. its such a young love and so cute!! they were so cute together!

im kinda hoping that ldj gets a makeover and does something about her untamable hair!

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sorry freinds my computer is getting mad!! I just want to answer alexus and bibidep but it all turns up together :vicx:

anyway why does Dongju's mom want to take him back? is that because she want to stop the dad or what?

did I miss they have all consents from local ppl?

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Guest Queen11



Alexus, please do not bail out on us. We need you to continue to recaps. Darksmurf is super fast, but your recaps made more sense than Darksmurf. I am agreed with you on ep 11, I am getting frustrated at Daji, Daji knew that Ahujsii did not officially divorce his wife, Daji should not comes between them. Daji should walk away and held her head high. I hope Daji get her head straight in ep 12.

Thank you Alexus for your recap, always appreciate your time.

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Guest alexus

sorry freinds my computer is getting mad!! I just want to answer alexus and bibidep but it all turns up together :vicx:

anyway why does Dongju's mom want to take him back? is that because she want to stop the dad or what?

did I miss they have all consents from local ppl?

No they don't have all the consent form.

She is worried after talking to DongJoo when he was drinking. I think she gets the sense he cannot draw the line to stay away from DaJi. I don't think she wants him to feel the pain and suffering he went through after the divorce or open up those wounds that have healed. I think she is worried that her son will get hurt again. He can't help but fall for DaJi and wanting to protect her is just natural for him. I think the mother must know this and wants to spare him the sorrow before he falls any deeper.

BTW I love your idea of the LOVE BOAT!!! Can we make it super super small and drop the temperature to minus 30 so they will have to cuddle by the heater, share a blanket and be super cozy!!! :wub:

bibidep: I know I can always count on you to be on the sameboat. Eventhough in the beginning we were sort of here and there together. But seriously, how can one not fall for ahjussi.But, I am for DJ love boat all the way. hahahah. Yes, I think some distance will make the heart grow fonder. Looking forward to tomorrow episode. Can't wait to recap that one. Especially the hospital scene!!!! I will be giddy with delight. Please don't spoil my mood by having YH already there with DaJi and have DongJoo's heart break again.....

I will only think of positive thought tonite for our couple. I knew episode 11 will be a hurdle we would have to climb but i wasn't expecting DaJi to be so heartbroken. WE didn't even get to see how heartbroken she was for DongJoo so this bawling and misery is just too much for me to witness. I know DE said she was the same when Daji and DongJOo broke up but because we didn't actually see it it just doesn't seem as significant as what we are seeing with YH and her.

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alexus..great you like the idea and yeh -30 is cold enough to make them dying to hug each other..ha ha :lol:

talking about the scene between Dongju and Daji sleeping at the beer room, can you feel the love among them? even they pretend to hide but I can feel something I was laughing with happy heart totally different from last night and YH+Daji kiss though!!

alexus..I also worry to see YH in the room holding Daji's hand when my poor Dongju open the door..

should I allow Dongju to fight and take Daji away? he will get revenge by shampooing the hair....cute :w00t:

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Guest knweaye

Alexus, don't plan to abandon us and please please continue your wonderful recapping.  As I mentioned earlier though Darksmurf is really fast with the subs, and thanks a lot for the efforts, his/her translation and English are a bit iffy and sometimes I can't grasp the meaning at all.  Yours is so much detailed and I just lap it up.  Thanks a million for the quick service dear Alexus, as I'm dying to know what YH and his wife are yakking about, with a tearful DJ looking on.  Well, well, so people are getting a bit anxious whether Da Ji might end up with Ahjusshi or Dong Joo?  As someone smitten with YH's suave looks I'm not too worried, except for the fact the divorce papers are not even signed yet and Ahjusshi seems to be waffling between his two women, and he does seem quite protective of his wife/ex-wife, just like Dong Joo is doing with Da Ji.  I wonder whether Korean husbands are really that caring and protective towards their ex-wives?  Is it a cultural thing?  As a Burmese woman, I can guarantee no sane Burmese  woman would stand for it if her husband shows that much care and protectiveness towards his ex!    And personally speaking, if I'm divorced from some person, I don't think I would ever want to get into a close relationship with that chap again.   I wish YH will understand what a clean cut means; he's  been acting like this for the past five years and Da Ji should wake up to the fact this thing will go on for another 15 or 50 years, and she should let go of this murky relationship as she would be considered a home-wrecker pretty soon because the divorce isn't even processed nor finalized yet.  So in spite of being captivated by YH's charm, I'll have to urge both DJs to wake up from their woolly-headedness and face up to what they're really feeling:  Dong Joo apparently still cares so much for his ex-wife and shows his concern openly and somewhat awkwardly, but Da Ji must now come to her senses and accept what she's feeling for YH is just infatuation and plain healthy sexual attraction to a very worldly, kind and charming mature man, the kind of man she has never come across before, I'm sure.  As Dong Joo's mother is now actively encouraging Grandpa to call back the grandson from Jeju there's not much time left and maybe only four episodes left too as I don't think Ep. 12 will show much of the two DJs awakening to their real feelings.

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There was no reason for this photo.I can't find new photos off the SBS website.

I need this to remind myself that I like the actor even though ajusshi is not very nice tonight.Gah.

Why oh why did he break hearts in Giant,then now and then the new melo Thorn Birds.There is nothing wrong with light roles that doesn't make him sad and cry buckets.Sigh.

Alexus-stay please.Darksmurf uses computer generated subs from Chinese subs.If it's not edited by humans...it makes no sense for ppl watching it.I have seen unedited subs from there before.

Catch you later for ep 12.

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Guest cococrust

ep 11 c-sub




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I am more confused after this episode more than ever. Who are the main couples here? Is it Dongjoo and Daji or is it YH and Daji?? Why so much time and focus on YH and Daji. Why is DongJoo playing maid of honor for DaJi?? I've had enough translating all this heartache of DaJi due to YH. I can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I want my couple to get it on. Start the engine and get a groove going.Please it's episode 12 tomorrow. Enough with the side dishes!!!! I want the main course served ASAP...."

Sorry to cut your post. Don't worry Alexa. You ship will come soon. :) For us who sail on DJ-Ajusshi ship, we are holding on dearly to all that we can get albeit the fact that our happiness is on our poor DongJoo's expense. For DJ, it will take a while for her to give up her Ajusshi who is the first person who touched her heart for 6 years. She deserves some space to make a clear decision. If she chooses DongJoo, it must not be on rebound. If she decides on rebound, things will be even sadder for DongJoo.

Alexa, pls stay with us with your wonderful recap. You are part of the reasons why many of us here. I must say, the ranchers here make quite a warm family :wub: and I look forward to each and every posts. I just wished I had time to respond to everyone.

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Guest rainyrainy

@alexus : thanks for the recap , would have died of antcipation waiting to go back home to be able to watch the epi and know what happened if you were not here  with the recap and helped me to have patience .

Anyway , I'm still encouraging my ajhussi , I tried hard to convince myself to jump to the winning boat of the couple DJ but I couldn't , ajhussi is the perfect guy according to me , such a cute warmhearted guy and his smile is killer ( whenever I remember his smile I remember KIM BUM SOO's song in the film " a love story sadder than sadness , I don't know the title of the song so if someone knows the title please tell me , I'm so in love with that song ) , he really took a good part of the remaining 30% free parts of my heart so I won't ever cheat on him eventhough I know him and me will be heatbroken and be the loosers at theen of the show , BTW am I the only one shipping ajhussi's boat or what ? not that I complain , I won't mind to be alone with him:wub: but just asking  .

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Guest alexus

@alexus : thanks for the recap , would have died of antcipation waiting to go back home to be able to watch the epi and know what happened if you were not here  with the recap and helped me to have patience .

Anyway , I'm still encouraging my ajhussi , I tried hard to convince myself to jump to the winning boat of the couple DJ but I couldn't , ajhussi is the perfect guy according to me , such a cute warmhearted guy and his smile is killer ( whenever I remember his smile I remember KIM BUM SOO's song in the film " a love story sadder than sadness , I don't know the title of the song so if someone knows the title please tell me , I'm so in love with that song ) , he really took a good part of the remaining 30% free parts of my heart so I won't ever cheat on him eventhough I know him and me will be heatbroken and be the loosers at theen of the show , BTW am I the only one shipping ajhussi's boat or what ? not that I complain , I won't mind to be alone with him:wub: but just asking  .

You are not alone. There are a lot here that love Ahjussi too!!!! I gotta go to work but I will have the recap ready later!!!! Plus how can one not fall in love with YH. Seriously he is way too tempting don't ya think??? Your feelings are normal. I just refuse to succumb to that urge due to the fact I don't want the heartbreak that will follow. Okay I really have to go to work.

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Guest YukariiChangmin

Alexus♥ you´re welcome sweetie ~

You´re our angel in this thread :lol:

Please don´t stop to bring us the recap of the episodes .

In my case I never download the sub episodes because I like it

with no subs (because I like to work with image/editors programs)

and with no subs is better for me :P

I really appreciate your Reacp and summary about the eps.

You´re so perfectly doing this girl.Thanks Thanks Millions thanks for this!

Hi girlsI finished to watch episode 12

and what can i say ? HanDonJu already admits he has deepest

feelings for Daji But he looks unable to express his feelings

correctly for her ..probably because of YH reaction and Daji disapproval ...

(not sure just my feelings ).

When he was helping her to wash hairs just for a while he looked tenderly for her

but suddenly he made a jolt (trying to cut his own atitude )

Now I´m crazy to watch episode of next week,as you can see in preview

of next episode, Daji and HandDongJu will enjoy some funny /cute moments together

playing around the farm .

My worries about YH because his char is confused, intriguing ...

we never know what he´ll do ...It´s getting Daji crazy too :lol: .

To be honest I would like to watch a man fight between HDJ and YH for Daji´s love :lol:

Now gimme some hours I will do the Caps of episode 11 for us.

Sorry for the last caps (not in good quality *sob)

I´ll provide High quality for this time ok dears ?

Kissus to everyone :wub: and thanks for keep this thread neat and clean


For those who just comment :

"I love this drama" or


I ask you please improve your post it is considered spam ok sweeties?

Thanks for your comprehension♥


iheartbidam♥You´re welcome bb

the episodes are improving and I´m anxious to see Daji and HDJ kissing scene.

after 6 years divorced they deserve a "master kissing scene" :lol:


Can someone post here the Torrent link for me with resolution 720p pls ? :rolleyes:

Thanks in advance blush.gif

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You are not alone. There are a lot here that love Ahjussi too!!!! I gotta go to work but I will have the recap ready later!!!! Plus how can one not fall in love with YH. Seriously he is way too tempting don't ya think??? Your feelings are normal. I just refuse to succumb to that urge due to the fact I don't want the heartbreak that will follow. Okay I really have to go to work.

I agree. I love Ahjusshi too! Just that I found their relashionship awkard... it was supposed to be Changmin the main actor but... I didn`t felt that he was.. or.. I don`t know!

Anyway I hope for a good ending.

I do hope for Ahjusshi and Da Ji end up together, the way I see things right now and their feelings... but Da Ji will end up for sure with Dong Joo.... :sweatingbullets:

EDIT: At a second thought I think DJ understands her better than Ahjusshi. ^^

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