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Guest xiLLeNtz

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Guest xiLLeNtz

Discussion: NO BASHING

What do you think is being over done in photoshop around here? Eh?

Whenever I show my friend my work he asks me why I'm always blending but eh, I had to explain to him that it's the main trend here. Everyone here uses blending..

BUT 1 thing I'm starting to see like mad is the swirly effect? not sure what it's really called but you can see it in some of the most anticipated battles taking place at the moment.

Kauchic vs Carol: Rounds 1 2 3 7

yumi vs pachia: Rounds 2 and possibly 4

Hi SHUA_ vs CallieHope vs kathymon: Round 2

vanessa_x17 vs sammy_star: Round 6 (might just be a fractal brush)

yumi vs maddy: Rounds 1(?) 3

Not bashing this but hmm, what are you views on this? If it looks good who cares? It's being over used? What do you think? Im interested in knowing what people think ahah, this really isn't a texture [although you can get it as 1] but it's more like a Photoshop effect.

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Guest yumi-chan

it's not swirls, it's filtering =P and yes, it is being over used. BUT, most people like using filters; it's very easy and it's pretty as well. Though, i'm working on a new style with textures and such because it is true that filtering has become one of the main styles on this forum. But, everyone has their own way of filtering, and their own style. They can use it if they want to, and no one can tell them what or not to use when they make graphics. =]

So filtering may be a trend, but that's just the way people like to PS. I mean, filtering makes a graphic have a nice touch =] and it's UBER EASY, for lazy people like me ^^;

and btw, for round four in my and pachia's battle; I clearly stated I didn't use filtering o_o'' I used textures.


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Guest xiLLeNtz

your right, everyone has their right to do what they want but ahah, im just starting to see it everywhere

and btw, for round four in my and pachia's battle; I clearly stated I didn't use filteing o_o'' I used textures.

sorry about that i didn't read anything just posted what seemed to look like that filter im starting to see alot of sorry

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lol, I'm learning to filter and I understand what you mean about it. Most of the time though, I'm just a regular blender with textures/patterns. Filtering can really start to look messy when you over do it, which is what I see in some artwork and it makes it too much on the eyes to see the artwork. But it's not a bad thing =) I guess you can use it if you aren't that great at blending. On the bad side, it hides the "pros" from the "average". I'm not considering myself a pro at anything, so don't use this against me, haha. But isn't part of being a good graphic er..."maker" supposed to be to learn everything? If people start learning how to filter, than it motivates others to learn too. So everyone just learns along with others, like an invisible class we're all taking =)


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Guest danceplaylove

LOL. I guess it's one of my photoshop stages. Acually, I used it in all my rounds in that battle. x_x But in the sixth round, it used trashstar's texture combined with filtering. First I was into brushes, then stocks, then colors, then light textures, now swirl filters. I like it, it give me a dreamy feeling & can fit into a lot of moods and styles.

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Guest Wassayo!

See I'm not crazy! It's everywhere! I would be okay if I didnt see such a big dose of IT! It's like soft overlay all over again!.. Trends only distinguish the inexperienced.. I've already said how I feel about filtering.. no point in bringing it back up.. It'll just make me angry!..

I like the style, but not when everyone uses it. Change it up a bit people. This is why I have a new philosophy because there is NO artistic growth within this forum. There is only a select few who innovative others and give great avant garde pieces, but sadly they are copied but the many people in this section.

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she just told me to play around with filters..

Hah ._______. That's the answer from basically EVERYONE. I'm going to have to go do some more research on this...

LOL... that style has been MASTERED by viv... of course she isn't going to just give you a tutorial on how to filter. No one wants to give away their style that they've mastered over the years, because eventually when a tutorial comes out everyone is bound to flock over and try the new style that'll become a new trend. I don't know about others, but me... it gets tiring seeing the same style/trend posted over and over again. Not trying to be harsh or hurt anyone's feelings, but it's true.

like she has said... play around with filters and make it your OWN style. use different colors and brushes... they help add the more effects if you chose the right color and the right blending mode. Everyone says play around filters for a reason.. that's how they started. There's been numerous people pming me asking about ways to master my style, and the only thing I can possibly tell them is to try on their own. Take it from a person who's spent their time on a style, it's sad to see it so easily mastered with a tutorial. I'm not saying tutorials are wrong, but it's a shortcut to learn how to photoshop on your own and it doesn't help the person develop their own style. I believe everyone should try coming out with a style of their own, one that makes them stand out...EXPERIMENTING is POWER! :P I suggest you to try playing around with the DISTORT filters.

Funny how my speech/long comment seemed to come TRUE

Warning.. very long long reply.

Blending is not a trend, it's a MUST to start a graphic. who knows how long I've worked on my blending.

it's another trend just like every other trend that I've seen on soompi. I've been here since oh.... almost two years.. I've seen TEXTURE trends, SOFT OVERLAY trends, and CHECKERD(spelling?) box trends, COLLAGE/BOX trend, must I continue? ahhh.. one more to add in the books of trends, the LIGHT texture. O____O

From observation, I notice that a person can't help but try a trend, they're looking for something different, something new to master, but in the wrong hands it may be abused. Too many people doing it at a time makes it look repetitive and thus the definition of a trend. Ok, I admit, even I used to follow trends, but there was a point when I stopped following them. That was when I found my own so called style. I admit even I'm tempted to try some of these newer trends, but umm yes... I force myself not to after making one or two graphics out of them, because I start seeing them everywhere and disike the style.

Filtering has been on soompi for centuries. I remember even I used to filter back in the days. Some of the best photoshoppers on here FILTERED. Vivian, Gerbal and Chelly are some names of the best filterers I've ever seen. They're admired and wanted to be imitated. What starts a trend is a wanting to be as good as their idol. Nothing wrong, not at all, but when everyone does it... ohhh... the headache. Opening up many threads, I see many of the same thing and I find myself screaming at the computer screen and sometimes even abusing it because I'm so angry. ahhah.... anyway... not the point.

one of the reasons why I think trends are so popular is because trends make them recieve replies from more people. Trust me on this one... I've seen it happen more than once. it's a guily pleasure that everyone enjoys to recieve more replies. Just like fanfics, why does almost every story seem to feature an uljjang/cliche highschool type of story? they like replies. It's their choice to write and do what they want.

This one is just a bigger trend because there's more photoshoppers... They do annoy me sometimes, but there are those who in this trend has made it there own. Give this trend a few months, it'll die down and soon another trend will arrive.. There isn't much that can be done about this, I should know, I've tried to stop it before, but you know what... one small voice is not enough to conquer the world.

Takes a deep breath.. I think that's it from me.

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Guest linney

I feel that sometimes a blend is produced by just slapping on a texture. To me, a texture suppose to be subtle and it takes skills to make it look like it was not even used. But in some graphics, you can easily see what texture was used.

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Guest xiLLeNtz

^that's true; i feel like im always using the same texture.. and if not then im always using textures from the same place, hybrid genesis > <

This is why I have a new philosophy because there is NO artistic growth within this forum. There is only a select few who innovative others and give great avant garde pieces, but sadly they are copied but the many people in this section.

ahah sadly i kiind of feel like im the same boat seeing as im inspired by alot of people here;

but eh, i think it's fair to say that even you, and others who may agree, may think "there is NO artistic growth in this forum" the ones who copy are the ones who copy styles keep this forum moving and that the artists with new styles are the 1s who move it further

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Yay, someone finally brings up this topic! Props to you topic starter. I must say that this new filtering trend is just driving me insane. Most of the graphics posted nowadays are like a duplication of another graphic. I mean come on people, have some individuality. I know a lot of soompi artists are learning, but learning isn't about copying and whatnot. We need to learn how to experiment with things! It's not all about polar coordinates and twirling. Creativity is key. I'm not telling anyone to stop filtering because certain filtered graphics come out to be amazing. But please...no more polar coordinates and twirling effects together in one graphic TT___TT Use wave, the polar to rectangular effect and all the other cool filters photoshop provides for us! Create your own filtering style so that ol` love.diary here can actually point out which artist made which graphic, alrighty?

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Guest asianfear

i say who cares.. eventually they'll find their own style thru this trend thing.. and eventually make up their own style that suits them.

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Guest trashstar

i actually think filtering tests an artist's photoshop skills more than the use of textures =) what can one do with default photoshop tools?

but yeah, it is pretty popular lately :D i don't mind seeing it in artists' works, especially when they can use it to mix it with something really original :]

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i think many of us (if any at all) don't really know what we're talking about when it comes to "effect" or "blending" or "filtering" or "texturizing." myself included. :mellow:we just follow the trend, that's all. everything that you can create that's "original" has probably been done hundreds of times before by the people who create those options for you to be able to even start planning to create, but just in different ways, especially when the outcome of it looks appealing to the eye. and really, do many of us think like we're painting a picture to convey a meaning when we "whip" up graphics? no. we just add stuff together and keep it if it looks good in the end. you can disagree, but it's more true than not. of course, there are those who will try to do something meaningful and different, but those few are on a different agenda.

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Guest tru__minute

yeah.. swirls are the trend now. the checkered pattern and diagonal lines were once a trend. photoshop gives us a wide variety of different filters and functions, we just have to find them.

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Guest Wassayo!

^that's true; i feel like im always using the same texture.. and if not then im always using textures from the same place, hybrid genesis > <

ahah sadly i kiind of feel like im the same boat seeing as im inspired by alot of people here;

but eh, i think it's fair to say that even you, and others who may agree, may think "there is NO artistic growth in this forum" the ones who copy are the ones who copy styles keep this forum moving and that the artists with new styles are the 1s who move it further

yes, that maybe true, but i much rather have a innovative group of people making great things than seeing the same played out style over and over again. Don't get me wrong, filters look cool and all, but it's frightening to see everyone using it and then you have a big group of people that do nothing to help you grow artistically.. everyone just goes "Aww It's cute.. I like this or I like that!" there is no criticisms in order for anyone to benefit from. I feel that when people post here.. it's only for good comments... and to copy others... one big copy fest..

If I seem like an arsehole to you it's fine as long as you take what I say and apply it.

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Guest symphonee.

Graphic trends are simply like fashion trends. They'll all become mainstream oneday, die out, and then return. You wear clothes because you see someone else wear it and it looks good. You choose to use filters because you've seen someone else do it and it looked good.

Indeed it gets tiring seeing the same old styles being rolled out before your eyes over and over again but that's life, you're just gonna have to get used to it. There's going to be nothing that's "original" because like Mai said, its most likely been done before. It's good just to learn how to manipulate various styles to suit yourself and make it your own.

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Guest Saranghae012

maybe it's overused but i don't really care if i see filtering being used.

people can get different effects from filtering that are much different than the results from others as i've seen.

it's all about how they use what PS provides and if they make the filtering look good. but just a simple one swirl is kinda boring to see. i like to see it mixed up with other filters.

like icons.. i remember when hardly anyone here posted icons but now they do and it started to become a trend as well. but it's good too because it's nice to see the different types of styles you can achieve in a small box & it inspires others to try different things.

if people continue to filter and work at it then eventually they'll develop different filtering styles as well &begin to use it in their work. it'll be thanks to the filter trend that they grew and wanted to experiment with it more. lol that's something to look forward to?

and people please NO SPAMMING in this topic.

if you've already posted once, then please don't post again. i don't wanna have to close this topic down for spam. if you feel you left something out just add it to your post.

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It's the most used effect but I don't think it's overused. Some people like Chelly and Yumi use it to their advantage.

Like Yumi told me, she does it as a way to escape blending. xP

On the other hand, I try to filter but just suck at it so I stick to textures and blending. But filtering nicely gives a smooth overall effect to the picture so that's why it's used to much. I don't mind it when people manage to make it fit in the picture well. =]

It is quickly becoming the most used effect though.

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Ahh i see my graphic up there. I guess it is over used by some people but i only use filtering as a practice, i know i'm no pro at photoshop so i use different trends && styles to practice, when a new trend starts i'll probably start doing that too until i can have my own style ^O^

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