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should my friend get back with her ex-boyfriend?


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she needs help!!
edit:okay, i just found out that my friend's boyfriend actually said that what he did was wrong and that he was really sorry. he didn't know what he was doing when he kissed her. so he apologized, if that makes any difference here

this is my friend's problem, but she wanted some advice on what to do:

she used to have a boyfriend and they had a good relationship with each other for about 15 months until they broke up for lots of small, stupid fighting and lots of arguments.

but after they broke up, her boyfriend kept on bugging her to come back to him. he wouldn't leave her alone, constantly texting her about how much he still loves her and misses her. but she kept on telling him that she needed time alone to think to make the final decision on whether or not she wants to get back with him.

now, what happened is that she decided to go over to his house today to hang out and see how she felt with this. if she felt good about him, she would've gotten back with him. but then as they were talking, she found out he apparently had some kind of summer fling with another girl as he was still texting my friend about how much he loves and misses her. but this girl, he's been flirting with and kissing her but he HAS told her that he sees her no more than a friend. when my friend heard it, she practically spent about 15 minutes crying in his bathroom until she decided to leave. but he followed her all the way home

but seriously, what the heck?? how can he be flirting/kissing with some other girl while still telling my friend that he wants to get back with her and that he loves her? i don't know, i just see something wrong with that...(i just think that if he was going to be flirting with other girls, he shouldn't have been telling my friend how much he wants to get back with her and how much he loves her the entire time...it's sad for the other girl too because that other girl really likes him. he was kind of just leading her on.)

so, anyway, what she wants to know is if she should give him another chance or if she should just officially dump him?

but, my friend DID still want to get back with him because she still has feelings for him but she just doesn't know if she SHOULD get back with him.

and i am also friends with this guy, he's a nice guy, though i didn't see this coming from him. i had no idea he'd do something like this, i thought he was really dedicated to my friend. i acutally didn't know anything that was going on until my friend told me she needed to talk to me today.

all help is appreciated, thank you!!

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Guest x33chiinkiee

like the above poster said, they broke up & she didn't want him back at the time. She either has to accept it & move on, or just plain forgive him, even though she really doesn't need to seeing as how the 2 of them weren't together at the time, & take him back.

& maybe he only kissed/flirted with the other girl to try & get over your friend since she didn't take him back yet so he must have thought your friend moved on

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Guest snowxprinc3ss

this kinda reminds me of a situation in gossip girl :S

anywho, since you said you knew the guy and how you didn't expect this from him, then maybe he is a pretty good guy.. but he was just very sad and lonely which resulted in him kissing another girl? i know, it's not a good excuse or anything for him, but maybe he really did mean that he still loved and missed your friend.

if they both have strong feelings for each other, then perhaps they can start over as friends or something? hope it works out between the two!

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Guest Mickie7

EW what a creep. He must be desperate.

anyways, does your friend really think things are going to change? Couples don't just get up and rewire their characters to stop arguing or fighting with each others. There is a chance that if they tried harder they could make this relationship work, but there is also a possibility that there will be false promises and everything will be as the same. Its really her decision if she wants to try again; make sure she wants to do it and not because her ex boyfriend insist she should.

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she found out he apparently had some kind of summer fling with another girl as he was still texting my friend about how much he loves and misses her.

While he was begging for forgiveness?

So if he succeeded, he was planning to break another girl's heart cause he's done with her.

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