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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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This song is so appropriate now in reflecting how this bunny feels abt the decision cutie or his agency had made for him (no matter, watever...)

Uri cute maknae Jun-Wonnie, this noona will stay with u no matter wat... even if she has to suffer long drought period of not seeing you in a new drama on the small screen... as long as you let noona knows occasionally tat u r happy and enjoying watever u r doing with even a 1-word tweet or a pic showing only your chubby toes... Bunny noona will be satisfied :x :x

Letz see... Bunny noona now has the DVDs of BK, OB and BM, plus downloaded vids of 7G... how many eps tat is in total, 30+58+28+20=136 eps. If I ration and watch 2 eps per week, it will last me abt 1yr and 4 mths... wld u be ready for a comeback on small screen by then, darling???

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coolreborn said:
crazyoverkdrama said: Lol.. @silhouettes90, i can imagine you at DR yelling, "wait! Hold that delivery! i've got to post this!" *dying of laughter*

You and @arch00 are in the same field... Well, not exactly the same but in the medical field. Me and @bobsavero both deal with investors so we have time to spare... :))

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raito1310 said:

Joo Won will be MC for the 49th Baeksang Arts Awards (9 May)  with Kim Ah Joong and Oh Sang Jin !!

google translation

Oh, Sang - Jin Whites first MC confirmed, Ah Jung Joo Won kiss  2013-04-09 07:28:19

me squirt my drin out my nose!!

*clears throat* But yeay for him becoming the MC!! Still feel gutted for him not being nominated [CMIIW], but this... this is good news, at least we can ogle at him for the whole show! :D

OMG, twin... I can see tat your PC always get a share of tat beverage u r drinking whenever u r in this thread :)) :))

Yes, itz a good news for us shippers of the cutie :x I always know when "The Big Boss Upstairs" closes one door, HE will open another grander door. Can I assume tat this is an alternative way to acknowledge Junnie and recognition of his presence???

BTW, a few days ago I read in Baidu tat the voting for Baeksaeng Awards is only open to Korean citizens and they actually charge 110 won per vote and each (voter) is limited to 10 votes per day. The last time I checked, PKC is leading the race for Most Popular Male Actor TV cat, uri Junnie is in #5.

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Guest mhelbenito

Just woke up!! Good morning from my side of the world! Whoah! This thread is sooo fast! I missed a lot in such a short period!! Lemme digest one by one first!!! Waaaaahhh so many news!!! I need to catch up!!!
About the Ghost!! Omo! Ghost has been a big part of my younger days! It's one of the best movies I've during my younger years, never new anything about love but I've cried a lot in this movie! The famous song "Unchained Melody" -  It'll be a great addition to Joowon's signature song repertoires.
Those gals in my age here in this thread, who can relate with me, who cannot forget about the pottery scene" yes it was purposely highlighted in green ;) ... I can imagine Joowon, topless and getting dirty with all the clay and stuffs. Joowoonie topless + those humongous HANDS exploring + The back hug + the nape kiss + the tickles + and the love scenes we've been deprived from 7G = AHHH THE GREAT STUFFS BABY!  *Moaty thoughts in the morning* LOL.... Seriously, it'll be hard to sob and moat at the same time... :'(

"I only want to say to one girl who I much love, that I will love you always. One day when I forever close my eyes, you will still be the one girl in my eyes and my dream!!!" - excerpt

I remember the ending part where Patrick Swayze  had to say "real" goodbye with Demi Moore!! I cried even though I was still a kid. Waaaah!!  ;( ;(Spoiler alert: This is a clip from the 90s movie. Awww ghad im crying again seeing this clip... 

"The love inside, take it with you." - excerpt 
Good that it's going to be a musical!! Since it's a musical, the focal point would be on the theatrical singing and exaggerated display of acting. Because if it's gonna be a movie or a drama, the acting will be more realistic and natural compared to the flowery theatrical and I'll be more affected emotionally.  I'll be crying more buckets of tears. 
Moreover, if it's gonna be a musical, chances are slim for us foreign fans to be able to sneak into its full version. Like his previous musicals, we've only seen a few clips, especially on Spring Awakening (we barely saw even one)... ANDWEEEE!!! But since, he's more famous than before, I guess there will be people who'll be sneaking a couple of clips... CHAEBAL!! 
So it's a mixed bag of emotions for me when I heard this news. A selfish part of me says "I'll be a sad if Joowon will say goodbye on TV for a couple of months (hoping not for a year or two) I might or won't be able to accept that if doesn't show on TV for a long time. gets back for a short period then gets enlisted after. ;( ;( .. But I'm glad that Joowon is getting back to his first love, acting and singing on stage. Plus another experience and growth for his career. I can't say that he's better off  or he's at his best when his doing his musical, because he is also superb on TV. It's rare for an actor who can do and have the best of both worlds. To sum up my feeling, I'll miss him but I'll be happy for him. 

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ctfrsgp said:




raito1310 said:<br />

Joo Won will be MC for the 49th Baeksang Arts Awards (9 May)  with Kim Ah Joong and Oh Sang Jin !!

google translation

Oh, Sang - Jin Whites first MC confirmed, Ah Jung Joo Won kiss  2013-04-09 07:28:19

me squirt my drin out my nose!!

*clears throat* But yeay for him becoming the MC!! Still feel gutted for him not being nominated [CMIIW], but this... this is good news, at least we can ogle at him for the whole show!

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Guest mhelbenito

mydeed said:

Omo..... fanning myself now.


If I'm one of the audience watching, I dnt know if I can control myself and act and behave like a cultured chic during a theatre/musical performances... I can't help to loudly say.... "Joo Wonie saranghe!!!

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Guest mhelbenito





Omo..... fanning myself now.


If I'm one of the audience watching, I dnt know if I can control myself and act and behave like a cultured chic during a theatre/musical performances... I can't help to loudly say.... "Joo Wonie saranghe!!!

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Morning (from Singapore)! Hope everyone's feeling better and more accepting after ytd's bout of news indigestion. I'm still struggling to come to terms with the massive skinship he's gonna be doing though. Wonnie if you want to learn about kissing/ahem stuff I'm sure the noonas here will gladly show you a thing or two :((

Anyway, random but I was just thinking about the type of role I would love JW to play before he enlists into the army. A VILLIAN would really let him go out with a bang! Perhaps something creepily evil like a psychopath. I think Yoo Ji Tae is a fine example of an actor who can do both baddie and goody. What do y'all think???

PS: Thank you so much for that bum-bum pic @crazyoverkdrama. Best way to wake up hehehe. & Welcome @LightGrace!

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Guest mhelbenito

mrdimples said: Today, at work, I was physically there but my mind was somewhere else altogether. I couldn't post anything except brief comments on my phone. Even if I had a pc, it wouldn't change a thing, I was too dumbfounded.

Thanks to @coolreborn, @stearly, @simplydramafied1082 @Mishielle, @mhelbenito, @daydreamsindecember, @bobsavero, @arch00, @crazyoverkdrama, @latteholic,@ctfrsgp, @mydeed, @padme and others for lifting the mood of this thread. Indeed page 900 is worthy of celebration. Our journey to this wasn't smooth all the way but it was one heaven of a ride. I marked today as one of those bumps in my journey as a fan where my heart sank to the lowest.

I just cannot imagine not seeing Joo Won in a drama for 20 freaking months. Now it's April 2013, the poster @coolreborn post puts the end date as Aug 2014, so I don't know if it's 6 months from Nov13 or what. Assuming he accepts a drama straightaway, I am looking at end 2014 or early 2015 to see him onscreen again. Enlistment is 2016 latest so that means I can only see him on screen for one more time in a drama from now till 2018. Max 2. I feel guilty being a wet blanket but I also don't see how he can film a drama while doing the musical even if he goes on rotation. You know how kdramas are, they are almost 24/7. If Sim can pull a drama off in midst of this schedule, I will hail them as a miracle worker.

As the saying goes, 'Be care what you wish for' I had always been intrigued by Joo Won's performance in Spring Awakening. Not that I have seen it but reading the story and from the little clips we had, I wished that one day I would be able to watch him live on theater stage. Little did I expect that he would really return to theater. At least not this soon, just when his popularity is rising. In one of his interviews I translated, he said he would like to return to the theater one day and I knew that it is his first love, it's where he really feels alive, standing there on stage in front of a live audience. Korean musical theater scene is one of the brightest in Asia, if not,definitely rising to be among the top few in the world. However, it's still not mainstream and by its nature, it can't be. It's definitely not for popularity that Joo Won made this decision even though the run is just for 6 or 8 months. I am uncertain of the money he can earn from this either because I understand that by and large, theater actors don't earn much. Joo Won earn pittance in his drama theater days and he probably can command a lot more now but nothing like appearing in a movie or being a A-lister with CFs and endorsements. He mentioned that he had a lot of respect for his Ojakgyo "hyung" Jung Woong In who apparently has gone back to theater because he had a family to feed and the pay wasn't good. Joo Won admired him for sacrificing to pursue his passion in acting. Now that I look back, I think all the signs were there, he really missed the stage and that's where his passion lies.

Joo Won continues to surprise me. There were quite a few times, I found myself thinking this man can't be real. He is so different from the many actors and celebrities out there. He might act aegyo and all but don't let that man-child demeanor fool you, he is a young man who thinks a lot more than we assume and farther than most his age. Out of my selfishness, I wish he did not take up this theater stint but if I really love him, I think I have to let him go. I can only support him and pray for him that he may succeed in his endeavors, live and enjoy life to the fullest.


side note: I am planning to watch his musical but have not come up with a reason to disappear from real life. If I ever get to see it, I will surely write an account of it.

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