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Long hair: when is enough,enough?

Guest Littlofoott

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Guest Littlofoott

In the mist of looking for a new long hair cut. I stumbled upon this.

I wonder what are the reasons these women have extremely long hair?

Avoiding the scary thought of cutting hair? It being pretty /sexy to them?

Whats your take? How long is too long?

What is considered to be a GOOD long hair length?















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For me, any hair past the belly button starts to look quite weird and scary like the photos above.

If they had it in an up do like back in ancient Mongolia & China etc, then it wouldn't look as odd.

It doesn't even look healthy because it starts to get quite thin on the bottom.

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Guest cupcakedolly

a lot of people are not permitted to cut their hair for religious purposes and it looks like by their dress for some of these women this is the case.

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Guest rachelle07

^^ Yeah, I agree. Maybe it's because of their religion.

My hair falls up to my bra line. When it reaches 2 inches below it, I immediately get a hair cut.

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Guest bitter-tea

I think i would stop at my waist. It would be a hassle having to tie your hair up everyday to prevent yourself from sitting on it.

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Guest bonbons

my hair's about 2 ft long, and I just recently cut it too lol. It's whatever that is comfortable to you. If you can't handle having super long hair, then don't make it too long.

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Once it gets below your waist, I think it's too long. That's just me though, I have this thing about hair since I seem to lose a lot of it, it grosses me out to find my hair everywhere and I imagine it would be like 50x worse to be finding 3-feet long hairs on the carpet, the shower, etc (especially if it wasn't even mine).

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Guest Pink Cherry

OMG, for some reason I find hair that long disgusting!!!!!

For me, maximum would be like 5 cm past boobs!

that's like my goal now

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Guest Octopus__

I have a native american friend who says that her grandmother disapproves when she cuts her hair, saying something along the lines of wisdom is being reduced? Her mother doesn't believe it since everything has modernized now. My friend doesn't really have short hair either, it's just under her boobs.

Anyway, I think it's scary when hair is.. long like the pictures for example lol. I've even seen a man with a length like that. Scares me a lot.

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I agree with you guys. Some of them look really scary. I guess long hair is ok up until waist length. It seriously doesn't look nice if it's any longer than that.You can't see the beauty of the hair.

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Guest the_wronged</3

There's this girl who I knew in high school who grew her hair down to her ankles. She said she was doing it to donate her hair which I think was a really nice thing to do. It made her unique too lol. I think anything say past your waist is just way too long.

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Guest Myss Blewm

Daaaang, and I thought I could grow my hair long. The longest my hair's ever been is down to my waist, but that was from laziness. XD Also, when I was like 13/14 my mom REFUSED to let me get my hair cut. )= It was really long and I wasn't looking for super short hair, just below my shoulders, but old Asian mom said girls should have long hair.

I do think some women associate long hair with youth so they refuse to cut their hair short and try to grow it as long as they can. But that works against them, younger women can get away with long hair, but most older women end up looking older than they really are with long hair. A short cut, especially done right, makes an older woman look younger.

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Guest Aquaflower

The longest I'll have my hair is to my stomach (with layers of course), so that I can do awesome curls with them, lol. But that still sounds like it'll be too long...

How do these women wash their hair?? Or maybe they only wash it like 3x a week... ?

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Guest dark twilight

I won't have hair that goes past my boobs. In fact, I'm getting kinda tired of my long hair now, time for a haircut!

I wonder how much time is needed to take care of the hair for people with hair at their waist or longer.

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Guest linuhhparkk

oh...my goodness.

that looks so disgusting, no offense.

but the longest i've grown my hair in my life is like...down to the end of my boobs, lol.

and i think hair is long enough when it reaches to your bellybutton.

after that, it just looks gross, and messy.

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