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Guest mindphase.net

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Guest Auzora

It's pretty good but not the best imo. I was so shocked to hear TOP singing instead of rapping though : O

I really like fantastic baby by them. Sounds like a clubbing song sorta..?

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

I really like fantastic baby by them. Sounds like a clubbing song sorta..? 

tsk tsk starting to like clubbing songs aye... starting to get infected by the unilife virus :o

^ Why would it be awkward?? A lot of us actually know each other in real life... 

did u guys actually know straight away that you know them or you kinda realise soon after talking for a while??

if that makes sense.

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Guest Auzora

LOL "unilife virus".. naa I've had it since yr 13 i think.. : p

ANYWAY GUYS have u seen the Kony vid?!

Definitely watch it if you haven't, I was initially put off by how long it was but it was so worth it.


It's pretty amazing how people can come together like that to help the world..

Oh and welcome Corrupt : ]

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Guest ultrabunny

I only met people from soompi through the meetup, since i'm like in a different world to you guyz :(

i havent listened to fantastic baby yet!! I moved house and i dont have the internet! LIFE IS HARD.

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Guest Auzora

D; that sounds chaotic.

But I agree life is hard.

I'm starting to question why I chose to do engineering. Goodbye social life hello gen library.......

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

Lol Sera heard u got a bf now dunno if troll or not but congratz!!

I'm starting to question why I chose to do engineering. Goodbye social life hello gen library....... 

hahah gg engineering and med students us bcoms are like chill all day hahaha.

Have you guys been to the Thursday market?? 

they sell this cute az necklace thingy and phone charm in front of the old bus top up place, not sure if they will open a stall again this week, hope they do

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Guest ultrabunny

Lol I heard that engineering is just full of CREEPY STALKER GUYS... :D

HAHA how did you hear that Hanz? you're stalking me! But yes I do, he doesn't like Kpop though. Sigh.. I'm going to have to compromise on music..

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Guest Auzora

gg indeed : [ ~

But it's not tooo bad.

I am kind of surprised why there isn't already an AU kpop club? Unless I am mistaken.

edit: Have u guys heard the new group Nu'est ?! I lost track of new groups but a friend showed me their song Face and it's pretty good.

That Ren guy is so beautiful/hot/I dunno how to describe him cause he looks like a girl...

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

idk if there are a lot of kpop fans, im sure there will be a number of people.

But I actually never met any non-korean person at uni who listens to kpop.

I think for a lot of people kpop just die out when you get to uni,

well most of my mates listen to party songs so yea zzzzzzzzzzz I'm kinda over those too 

I still listen to some korean songs though, the non mainstream ones are soo good....I found out that they make really really really good jazz stuff.

Have a look at house rulez they make the dopest mini cooper the sax is so wat the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

HAHA how did you hear that Hanz? you're stalking me! But yes I do, he doesn't like Kpop though. Sigh.. I'm going to have to compromise on music.. 

well u wrote it on fb lolz.

Guess you're gonna hav to retire from kpoping lol....

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Guest ultrabunny

DID I? maybe i got haxed. :(

I'll never give up kpop! I WILL ALWAYS BAWL MY EYES OUT AT THE SIGHT OF BIG BANG (sarah can attest to that... @__@)

Hahah there probably is a Kpop group.. Thats weird I have heaps of Korean friends and none of them give a mini cooper about Kpop the way I do..

However, I know my friend who run the AUT/AU korean association cover kpop and stuff like that (like their orientation last week they had kpop soundtrackz)

Lol but anyway, I don't like saying I like kpop to the general population because most people I meet that like it (minus you guys, obv) are losers.. like in asian pop culture class the girl that did her presentation on kpop was GROSS... (I'm judgemental, yeah)

and auzora: I don't know that band but I don't get the whole androgynous Look lol.. thats probs why i hate jpop >___>


is it a girl?

is it a boy?

ooh don't think i mind.

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Lol, we had to do this icebreaker activity in my communications workshop where you say one thing you like and one thing you dislike.

Some girl (I think she's Filipino?) said: I like k-pop.

and my reaction was just flat out: what ._.

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

Lol, we had to do this icebreaker activity in my communications workshop where you say one thing you like and one thing you dislike.<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; ">

<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; ">Some girl (I think she's Filipino?) said: I like k-pop.<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; ">

<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; ">and my reaction was just flat out: what ._.

lolz thought u were dead. well welcome back :D

However, I know my friend who run the AUT/AU korean association cover kpop and stuff like that (like their orientation last week they had kpop soundtrackz)

well if its korean student association we do have it... but I think its mostly koreans

I've seen some people do dance covers in da au dance studio, but yeh they are pretty mini cooper.

There was also dat chick in this forum, she said she have this dance group thingy in AUT, forgot your name soz lol.

idk if ur still around but saw ur group practicing today good job lulz.

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Guest ultrabunny

OMG HANZ i've totally seen them!!!! at albert park! are they chinese? dude I wanna join.. but i have no rhythm whatsoever

I think I'm the only (not overweight) white girl that likes kpop

edit: omg and claire lol @_____@

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

idk lol... in da museum thingy.. not exactly in da albert park.. well maybe there's another in albert park.... either place dats pretty brave to practice there lol!!

fahh hate albert park tho it's like the couple spot so awkward in da summer where everyone's like dating n stuff.

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Guest ultrabunny

Yeah I've seen some things that are really only suitable for the bedroom. I usually pull out my camera and blatantly take photos of them to make them feel as awkward as they're making me lol

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