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[Drama 2010] Smile, Dong-hae / Smile Again 웃어라 동해야

Guest fanda4000

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Today's eps was kinda dragging. It was really great to see the guards listen to DH over DJ. Even if SY came their to protest he is still her brother-in-law and he wanted her to be forcefully taken away. When he get's his  that will be the best day ever.

I think SW is coming into the light now since she was snobbed by DJ and his HS. Even though I can't stand SW for what she did to DH, Anna and the Lee's, she did it for DJ and they turned their backs on her. She will probably be the one to help bring them down. Her sister SY is an airhead but she stood up for her , which I thought was nice and SW had a change of heart about her sister.

All of a sudden KJ wants to wake of and do something. After all this time he now wants to claim DH as his son and be with Anna. To me KJ makes really bad decisions. Everytime he does that DH and Anna end up getting hurt. I don't feel sorry for him because he is partly to blame for DJ being the way he is and now he just wants to walk away from one son to another. I think he's being selfish and not thinking of anybody elses feelings but his own. When he had the chance he didn't protect them so he does not deserve to be with them. Anna and DH now have protection and there's not a darn thing he can do for them but to walk away. As much as I don't like HS and DJ I blame him for the situation getting out of hand because he never confronted the situation head on. He sat back and moped and let HS destroy peoples lives.  It looks like he quit his job. HS put him out so now what. Is he planning on leaving the county and taking Anna with him because as nasty and hatefull as HS is she would make sure Anna is labeled as a husband stealer. Also  Anna just found her parents and there's no way they are going to let KJ take her away or let them be together after he has been married to HS who they considered their daughter for all those years.  Looks like GM is trying to set up PJ with Anna.   

The little guy in the kitchen is a suck up and a two faced rat. He's the one who stole the kimchi receipt from Mr Lee.  Since he jumped into the snake pit, then he'll be another one to go down.

W did this for SW and SW only!

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Here's the written translation for eps 135

The East is the Camellia's kimchi problem salted fish and starch that identify and direct improvement. New and securities-side seniors, the Camellia's shareholders human usage and stock holding, and asked me to find out. Kim, Joon is the East Coast to his surname, sticking to another and still don't forget me not Phil should convince the Dragon. On the other hand, Phil the cultivation/school observation lessons stopped by Anna's hope for the hotel had been Kim Joon meet wage bee ...

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I didn't get that part with DJ either but he was promised by HS when she asked him to steal the receipt  that he would be made a supervisor of the kimchi production.

My dad translated- he said that smarmy chef offered to be a spy for DJ because he doesn't like that DH was put in charge and that they're going to be accepting all returns graciously.

Here's the written translation for eps 135

The East is the Camellia's kimchi problem salted fish and starch that identify and direct improvement. New and securities-side seniors, the Camellia's shareholders human usage and stock holding, and asked me to find out. Kim, Joon is the East Coast to his surname, sticking to another and still don't forget me not Phil should convince the Dragon. On the other hand, Phil the cultivation/school observation lessons stopped by Anna's hope for the hotel had been Kim Joon meet wage bee ...

If you have you have the korean, I can try and grab my dad and get him to translate this... :)

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Guest bitter SOOweet

so ierno why but the scene where DJ and DH were giving opposite commands to security.... and when they ended up listening to DH in the end..... made me smile. I feel bad for DJ, but at the same time DH, who had no power what so ever before, has come to power and I freak'n love it. AHK!

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My dad translated- he said that smarmy chef offered to be a spy for DJ because he doesn't like that DH was put in charge and that they're going to be accepting all returns graciously.

If you have you have the korean, I can try and grab my dad and get him to translate this... :)

Here it is thanks:D

 동해는 카멜리아 김치의 문제가 젓갈과 전분 때문임을 파악하고 개선을 지시한다. 새와는 증권쪽 선배를 만나 카멜리아의 주주 인적현황 및 주식보유 등을 알아봐 달라고 부탁한다.  김준은 동해에게 자신의 성씨를 물려주기를 고집하며 아직도 안나를 잊지 못한다고 필용을 설득한다. 한편 필재는 송이의 학교 참관수업에 들른 안나를 바래다주기 위해 호텔에 왔다가 김준을 만나 신경전을 벌이는데...

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Guest misscorice

Noomma: He's leaving because i's a domino effect- that's why there is always a stink about marriage, 'high class' families and 'low class' families because once a couple marries, it's the merging of families and not just the couple.

It's so TRUE. But in this case, they are both "low class" families, lol, maybe except KJ but he's too weak to do anything for his own family and himself. Frustrating.

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Guest farhah1986

so ierno why but the scene where DJ and DH were giving opposite commands to security.... and when they ended up listening to DH in the end..... made me smile. I feel bad for DJ, but at the same time DH, who had no power what so ever before, has come to power and I freak'n love it. AHK!

me too...that scene make me smile...DJ has started to feel inferior with DH and his hatred for DH just going worst espesially when he see KJ at the meeting place but he end up with DH and GP.DJ think that DH has steal away his father and GP from him.Then looking at the preview with GP introduce DH to all important person make him more inferior with him. With KJ want DH take his last name,we won't know what DJ dirty deed after this.But watching his scene with HS he actually didn't trust SN fully.After all SN is really suspicious.Maybe it was him who want to take the hotel himself?

About the two face chef,did they know that he stole Mr Lee recipe before?If not then sooner or latter he'll get busted by DH.But with DH being kind-hearted he maybe forgive him.

About SW with her new found secret,maybe she'll blackmailed DJ  to stay with him again .But to think they'll be  together again a bit impossible especially it SW who get the divorve first.SW maybe will find a way to get back her job at the TV station.

About the text preview...I think GP introduce DH to other shareholder or someone can translate it better.

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Guest lj3k99

Freaking KJ making things difficult for both Anna and DH. Last name issue and the love triangle between KJ, Anna, and PJ.

All i knows is DH is moving on up.

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Freaking KJ making things difficult for both Anna and DH. Last name issue and the love triangle between KJ, Anna, and PJ.

All i knows is DH is moving on up.

That's what I say KJ always makes things difficult for DH and I think he's being selfish. He made his bed when he married HS knowing that he didn't lover her. As DH told him before, if he loved his mother so much why didn't he try harder to find her.  He sat back and didn't do a darn thing to stop his wife from trying to destroy Anna, DH and the Lee's. I have no pity for him. Now that DH and Anna have someone to look out and protect them he now wants to stand up and be a father and man to Anna. He always was saying he has a debt to pay to them. Well I think he already did that when he made sure Anna got to her parents back. I think what he's doing in insisting that DH has his last name is wrong. Even though I don't like DJ KJ is doing nothing but driving the knife in deeper. He knows that DJ hates DH and giving DH his last name is only a slap in his face at this point.  DH is touched right now that KJ is offering to give him his last name but I hope he won't let it happen.

DH is fitting into his new life nicely. DJ thinks of DH as nothing but dirt under his feet. But DH is showing him what's he's made of.  I was cheering when DH stepped in and commanded that they let SY go and they disregarded what DJ said.

As for KJ and Anna I don't see GM letting that happen. She sees how her daughter brightens up and blushes at the mention of PJ and saddens at the mention or sight of KJ.

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Guest farhah1986

If GM try to match Anna and PJ,how about DH and BY?Its not that they can't marry but kind of weird that they may marry into someone from the same family.I think DH may telling his grandparent about marrying BY after Kimchee business become stable.Although I trust DH and BY love is strong I'm just worried that someone might want to have marriage link with DH knowing now that he officially introduce by GP as his grandson later.Or I'm just worried to much....eventhough this only a drama, this is the only drama that I'm addicted with right now.Seeing GP and GM friendly with Lee's family and they know that DH and BY in a relationship,I hope it not gonna be a big problem latter.If it just YJ then I'm not worried to much.

KJ only make DJ hate DH much more with his decision.Eventhough giving his name is the only thing that he can do for DH he just making things more difficult for DH.Just lucky that DH and Anna will be protected by GP and GM.

I'm also thinking that DH fitting with his new life nicely.At least he can use his newly found status to help SY before.Its great to see the security listen to DH command rather than DJ.The person he look down and see just as a dirt before ,now has a authority above him and the best thing is that can't do anything about it.I wonder what plan DJ and HS thinking to take the hotel themselves.Watching the preview that GP introduce DH to important person,isn't that mean he's indirectly telling them that DH will be his successor?I know that GP still want to leave the hotel to HS but I also think he also consider to leave the hotel for his grandson.I think everything will depend on how well DH manage the hotel  kimchee business.I want to see the two face chef get busted,he should know that he can no longer look down DH like before and realize who's actually has the power.

About the episode before I  think GM is showing Anna their new house,is it true?Will they move to the new house?Its better to live at a proper house rather than live in the hotel.

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I thought now that the drama was over 130 episodes, the couples would start solidifying now. Doesn't seem to be the case though, looks like a lot of roadblocks still to go.wacko.gif  Well at least many secrets are finally being revealed, took them long enough though.

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Here it is thanks:D

 동해는 카멜리아 김치의 문제가 젓갈과 전분 때문임을 파악하고 개선을 지시한다. 새와는 증권쪽 선배를 만나 카멜리아의 주주 인적현황 및 주식보유 등을 알아봐 달라고 부탁한다.  김준은 동해에게 자신의 성씨를 물려주기를 고집하며 아직도 안나를 잊지 못한다고 필용을 설득한다. 한편 필재는 송이의 학교 참관수업에 들른 안나를 바래다주기 위해 호텔에 왔다가 김준을 만나 신경전을 벌이는데...

Here's the rough translation from my dad:

DH finds out that the problem with the Camillia kichi was because of the mix of variety of jut(salted/pickled items like the oysters, anchovies, cuttlefish, etc) and the special water (when making kimchi, some kind of bran/sweet rice/anchovy water is used to help flavor the cabbage) and immediately gives instructions to correct the problem. SW finds out(?) or asks a sumbae for the stockholders info (how much does each stock holder has, what their situation is, etc). James insists on putting DH in his family registry/making DH have his last name to GP and insits to GP he will not give up on Anna and DH. Soon-hee's dad and Soon-hi go to the hotel to pick up Anna for the school open house/parent day and on the way a tense situation with James is met (at the hotel?)....

Question? What are your ideas on how the story got out about SW and the manipulation of the kimchi.

I have my ideas but I want to know what everyone else thinks.

The story was leaked because someone wrote in a letter to the station on what happened with the part-timers SW hired. My thinking- that someone was either:

A) the part-timer who did the deed and felt guilty about it or just didn't want to be the only one going to jail

B) Clingy-guy SN (just because he's new and may be a spy for some other hotel)

C) Clingy-girl (whatever her name is) doing it to avenge DH's honor and bring trouble to Camilia.

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If GM try to match Anna and PJ,how about DH and BY?Its not that they can't marry but kind of weird that they may marry into someone from the same family.I think DH may telling his grandparent about marrying BY after Kimchee business become stable.Although I trust DH and BY love is strong I'm just worried that someone might want to have marriage link with DH knowing now that he officially introduce by GP as his grandson later.Or I'm just worried to much....eventhough this only a drama, this is the only drama that I'm addicted with right now.Seeing GP and GM friendly with Lee's family and they know that DH and BY in a relationship,I hope it not gonna be a big problem latter.If it just YJ then I'm not worried to much.

DH wants to tell his grandparents about his engagement to BY after the mess with the Camilia kimchi is fixed. And he can't wait for it to happen. I think Clingy-girl will come first and introduce herself to the grandparents as DH's fiancee and as a beter match for DH instead of BY because of her lineage and her dowry as the only child of a famous restaurant. She might even crash the stockholders event just to do this and trap DH.

KJ only make DJ hate DH much more with his decision.Even though giving his name is the only thing that he can do for DH he just making things more difficult for DH.Just lucky that DH and Anna will be protected by GP and GM.

He still has his dream of being with Anna- the only thing he hoped for in all the years of his marriage. I think it was his intention to leave DJ and HS all along and that's why he never warmed up to HS and in effect, DJ. As for HS, I think she also had a hand in keeping DJ away from KJ thinking that if she made DJ loyal to her, KJ would never leave her because he would want to be close to DJ. But it didn't work because he knows first hand how manipulative that HS is and that's what he hates most about her and why he clings to the memory of Anna.

DH and Anna are lucky that they have the grandparents to take care of them. KY couldn't do anything except hope that HS realizes he doesn't love her or wish to stay with her anymore. It'll be more crazy now that HS has kicked KJ out of her house and home because KJ wants to put DH on the family registry and have him above her son. To her, that was the ultimate insult and last straw because she and DJ would have to recognize DH as family and as the oldest son. (As thankful as she is that James wants to recognize DH officially as his son, even Anna recognizes the problems and heartache this would cause to HS who was once so good to her and DH.)

I'm also thinking that DH fitting with his new life nicely.At least he can use his newly found status to help SY before.Its great to see the security listen to DH command rather than DJ.The person he look down and see just as a dirt before ,now has a authority above him and the best thing is that can't do anything about it.I wonder what plan DJ and HS thinking to take the hotel themselves.Watching the preview that GP introduce DH to important person,isn't that mean he's indirectly telling them that DH will be his successor?I know that GP still want to leave the hotel to HS but I also think he also consider to leave the hotel for his grandson.I think everything will depend on how well DH manage the hotel  kimchee business.I want to see the two face chef get busted,he should know that he can no longer look down DH like before and realize who's actually has the power.

About the episode before I  think GM is showing Anna their new house,is it true?Will they move to the new house?Its better to live at a proper house rather than live in the hotel.

Smarmy chef is still sucking up to DJ because he beleives that DJ will still be in a position to help him and that's why he's willing to report to DJ what is going on with the kimchi business. Remember, DJ and HS started him on this path of wrong which does to prove that if management has no ethics, it affects all the people below them. He won't change and see the error of his ways until he gets busted by either BY or the head chef...who surprises me because he never told DH or BY that they were ordered to get all of TaeBong's secret kimchi recipes. He's a liar by omission as well- that's why he couldn't look at BY and DH in the face before but can now that DH has taken over the Camilia kimchi.

GM was showing one of the many houses that was up for sale, not the house that Anna wants to buy. GM told Anna to pick any house that she likes because she wants to live there with Anna and DH. (GM was talking about the old house with a swing that they had before the typhoon and losing of Anna. It was sold because there were too many painful memories for her.) Anna wants a house like that because she wants to be able to swing with Soon-hi, Uncle's daughter. I find it hilarious that Anna dreams and wants to get a big house that is large enough to fit BY's family and the grandparents so that everyone can live together like they did before.

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Guest farhah1986

Dear noomma...I hope your prediction that Clingy-girl suddenly claim herself as DH fiancee is not true.It will be worst if there is press right there.Its not fair for BY.After all DH already propose BY and tell them that he and BY in a relationship.GP and GM seems like BY.Actually it never cross in my mind that the Clingy-girl will do that in front of all stockholder.But I believe that she maybe want to get close with GM,GP and Anna.But Anna already love BY as her daughter.But to think it back,BY family is not that poor anymore,they are back in business and they doing well now.I don't even want to think about the Clingy girl at all.

About SW,I'm curious with what she's going to do now and her purpose with the stockholder info.She's definitely won't help DH and her being divorced doesn't seem she'll help DJ too.

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Here's the rough translation from my dad:

DH finds out that the problem with the Camillia kichi was because of the mix of variety of jut(salted/pickled items like the oysters, anchovies, cuttlefish, etc) and the special water (when making kimchi, some kind of bran/sweet rice/anchovy water is used to help flavor the cabbage) and immediately gives instructions to correct the problem. SW finds out(?) or asks a sumbae for the stockholders info (how much does each stock holder has, what their situation is, etc). James insists on putting DH in his family registry/making DH have his last name to GP and insits to GP he will not give up on Anna and DH. Soon-hee's dad and Soon-hi go to the hotel to pick up Anna for the school open house/parent day and on the way a tense situation with James is met (at the hotel?)....

The story was leaked because someone wrote in a letter to the station on what happened with the part-timers SW hired. My thinking- that someone was either:

A) the part-timer who did the deed and felt guilty about it or just didn't want to be the only one going to jail

B) Clingy-guy SN (just because he's new and may be a spy for some other hotel)

C) Clingy-girl (whatever her name is) doing it to avenge DH's honor and bring trouble to Camilia.

My thought is that GM did it. Rember she had HS investigated and found out all the dirty deeds she has done. She probably had SW investigated also. GM knows how unethical they are that she made sure SW got her punishment where it hurt. As for HS her punishment will hit her where it hursts. Not having the hotel.  

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DH wants to tell his grandparents about his engagement to BY after the mess with the Camilia kimchi is fixed. And he can't wait for it to happen. I think Clingy-girl will come first and introduce herself to the grandparents as DH's fiancee and as a beter match for DH instead of BY because of her lineage and her dowry as the only child of a famous restaurant. She might even crash the stockholders event just to do this and trap DH.

I was thinking the same thing about YJ doing that. She's so pushy.  If you notice they are showing scenes of DH and BY being together more. It won't matter what YJ does DH will not accept her.  GM and GP don't care about status. If they did GM wouldn't think about matching up Anna with PJ.  As all dramas do there is always someone who wants to come between a couple. I'm hoping this time that they don't let this kind of thing happen.  Let them have a love that is unshakeable and unbreakerable.

He still has his dream of being with Anna- the only thing he hoped for in all the years of his marriage. I think it was his intention to leave DJ and HS all along and that's why he never warmed up to HS and in effect, DJ. As for HS, I think she also had a hand in keeping DJ away from KJ thinking that if she made DJ loyal to her, KJ would never leave her because he would want to be close to DJ. But it didn't work because he knows first hand how manipulative that HS is and that's what he hates most about her and why he clings to the memory of Anna.

As for KJ his intentions might have been to leave HS and DJ but he never did.  Anna waited on KJ all those years because in the state of mind she's in all she knew was James.  I think what's going to happen is Anna is going to be able to become normal again and she won't feel the same about James anymore or she may not even remember him from her past.

DH and Anna are lucky that they have the grandparents to take care of them. KY couldn't do anything except hope that HS realizes he doesn't love her or wish to stay with her anymore. It'll be more crazy now that HS has kicked KJ out of her house and home because KJ wants to put DH on the family registry and have him above her son. To her, that was the ultimate insult and last straw because she and DJ would have to recognize DH as family and as the oldest son. (As thankful as she is that James wants to recognize DH officially as his son, even Anna recognizes the problems and heartache this would cause to HS who was once so good to her and DH.)

Even though I can't stand HS I undertand how she feels. Her argument to KJ was what about DJ and how this will hurt and effect him. To her and especially DJ that's a slap in the face.  DJ already has problems with the situation. KJ doing this is only fueling his anger and hatred.  KJ neglected him all of his life and DJ feels his father didn't love him.  But for DH he want to recognize him has his son and be apart of his life.  First of all KS has no job and he has no home anymore so what does he even have to offer Anna and DH.

Dear noomma...I hope your prediction that Clingy-girl suddenly claim herself as DH fiancee is not true.It will be worst if there is press right there.Its not fair for BY.After all DH already propose BY and tell them that he and BY in a relationship.GP and GM seems like BY.Actually it never cross in my mind that the Clingy-girl will do that in front of all stockholder.But I believe that she maybe want to get close with GM,GP and Anna.But Anna already love BY as her daughter.But to think it back,BY family is not that poor anymore,they are back in business and they doing well now.I don't even want to think about the Clingy girl at all.

About SW,I'm curious with what she's going to do now and her purpose with the stockholder info.She's definitely won't help DH and her being divorced doesn't seem she'll help DJ too.

I think SW has finally give up on DJ and the hotel and is on a mission of revenge against HS and DJ.

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Guest farhah1986

I also thinking that SW might plot a revenge against HS and DJ.Eventhough she did so many bad thing but its all for the sake of DJ and they never appreciate her sacrifice only turn their back on her when she need them most.I'll be suprise with her if she still thinking to help DJ to get the hotel.I really hope that if she has consience,she will help DH to pay back the pain that she give to him before.

About the Clingy-girl,I wonder what will make her finally give up DH.Its not that DH love her in the first place,DH told her many times that he never love her but she still insist to get DH.It will be great if DH make a public proposal for BY so the clingy-girl realize that she never be in DH heart only BY.She didn't know how BY really give a big impact in DH life and how she influence him to be more positive and gain back his self confidence from the painful break-up moment with SW.

About Anna...I also think she may be normal again but will her memories remain or faded away?I rather think her memories of KJ faded away so that KJ never get chance to be with her anymore.Its better to see DH-BY love blossom than seeing tringle love between KJ-Anna-PJ.

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My thought is that GM did it. Rember she had HS investigated and found out all the dirty deeds she has done. She probably had SW investigated also. GM knows how unethical they are that she made sure SW got her punishment where it hurt. As for HS her punishment will hit her where it hursts. Not having the hotel.  

I'm not sure that GM would have done that because she would have been wary of the backlash that would smack the hotel because of the scandal. Now that she has her daughter and DH, she'd never do anything to hurt their inheritance and would do everything to protect it for them, expecially now knowing that they had lived without means for a long time.

And I agree that she probably investigated SW- but she won't bring up old news as long as she keeps her greedy little mitts off of DH and Camilia.

I honestly think that it was Clingy-girl for three reasons: she was angry about what happened to the sales of kimchi because of SW, she was getting back at DJ for causing hurt to her pride as a chef and she was trying to hurt Camilia's name because of how they treated DH.

HS's punishment is to realize that not only she is losing the hotel, but that her son will be revealed as an unethical person and thus ineligable to be the successor of the hotel. He'll be faced with a jail sentence because I have a feeling that he is literally trying to do stock manipulation and blackmail. She'll see what her influence on her son has done to him because of her.

About Anna...I also think she may be normal again but will her memories remain or faded away?I rather think her memories of KJ faded away so that KJ never get chance to be with her anymore.Its better to see DH-BY love blossom than seeing tringle love between KJ-Anna-PJ.

If they miraculously cure Anna, I'll be seriously disappointed because there isn't anything that can cure anything like that in modern science today. Unless there's a brain transplant that has yet to be reported or a huge object in her brain, it would take the hand of the almighty to fix her.

If she became like she is because of mental trauma- that'd be a differnt story and the cure would have already been that she is reunited with her family.

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I'm not sure that GM would have done that because she would have been wary of the backlash that would smack the hotel because of the scandal. Now that she has her daughter and DH, she'd never do anything to hurt their inheritance and would do everything to protect it for them, expecially now knowing that they had lived without means for a long time.

And I agree that she probably investigated SW- but she won't bring up old news as long as she keeps her greedy little mitts off of DH and Camilia.

I honestly think that it was Clingy-girl for three reasons: she was angry about what happened to the sales of kimchi because of SW, she was getting back at DJ for causing hurt to her pride as a chef and she was trying to hurt Camilia's name because of how they treated DH.

HS's punishment is to realize that not only she is losing the hotel, but that her son will be revealed as an unethical person and thus ineligable to be the successor of the hotel. He'll be faced with a jail sentence because I have a feeling that he is literally trying to do stock manipulation and blackmail. She'll see what her influence on her son has done to him because of her.

If they miraculously cure Anna, I'll be seriously disappointed because there isn't anything that can cure anything like that in modern science today. Unless there's a brain transplant that has yet to be reported or a huge object in her brain, it would take the hand of the almighty to fix her.

If she became like she is because of mental trauma- that'd be a differnt story and the cure would have already been that she is reunited with her family.

Noomma: Your right I didn't think it that way with GM. I was only thinking about GM want to get back at SW

I never even thought about YJ being the culpit. That's how much non-interested I'am in her part in this drama. When I really think about it it could have been her because she mentioned it the last time they did the Home Shopping Show. If she did do it then that's a way to get rid of her for sure. She's so delusional about DH that she probably thought she was doing something for DH's sake. If she did it she will spill it to DH about what she did for him because of how she feels about him.

By them already introducting this into the drama, The writers will come up with something to justify why Anna can be normal again.

I agree about DJ he's desperate at this point because he knows his being the successor of the hotel is slipping away from his grasp. Especially since GP appointed DH to replace him as Director of handling the kimchi.

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