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[Drama 2011] Paradise Ranch 파라다이스 목장

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Thanks Alexus...your translation is making more sense...I pulled/copied mine from Baidu...I was a bit confused...

No problem. I was at work all day so didn't have time to translate earlier so sorry about that. Hopefully this clarifies things. What is Baidu?? Oh and I will answer your post on the previous page later. I am busy right now so chat with you late.

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Guest bibidep

Why is the story going to expose so fast??? In one episode Da Ji get kick out by Ahjussi's Ex-wife and also breaks her arm too. I think they still have some scenes that 4 of them enjoy together at the beach. Don't tell me a lot of things happen but Dong Joo and Da Ji still not get back together until the last episode, which I don't like.

Thank you again for the translation of the preview.

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Guest Ellegirl

I really have been out of this Paradise Ranch discussion. :blink:

Episode 11 preview translation:

DaJi meets Ahjussi at their bench and he is leaving and DaJi asks him,

DaJi: Ahjussi...couldn't you come back to me, again? (crying)

DongJoo at the bar thinking about what he overheard DE saying to DaJi

DE: You were just like this when you parted with our brother-in-law( referring to DongJoo). For two months you were lying in bed like a corpse, didn't eat or sleep and crying the whole time. (DE and DaJi are holding each other and can't hear clearly but I think she says) Unnie, what are we going to do with your heart. Or it could be unnie how are we going to make it through the night? The audio is hard to hear clearly with the crying)

YH at his place taking to Mil Hye

YH: Just because I am starting again with you doesn't mean my feelings for her is fading. ( Mil Hye is looking at the pictures of DaJi drawn by YH)

At the resort someone is falling off the ladder and DaJi pushes JY's assistant while DaJi gets crushed by the ladder.

DongJoo is running out of breath and frantically looking around and runs past Jin Young not even noticing her eventhough she calls out His name

We see DongJoo frantically running to DaJi's room and the voice over of him asking at the patient information desk in the background.

DongJoo: Where is the person that had the accident at the resort? Lee DaJi... The person is Lee DaJi!! ( here he is trying to find which room she is as fast as he can so he can get to her. Then you see DongJoo stopping infront of her room door out of breath( he must be so nervous and worried !!!)

I am soooo frickin' excited for this! I just can't help but squeal and say he still loves her. He still loves her. All I want to see is Dong Joo taking care for a hurt Da Ji. :D And OMG. That Da Eun and Da Ji scene! It's finally some proof that Da Ji wasn't all rainbows and unicorns (happy I mean) after the divorce.

With regards to Da Ji's name being carved into the bench, can anyone say if it's always been there (i.e., Dong Joo carved it when Da Ji were still a couple) or if it's a recent occurrence? I'm leaning towards it being new since Yoon Ho and Da Ji have spent a bit of time on/by the bench and I don't recall seeing it in previous episodes.

The rough translation (posted above me) has me curious about what/why Dong Joo would say for Da Ji to wait for him. I want to say it has to do with the accident we see in the episode 11/12 teaser (in which he's thinking the worst for Da Ji) but isn't necessarily thinking with his heart/mind just yet (the shock of the accident should more than likely get him to at least start thinking about her).

I'm not so worried about Yoon Ho, his wife/ex-wife will certainly deal with him. Was that Mil Hye or Jin Young who saw the caricature of Da Ji? I didn't get a good look at her, but if it was Mil Hye you could easily say that her jealous nature could rear its ugly head again and cause Da Ji some much needed pain/suffering to make her realize that a life/future with Yoon Ho just isn't going to happen.

Are you talking about the sky blue bench by the tree? The bench hasn't always been there. In episode 7, Yoon Ho Ahjussi gave it to Da Ji as a present. 12 minutes into the episode (I think), Ahjussi presented it to Da Ji. Earlier in that episode, Ahjussi had called Da Ji and asked her what her favorite color is. While he was asking her, he was sketching a bench for her.

And it was Mil-Hye who was looking at the drawings. I kind of want to see Mil Hye making Da Ji suffer. It'll be interesting to see how Da Ji responds to it.

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alexus please post more....you making me fainted again! :sweatingbullets:

PR is killing me every episode now..HDJ you are hot :wub:

I wanted to post a pic of Changmin showing off his body for this drama but couldn't find any at the SBS site to do justice before but when I saw this one I was like OMGeeeeee. So thread worthy!!!!! Glad that you liked it. He really has an awesome body. Not just the abdominals, but arms, chest, and what is super hot in men are the defined serratus anterior and he has nice ones. He has to be working out regulary to keep his body toned like that!! Good for him.

Annyeong haseyo. ck scratching her head wondering if she has posted here before?I think before the drama started.

Alexus...I am trying to recall did I 'see' you lots from Sungkyunkwan Scandal?I don't go on multiple soompi forums.I can only do 1 drama at a time.DH/MP has finished so I  am concentrating on PR now.

You are too funny. I totally remember your first post on the Secret Garden thread. You were asking me and Shirley whether one of the weekend episode of SG was airing when one of the vikii resource person said it might not be. Because of you I went on the SBS site for the first time, freaked out because it was all in Korean and got the hell out of there. Now I look back and go, why did I do that. All the nice pics and details were at the SBS site. Now I just go to their Paradise Ranch Page. I still don't understand everything but try my best to get the spoilers and pics from there that are thread worthy.

My Dearest Alexus...you are rock girl! Thank you so much for dedicating your time to this thread. BTW..where did you find time to do all this??? I just cannot believe that you will post spoiler, recap, pics here...which I have never seen you did it before...okay I finally finished ep. 10 and honestly I do not like it (the plot itself, lucky there are some sweet moments between Daji and Dong Joo so I will let it pass)...especially the part between Ahjussi and his ex. I meant "the ex" figured came into this show too easily? On the other hand, she gave up too easily as well? And what is wrong with Ahjussi? He should know better after one failure marriage that "Don’t Leave Things Unsaid" = building the trusting bond is very important for one relationship. You are just attending a funeral...no big deal why the hexx you need it hide it from Daji? Jin Young... girl, please if you are brave enough to tell your own dad to back off and be able to accept Ahjussi is dating DaJi...you should not be shocking when you find out Daji and Dong Joo were married before, if you

are really giving yourself and Dong Joo a chance, you should have confidence in this relationship and go for it...well sorry enough ranting...From the preview of 11 and 12, it looks like more angst and what the ex is coming back again? (NO fly fly go away) lol and it will be a turning point for our OTP. Looking forward Mon & Tue. :rolleyes:

I know what you meanShow2007. For the Secret Garden thread none of us really had to do much but talk about the drama. There were so many posters like Starcandii, Eja, Green-Rose, Shirley and you that updated like crazy and brought all the pics, spoilers, recaps, news etc to the thread. For some reason, I can hardly find anything for this drama and the thread is much slower paced which I am not used to. Remember what would happen if you didn't check the SG thread for even one or two days. You would be a gonner and miss what the heck was going on. I knew this drama might not be your cup of tea but I think it is picking up some momentum. I said earlier I am not watching this drama to be deep in thought or draw indepth analysis on life and love like I had for SG. However it has it's charm and warmth that is endearing. I started to do recaps when I wanted to do something to help. Pinky88 asked me to do a short recap of the episodes before the subs came out. I had never done recaps before and didn't realize how many hours it took. It usually takes me 6 hours to finish. But I am so happy to share my love for the drama whether it be recaps, spoilers or pics that I am having a lot of fun!!! Now that you are also here, I feel truely at home so please don't leave anytime soon.

Semi-Fly: yes, you have to really watch what you post and say. I hadn't even heard of these actors/singers from TVXQ until SKKS but now they seem to be everywhere. Though we can't all agree on every aspect of the drama, if we are polite about it, I think we should be able to practise freedom of speech. I have read some horrific posts that really attack one another and I think to myself if that kind of rudeness really neccessary in this virtual world?? However, the vibe of this thread doesn't seem hostile in anyway so far so it seems very safe for us to actually speak what is one our mind. I hope you will continue to post your true thoughts because I really like reading your posts. They are matter of fact and never sugar coated in any way. Plus, you know how much we value your hard work in providing all the threads with the episode links. That in itself should put you in the immunity zone of the untouchables don't ya think? ;) Just kidding but you now what I mean.

Well guys, I am really looking forward to the new episodes and can't wait to see DongJoo all worried over DaJi!!!!

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alexus you joined soompi thread on 18th Feb...I just look and think "this woman joinrd soompi on Changmin BD" how nice..sorry for getting out of PR track!!

anyway my chest was getting very tight when I watch the two episodes this week :( perhaps I was into their feeling toomuch..when they laughed I laughed when they sad I sad too..oh dear!

YH and Daji are they really in love?? I found it strange when I look at YH's eyes I feels this man has something hiding..behind a very handsome look

Daji looks blank for some reasons!!

I can't call thats LOVE

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Guest rainyrainy

Helloz everybody , first time I'm posting here and I start watching the show just yesterday blush.gif

I'm seeing many persons I already know here :show2007 , semi-fly and my sweeeeetest unnie alexus ( huuggyyyy to all of u dear friends and to all of u ranchers )

alexus it's becoz of u I'm watching this drama and I'm loving it already but alexus I'm having the second lead syndrome otteke wacko.gif that ahjussi is very handsome , is he going to become evil ? I wanna know to get myself ready to be disappointed by him in the upcoming episodes .

will try to finish the remaining 8 episodes this weekend so on monday I can watch with u the 11th epi .

thank u all for the goodies u'r posting and thanks alexus for the detailed update for each epi , U rooooock  

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Helloz everybody , first time I'm posting here and I start watching the show just yesterday *quoted image*

I'm seeing many persons I already know here :show2007 , semi-fly and my sweeeeetest unnie alexus ( huuggyyyy to all of u dear friends and to all of u ranchers )

alexus it's becoz of u I'm watching this drama and I'm loving it already but alexus I'm having the second lead syndrome otteke *quoted image* that ahjussi is very handsome , is he going to become evil ? I wanna know to get myself ready to be disappointed by him in the upcoming episodes .

will try to finish the remaining 8 episodes this weekend so on monday I can watch with u the 11th epi .

thank u all for the goodies u'r posting and thanks alexus for the detailed update for each epi , U rooooock  

Rainyrainy: FINALLY!!!!!!! I have been waiting for you forever!!!!!!!! I just have to smile since you are the one that told me about the drama and that was the only reason I even started the drama. Without you I wouldn't have even seen this charming drama and would of missed this show all together never mind participating on the thread.

Don't worry about falling for Ahjussi. It is impossible not to. A lot of us in the beginning had and some of us still am. Try to catch up this weekend and make sure you let us know what you think. I love reading your sweet posts and have been missing them sooooo much! Big sister HUG and kisses and keep on watching.

Whether you become an Ahjussi shipper or not the main thing is to share your love for the drama. Everyone on this thread is super nice and so positive so you will love it here. Welcome to your new home away from home. Stay and make yourself comfortable. Love Alexus!!!!!

PACH: Really. Feb. 18th is his Birthday??? Wow now I feel super special. Thanks for making my day. Are you a die hard TVXQ fan or just of ChangMin??? I never use to think much of him because my first love of the TVXQ was more for Micky!!! He is just so adorable and I love his voice!!!! So sexy and beautiful!!! And the fact that he composes a lot of music makes me awed by his talent. . I always thought of Changmin more of as an introvert. Usually it is Micky that is goofing off and Changmin always seem so composed and together. After this drama I am totally his fan as well. We can spazz all we want and I can't wait for the next eps because I bet we will fall deeper in love with him as his role changes from pissy DongJoo to the original DongJoo that could not live without our DaJi.

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Guest show2007

Helloz everybody , first time I'm posting here and I start watching the show just yesterday *quoted image*

I'm seeing many persons I already know here :show2007 , semi-fly and my sweeeeetest unnie alexus ( huuggyyyy to all of u dear friends and to all of u ranchers )

alexus it's becoz of u I'm watching this drama and I'm loving it already but alexus I'm having the second lead syndrome otteke *quoted image* that ahjussi is very handsome , is he going to become evil ? I wanna know to get myself ready to be disappointed by him in the upcoming episodes .

will try to finish the remaining 8 episodes this weekend so on monday I can watch with u the 11th epi .

thank u all for the goodies u'r posting and thanks alexus for the detailed update for each epi , U rooooock  

Oh Mine Mine...are we having a reunion here? Welcome Rainyrainy :) so you are having the 2nd lead syndrome...you might want to try "The Thorn Bird" - "a Heavy Melodrama" next week (sorry I know I shouldn't talk about other drama while I am @ PR thread). One reason I like Paradise Ranch is "I DO NOT see any evil evil character in this drama" (U know, no one like Joo-Won's mom in SG nor Yoon-Joo in MP) so it won't cause any major damage to your brain. I do not think Ahjussi will turn evil, he just got stuck between his ex (not sure is his guilt or he still love his ex) and DaJi (he love/like DaJi but not sure how deep is his love toward her). Anyway...looking forward to hear some feedback from you.

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Guest sansukini

I see I see.Yes one has to be careful on soompi nowadays.I think some of the newer shippers don't read the rules.Free speech is not allowed it seems as it get thumbs down not for breaking the rules but if  one express an opinion contrary to what they want to hear.I feel like complaining to the mods.

Well...that was part of the reason I haven't watched from ep 1...I wanted to see if I liked the drama enough to start.However the lure of Changmin was too strong :):P  Well...there are some things to be said for a slower paced drama.It is not galloping along but at least thank God it is moving now.It is a bit difficult when commiting to uploading to a drama and then you don't watch it.Shh....I think the other uploaders are not here so I feel safe in saying this.However now that JD is feeling something for DJ (even though she is not my favourite actress) it is getting better for me.I always prefer when the OTP is suffering rather than the 2nd lead having a romance 1/2 hafway through the series.I thought she was excellent in Strong Heart though when they make her choose her Ideal Type there.She did kiss a lot of the hot actors in her acting career.SIGH.

Protective DBSK/TVXQ fans huh?LOL...yup seen plenty of those.However since I was fighting tooth and nail for Micky Yoochun on viki as my 'hubby' there.....easy pezy here :P I've got a whole class of teenagers in my Korean class as well and they are so into Kpop it's a terrifying experience to watch them during break time.

Wow! You guys are here?

It's the same with me, I've downloaded this drama after the first episode aired but I've only watched 1 1/2 episode so far. Sigh! It's not because of Changmin, really, i understand he's new as an actor but I felt like the female lead's acting is so overrated so I kinda felt like I've lost my appetite because of her expressions on the 1st 2 episodes. I really wanted to know why they split up and what heppened to them but I don't have the strength and the time to waste watching if I'm not into the show, so I tried finding recaps to help me find something to interest me into watching the show. I still haven't deleted the videos for the episode cos I'm trying to have faith but so far, I have nothing, no recaps or anything about Paradise Ranch. if only I could read some but the thread itself seemed so slow.

I agree about protective TVXQ fans. lol. I was a big fan,but I'm more JYJ bias these days. But I do love listening to Changmin singing ballad.

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hello ranchers smile.gif

this is my first post since i joined soompi..

by the way, i really love this drama so freakin much..especially our DJ couple smile.gif

this drama getting more interesting , because PR i just can't wait to monday to come smile.gif

by the way here are some gifts for you DJ couple shipper..actually i want to help Briana-Nicole to share these photos..

enjoy! wink.gif

BEACH DATE!! wub.gif











and 1 unseen cut


so cute! wub.gif

cr:as tagged

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Guest show2007

No problem. I was at work all day so didn't have time to translate earlier so sorry about that. Hopefully this clarifies things. What is Baidu?? Oh and I will answer your post on the previous page later. I am busy right now so chat with you late.

Baidu is a combination of soompi and viiKii chinese site...and girl, I wish I can read better chinese...those people on the site have the 1st hand news/pics/video on everything. Don't worry, I won't leave PR, in fact, I will stick w/it as I don't know what am I going to do after PR end tho... now MP is over, DH is ending soon, Thorn Birds is too heavy for me same as Midas...I think I may check out 49 days when it airs...I lost interests on lots of dramas after SG...sign! I am hopeless! :mellow:

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first time posting ^-^

I just started watching this drama last week... and I'm totally in love with it! I really like DaJi and DongJoo together! I wanna know more about how they fell in love and how they broke up.

I do like yunho... but daji is too good for him >.<""

I can't wait for the next eps... a few more days... a few more days... xD

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Baidu is a combination of soompi and viiKii chinese site...and girl, I wish I can read better chinese...those people on the site have the 1st hand news/pics/video on everything. Don't worry, I won't leave PR, in fact, I will stick w/it as I don't know what am I going to do after PR end tho... now MP is over, DH is ending soon, Thorn Birds is too heavy for me same as Midas...I think I may check out 49 days when it airs...I lost interests on lots of dramas after SG...sign! I am hopeless! :mellow:

Don't worry, I think we can go together. I think the next choice would be 49 days. I haven't seen DH and not sure if I should start. Was it good?? I've heard of Baidu too but never been on that site so wasn't sure.

PR isn't over for 3 more weeks so we have time to chill for now. Do you think DaJi is truely in love with YH?? In my mind I feel she is. I think she has really fallen for him. I don't think she would be the type that wouldn't be true to her feelings unless she felt it was real. I think her heart will break and I hope DongJoo won't be the rebound guy. Do you think one can love two people just as much at the same time?? I am a little confused on how she is going to fall in love with DongJoo again. What do you think??? From the preview it really did look like her heart was breaking. I always felt that DongJoo had never fallen out of love with DaJi but she had closed that chapter in her life and moved on. I don't want to believe it but I think it might be true. Try to convince me otherwise because I feel sad for DongJoo right now :tears:

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Guest lanziepanzie

Hi Everyone!!

I've just jumped shipped onboard this drama, at first i tried to find recaps but not much luck to my avail.

In all honesty, what kind've led my way about this drama was because MP has ended and DH coming to an end this week, and i am a changmin fan :) (so apologies if i came aboard for the wrong reasons)

I kinda love this drama but hate it at the same time.

Ok, i'm only up to episode 5 (but i promise i will be up to date by the end of today) hehe

Ill start off with my dislikes,

Sometimes DJ just really peeves me with his stubborness and i wish the writers didn't go too far about how cold he is (but hey probably by up to ep10 his now much more loving right?)

I also found that the horse jargon was abit much for me, i like horses too but i have no clue about them, so at times in the drama i had no idea what they were talking about and why they were doing what they were doing.

I don't really see much chemistry between the love interests and even the leads but i hope that will prevail as the drama story folds along.

But anyway what i do love about the drama so far,

There is no one to hate and extremely cringe at

I am quite liking the slow pace that its at so i hope they dont cram everything and make it extremely fast as the drama goes on!

The storyline itself is quite different to many other dramas so im interested in how this plays out.

Im finding myself curious as to what happened to their divorce because it seems both of them are quite hurt about it and im also really curious as to why he was following her all over the place to begin with.

So i think overall, so far it has been quite interesting to watch and something i can stick out till the end.

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:DHi Hi :D :D  I had to pop and say hi after seeing sansukini,alexus,show2007,rainyrain pop up suddenly.Alexus you didn't but the rest.

I am at work but will come back later to edit to talk about JD.Aren't they going to pull out the-DJ's love for him never died.He was the one who filed for divorce.She did go back to try to reconcile with him but his dad told her to let him live his life.Her feelings for the ajusshi was just a pale reflection of her love for JD.

Ergh.I can't believe I just wrote that.I am a Changmin fan and their new single rocks.However I do like the ajusshi better (although he doesn't seem to have much love here) HOWEVER what I wrote was what I THINK the show will pull off.

Baidu and DC-sigh if only I could read Korean and Chinese.Alexus....I seemed to have gotten the hang of navigating the sites.Just click Click CLICK and see what pops up.The funniest thing is I am doing Mandarin  translations now on viki...which is totally crazy as I am primarily a Malay subber.Thank goodness my oral Mandarin is nowhere as bad as my written.Korean however is my next big goal....if I pass my class.I've got a scary halmoni age teacher and all those teenagers breaking out into Miss A's Breathe moves during break times.Sigh.....:P 

By the way what is wrong with the ajusshi that quite a few screamed when they thought he was going to kiss her in ?ep 10.I mean it was only imagination but still....Ahjusshi has stepped and behaved more like a man in love so far.He's decisive,knows his own mind,demonstrative,does all the lovey dovey stuff and looks after DJ.




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Guest rainyrainy

ok I finally watched till epi 10 and now this is my two cents

first of all sorry to all DJ-DJ cheapers but I declare officially , out and loud I'm ajhussi-DJ cheaper all the way , I totally fell in love with him the cute ajhussi wub.gif ( not that I'm cheating to my JW/Binnie he still has 70% of my heart but I need the rest to divide it between other cute Oppas to have always other prespectives which is healthy for my mind and heart especially with binnie  going to the army after almost 10 days or less and being MIA for two whole years sad.gif ) , I soooo love the way he is liking DJ and how he is showing his care to her , it's just too cute , he just makes my heart melt whenver I saw him smiling when DJ does something childish or smiles , I mean that warm smile he has on his his face makes me  have the same on mine too , ahhh just tooo cute for word , YH ajhussi u'd better not to deceive me or else I'll be heartbroken for having faith in you ok :)  , ok ok I know at the end of the show DJ-DJ couple will win ( just speculations , mine I mean ) but can't stop LOOOOVING YH-DJ together and dreaming of my own end both of them getting married after all the suffer they had both , may be I should start a petition to ask writer-nim to end the show this way ( LOOOL don't worry DJ-DJ cheapers I'm just like that I so become involved when I love a couple or a male lead in a drama so I start defending  and prizing them/him till the end but I'm harmless LOOOL , u can ask alexus and show2007 and ck1Oz and semi-fly and all gardners and they will tell u ;)    )

saying that let me now talk about the whole show : I'm loving the story so far and its pace also , and loving the fact that there's no much anguish at leats till now eventhough seems the story is going to become more serious from the preview of next epi ( thanks *`xiuzhen for the preview video and alexus for the translation wink.gif ) , I wonder why YH will change his mind concerning his wife :S

anyway now I'm eaaagerly waiting for the upcoming week's two epi and I will watch it with u chingus :)

@alexus , lool yes it was me who asked u to watch since the beguining but I didn't , now I regret it but as they say better late than never ) I will be waiting for your updates dear and will read them probably at work , watch the video at home then comment ( that will be my program ;)  maybe with some changes from time to time )

@show2007 : I will defenetly watch that drama , LOOOL I decided  to do so the second I saw ajhussi there , sighhhh he is a sweet heart , I wish he will rock in that drama and I wish he will win the heart of that actress who played in 1% of anything  , I love her she's beautiful :) , I hope also the drama will be good :) , and also I'm planning , all along with alexus , to watch "49 days " , seems a good and light drama ;)

PS : I'm interrested also in another couple : DJ's sis and YH's hyung LOOOL I know she's just a student and he is older than her but I'm loving the way she is persistant to get his interrest and his persistance to ignore her so that's why I want him to fall in love with her ;)

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Guest show2007

Don't worry, I think we can go together. I think the next choice would be 49 days. I haven't seen DH and not sure if I should start. Was it good?? I've heard of Baidu too but never been on that site so wasn't sure.

PR isn't over for 3 more weeks so we have time to chill for now. Do you think DaJi is truely in love with YH?? In my mind I feel she is. I think she has really fallen for him. I don't think she would be the type that wouldn't be true to her feelings unless she felt it was real. I think her heart will break and I hope DongJoo won't be the rebound guy. Do you think one can love two people just as much at the same time?? I am a little confused on how she is going to fall in love with DongJoo again. What do you think??? From the preview it really did look like her heart was breaking. I always felt that DongJoo had never fallen out of love with DaJi but she had closed that chapter in her life and moved on. I don't want to believe it but I think it might be true. Try to convince me otherwise because I feel sad for DongJoo right now :tears:

I need to buy a new laptop, this is my 3rd attemp here and please don't crash on me.

Anyway, I agree with you Alexus, Daji loves YH, but she also loves DongJoo (I think she feels more comfortable and be her true self when she is with DongJoo - sleep w/him, sing w/him, drink w/him and more) Daji has a rough 6 years, during the past 6 years, she worked so hard to pay the debt and support her family, she studied hard to become a Vet...it seems no one ever give her a hand nor anyone she can ask for help. She gave up her marriage for her dream(studies) but end up she did not do it. What a big punishment there? So when she met charming YH, he probably is the ONLY one for the past 6 years who has helped her (in general women want emotional safety and security with a man in relationship, but her mind can have conflicting criteria which makes it impossible to feel but women also believed in fate, they reunion again and he helped her once again!) she appreciates YH and find the security feeling while she is with him. DaJi is a newbie in the "LOVE World, she likes/loves YH and happy to know that YH likes/loves her too. She has a very simple mind set, once I like him and he like me...then DEAL...Nah...love is not like that it involves deeper emotion and meaning to it... therefore I think Daji needs to distinguish the kind of love she has towards YH and DongJoo(in general I think her love to DJ is stronger than to YH). I am looking forward for ep 11 & 12, I feel it will give us a better picture between their loves.

As of DH, I think I mentioned to you before I do not like the 1st 4 eps...but things pick up pretty well after ep 4 (Only the plot but the acting skills - well except Kim So Hyun) I watched a lot of J-Dramas in the past, to me DH is a decent teenage K-drama but I watched a lot of J-Dramas who has better plot or acting skills.

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I see there are more members this week!!! Yuppie!!! Welcome lanziepanzie for jumping on board and sharing your likes and dislikes.I hope you stick around.Things do get more interesting. Just catch up and you will see. But even if you don't, everyone is entitled to their thoughts so do share :)

szesze: glad that you love the drama. it really is a cute drama indeed.

sansukini: yes, seems like we have all gathered here. .It sometimes is hard to get started on the drama when not all the stars have lined up to suck you right in. The over-acting can turn you off so I completely understand. Well if you decide to watch it, I would love it if you shared your thoughts on the drama. If not, hope we can meet on another thread again. I am usually done the recaps within 24hours of the drama airing and seems like the subs from darksmurf came out really early this week. AS for the thread moving slow, I know what you mean but there are perks to it too because you are not always chasing the thread like a mad man trying to keep up. But you are right. Very slow indeed. But sometimes I like that fact that I can chill and relax.

Inggrid-fairy Congrats on coming out of the stealth mode!!!! Thank you sooooo much for the pictures. They are lovely. Glad that you are enjoying the drama. Do continue to share thoughts, and pics as you like!!! I would love to hear more from you. I meant to thank also Briana-Nicole earlier. Thank you!!!!!

ck1Oz: Not sure exactly what they are going to pull over the audience. I can't imagine them saying DaJi's love for DongJoo never died and the reason she had to give up on him was due to DongJoo's dad Shooing her away. Let's see what they plan on next. I think the next two episode will be awesome!!! That is really cool that you are going to learn Korean. It really is a easy language to read and write due to the phonetic nature of the alphabet but some of the meaning of the words are a bit tough to understand based on the text of the situation. And sometimes there are slangs which are hard to understand. My grammar is very poor to start with so trying to translate is even more of a challenge. Good Luck.

Rainyrainy: Better late then never!!!! Glad that you caught up girl!!! So you are a YH shipper!!!! Way to go. Don't worry about you crushing on another male actor while HB is gone. I am keeping an eye on you since I am totally an JW/HB+rainyrainy shipper but, I will let this pass since he is gone for 2 years and MIA. This is a real tough road that you have decided to take and GOOD for you girl to put your faith in them!!! I know you are fully aware that they will never be but one could always hope. YH really is too good to be true and they do seem like such a wonderful couple together. However, there are so many issues with YH especially with his wife and all.

I don't wish DaJi to be involved in that sort of drama especially when DongJoo in my mind still loves her very much. In the end I think she will have to choose but I think the decision will be made for her in the next episodes with YH leaving her to get back together with his wife. The wife is really a sad case and I do feel bad for YH since without the wife he would of totally committed to DaJi 100%. They really are a sweet couple. He reminds me of Daddy Long Legs or more of a mature figure that would take care of DaJi very well. DongJoo on the other hand is young and not fully matured yet and is someone DaJi will have to take care of and grow with together.Almost like marrying a younger man or a man that is 10 years older. Sometimes there are pros and cons to either type of relationships and marriages. I know I won't be able to change your mind since you really are like a penguin where they choose their soulmate and never falter no matter how impossible the situation may be. (did you watch happyfeet?? or march of the penguins?? if you did you will know what i am talking about)

AS for DE and Hyung, well hopefully they will develop that storyline as well. Since the drama has been fully filmed, I don't think they will rush the ending. Seems like there is a possibility of development there so we will keep our finger crossed for them. A man that is hard to get is very tempting indeed. Are you up for the Challenge DE??? You go girl. Fight for what you want. What could be the worse thing that can happen?? He says no and you just move on. Bring it girl!!! Show him what you are made of!!

show2007: I was waiting so long for your response but thanks for answering my questions. You really put it into perspective for me. I needed a real answer to really understand DaJi and I think you pointed it out bang on. Thanks. Now I get her and have a better understanding of where she is coming from. You are absolutely right. I think the next two episodes will be very critical for all the couples that are involved to chose their right paths. Of course as a woman you want security, who wouldn't like a man that could take care of you, but you also have to have passion and love. I think her passion and love must be greater for DongJoo but is somehow overshadowed by being swept off her feet by YH's attention and charm. We shall see.....Personally, once DongJoo turns on his charm and proves his love for her, YH won't stand a chance. DongJoo will be a major threat if he were to put his game face on and really go after DaJi. Can't wait!!!!! Sorry rainyrainy, you know we both love you very much but since we are on different ships, I will have to cheer for the DJ couple all the way. We are all good though because we gardeners are gardeners for life!!! Paradise Ranch Fighting!!!! AJA AJA!!!!

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for you YeonHee-ChangMin and DJ shipper !!



YeonHee came to inkigayo to support DBSK comeback stage, so sweet! wub.gif

(cr:boa's twitter)

alexus : thanks dear smile.gif i'll try my best

actually i don't know what to say because this drama really makes me spechless..i love the characters, how they play their role with good act, how the plot going interesting ..they present this drama well smile.gif thats why the rating is good too

by the way, i concerning about our DJ relationship..

actually i think the reason why Daji-Dongjoo got divorced because of Dongjoo's father..as i know Dongjoo's father didn't like Daji and when Daji wants to meet Dongjoo (after they got divorced) ,Dongjoo's father seems like didn't want Daji to searching any info about Dongjoo..sad.gif he tell Daji that Dongjoo is fine (i don't think Dongjoo is fine that time as i know he can't forget and still love Daji tongue.gif )

but Dongjoo's mother and grandfather, looks like they support Daji-Dongjoo smile.gif

about ahjussi, i think Daji didn't love him as she love Dongjoo before..she just feels "LIKE" not "LOVE"..thats why she want to cancel the Japan trip with ahjussi because she knows Dongjoo didn't like it..but unfortunately ahjussi cancelled it first because ex-wife reason..

and i think the ex-wife didn't do bad as i thought..she disappeared and leaves ahjussi because family reason..maybe the reason why Daji hook up with ahjussi is she want to give herself chance to loves again and trying to forget Dongjoo :P (actually i think she can't forget Dongjoo biggrin.gif )

about Jinyoung, it's the same case as Daji-ahjussi..

when i watch episode 11 preview, when Jinyoung call Dongjoo at the hospital desk but Dongjoo didn't hear it and keep running to Daji's room i feel bad and happy at the same time.. bad because of Jinyoung got ingnored by Dongjoo, happy because Dongjoo proves that he still care about Daji..his panic face when running at hospital, awww thats so sweet!wub.gif

sorry to say this, but cmon Jinyoung and ahjussi, just give up and give space to Daji-Dongjoo tongue.gif

i'm Daji-DongJoo hard shipper,hehehe biggrin.gif

by the way i have pics from CECI magz BTS, is that ok if i want to upload it? or someone already do that?

if no one already uploaded it, then i'll do it smile.gif

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