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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

nah im good aye haha

I can't let my parents c me partying, not that I've been drunk, but im sure its not a very good sight for parents haha;;

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Guest ultrabunny

..Youve never been drunk before?!?!

OH God my age is showing now @___@;;

Hahah I was playing monopoly the other day it did NOT go down well.. Monopoly is not fun and games it's the "how-to-lose-friends" game lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Me too! xD And welcome MultiLeafe !

Oh and a random question for you Uni people >o< Did you guys go to some/most/all of the orientation events? And did you find them useful..?

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

it will be useful, cuz I am the Uniguide this year.

didn't you say you're going to that media university thingy tho??

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Lol. I come once in a very rare while coz this thread's no longer very active.

@Auzora: I myself have never been to the orientations, purely coz my sister gave me all the info I needed to start uni =P If you have no one telling you about some of the ins and outs of uni, I suggest you attend at least some of the orientation days. The ones that are useful, of course. Which ones would depend on what you'd like to know/be sure about before the start of uni. I'm not sure which university you're attending, but if it's UoA, apply for a uniguide, yea? Uniguide pretty much shows you and tells you about the useful resources around the school and useful tips accumulated from being a senior student.

It's also a good way to make friends. Everyone will be equally lost and/or clueless about where everything is. You can all help each other and be clueless together. I can tell you from experience its not super easy to make good lasting friends in uni (excluding friends of friends), especially with people that are complete strangers.

@Hans: Really? I'm gonna be a uniguide this year too =) Which faculty? I put down Commerce, but the lady said I might be pushed into Arts probably because of an overload of people going for Commerce.

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Hans: Hahah "The Uniguide" ?! I agree with Ultrabunny : p..

I applied for that media school as a back-up in case I failed to get into the course I wanted for UoA haha.

Jaki: Thanks for the input = ) Yea it's pretty confusing at first.. I can imagine that it won't be easy to make close friends.

Guess I might be seeing you guys around when I apply for a uniguide xD ~

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I can imagine that it won't be easy to make close friends.

^ nah, it's alright. One of my good friends made a few really close friends at uni, and I met my bf in class/lab too. So all in all, can't complain haha. Just got to meet the right people I guess.

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

@Hans: Really? I'm gonna be a uniguide this year too =) Which faculty? I put down Commerce, but the lady said I might be pushed into Arts probably because of an overload of people going for Commerce. 

commerce of course!

but dude when is it anyway, they don't really inform you about anything

I guess it depends on what you mean by close friends, its not too hard finding someone to hang throughout the semester/year, but it is pretty hard to find friends that will stick to you forever since all sorts of mini cooper do come up.

Orientation can be useful if you make it useful.

The stuff that they tell you is pretty useless, its more like for the experience or just meeting new people.

like serious, if you get a guy uniguide, they won't give you any useful advice.

if you know your memes, that lazy college senior meme is 140% accurate.

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commerce of course!

but dude when is it anyway, they don't really inform you about anything

Orientation can be useful if you make it useful.

The stuff that they tell you is pretty useless, its more like for the experience or just meeting new people.

like serious, if you get a guy uniguide, they won't give you any useful advice.

if you know your memes, that lazy college senior meme is 140% accurate.

Yea, I asked that lady in the interview about details, and she said its in the email she sends out to invite you, but all it had was dates. No time or place or confirming which faculty you're representing. Probably closer to the date they'll send another email?

lol. You just shot yourself in the foot by saying that x) You're a guy, no?

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

that advice is actually pretty useful lol, it just doesnt sound right when I say that one will be better off getting Bs and socialise more.

but oh well I only joined to chill n meet new people, and get to know some hot chicks thats why I picked commerce wooooooooooohooooooooooooooo.

and I'm pretty keen to get the shirt.

free shirts, and apparently you get some other freebies, AWSUM.

edit: woot someone posted this on 9gag, most are pretty tru I think!!!??!


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