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Long hair: when is enough,enough?

Guest Littlofoott

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Guest ☺☻☺☻

I actually have layered hair that's down to my hips, and it goes a bit past my waist when I don't straighten. I don't see anything wrong with it, but then again, I'm obviously biased, lol. At first, I was growing it out to donate it, but I grew to like it. Now, I prefer it that way. I'm not going to lie, though; it's summer, so it does get unbearable at times, with the heat and all. But I don't mind going out of my way try and maintain it. Although, I do end up using quite a bit of shampoo and conditioner, since my hair is both long and incredibly thick, lol. It's normally in loose curls, and I get compliments all the time from random people. Sometimes, they even touch my hair, and I'll just become startled, turn around and laugh at the awkwardness o_o;;

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Guest arronyans

So I have super long hair (i cut it a little)

but it's because my parents are very strict and they

won't allow it... they said if i do that, i'll

become "a bad girl" or whatever...

I really wanna cut it before going back to school...


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Guest mollfie

My hair is taking so looooong to grow T__T no fair, now I'm all jealous of these women and their lovely long hair.

I think it's too long when it becomes annoying. If you end up having to put it out the way all the time, it gets dirty from being sat on/touching the ground etc. Basically if it becomes a hassle.

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Guest Purimyuu

I think right above the but is fine, although, I find that a lot of the time, when it's that long, its not that it doesn't look good. But it's hard to maintain it at the length so the hair is often damaged and frizzy looking. If theres a girl that has hair like down to her knees, but its super healthy and silky, then I think it'd look realllyyy prettyyyy.

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

most of those people... their hair just looks nasty and damaged at the ends too. I'm not a big fan of long hair in general. Anything down to the waist is really pushing it.

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Guest lululuvs4ever21

Personally, I cant get long hair, since mine is WAY TOO THICK..and actually one time i DID let it grow and it was mid to lower back. Well long story short, my long hair was causing me to have headaches, since it was too heavy and thick but i didnt realize til i got it cut and my hairdresser toldme~

It just all depends on the girl. Like i see girls who can pull off butt-long hair (like barbie xu), and there are just some girls who look better with short~

i say when it's past ur butt...TIME TO GET A HAIRCUT, GIRLFRIEND :P

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Guest aznmei26

okay that long hair is just MAJORLY CREEPY =_____=

For me, enough is when just the tips of my hair reach my waist, anything below that is considered to be way too long.

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Guest SeLcaQueen

a lot of people are not permitted to cut their hair for religious purposes and it looks like by their dress for some of these women this is the case.

True. That's the case with my father's religion. He's christian, btw.

I don't belong to the same christian sect, though.

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Guest suzana1993

oh my goodness...i'd never be able to commit to growing my hair out like that! O_O

i also think after it goes up to your belly button...keep it up to there or chop it off >.<

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Guest Eun_neptune_Him

I'm okay with it since I'm Indian hah. When I was 4 years old my hair was below my butt because my Mom was religous to grow out me and my sisters hair and just wear it up, or in a ponytail casually. Until i got a pair of scissors and cut it -__- then afterwards my mom didn't care. Though for her she keeps it long. One time the hairstylist cut her hair too long and she had to go to India to visit family and my grandmother got really upset when she saw that my Mom cut her long hair. Some people have beautiful long, healthy hair some just need to give it a trim once in a while.

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Guest delightful123

I think i would stop at my waist. It would be a hassle having to tie your hair up everyday to prevent yourself from sitting on it.

Hahahaha I just love how practical this response was.

Anyway, yeahh... even hair at my waist would probably be too long for me, but hair past that? Eek.

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Wow, to me these pictures are borderline disgusting. I feel for the people that aren't allowed to cut their hair because of religion or tradition...yikes. I used to grow my hair, I wanted it to be reaally long, but that just meant like above the waist lol. (And I never did get it that long btw, just didn't grow I guess. Now short.)

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Guest meiming8_1

Some of those pictures are :blink: personally I wouldn't like my hair that long. I used to have it waist length and it was in horrible condition, frizzy and broken. It wasn't until I cut it to past shoulder length did I realise keeping it long really damaged it. I guess it's too long when it becomes annoying and damaged.

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Guest hollykrumhp

Bahaha, I had long hair my entire life (I was born with hair long enough to cover my face) and it was down to my knees until recently (now it's permed and at my waist). My hair grows reallyyyy fast so I can cut off ~2ft to donate every year and still have the same length. n___n I've seen people with really long but thin hair, but mine was always pretty thick.

o___o Some of you think hair past the chest is too long?

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Guest Taemin.Babiee

OMG. That reminds me of something I saw on Starking.

This lady had hair that was 2m 10cm long!!

It was taller than Eeteuk!! xD

I don't know... maybe some people like long hair(:

I am someone who would like long hair, but I am not responsible or determined enough to take care of hair THAT long. :DD

So you have to give kudos for those people who grow their hairs that long.

It's a BIG responsibility(:

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