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[drama 2006] Spring Waltz 봄의 왈츠


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Guest mmmlove

Can we go back to ep. 5& 6.. since the english sub is released?


In episode 6, the part when Jaeha was talking to Leena... this part..

"Now Yoon Jae-Ha is athletic and is not choosy towards food. His studies is only passable because he has to play the piano. He'll wear any type of clothes besides the times he has to perform. How’s that? Is that Yoon Jae-Ha OK? April 21st, 4:40, Yoon Jae-Ha ran crazy at his elementary school. He met a girl name Song Lee-Na for the first time. For Yoon Jae-Hae, from this moment, if the Song Lee-Na girl tells him it’s fine, then like they first met, he would like to start over with her. Is that OK?"

I thougth that was so sweet and sad at the same time. It was their sweetest moment though.

It's sad that he gave up trying to find Eun-young so easily. If only Eun-young told him the truth about where she grew up, then he atleast have hoped after finding that her surname is Park, not Suh...

Gah... I just realized that this drama is not as melodramatic as the other 3 seasonal dramas.

Also, in ep. 5 .. the intro.. it was replaying the ep. from 1-4 and... it said.. "(Lee-Na, Jae-Ha’s first love, arrives in Austria, but Jae-Ha doesn't recognize her.)"

By the term "recognize her" does that mean... So-ho never met Lee-na.. She knew of her, but never met her until she came to Austria. Right? So that mean, the person that promise wedding to Leena would have been the original Jae-ha... I came to conclude that haha.. I hope in the end they clarify thhhis though.. Because, I honestly think that Jaeha's love for Eunyoung was/is too deep for him to promise something like that. Right??

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Can we go back to ep. 5& 6.. since the english sub is released?


In episode 6, the part when Jaeha was talking to Leena... this part..

"Now Yoon Jae-Ha is athletic and is not choosy towards food. His studies is only passable because he has to play the piano. He'll wear any type of clothes besides the times he has to perform. How’s that? Is that Yoon Jae-Ha OK? April 21st, 4:40, Yoon Jae-Ha ran crazy at his elementary school. He met a girl name Song Lee-Na for the first time. For Yoon Jae-Hae, from this moment, if the Song Lee-Na girl tells him it’s fine, then like they first met, he would like to start over with her. Is that OK?"

I thougth that was so sweet and sad at the same time. It was their sweetest moment though.

It's sad that he gave up trying to find Eun-young so easily. If only Eun-young told him the truth about where she grew up, then he atleast have hoped after finding that her surname is Park, not Suh...

Gah... I just realized that this drama is not as melodramatic as the other 3 seasonal dramas.

Also, in ep. 5 .. the intro.. it was replaying the ep. from 1-4 and... it said.. "(Lee-Na, Jae-Ha’s first love, arrives in Austria, but Jae-Ha doesn't recognize her.)"

By the term "recognize her" does that mean... So-ho never met Lee-na.. She knew of her, but never met her until she came to Austria. Right? So that mean, the person that promise wedding to Leena would have been the original Jae-ha... I came to conclude that haha.. I hope in the end they clarify thhhis though.. Because, I honestly think that Jaeha's love for Eunyoung was/is too deep for him to promise something like that. Right??

* :) yes it was never sohu who make that promise to young leena ...so her first love was not really the man before her now yet she does not know ...but soho knows .

yet that moment at the field ..he wanted a fresh start because maybe he really want to listen to what his father had always been telling him to let go of the past and with the fact that he supposely got from the hospital ...perhaps to him ...~ it is an attempt to really start again with yoon jaeha ..maybe he had lived a shadow under the name of yoon jaeha but he never know who yoon jaeha was ..he is stilll lee so hu but living as yoon jaeha .name ..the personality he had is being forced under the circumstances he was under it is still lee sohu somehow but growing up in circumstances that is making him become what he is ...~he has this loneliness he never know how to share himself with others .apart from his mucic and maybe philip (haha okay er philip is there to trust him and he trust philip but there are still things he cant tell philip nor he will ever understand ) .

.. and not able to really know if he is living someone else life for him or is this life his to live ~ .i tink he realllly wanted to make this life his to live ...and not living it for yoon jaeha ..even his memories ..they are forcing it on him.saying this are his memories .but he know they are not ....perhaps he wanted to create memories that belong to this yoon jaeha now breathing so he ..choose to say that to leena .. i think he reallly meant it that moment to start with her afresh

.it is fated maybe he share somehow a passion and talent for music .otherwise ...it will really be quite a nitemare for him these 15 years ...i think he ...really do love music ..and that is his form of escape and release of what he cannot express .to anyone ..but yet it is also the thing that yoon jaeha had bring to him ....otherwise .lee sohu will never had a chance to be near a piano .maybe ..but who knows ...i am curious about how he reallly learnt to take on becoming a pianist ..~

....i think he did not really give up easily ...at the impluse just of sensing she might be her .despite 15 years of knowledge he thought she was no longer in this world ..he went after her return to a place which he never return to in so many years .

......that is actually quite a strong bond and how desperate is he to hang on to that silm hope ~ even though it might be riduculous at that time to think she is soh eun young ~ when he only sense that familarity ..but then his hopes were dashed .~ ..to him it was like a final confirmation received 15 years late ...

The song Yiruma performed in Ep. 10 is called "First Love".

opps ..wrong name ? ..is the tune correct then ? :unsure: i only got time to briefly listen to it ~

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Guest insideMYheart

opps ..wrong name ? ..is the tune correct then ? :unsure: i only got time to briefly listen to it ~

Yes, it's the right song. Thanks!

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keke ..i just finished the subtitled version .after he say .


i still like the girl

EY :are you now (talking /discussing ) to me about love ? (cant really translate it properly but that what it mean i think)

..(then the way he look at her make her abit stunned and maybe heart pounding too .) ..and he say

JH : i thought perhaps eun young si will know what is love

Thank shirley 4 trans - no wonder EY have smile on her face .... :blush:

Here I made another MV using rockefella song - it not a very big file - hope u guy like it.



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Guest smileforgrace


::: 미리보기 11회 :::

필립은 재하와 은영의 키스 장면을 보고 충격에 빠진다. 필립은 친구인 재하를 보며 차마 말하지 못하고 가슴앓이 하는데..

재하 또한, 은영을 만나는 시간은 행복하지만, 필립 때문에 마냥 행복하지만은 않다. 재하와 은영이 함께 있는 게 못마땅한 지숙은 은영을 찾아가는데..

::: 미리보기 12회 :::

이나에게 재하와 필립이 자기 때문에 멀어질 수도 있다는 이야기를 들은 은영은 회사를 그만두기로 결심한다.

마지막 하루를 보내는 재하와 은영. 재하는 아무 것도 모른 채, 은영을 행복하게 해주기 위해 노력한다.

필립은 은영의 결심에 마음이 아프다. 이나는 재하를 보내고 싶지 않아, 지숙과 함께 계획을 세우는데..

I tried my best to briefly translate it:

Ep.11: Philip is shocked by EY and JH's kiss. But he does not say anything because of him and JH's friendship. JH is happy when he spends time with EY but not completely happy because of Philip. JH's mother dislikes seeing her son with EY so she goes to her...

Ep.12: EeNa tells EY that Philip and JH's friendships might be distanced because of her. EY decides to quit her job. JH and EY spend their last day togher. JH does not know anything and tries to make EY happy. Philip is hurt by EY's decision. EeNa does not want to give up on JH and makes a plan with JH's mother...

It's not entirely correct but I tried -0-;;

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Guest AzN*aNgEl07

i just finished watching ep. 10! i loved the kiss scene :wub:

But i have a question...around the middle of the episode when eunyeong was about to sleep, jaeha calls her up and plays a song for her, i think it's the one that he compsed, but i absolutley love that song! does anybody know what it's called or where i can find it?? i'm desperate....

thanks in advance :D

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Guest kobashi

I just saw episode 6...so Jaeha doesn't think EY is the EY he knew back when he was a child. I guess it is nice that both characters are falling for each other and not the idea that they used to love each other. It will be so much sweeter later to find out who they really are.

I hope someone can translate that too. I can't wait for Monday-Tuesday!

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i just finished watching ep. 10! i loved the kiss scene :wub:

But i have a question...around the middle of the episode when eunyeong was about to sleep, jaeha calls her up and plays a song for her, i think it's the one that he compsed, but i absolutley love that song! does anybody know what it's called or where i can find it?? i'm desperate....

thanks in advance :D

i dun know the name of the tune .but i got a ripped version here from the korean site someone ripped it from the drama ..i hope i upload the right tune ~

I'm guessing this is from the last episode? At least no one dies =]

:ph34r: ahh i forget that might be a spoiler pic

.but yes there are scenes in austria they have yet shown so i think we will go back to austria again ~

haha today i was joking with someone there is 70% chance maybe this time we will have a ending that will be a really happily ever after one ~ since judging from the trend of the four seasons

a. autumn [=> two deaths ]

b. winter [ one blind]

c. summer [ .the heart change again .but the girl still lives and though it was never say they really see each other again but they does hear each other heart ! .]

d..spring ~ ..Well .i suppose from the previous trend . the ending ..from death to handicap to like some ray of hope ! .sO ...the hope of having them well ...alive .and healthy without handicap ..and sttill be together is HIGH!

i was remembering the first scene of this drama .~ .wasn't it eun young at austria .with a new year eve celebration or something when she say these words .....

If you love and miss that person

Then, love can come again when you meet again.

Just like playing hide and seek...

No matter where it hides or even if you can't see it..

It must be waiting at some place for me

Amid the countless chaos...

Just like the sincere prayers of love.

The people in love will surely meet again

=>for all we know ~i was not really sure was that following from her first trip to Austria or was it actually another one .~ .haha we might at later esp go back to that scene again ~ and realise all the while we are actually listening and watching a story that had happen .~ the opening scene is the current ..where whatever things had happen .she is back to the same place to find him or him find her .or whatever ~ ..

I AM Just JOKING~~and doing werid thinking !! .okay this not the plot~~! :P

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Guest insideMYheart

i just finished watching ep. 10! i loved the kiss scene :wub:

But i have a question...around the middle of the episode when eunyeong was about to sleep, jaeha calls her up and plays a song for her, i think it's the one that he compsed, but i absolutley love that song! does anybody know what it's called or where i can find it?? i'm desperate....

thanks in advance :D

shirley ripped it from the drama.

the tune he play for eun young ( actually it does sounds abit familar but i am not sure if i really heard it before ..) ..haha so we now call it FOR EUNYOUNG . it is also ripped from the drama itself .so .there some background sounds :P


orgi source from http://hompy.dreamwiz.com/mp3se

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Guest luvxholic

does anyone have the loveholic-one love song where she hums it? i love that version of the song thanks!

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I tried my best to briefly translate it:

Ep.11: Philip is shocked by EY and JH's kiss. But he does not say anything because of him and JH's friendship. JH is happy when he spends time with EY but not completely happy because of Philip. JH's mother dislikes seeing her son with EY so she goes to her...

Ep.12: EeNa tells EY that Philip and JH's friendships might be distanced because of her. EY decides to quit her job. JH and EY spend their last day togher. JH does not know anything and tries to make EY happy. Philip is hurt by EY's decision. EeNa does not want to give up on JH and makes a plan with JH's mother...

It's not entirely correct but I tried -0-;;

Thank smileforgrace for translate it... Glad to hear that happen... cuz I a little bit worry that EY think that kiss just a lie....

The bridge scene - are it look like a inderect confession... EY can guess that Chris already falling for her, all thing that he done for her after that obviously show that he in love with her. Calling in the midnight just want her to hear a piano that you playing... tease her by sit back at her in the car.... jealous when she talk to Philip when he playing the piano... It all the sign of love.

Before this I thougt that to soon for chris kiss EY, I think hug is much better. But when I watch over and over I think kiss much better cuz they already show their feeling inderect way....

Thank 4 the sub... Keep your good work!

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Guest heowaymap


I tried my best to briefly translate it:

Ep.11: Philip is shocked by EY and JH's kiss. But he does not say anything because of him and JH's friendship. JH is happy when he spends time with EY but not completely happy because of Philip. JH's mother dislikes seeing her son with EY so she goes to her...

Ep.12: EeNa tells EY that Philip and JH's friendships might be distanced because of her. EY decides to quit her job. JH and EY spend their last day togher. JH does not know anything and tries to make EY happy. Philip is hurt by EY's decision. EeNa does not want to give up on JH and makes a plan with JH's mother...

It's not entirely correct but I tried -0-;;

Thank you so much for the preview. What i'm scare to happen now going to happen

EeNa does not want to give up on JH and makes a plan with JH's mother...

sigh.... ;)


Many thanks to shirley for translating the bridge scene! Yes, it's an indirect confession and EY really looked so shy after hearing him saying :blush:

and thank you for "For Eun Young" song also, it's very nice :)

Thank Kai for the MV, it's so funny, I enjoy it so much :rolleyes:


I also hope this season will have a happy ending bcoz it's tired to see a tragedy in the end, it breaks heart! :tears:

For JH, I think he won't give up on EY even she's not the EY he used to know! Bcoz it's easy to see that the current EY brings a new spring breeze to him. She makes him smile, laugh, happy - all the special feelings that JH did not have when he was in Austria! He was lonely before, now he meet EY and he's falling in love.

It's hard to give up wat you're desperately looking for! :D

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Guest nad59

Wow..Thanks subbers for epi 6!! Anyway, I'm surprised Yurima actually appeared in epi 10..Haven't gotten around to watching it yet, but it's cool that the PD gave him a scene since he did compose some of the songs in the OST..

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i dun know the name of the tune .but i got a ripped version here from the korean site someone ripped it from the drama ..i hope i upload the right tune ~

:ph34r: ahh i forget that might be a spoiler pic

.but yes there are scenes in austria they have yet shown so i think we will go back to austria again ~

haha today i was joking with someone there is 70% chance maybe this time we will have a ending that will be a really happily ever after one ~ since judging from the trend of the four seasons

a. autumn [=> two deaths ]

b. winter [ one blind]

c. summer [ .the heart change again .but the girl still lives and though it was never say they really see each other again but they does hear each other heart ! .]

d..spring ~ ..Well .i suppose from the previous trend . the ending ..from death to handicap to like some ray of hope ! .sO ...the hope of having them well ...alive .and healthy without handicap ..and sttill be together is HIGH!

i was remembering the first scene of this drama .~ .wasn't it eun young at austria .with a new year eve celebration or something when she say these words .....

If you love and miss that person

Then, love can come again when you meet again.

Just like playing hide and seek...

No matter where it hides or even if you can't see it..

It must be waiting at some place for me

Amid the countless chaos...

Just like the sincere prayers of love.

The people in love will surely meet again

=>for all we know ~i was not really sure was that following from her first trip to Austria or was it actually another one .~ .haha we might at later esp go back to that scene again ~ and realise all the while we are actually listening and watching a story that had happen .~ the opening scene is the current ..where whatever things had happen .she is back to the same place to find him or him find her .or whatever ~ ..

I AM Just JOKING~~and doing werid thinking !! .okay this not the plot~~! :P

Shirley your assumption .. makes sense ..

ehm .. maybe after they knew about each other identity .. they will be apart again .. and the hide and seek "game" start again .. just like when they played when they are young .. at the green fields .. they are there .. at same place .. but they cannot see each other .. or cannot find each other yet .. till destiny .. choosed to meet them together ...

its saturday .. count from today .. i have about 60 hrs to go ..


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Guest smileforgrace

I also hope this season will have a happy ending bcoz it's tired to see a tragedy in the end, it breaks heart! :tears:

For JH, I think he won't give up on EY even she's not the EY he used to know! Bcoz it's easy to see that the current EY brings a new spring breeze to him. She makes him smile, laugh, happy - all the special feelings that JH did not have when he was in Austria! He was lonely before, now he meet EY and he's falling in love.

It's hard to give up wat you're desperately looking for! :D

Yeah, I also think that this is going to have a happy ending. EY's character is so lively and chreeful compared to the other girls in the other seasonal dramas. It wouldn't make sense if someone died in this SPRING [flowers bloom = life?] drama. Besides, JH and EY went through so much pain on both sides, it'd be really mean if they killed someone :(

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Guest Rainie

So basically right now in episode 10, Jae Ha doesn't know who EY really is right and vice versa?

I wonder what JH's mother is gonna do...and I also don't get why they care about JH being with EY, can somebody care to explain...cuz I really don't see how JH's "adoptive" parents are worried about all of this...

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Guest smileforgrace

here some interview clips . :)

서도영 인터뷰



The link for the SDY interview is wrong.

This is the right link: mms://

And I was hoping if you can get the links for the other interviews too?


So basically right now in episode 10, Jae Ha doesn't know who EY really is right and vice versa?

I wonder what JH's mother is gonna do...and I also don't get why they care about JH being with EY, can somebody care to explain...cuz I really don't see how JH's "adoptive" parents are worried about all of this...

Yea, I don't understand why they're freaking out over this. I mean don't they want their son to be happy? I don't think JH would leave them after everything they've done for him... teach him piano... bring him to Austria... save EY's life? I don't see what's the problem.

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