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Long hair: when is enough,enough?

Guest Littlofoott

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Guest Daylightful

Am I the only one that doesn't find this scary..? I think it's normal to have long hair. Girls have very short hair, I don't see anything wrong with very long hair.

If you have long hair I say stay with it if you like it! I think a lot of those women are really pretty and seems confident. I mean, it's just hair... I remember once when I was little a woman with very long hair to the floor and I was amazed and I thought it was very neat. And a lot of people do it to donate hair, religious, etc. I don't think it would be too nice to say ew or be scared of their hair especially for these reasons.

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Guest Atmosphere.



I remember I didn't realize my hair was so long after like months later taking pictures of myself..

I think it almost went to my hips? I regret... I never want to grow hair that LONG!!!

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Guest KevinxD

Why hello Rapunzel! Grrrr. Jk.

They should consider donating their hair to Locks of Love, there are people out there who need their hair more than they do.

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Guest Mai_Huong

I think that super long hair tends to make women (especially those who are a little older) look dated. Having floor-length hair just seems like a very old-fashioned look for me. I am growing my hair out though. Shooting for waist/elbow length so I can donate it :)

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Guest LibraZebra

When it gets to floor-length and stuff, it starts looking costume-y or like an ancient princess/queen thing going on.

I've been told anything past your boobs isn't flattering. I've seen really pretty hair that's just below boobs (lol sorry, hard to describe lengths of hair), like how Miley Cyrus has had hers lately. If it gets super thin + dry/frizzy, though, you shouldn't keep growing it more because it's kind of icky and lazy (like person didn't feel like cutting hair and just let it run wild).

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Guest _kucha

A good length for you is one that suits you and your lifestyle. If managing it becomes far too much of a problem, e.g If you're not much of a high maintenance/put a lot of effort into getting dressed then spending a lot of time caring for your long hair isn't a good option.

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Guest jennych

The first pic is pretty cool with the plait, cool in a way that is artistic lol. I think hair past the boobs is a bit too long, im growing mine till they reach just above my chest, thats the ideal length i think

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Guest CChen82

It almost seems like some of you think there is some definitive point where hair all of a sudden goes from beautiful to nasty or scary.  Like, once it reaches "here".  But it is different for all girls.  Some girls can grow their hair pass their butt and even to knees while others really should think twice before going past even shoulders.

For me, I don't think there's anything as too long. As long as it's well maintained and doesn't get in anybody's way, I don't care.

I agree, it really depends on how much effort the girls puts into the hair.  Generally, I think the waist/hips/butt area is a perfect length.  But I have seen girls with knee length hair that have better maintained hair than girls with more standard cuts around the shoulder area.  

Lets not pretend like shoulder length is perfect and is never nasty, because short hair can be nasty too just like hair that is too long!  Any length can be gross if it is not treated well.  I have friends who even claim there hair is easier to maintain as it gets longer.

My friend has very long, beautiful hair around the butt and she gets sick of all the jealous girls.  They always tell her she should donate her hair, or cut it into a short stylish cut. Of course, without fail, these are always girls with short boring hair.  And they are good at masking that jealousy.  

but most older women end up looking older than they really are with long hair. A short cut, especially done right, makes an older woman look younger.

Not true at all and kind of subjective.  I know lots of older women who look lovely with longer hair, and it makes them look younger.  I hope girls aren't giving their friends advice on long hair based on these kind of things.

I read somewhere that you shouldn't let your hair grow past your elbows.

Where did you read this? And why was it said?  Because I have read otherwise.

I've been told anything past your boobs isn't flattering. 

Why, who told you? because I have heard otherwise.

There are many different opinions.

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Guest ronibear

I think hair beyond the waist is way too long. Hair grown beyond that length looks unflattering to me and will also take too much effort to maintain. How do people stand having their hair so long?

Mines is about 5cm above the elbow and I need to get a haircut!

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Guest ilikeyammyfoods

i think down to the waist is enough. AT MOST the butt.

but those people....wow they probably spend a few hours a day maintaining their hair.

what dedication! XD

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Guest goldtrash

i think as long as the hair remains healthy (ends not dry and damaged/split ends), any length is all right :). although, from personal experience, waist length is the most i'd personally endure. any longer, and hair becomes more of an encumbrance than anything else.. i.e. having to hold it while sitting on the toilet.... hahha

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Guest crackers&cheese

Dang.. how do they even handle the whole management process (ie. washing, brushing/combing, styling, etc...)

Any length above your belly button is long enough..

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Guest I_play_with_dolls

I have an aquaintance, can't really call her a friend since we don't talk often, that I've known for about five years now, her hair use to about two inches or so below her knees. She had to keep her hair that long due to her family's tradition, her mother had extremely long hair to her feet, her mother's mother's hair was just as long. The girl chopped it off to her waist though, guess she isn't keeping the tradition.

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