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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Hello Girls! I am posting my fan account for the support we did last June 29. Hope its okay. ^__^

Original Link: http://joowonphilippines.wordpress.com/2014/07/03/joo-won-philippines-june-29-2014-ghost-support-fan-account/
(if you want to see the whole pics. I taken out some. :D)

class="entry-title" style="border: 0px; font-family: inherit; font-size: 36px; font-style: inherit; font-weight: bold; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 15px 0px 0.3em; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 48px; text-decoration: none;"Joo Won Philippines June 29, 2014 Ghost Support Fan Account

Hello Joo Won Philippines Fans!!!

Have I given you a big surprise with our new cover photo in our FB? A pure pleasure brought to you by yours only, Joo Won’s cool lover, coolreborn. An admin minion of our sexy President Glo who I think will kick my cute pwet (butt) right now because I have seen Joo Won’s sexy bare feet. hahahaha.

Doing this fruit/flower basket support for Joo Won’s last day Ghost performance is not without hiccups along the way. Coordinating with our Korean counterpart, asking for donations and preparing messages and letter is quite a challenge already. And the last preparation of going to Korea in a short notice and the last two minutes -nah its one hour- of doing the signing fanart almost gave me a heart attack when my printer decided to go on a strike and have a clogged artery of its own. But all in all, its always a fun experience whenever I get involved in doing Joo Won support. A pleasure in working with Glo-unni making messages and us ending up admiring our Joo Won *yum!*. And heartwarming when I know that my fellow Philippines fans gave what they have in giving financial support in making this project happen. Basta kay Joo Won, ibigay natin ang kaya natin!!! *For Joo Won, let's give what we can!*

Fan Account Proper

June 29, 2014 is the final Ghost performance of Joo Won at 2pm. He only have one performance. I arrived from airport at D-Cube on that day and early since I want to see Joo Won arriving and I also have another mission to fulfill *busy ang lola ninyo (I am busy)*. There are lots of fans waiting for Joo Won and I saw some familiar faces.



I looked for my Korean, Indonesian, Thailand friends who are with me in this last performance support for Joo Won. Its a snack food support with the Philippines FC giving fruit/flower basket. Its really great, having to work with other Joo Won fan clubs and fans and have unity in showing our support for Joo Won. It does not matter how big or little the support is, it is openly received by our Korean counterpart who painstakingly organized this support. Truly, devoted Joo Won fan. I really thank her for giving us this chance. Hoping in the future, we can work with them.again. ^^

ghost support team

 For security purposes since this ladies are sooo pretty, their faces will not be shown. ^_^

I got excited when I saw the fruit/flower basket. Its beautiful! The fruits consists of bananas, oranges and pineapples. With pretty flowers in different colors. Along with our four ribbon messages and a letter. I took pictures of it right away.

 Our Fruit/Flower Basket

jw basket 3

jwbasket 3jw basket 4jw basket 5

Our Letter for Joo Won

letter in basketLetter message in basket2

 Me Hugging The Fruit/Flower Basket

jwbasket cl hug

Pointing.. pointing. :D

jwbasket cl points


I also thank our Korean friend who showed me our letter. I even hugged the basket because its so cute and really hope Joo Won will like it. I was also hoping by then that I can at least give it to Cutie or just show him that its for him. At that time we are not sure if we can meet Joo Won personally because Sim’s manager who is in-charge with the food support does not give go signal yet.  And so we waited. I also noticed one girl and two guys, one of them holding a videocam and I know right then that they are from Life Log. They are going to cover Joo Won’s last Ghost performance.

The Life Log Guys

<taken out>

It was already past 11am when Joo Won arrived. Fans got so excited and went to Joo Won right away. Manager-nim got his hands full of gifts and trying to give way for Joo Won to proceed. Joo Won looked so handsome. Wearing a black shirt and white pants… as usual, he is a stunner. With his shades, ah always hiding his beautiful eyes, I think any fans who saw him that day will get excited and happy seeing him looking so handsome. No more proper way to explain it, he was totally handsome and sexy that morning *hulog panty-moment*, despite of him losing some weight, he looked oh-so gorgeous.

Ahhh!!!! Joo Won in Black!!!!

joo won arrive at dcube 2

Ampogi !!!

jw arrive at dcute 1


After that, we waited again and then suddenly Jaecheon-manager-nim appeared and went to the Life Log guys. We only look at him and did not bother him. Actually, he also look kind of cute, I think Joo Won’s cuteness is rubbing on him. And very approachable, fans can go to him, those who knows him, and give him Joo Won’s gifts which he received and thank fans. He went away with the Life Log guys after talking with them.

We were then informed that we can meet Joo Won. Wow, its a scramble, I have to carry the fruit/flower basket, my travelling bag, bagpack and various gifts. I was thankful one Korean fan who was with us helped me carry some of the gifts. And I have to climb the stairs, two floors up… waaah…. Sakit ng fats ko. I thought my arms will break. I labored the last few steps and glad to put the basket down the bench. While waiting for Joo Won, we took pictures of the gifts and then suddenly Joo Won appeared with managers and Life Log guys in tow.

 Gifts to Be Given to Cutiejw gifts 2jw ph gifts

It was totally exciting and nerve breaking whenever I see Joo Won up close. At first he looked around with a serious face. It was interesting whenever I see him in serious-Joo Won mode. Its like he is saying, behave girls. hahahaa. And behave we did. One of Joo Won’s fans characteristics is, even though you are excited and dying seeing him, you gave him a bit of space. Its an automatic respect to Joo Won. And then he showed us his smile and everything feels alright. He even have this Aah-moment that I captured in video. He is soooo cute.



We started to give him gifts. And I carried the fruit/flower basket and stayed carrying it while he signs the FCs papers. What the heck am I thinking carrying the basket the whole.time… hahaha. I was thinking, “Give to Joo Won”. Sim-manager-nim told me something that I do not understand. I just look at him. Eh, English please. Lol.

When its my turn,  I gave Joo Won our paper and I told Joo Won from Philippines and Sim-manager-nim said Philippine and then Joo Won looked at me, holds up the pen and says something like “Amoguejo?” And I was… “Ha?” inside. Cutie is talking alien things to me and my first thought was, “He holds up the pen, is he saying is this the pen he will use or not?” So I took out the bigger marker pen I have, gave to him and say, “This one is bigger.” And then I said, “Oh my God.”  And I was chuckling inside. Cutie was laughing. People around him say what he said and laughing and someone says, “Burago” which I remember means “What are you saying?”, something like that. It was the first time I saw him laugh since he started signing FCs’ papers. It’s so funny. Seeing Cutie laughing at what he say, my reaction and the people’s reactions to what he did. And I am freaking carrying the basket the whole time not wanting to let it go… hahahaha. I was looking at Cutie signing our paper.. so happy seeing it. Joo Won Philippines FC has a signed paper of Joo Won at last. Momentous moment for me and for the FC and all the PH fans. When he finished signing, he gave the pen back, Sim-manager-nim started talking in Korean and left me guessing what he is saying and maybe he is asking who owns the signed paper and Joo Won motioned its for me and Sim-manager-nim gave to me while taking the basket. The managers usually the one who took the gifts and they will carry it for Cutie. So very nice of Joo Won to motion who owns the paper, even looking at me. He is actually looking at the basket, maybe wanting to see what it is.

<video taken out>

PS. Cutie actually told me, “This one is not working.”  *he means the pen. And what I answered.. “This one is bigger” *facepalm* aigoo… what a funny exchange of words.

Cutie Signing 

Cutie Signing PH Paper 2

Cutie Talking to Me and its a miracle my Mind still works from Receiving that look

Doesn’t He knows what his effect on his fans is? Aaah… barely holding on the last thread…

joo won talking to meFunny Moment with Cutie. No, Cutie, you are bigger than that Pen. ^___^
joo won sign laugh 1


joo won signing
Yes, he is looking and  carrying the Basket and Preparing for the Group Photo. ^___^

Cutie looking down

After this, we took a group picture.

jw last ghost support team

Joo Won is the Center. ^__^

And yes… that is our fruit/flower basket that Joo Won was carrying. Why does he carries it effortlessly, while I got sore muscles carrying it. Ah, yes, he is doing resistance training.. Awww… nice arms Cutie!!! And those perhaps, are the most sexiest feet I have ever seen… in a simple slippers. :D Cute!!! He is just simply Joo Won!!! Weeee! *spasm from fangirling*

Oh,  Life Log was there taking pics/video too… Agggh… I hope my face will not be shown if they will use the clips they got in the support fan meeting. Ahahaha… andwaeee… I feel so shy. I just cannot.. ayoooo…. *throws up hands and leaves everything to fate*

After the group photo, Cutie made it a point that he shaked our hands and thanks us one by one. Awww… He is so adorable giving a smile on each of his fans. When its my turn and he offered his hands, I grasp it with both hands and I looked at his eyes and thanked him back. I got so many things that I want to tell him but whenever I stare at his beautiful, expressive eyes, all those thoughts went away and the only thing that left to say is, Thank you, Joo Won. I think he understand it already.

Joo Won shaking hands

Joo Won smiling at fans

We are told to go down and some of the fans went down while I have to gather my belongings *its on the floor*. I was glancing at Cutie standing looking at us. He would wave at fans saying goodbye and he was so cute doing his signature goodbye wave. My feeling by that time was mixed up. Knowing Ghost is ending and I just do not know if this is the last time I will see him in person.  His musical was one of the best time where you can meet him. If its drama or movie, it would be rather hard or sometimes impossible to do, since he will be busy filming or you will not know where they are filming and when. Manager-nim was asking us to go down and I wave at Joo Won saying Goodbye. He waves back at us vigorously… and I was like.. God, why do you have to look so good standing and waving there. I was rooted at the spot for a few seconds and  I audibly sighs and just look at him with a “look”. Mga ate, naiiyak na yata ako nun. And the two managers were urging me to go. Joo won was kind of laughing by then. Kulit lang kasi e. I turn back, stopped and turned around and waves at him again. He smiled widely and waves back and I think he finds it funny. Maybe thinking.. This Noona do not want to leave me. Hahahaha. Awww.. he is such a sweet guy. I think if that’s just other actors, you will not feel the sincerity. They will just wave and turn away. With Cutie, he sees to it that you feel his presence and sees you off. Actually, I keep glancing back when I am going down the stairs.. glad I did not miss a step and fall down. I think he will be interviewed or filmed by Life Log. And our basket is behind him on a bench. I envy that basket.

 Joo Won and the Fruit/Flower Basket. ^___^  veins…
joo won with basket at back

What are inside the Gift Bags

<taken out>

 Our Letter for Cutie For Joo Won letter message

 Let’s always support Cutie in every endeavor he will have. It is always a pleasure showing him how much we love him, in small or large ways. He is such a good actor and an awesome person. I am always glad, he is the actor that I first followed and intends to follow in the next 60 more years of his career and maybe beyond.

 Joo Won, we love and support you always. 


joo won ph sign


What Cutie wrote:

 Be Happy.

I Love You.


Yes, Joo Won, We love you too!!!

From your Philippines Fans heart


Fan account by: coolreborn

do not reupload. User credits.


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Thank you @coolreborn for your fan account

Thank you @manyearsago‌ for translating his articles. Joowon is my first actor who I follow so I really thankfully for people who give support to him and translating his articles and videos. @manyearsago‌ I notice you write "catch up" instead of "catch me" in early part that article. Lol

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0708july said: Thank you @coolreborn for your fan account Thank you @manyearsago‌ for translating his articles. Joowon is my first actor who I follow so I really thankfully for people who give support to him and translating his articles and videos. @manyearsago‌ I notice you write "catch up" instead of "catch me" in early part that article. Lol

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Just a random fanart ..

Is it ok to do this using the translation @manyearsago  ?
I'm new to doing something like this, so kindly advise what can or cannot be done,  ok? :)>-

Look at hs smile..so pretty it make me happy :x


I like Joo Won not just as an actor, but also as a person. I never met him in person, but he seems like someone who's really nice and well mannered. A good son to his parents, a great lover, a very pure, warm and positive person. I really like reading his interview article, his words are inspiring although he is younger than me. Sometimes I do feel worried of his innocence, because the world out there is very harsh, be it virtual or reality. But seeing how well this man has grown up, maybe I should worry more about myself..? heehee

Thank you to JWC translators and subbing team, really appreciate your hard work. Kamsahamnida ^ ^

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Joowon looks at the camera a lot. maybe he recognizes his fans already. since he doesnt have that many fans compared to other actors, he must see his fan-base or certain fans quite often.
such beautiful smile~ :x :x :x :x

both are in grey~ such pretty visual!
in-love-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774073 in-love-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774073 in-love-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774073 in-love-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774073

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[HIT] 연예가중계-주원의 리얼한 화장법 대 공개! 매력남의 화장법은?.20140705


cr. KBSEntertain


I think cutie talks about skincare and also mentioned about his new drama.

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Wahaha! Is this the first actual conducting pose from Joo Won? kekeke :))
(Caption: 'Only until here today'. So when are they going to show us Joo Won conducting???)
I don't know, is he asking Shin Hyunjoon to act as Stresemann? :)) This was filmed during the Hongdae McCol event, before the official announcement of Stresemann's actor right? Would be fun to see the both of them acting together again =))
Translating a tweet about this from @kor_celebrities:Actor Joo Won, for his role as Chiaki-senpai in the Korean version of 'Nodame Cantabile', is receiving conducting, piano and violin lessons. He is working hard in order to show a realistic acting.
Waaaa he's really taking lessons~~~ :x Maybe he'll show us his piano/violin skills in a future fanmeet :))

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