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[Drama 2010] Smile, Dong-hae / Smile Again 웃어라 동해야

Guest fanda4000

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So I think if HS and DJ didn't buy PY shares that has been sold,even with HS and DJ combine their shares its still not enough to surpass MS shares?...thats why they need to buy PY shares but with YJ bought 5% of the shares it may hinder their plan to own most stock and become the major shareholder.How much actually MS shares?DJ and SN maybe will try to persuade YJ to sell her stock to them,especially with DH and BY news to marry will spread.For what YJ still insist to give her stock to DH unless she finally realize that DH happiness is not with her and sincerely decide to help DH.

I think what YJ gave MS were the shares she brought. How that would work I don't know. She might go to the dark side when her plan to win DH goes down the drain.   I don't think they ever mentioned how much each person has. BY has shares too by her being an employee. If DH needs them she would turn hers over in a heatbeat. So YJ really didn't do anything that special for DH.  

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Here's what happen in ep 142

MS tells everyone at the meeting that she will not leave her right of management to HS. She would like to make herself clear. If she becomes the first shareholder after the chairman sells his stocks. She is going to give her authority to DH and he will join in the management of the hotel

DJ jumps up and saids you can't do that. You can't leave it in DH's hand who doesn't know anything about management. DH isn't ready to join in the managment. He should prove himself to us first. Don't you think it's to much? MS saids What!. You've studied hotel management for over ten years but you messed up the kimchi business. DH settled it down when he over took it. Don't you think he's proved his abilities Assistant Manager DJ. HS saids you are over estimating him with just the kimchi business. MS saids an over estimation. Your the reason why I made my decision like this. All though the Chairman took responsibility for this tax evasion and decided to sell his stocks strictly speaking you are the one who should take the responsiblity because you have been managing this hotel. Also I thougt we might have another crisis if we leave the mangement in her hands without blaming her. I've thougt deeply so I want you to understand and I want you all to teach DH who's standing here to become a brilliant manager. Later in the hall MS saids to HS I remember that one of our employee reported to the IRS about the tax evasion. How come you didn't do anything. You should have looked into it as a President don't you think. Later MS tells DH and PY that the hotel owership might be taken over by HS. If that happens we can't guarantee DH and Anna's future. DH saids he does't know if he can do it. MS tells DH it's not a matter whether you can or can't you must do this. It's silly if you hesitate about a matter that you have to do.

SW is at the doctors and tells her she wants an abortion because she found out about the baby after she was divorced. The doctor tells her she can't do that. SW saids that she is a famous TV anchor and people know she is divorced and what about the childs life, who'll have her as a mother. Also what about her life. The doctor tells her she understands the situation she is in but no one should give up on life no matter who they are. You can't kill the baby even if you're the birth mother and that she needs to talk it over with the father. Also we don't operate on abortions. Later SW goes to the hotel and calls DJ before going in. DJ tells her he has nothing to talk about with you so goodbye. SW saids she has something to tell him. He saids I have nothing to do with whatever it is. I'm busy. Honestly I don't want to talk to you even if I have the time.

HS and DJ talk about what happen at the meeting. HS saids that now HS is attacking her. DJ saids she planned to kick us out. If we hadn't planned anything we may have been kicked out easily. When we get the stocks the situation turns the tables. Then we can revenge for this insult.

YJ saids to MS that she would like for her to think of her as being DH's girlfriend. Anna saids no way DH only loves BY. YJ gives MS an envolope and tells her that they are her profile and her medical records. MS saids why are you giving these to me. YJ saids As you know DH needs a wife who can help him to run such a big hotel like this and I want to do this. When you see my records you can find out that I'm capable of that. DH comes in as ask what she is doing there. JY leaves and DH followss. DH saids I never thought you would do such a ridiculous thing as this. YJ saids I made myself clear that I won't give up on you. Your to innocent to know this world and you will see that you really need me.

SW meets DJ in the hall. She tells him they need to talk. DJ saids I already told you I have nothing to talk about with you. Even if you die tomorrow I have nothing to talk about with you. SW saids what if I have your baby. DJ saids I can't believe that you said that. You've done everything and you came up with pregnancy. Do you still have something for me. DJ makes a call and ask is this the security office. This is the assistant manager. There's a stranger on the third floor come right know and drag her out.

PY tells HS and DJ that he wants DH to work on the new project with them because since the project just started he will be able to learn the hotel business. He tells HS that he wants her to teach him. HS saids no she can't do that. First we don't need DH who doesn't know anything about management in such a big project. This is a battlefield not a school. If you order me to do that I have to follow you anyway, but I can't teach him. Please understand me. Later DJ saids to HS he wants DH to join in the project suddenly. That should not happen. If he works with us he might find out that we pocketed the funds. HS tells DJ to stop fussing that she is going to become a major shareholder before he finds out something. You shouldn't be concerned about anything. Just concentrate on buying the Chairmans stocks.

Who ever SN is talking on the phone with he saids I'm going to work on buying the hotel stocks immediately.

PJ saids to his fellow detective you say that one of the hotels employees reported to the IRS about the tax evasion. The detective saids yes they got information only an insider knows. PJ said he ratted on tax evasion that was left out by mistake to the IRS and didn't report it to the chairman first. That means he was trying to screw the chairman.

Anna tells her parents that she has one more wish. I wish that my DH will get married to BY. DH is happy when he is with BY. I'm the happiest when DH's happy. MS saids what about you. Don't you want to get married to BY uncle. Anna tells MS that PJ will always be her friend and that they like each other but BY and DH love each other.

DJ bumps into BY in the hall and tells her you should pay more attention when you move the ingredients. BY said assistant manager. It wasn't me who made a mistake it was you. I mean you should be the one to apologize. DJ saids do you think you can do this because you are DH girlfriend. Don't forget I still have th power to fire you. If you forget your manners again you're going to get fired. DH comes up and ask did DJ do this. DH ask DJ did he do that and if so you should apologize to her. It's not about manners. Whoever does something wrong should apologize first. DJ saids no I won't I can't lower my head down to anyone. I won't do it to you or anyone who is close to you even if I die. You got it? DH tells DJ that he shouldn't treat BY disrepectfully.She is not just my girlfriend, but also an employee of this hotel. Whether it is BY or any of the other employees you shouldn't look down on anyone. DJ saids you listen carefully this is not your hotel yet. I won't let you take it. Don't act out of line. DH said you shouldn't act out of line Kim Do-jin. I've never asked you to give up on this hotel. I never thought that I wanted to run this hotel But I think I have to do that seeing how you acted today. You should behave well as an assistant manager. DJ grabs DH and tells him to say it again. DH repeats what he said. That's when DJ hits him. DJ says wait and see I'm going to make you regret this.

DJ meets with SN and tells him that they need to hold a shareholders meeting soon. His mother will be able to run the hotel alone.

PJ and KJ meet and KJ ask him to look into someone for him. His name is SN who's on detached duty at the hotel. PJ asks is it in contection to the hotel tax audit. KJ saids yes. PJ starts to think that KJ did not ask him to investigate SN for nothing. Because the whistle-blower who reported the hotel to the IRS is SN.

GP tells DH that his stocks have all sold out and their tax problem will be solved soon. They have to reorganize their hotel and start all over again one by one. MS saids to DH that she has talked with his GP and mother and wants to know if he really loves BY. DH saids Yes I really love her. I want to live with her forever. Anna saids that DH really loves BY and that BY has always been nice to her. She's very brave and has courage. She always smiles and is pretty. PY said Okay I will allow you to get married to her. DH saids what? GP saids I'm saying you should set a wedding date.

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Awsparkle, a big thank you.  Your effort and generosity is greatly appreciated.

I can't believe that clingy girl would go to such an extend of providing her profile and medical report to GM.  *shaking head*  It's ridiculous indeed.  DH should just ignore her.  Can't wait for the big day.  However, what worry me is that Miss Too Clingy will dress up as a bride to try to snatch the groom away on the wedding day.  It will surely upset BY.  The smile on DH's face when GP approves of his marriage to BY is so sweet.  Can't wait to see BY's reaction tonight when she is told of the approval.  Really hope nothing will happen on their big day, please.  At least give them their happiest moment to remember forever.

What GM said about HS and DJ were so right.  As a president, she has to take responsiblity.  Sad to see that GP's shares are all sold away.  Hopefully DH is able to overcome all obstacles and fight against HS and DJ and not be too lenient and forgiving with them anymore.

I can't wait for SW to have a miscarriage after seeing her being rude to BY.  It would be even better if DJ is the one causing the miscarriage.

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I can't wait for SW to have a miscarriage after seeing her being rude to BY.  It would be even better if DJ is the one causing the miscarriage.

I know it sound devil... but i kinda hoping that too...

It will make SW realize that nothing she do will keep the marriage that out of love!

And it will haunt DJ for killing his own baby...

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Here's what happen in ep 142

DJ jumps up and saids you can't do that. You can't leave it in DH's hand who doesn't know anything about management. DH isn't ready to join in the managment. He should prove himself to us first. Don't you think it's to much? MS saids What!. You've studied hotel management for over ten years but you messed up the kimchi business. DH settled it down when he over took it. Don't you think he's proved his abilities Assistant Manager DJ. HS saids you are over estimating him with just the kimchi business. MS saids an over estimation. Your the reason why I made my decision like this. All though the Chairman took responsibility for this tax evasion and decided to sell his stocks strictly speaking you are the one who should take the responsiblity because you have been managing this hotel. Also I thougt we might have another crisis if we leave the mangement in her hands without blaming her. I've thougt deeply so I want you to understand and I want you all to teach DH who's standing here to become a brilliant manager. Later in the hall MS saids to HS I remember that one of our employee reported to the IRS about the tax evasion. How come you didn't do anything. You should have looked into it as a President don't you think. Later MS tells DH and PY that the hotel owership might be taken over by HS. If that happens we can't guarantee DH and Anna's future. DH saids he does't know if he can do it. MS tells DH it's not a matter whether you can or can't you must do this. It's silly if you hesitate about a matter that you have to do.

The strange thing that I found about this passage was not that I didn't expect it to happen, it's MS's last line...

"MS tells DH it's not a matter whether you can or can't you must do this. It's silly if you hesitate about a matter that you have to do."

The woman sounds like my mother....

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UGH! Just when one thing seems sure- it's not anymore!

And things are certainly starting to heat up!

BLOODY HECK!!! Clingy girl owns the 5% that DummyJ and SlimyN didn't get.

DH moved into DummyJ's office to keep an eye on him after hearing what Uncle said about SlimyN's dad.

And he caught SlimyN before he could make it out of the hotel! YAY!

Hopefully the rest of the staff will vote for DH so that he won't need to delay his marriage to BY to beat DummyJ and HellwomanS...

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Written preview for ep 144

동해가 도진과 선우와의 관계를 의심하자 도진은 시치미를 떼지만 마음은 불안하다. 술녀는 기남이 자신에게 사랑을 고백하자 놀라며 진저리를 치지만 어쩐지 자꾸 머릿속을 떠나지 않는다. 혜숙은 필용의 앞에서 양심의 가책을 느끼지만 애써 외면한다. 필용은 혜숙에게 동해의 결혼식에 김준이 참석해도 괜찮겠냐고 묻자 혜숙은 절대 그런 일은 용납할 수 없다며 일언지하에 거절하는데...

East Road and Sun-Woo and let doubt the relationship of a pretentious, keep only the mind is anxiety. Ladies drink the love to yourself and others, let me confess examined fed up but somehow I keep saying, don't leave your head. Hye-sook is Phil in the front of the Dragon haunting feel, trying to turn a blind eye. Phil is Hye-sook for to sea wedding attended by Kim Jun-you asked and asked, Hye-sook is never such a thing is unacceptable decline in the English Parliament will flatly reject ...

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Guest farhah1986


UGH! Just when one thing seems sure- it's not anymore!

And things are certainly starting to heat up!

BLOODY HECK!!! Clingy girl owns the 5% that DummyJ and SlimyN didn't get.

DH moved into DummyJ's office to keep an eye on him after hearing what Uncle said about SlimyN's dad.

And he caught SlimyN before he could make it out of the hotel! YAY!

Hopefully the rest of the staff will vote for DH so that he won't need to delay his marriage to BY to beat DummyJ and HellwomanS...

You're right...I don't want their marriage delayed until the last episode...it just lame if that happen like that...I would like to see BY being DH wife a little more at least before this drama end.Its not interesting if they get married in the last episode.For SN I don't think he make it out of the hotel...but DH also didn't have any evidence so maybe he will pretend like nothing going wrong unti he find the evidence..So maybe DH will gather all the evidence while working with DJ about the hainan hotel because that is the main source to find crucial evidence.

I wonder what Clingy -girl want to do with the 5% shares.She definitely want to use her shares to make DH and his family turn over to her but she's wrong.For GP,GM and Anna all that most important is DH happiness.What the use having a rich wife when he didn't love her...if DH really marry her then he will just suffer like his father and clingy-girl also won't find happiness.I can't guess what she'll do because her mind always changing like SW.She'll only do something that will bring benefit to her but look at her right now.SW has become someone powerless and sometimes look pitiful eventhough I don't like her at all.

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UGH! Just when one thing seems sure- it's not anymore!

And things are certainly starting to heat up!

BLOODY HECK!!! Clingy girl owns the 5% that DummyJ and SlimyN didn't get.

DH moved into DummyJ's office to keep an eye on him after hearing what Uncle said about SlimyN's dad.

And he caught SlimyN before he could make it out of the hotel! YAY!

Hopefully the rest of the staff will vote for DH so that he won't need to delay his marriage to BY to beat DummyJ and HellwomanS...

That 5% YJ has is a key that will cause trouble for DH and BY to get married. I think she will try to use that as leverage to blackmail DH into leaving BY and marrying her.

She has already said to DH you will see how much you need me. Even if she tries it I can't see DH falling for such nonsense. It seems that writer is trying to indicate that DH could fall into the same fate of a loveless marriage just like his father did. BY needs to step and and rally for her man and not let YJ over run her. HS and especially DJ are not so nice to the employees. So if it comes down to this a lot will go to DH's side.  

There are so many twist and turns in this drama there's no telling what this writer has come up with. We think it's going to be one thing and something totally different happens.

I'm so liking DH all up in DJ's face and he's doing it so nicely. DJ is about ready to blow. 

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Thank you everyone for your discussion. I've watched the first 40 or so ep and got sick of watching the evil doers have their hands on everything and coming out on top. So I stopped watching and just reading your posts on Soompi. But next week, I'll have to watch it to see justice handed down to SW, DJ, HS. Hopefully it'll be good. Thank you all ((:

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That 5% YJ has is a key that will cause trouble for DH and BY to get married. I think she will try to use that as leverage to blackmail DH into leaving BY and marrying her.

She has already said to DH you will see how much you need me. Even if she tries it I can't see DH falling for such nonsense. It seems that writer is trying to indicate that DH could fall into the same fate of a loveless marriage just like his father did. BY needs to step and and rally for her man and not let YJ over run her. HS and especially DJ are not so nice to the employees. So if it comes down to this a lot will go to DH's side.  

There are so many twist and turns in this drama there's no telling what this writer has come up with. We think it's going to be one thing and something totally different happens.

I'm so liking DH all up in DJ's face and he's doing it so nicely. DJ is about ready to blow. 


The only way that she can prove to be valuable to DH more than the 5% shares that Clingy girl has would be for her to get all the employees to vote for DH in the stockholders meeting. This would prove to everyone, GM, GP, Clingy girl and everyone that GP's adage "A family can do great things together" true.

She's win because she's much more personable than Clingy girl.

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Guest farhah1986

That 5% YJ has is a key that will cause trouble for DH and BY to get married. I think she will try to use that as leverage to blackmail DH into leaving BY and marrying her.

She has already said to DH you will see how much you need me. Even if she tries it I can't see DH falling for such nonsense. It seems that writer is trying to indicate that DH could fall into the same fate of a loveless marriage just like his father did. BY needs to step and and rally for her man and not let YJ over run her. HS and especially DJ are not so nice to the employees. So if it comes down to this a lot will go to DH's side.  

There are so many twist and turns in this drama there's no telling what this writer has come up with. We think it's going to be one thing and something totally different happens.

I'm so liking DH all up in DJ's face and he's doing it so nicely. DJ is about ready to blow. 

Like you said...Clingy-girl may use that 5% shares to blackmail DH.BUt like you said there's also so many twist and turns in this drama,so we don't know what the writer will come up with.When we thing this thing will be going like this...it turn out to be other thing.Just like before when GP being investigate by the IRS,we thought Lee's family will face difficulties but it turn out nothing happen to them.But what important is that DH has already started to suspect SN about the tax invasion and he surely will take measures against him.In no matter of time DH surely will find a crucial evidence with the Hainan hotel.I hope its not too late until HS become the major shareholder,because it will be hard for him to do so.

I also liking the way DH treat DJ now and DJ reaction.DH quite witty because he know SN plan something with DJ and thats why he want to keep an eye on him.

Written preview for ep 144

동해가 도진과 선우와의 관계를 의심하자 도진은 시치미를 떼지만 마음은 불안하다. 술녀는 기남이 자신에게 사랑을 고백하자 놀라며 진저리를 치지만 어쩐지 자꾸 머릿속을 떠나지 않는다. 혜숙은 필용의 앞에서 양심의 가책을 느끼지만 애써 외면한다. 필용은 혜숙에게 동해의 결혼식에 김준이 참석해도 괜찮겠냐고 묻자 혜숙은 절대 그런 일은 용납할 수 없다며 일언지하에 거절하는데...

East Road and Sun-Woo and let doubt the relationship of a pretentious, keep only the mind is anxiety. Ladies drink the love to yourself and others, let me confess examined fed up but somehow I keep saying, don't leave your head. Hye-sook is Phil in the front of the Dragon haunting feel, trying to turn a blind eye. Phil is Hye-sook for to sea wedding attended by Kim Jun-you asked and asked, Hye-sook is never such a thing is unacceptable decline in the English Parliament will flatly reject ...

Can someone translate this properly...it seems something about KJ attend DH wedding.and what about SN and DH?It seems it will take longer time for the truth to be revealed.

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Guest lj3k99

DH now knows that SN and DJ are involved with HS in slush funds and the stock irregularities. DJ starts feeling nervous. Sool Nyeo can't get the head chef out of her head after he professed her love. HS tries her best to separate her feelings from the situation as it is making it difficult when she sees the chairman. The chairman asks HS if it is okay for KJ to participate in the wedding ceremony and she says something equivalent to hell freezing over in korean before that happens.

DH is pretty business savy. He was already able to find out something is off about the Heian Hotel Chain expansion. Every time he tries to set a meeting with DJ, DJ runs out of the room like a weeny.

Sool Nyeo and head chef parts are pure comedy.

Trying right now to figure out who has stock:

11% HS has and is trying to acquire the 15% of the chairman

YJ has 5% of the chairman

DH has 20%(from his grandmother)

some random person has 8%

rest are split between employees and other people.

I enjoyed the ending because DH was the person who captured SN.

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EP 143

PJ is thinking about SN and him being the one who informed the IRS about the tax evasion. He was trying to bring down Chairman PY. But why? Because HS makes him? No one forces him to do it. He's not a child. What if HS suggested something to SN that he wouldn't ignore. PJ call TH and asks how is SN why has he been so busy. Oh he's working on something very important.

SY saids she has a shoot out of time . Her mother tells her she will not take care of the kids, She has to think about her business because she has lost customers. SW tells her to go ahead she will watch them. SW said since she has taken care of them she likes them and time flies when she with them.

Anna and DH tell the Lee's that MS and PY will allow them to get married. BY said oh my DH. BY mother saids no wonder I had a dream last night about my mother who passed away. BY father thnaks Anna for her decision. PJ asks if the grandparents agreed to BY and DH geting married. Anna tells him that BY and DH are going to get married. PJ ask did they decide that. Anna saids you and I are good friends. That's better. PJ is upset but said yes it is. Anna asks PJ is he alright. You look sad. PJ saids I'm ok. Why am I sad I'm not sad at all. What about you? Anna said I'm happy DH's smiled all the time so far and he will be happier then now when he gets married to BY So I'm happy. PJ tells her if you're happy I'm as well. But I'll always be with you until I die. So you shoud come to me when you're sad or you're happy okay.Anna agrees and tell him that he is one of her best friends. PJ saids lets be good friends. We can be really really good friends. PJ congradulates DH and BY. You should have a beautiful daughter like my SY and live happy when you get married. Okay? PJ tells DH he has something to talk to him about. He tells DH that KJ asked him to look into SN. One of the employees reported the tax evasion and he felt something bad. I do too. DH saids what did you just say SN. PJ tells DH that he will keep looking into him. You need to watch him as well. You should be careful until everything reveals clearly.

DJ tells SN that the only thing different is that my mother has the Chairman's shares. The rest of the hotel shares remain the same. SN saids no Director Park has 8% of the shares of the Labor Union has 11%. It is quite a lot. Do you know who the leader of the labor union is. DJ saids Isn't Chef BK who is in charge of korean food. SN saids yes. You need to get the leader of the labor union BK on your side to put your mother on in a more advantageous position at the shareholders meeting. And if you can get Director Park on your side even better. SN saids there is someone who catches my eye. There's a person who brought shares in a short period of time and they have 5% which is a lot. I think this person brought the stock on purpose. The person is YJ.

DH asks DJ why is he coming out of SN room. DJ saids no matter what I do it's none of your business. DH ask SN to have a talk. SN saids I don't want to. I have nothing to talk with you. Well I'm busy. I got to go.

PY tells DH that he does not think he will be staying in his office a lot from now on so I'm thinking of puting your desk over here. What do you think? DH saids that's not a good idea. I want to share and office with Assistant Manager DJ. PY saids isn't it awkward between you two? DH saids I can't keep avoiding him just because I feels uncomfortable with him. As long as we are working at the same hotel we come across each other. I rather want to get used to him as soon as possible. HS asks her assistant you mean to tell me that the Chairman ordered to bring DH desk to DJ office? DJ asks DH what are you doing? Who will be in my office. DH saids I've already have gotten an approval from the Chairman. DJ saids there are a lot of offices in the hotel. Why did you want to work at my office? You know how much I hate you and you want to bother me? What do you really want? DH saids the hotel is for the guest. If we have any better rooms we need to offer them to the guest. It will be awkward for each other. Why don't we share this office? I won't bother you. Well can I see the Hainan project? DJ said what do you know about it? Do you even know anything except skating and cooking? MS walks and and asks DJ what was that? Did you forget what I said? I told everyone that DH will join in the management. Or are you trying to ignore me? DJ saids it's not like that. MS asks If it's not then show him the documents he asked for. If he asks you something you should let him know one by one. Don't be rude to him. HS saids do as she said. HS saids to DJ you should prepare to give a briefing as about the Hainan project as Manager DH wants. HS said to MS that she feels bad for her. MS said what does that mean? I'm ok that you hate me and I understand it. But DJ he has been kind of your grandson for 30 years. MS saids and? HS tells her never mind. I crossed the line. I'm sorry. MS saids she thinks HS has many things to say to her. Why don't you speak it out? Why do you feel bad for me? HS saids I know I was wrong to hide Dong-baek's existence when I found her. Even if I had my own reason, but that's enough for you to get upset. But Ma'am DJ didn't do anything wrong. Don't you think it is to harsh? MS said harsh? Was I? I didn't say anything to DJ personally. But in public. HS said What is DJ position and who is he? How could you make him join in the management just because he is your grandson? This is not right. Did you ever think how the employee might feel with this case? I won't leave it like this. I'll keeping watching over DH to see how he does. And if he doesn't do his work well, I will blame him at the shareholders meeting. MS said does it mean that your going to pull your gun at me? You finally confessed your heart! You said my husband and I are like your parents. But it was just a word! HS saids You're the one who first abandon me and my son aren't you? MS saids What?

DH said Mr. Kim. DJ saids what is it now? DH asks if DJ can give him a briefing on the Hainan project tomorrow. I don't know what's going on because I'm sitting at my desk reading the reports but I have to know the details. So lets do it tomorrow.

SW is thinking about what DJ did to her the last time they met. She saids okay Kim Do-jin. I'll revenge you for everything you did to me.

The psychic tells SO that she has two wedding dates. One is in two week the other is in three months. SO saids the first one is to fast and the other is to late. Don't you have other date between them ? The psychic saids if you don't like them then do whatever you want! I hate to set a date for a couple like them who are so unlucky. SO saids what did you say? What's that mean? The psychic saids wait and see. You'll see it soon. I can see the five things it means they should get married. Don't make them break up though. If something happens to them it's just their luck. SN saids she wants to know about her girls. It's like my life is miserable because of my two girls. The psychic said your eldest daughter is not just unlucky but disastrous and your youngest daughter. She'll be famous and fly high. You'll ride a carriage to your wedding.

MS saids to the Lee's that BY told her that they were going to set a date and let them know. SO saids she went and seen the most famous psychic for the best wedding date and she had two dates. PY saids he does not think they should wait until 3 months later and I know it's to soon but I want them to get married in two weeks. What do you thin honey? MS said she agrees. They are getting married anyway we don't need to waste time. K-jae saids we will follow your decision. It's find for us as well. Anna asks MS can she invite James to DH wedding.

PJ sees the report on SN. He asks the other detective is it true? Was SN father facing a law suit which need a lot of money in the US? The detective saids he called and confirmed it and it was reported on the local newspapers. This is too much he couldn't afford it no matter if he's a doctor. But his son paid that money for him. PJ saids no matter how much money he makes couldn't afford this much money. SN looked suspicous.

DH saids to DJ good morning Mr Kim It's a lovely morning. DJ saids you want to share this room with me? DH saids of course. We have a lot of things to do today.Why don't we start working right away? Are you ready to give me a briefing about the Hainan project that I asked you yesterday? I want you to report it to me before noon. DJ saids Report to you? Says who? DH saids Of cource it's me. Don't be late okay? DJ saids You. DH saids You jerk, unlucky man, shameless jerk. If you were trying to say these, don't do it. I've heard of them enough.

PJ calls DH and tells him he thinks SN is related to the tax audit. You should go first and hold him. DH tells PJ that his room is clean he thinks he packed his belongings. He asks are you sure it's SN.. PJ saids Yes the evidence told me that. SN father was facing a lawsuit that which needed a lot of money in the US. I think he joined his hands with HS for that money.

BY meets up with SN she ask is he going somewhere. He saids he's leaving. I want to see you before I go. BY saids she going to get married to DH. It's in 2 weeks. So you should give up on me. Wel I don't think you can do that. That won't be easy. Don't forget that I'm waiting for you. Okay? BY saids That won't happen! DH runs up to SN and asks SN where are you going? No Where are your running away too.

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Thank you so much awsparkle. It is really refreshing to be able to know exactly what happened in the episode. I watch the raws and try to guess what is happening in each scene but it is so helpful to actually know what was said once for a change =).

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Guest farhah1986

DH now knows that SN and DJ are involved with HS in slush funds and the stock irregularities. DJ starts feeling nervous. Sool Nyeo can't get the head chef out of her head after he professed her love. HS tries her best to separate her feelings from the situation as it is making it difficult when she sees the chairman. The chairman asks HS if it is okay for KJ to participate in the wedding ceremony and she says something equivalent to hell freezing over in korean before that happens.

DH is pretty business savy. He was already able to find out something is off about the Heian Hotel Chain expansion. Every time he tries to set a meeting with DJ, DJ runs out of the room like a weeny.

Sool Nyeo and head chef parts are pure comedy.

Trying right now to figure out who has stock:

11% HS has and is trying to acquire the 15% of the chairman

YJ has 5% of the chairman

DH has 20%(from his grandmother)

some random person has 8%

rest are split between employees and other people.

I enjoyed the ending because DH was the person who captured SN.

So the share that HS has right now is not enough to surpass MS's shares,thats why she's desperate to get the chairman shares by stealing the money from the hainan hotel project.Employee's shares is quite a lot..if they get to DH side,then there is no problem for DH to manage the hotel.Like DH said before,he's not interested to manage the hotel in the first place but he change his mind after seeing DJ treat an employee with bad manner.What DH said is right if he treat an employee like that then how about the guest?Dh definitely a business savy,just look at how he save the kimchee business and I can see that he will catch many things in hainan hotel expansion.

I guess about DH and BY wedding ,it might occur some hindrance.Firstly about YJ and KJ.Even with that,I'm sure they will get to overcome all these obstacles.

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Thank you everyone for your discussion. I've watched the first 40 or so ep and got sick of watching the evil doers have their hands on everything and coming out on top. So I stopped watching and just reading your posts on Soompi. But next week, I'll have to watch it to see justice handed down to SW, DJ, HS. Hopefully it'll be good. Thank you all ((:

Yeah I was sick of the evil doers too but you should watch the whole thing. It would be sweeter for you when the evil people get theirs in the end. :lol:

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