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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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19 hours ago, kittyna said:

Okay, then - that makes sense

Choi-Won-Young looked really young in the selfie picture. I was only able to recognized him after seeing his name in the post

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

"flower boy" ideal really took off among younger generations

Its almost like roles has been reversed, at lest for the leads in the drama. But the side character do take traditional roles when it comes to male and female roles, like , mom's of female or male lead are still portrayed as good housewife and are more understanding than the fathers

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

By the way, given the success of the recent round of Scattergories, I want to point out that I actually had more prompt ideas than I could fit in - so here's a quick bonus Round Two, based on the same theme:

12 characters ?!!!! :bawling::fear:


19 hours ago, kittyna said:

keep an eye out for whether I'm asking about the guys or the girls.

It was a one time mistake:grimace:

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

1. The JW drama guy who constantly changed his mind about what he wanted to be when he grew up

Han Gil Ro- Given his affluence background and his mother would have spoiled him in every way that he would have constantly changing his mind in every aspect of his life. Most of the Joo won's drama characters don't have luxury to pick and choose

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

2. The JW drama girl most likely to have loved playing dolls/princesses/etc. (in short: the girly girl)

Nae-il- Given her obsession with stuffed toys even in college, I can imagine that she played more with dolls than with actual kids

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

3. The JW drama guy most likely to get lost in some crowded public space like a shopping mall, amusement park, etc. (Bonus: how would he react?)

Park Jin Gyeom- As we know that he was curious kid and often wonders-off whenever his mom takes her eye off him

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

4. The JW drama girl most likely to have been the "queen bee"/bully at school

I have two characters in mind, cha Yoon Seo and Han Yeo jin. But I am more inclined towards Han Yeo Jin, it is in her character to be a queen bee, and Cha Yoon Seo strikes more like a tomboy kind of kid

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

5. Inversely, the JW drama girl most likely to have been bullied or picked on by the other kids (Bonus: for what reason?)

Nae-il- Because of her odd nature and childish behavior, its like she would be more childish when compared to her peers.

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

6. The JW drama guy most likely to secretly stay up late at night (yes, this is the flip side from a prompt in the first round; and again, bonus: doing what?)

Kim Tae Hyun- Well he needs practice to do home call surgeries when he grows up to be a doctor and I think he would working hard to become a doctor in order to cure his sister and make money

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

7. The JW drama girl most likely to be super-close with her mom

Well, this is difficult one, except Nae-Il and Kim Seo Won, no other Joo won's drama female lead had a normla childhood and most of the times their mom are not shown, either the mom was dead or banished. So, I will go with Nae-Il because Kim Seo Won had some issues with her parents

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

8. The JW drama guy most likely to accidentally hurt himself from playing too rough

Lee Kang To- No particular reason, he is just like a kid who plays rough

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

9. The JW drama guy most likely to voluntarily help out around the house

Cha Yoo Jin- Well the fact that he knew everything like cooking to folding clothes, points that he sort helped around in household chores, but it was for different reason, like, he wanted to be independent from his mom and maybe he thought he would learn quickly about maintaining a house by helping in household chores

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

10. The JW drama girl most likely to have thrown really epic tantrums when she didn't get her way

Baek Ja-Eun- Well the writers made it obvious what she can do, when things don't go in her way

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

11. The JW drama guy most likely to have been terrified of going to the doctor's office when he was really little (i.e. 3-5 years old)

Han Gil Ro- It was a hard choice to make, since every character of Joo won is unique  and it is hard to know if the characters were afraid of anything, I choose Han Gil Ro because he is the only one who had a normal childhood

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

12. The JW drama girl most likely to try to make something in the kitchen...only to completely mess it up

Since we are talking about the characters when they were kids, and in order to make a mess in kitchen one needs to have access to kitchen which is possible only in the case of Nae-il and Kim Seo Won and Cha Yoon Seo. Since cha Yoo seon only likes to cut the human body  and kim seo won seems like someone who would be mature even when she was a kid. I choose Nae-il.

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13 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

12 characters ?!!!!


Well, you pulled off 11 without even thinking about it the first time around ;) 


13 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

It was a one time mistake


Which you walked right into this time - twice :lol:


In all seriousness, though: I put rules like that as a general reminder, and not in response to any one person's responses. Like, if you look back at previous Scattergories challenges, I literally put something along the lines of "read the prompts carefully to make sure if I'm asking about the guys or girls" more often than not.


(I'll do a more proper set of reactions/responses to your answers later - you know, in case you want to change anything ;))


13 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Choi-Won-Young looked really young in the selfie picture. I was only able to recognized him after seeing his name in the post


Yeah, I honestly did not recognize him at all there :lol:

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9 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Which you walked right into this time - twice 

What's wrong with my eye sight ? :headbang: Anyway, I rectified the mistakes, it's good thing you pointed it out. In my defense, you sort of cramped the questions and girl/guy were sort of hard to read, I was like reading these two words interchangeably and it was hard to distinguish


12 minutes ago, kittyna said:

you know, in case you want to change anything ;))

Hahaha- You are so funny :unamused:

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23 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

In my defense, you sort of cramped the questions and girl/guy were sort of hard to read, I was like reading these two words interchangeably and it was hard to distinguish



Duly noted - I'll keep that in mind and change future formatting accordingly. :approves:


This does tell me something of your thought process in putting your answers together as well, which now seems to be different from mine.


25 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Hahaha- You are so funny


To be honest, I actually really liked your picks for those prompts, even if they weren't exactly what I asked for. So no hard feelings:foryou:


52 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Park Jin Gyeom- As we know that he was curious kid and often wonders-off whenever his mom takes her eye off him


That's a good point :) Actually, when it came time for me to think about this prompt, I was surprised to find that for the most part, the characters' moms would be far more likely to freak out than any of the kids themselves. :P 


53 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Kim Tae Hyun- Well he needs practice to do home call surgeries when he grows up to be a doctor and I think he would working hard to become a doctor in order to cure his sister and make money


Good Lord - what kind of nighttime shenanigans were you imagining here? :loolz:


Okay, I'm sure you meant, say, studying and whatnot - but the fact that you started with "Well, he needs practice to do home call surgeries" was just too much fun to resist :lol: 


I will admit to being surprised at your choosing Tae Hyun at first, but it is growing on me. Maybe it took me a while because I had a hard time visualizing how it would play out in his family's one-room apartment, where everyone would end up sleeping together on the floor. But now that I think about it, if he just sat in the corner with only a desk lamp on or something, I don't think his mom or sister would've minded him staying up late for schoolwork. His dad, though...yeah, Tae Hyun would probably only be able to get away with this on the nights when he's not home.


58 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Cha Yoo Jin- Well the fact that he knew everything like cooking to folding clothes, points that he sort helped around in household chores, but it was for different reason, like, he wanted to be independent from his mom and maybe he thought he would learn quickly about maintaining a house by helping in household chores


He also mentions that he learned from "having a mom who hates cleaning" - meaning, if he wants a house that meets his own standards for tidiness (which I imagine he got from his dad), he's gonna have to do it himself ;) 


As for my own responses...I think I'll have to sleep on them, lest I end up messing up my own challenge. Now that would be awkward :headbang:

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

To be honest, I actually really liked your picks for those prompts, even if they weren't exactly what I asked for. So no hard feelings

Me too, I meant it in sarcastic way :)

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

I will admit to being surprised at your choosing Tae Hyun at first, but it is growing on me. Maybe it took me a while because I had a hard time visualizing how it would play out in his family's one-room apartment, where everyone would end up sleeping together on the floor. But now that I think about it, if he just sat in the corner with only a desk lamp on or something, I don't think his mom or sister would've minded him staying up late for schoolwork. His dad, though...yeah, Tae Hyun would probably only be able to get away with this on the nights when he's not home.

Out of all the characters, Kim Tae Hyun is the one with street smart skills, so, I imagined that while Kim Tae Hyun started taking risk at a early age, maybe when he was as young 10 years old, he would have started doing odd jobs to help his family financially. Also, I sort of applied the logic this logic: which is the habits of a person's childhood will shape her/his adult behavior or habits.

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

As for my own responses...I think I'll have to sleep on them, lest I end up messing up my own challenge. Now that would be awkward 

Lol! Serves you right for making this challenge long and complex :evillaugh:(sarcasm).

Jokes apart, I really enjoyed this challenge even though it was long and challenging, it was good exercise :foryou:

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7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Out of all the characters, Kim Tae Hyun is the one with street smart skills, so, I imagined that while Kim Tae Hyun started taking risk at a early age, maybe when he was as young 10 years old, he would have started doing odd jobs to help his family financially.


Same, actually - I think he would have had one hectic schedule growing up, since he would simultaneously want to keep his grades up (so he could get into med school to become a doctor) and work to support his family. It's a lot for a kid to handle - and my research for fic-writing reveals that there are strict laws against child labour in Korea (i.e. even teenagers need written permission from their parents, and I'm not sure his mom would allow it) - but he does manage somehow :) 


And now, for my own takes!


1. The JW drama guy who constantly changed his mind about what he wanted to be when he grew up


For me, the hardest part to figure out was which characters didn't already have their minds set on a specific profession (or didn't already have a specific path set for them by their parents) when they were kids. Once I did that, it actually wound up ruling out most of them. 



Gu Ma Jun had no choice, since his parents decided what he should do from the start - he did manage to go about it in his own way, though. And Hwang Tae Hui, Park Si On, Cha Yoo Jin, Kim Tae Hyun, and Gyun Woo seemed to already know what job (or job field) they wanted from the start, too.


So that leaves me with just a few options (Lee Kang To, Han Gil Ro, Park Jin Gyeom), and out of those, I also agree that Han Gil Ro is the most likely one for constantly changing his mind in that way little kids do - whereas Kang To and Jin Gyeom probably never thought that far ahead when they were little. If I want a different answer, I'd have to turn to supporting characters, at which point I'd say Hwang Tae Pil. ;) 


2. The JW drama girl most likely to have loved playing dolls/princesses/etc. (in short: the girly girl)


Nae Il's a really strong choice here, but I think that Baek Ja Eun is also a possible contender. She does have a strong interest in fashion and design, so I could see her dressing up her dolls in really creative outfits or even playing dress-up herself :) Plus, her father dotes on her like she actually is a princess, so....


3. The JW drama guy most likely to get lost in some crowded public space like a shopping mall, amusement park, etc. (Bonus: how would he react?)


To be honest, I think most of the characters would have wandered off and gotten lost at least once in their lives, as most of them are naturally curious and even the most obedient or cautious of them will end up getting sidetracked by something (e.g. Cha Yoo Jin in my set of mini Mother's Day fics, where he'd usually stay close to his mom, but all bets are off once he hears a street musician :P).


So, you know what? Let's just go with that and think about what would happen if mini-Yoo Jin got lost in public for the reason I described above. Honestly, if music was the distraction, I think it would take him quite a while to even notice his parents were no longer in sight, and it'd be his mom panicking rather than him. :P 


(Actually, for most of these characters, it'd be the moms freaking out more than the kids.)


4. The JW drama girl most likely to have been the "queen bee"/bully at school


Out of the main female leads, I also think Han Yeo Jin is the best choice here. We know she's got quite a vicious side when she feels slighted or wronged, even as a child. Also, even if she doesn't become a bully intentionally (since she's also under heavy expectations to act like a lady, etiquette classes and all), she could be so sheltered due to her social status that she'd be condescending to other girls without even realizing it.


As for my second place, I actually thought of Baek Ja Eun, for much of the same reasons.


5. Inversely, the JW drama girl most likely to have been bullied or picked on by the other kids (Bonus: for what reason?)


Here, I can think of two: Seol Nae Il and Shin Yu Kyung. For Nae Il, it'd be because of her eccentricity and oddball behaviour, for which I think she would have coped by withdrawing even further into her own childish fantasies (a rather vicious cycle, if you think about it). As for Yu Kyung...kids can be vicious and will end up picking on those who are marginalized in their group with little mercy or consideration of their hardships. So considering that her father's something of the town drunk and her home life is quite a mess, I can see the other kids picking on or refusing to play with her at some point in her life.


6. The JW drama guy most likely to secretly stay up late at night (yes, this is the flip side from a prompt in the first round; and again, bonus: doing what?)


Since it's already shown in the drama, I'm going to go with Gyun Woo here. In hindsight, I'm surprised at just how little supervision he had when he was 9/10 years old, that he could sneak out in the middle of the night at all, let alone several times. But those chaotic flashback events aside, I think he would usually just stay up late reading: too caught up to really notice how late it was.


7. The JW drama girl most likely to be super-close with her mom


My pick here is Hye Myung, for what I hope are obvious reasons ;) 


8. The JW drama guy most likely to accidentally hurt himself from playing too rough


Here, I'm going to say Kim Tae Hyun. I see him as the kid with street smarts who spent more time playing outdoors than at home. And since he has a strong adventurous streak as an adult - not to mention knowing something of parkour, if the drama's trailer is to be trusted - I can imagine that even as a kid, he'd be the type to climb high and jump around on the playground equipment :P 


9. The JW drama guy most likely to voluntarily help out around the house


Cha Yoo Jin's the obvious choice, but I also think of Kim Tae Hyun here. I think he'd be the sort of kid who'd try to make things easier for his mom from a really early age, especially if she has to go out to work in order to make ends meet :) 


10. The JW drama girl most likely to have thrown really epic tantrums when she didn't get her way


I'm going to say Han Yeo Jin - again, because the drama already establishes it. Like, just how violent would she have had to be to smash an expensive tennis racquet at such a young age? And even the butler, who has loved and cared for her unconditionally all her life, admits that she was one difficult child to handle.


11. The JW drama guy most likely to have been terrified of going to the doctor's office when he was really little (i.e. 3-5 years old)


Okay, at that age, considering just how many vaccinations are involved, most kids would be terrified: the main exceptions here would be Park Si On (who'd be more curious/fascinated than scared), Kim Tae Hyun (who I think would have the easiest time braving through it) and Park Jin Gyeom (who's not fazed by anything at that age). So, out of those who would be scared, I think I'm going to say Cha Yoo Jin, because I think he's the most likely to have a negative experience overall: not only would he be really nervous about the shots to begin with, but he's the one who's most likely to end up being scolded rather than comforted afterwards (if his father's around - his mother would be all for comforting him, though).


12. The JW drama girl most likely to try to make something in the kitchen...only to completely mess it up :P


I'm also going to go with Seol Nae Il here, because I see her as the type of kid who'd have big plans (e.g. making a birthday cake for her parents or grandmother), but poor execution. ;) 


JW looking cool in his Instagram Story

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35 minutes ago, kittyna said:

but I think that Baek Ja Eun 

She is my second choice, but given her artistic skills, I sort of assumed that she would be more interested in making things rather than playing with dolls, so I choose Nae-il over her.

37 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Hye Myung, for what I hope are obvious reasons

I though of her too, but her mom was banished from the kingdom and there were some rumors about her being unfaithful towards his father. So, I dropped her due to these conflicts


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12 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I though of her too, but her mom was banished from the kingdom and there were some rumors about her being unfaithful towards his father. So, I dropped her due to these conflicts


She was still close to her mother, though - to the extent of taking her mom's side while all this was going on (albeit with a limited child's understanding, but part of her hostility towards her stepmother comes from that loyalty). 


JW meeting with friends(?) who saw Ghost - At least I think they're his real-life friends, since another post from this same account calls him "Junwon-ie hyung", and the post-er and JW end up chatting in the comments :) 


Another pic from the same day, this time shared by someone in his staff


Tiny little behind-the-scenes snippet from one of Alice's best action scenes - This was shared by Yang Ji Il, who played one of the guys in Yoo Min Hyuk's team

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12 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Shoutout to Park Jin Gyeom here, although I think that there are several characters from JW's dramas who match that description.

Yeah, cha yoo jin is  strong contender for this category. And I was surprised that PJG made it to this list along with other characters from drama which are quite popular. Which shows us that joo won's acting as PJG  is on par with other popular characters.

15 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Yep, now we have pictures of Kim Hee Sun that he took from that big Alice reunion

It seems like Joo won has decent skills in photography.And on top of that its Kim Hee Seo and she looks fabulous all the time :love:

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11 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah, cha yoo jin is  strong contender for this category.


Not just a "strong contender" - Cha Yoo Jin's practically the poster child :getmygrooveon:


But I also wound up thinking of Hwang Tae Hui as a "prickly on the outside, soft on the inside" sort of person :) 


11 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

It seems like Joo won has decent skills in photography.And on top of that its Kim Hee Seo and she looks fabulous all the time


lol - He is a good photographer :) I'm reminded now of the discussion about his Instagram page on Radio Star, where he started off with more artsy pictures and people thought his captions were boring :P I also know he took a ton of candid photos of Shim Eun Kyung during Nae Il's Cantabile filming, but can't find any examples to share right off the top of my head.

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Hi everyone!


So many Joo Won stuffs are online in these few days..And there's coming!

From Today--




He looks so damn handsome!:wub:


More at https://twitter.com/DazedKorea/status/1331036148131500034

There are some behind the scene picture and video uploaded by his staff and other production staff as well.


Anticipating the editorial already.. I had so much fun reading his interview in Theatre plus October issue. His interview shows in sincerity. 


This is from Joo Won's latest IG updated




It's been a while. It's very cold. Wear warm clothes.

#Product sponsorship #National Geographic



Main Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CH-Dsh-ANgR/?igshid=1gdsd71vs9tfm


I was wondering why he's wearing Nat. Geo jacket and the translation had answer. 


23 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

It seems like Joo won has decent skills in photography.And on top of that its Kim Hee Seo and she looks fabulous all the time :love:


It's good to see Alice Family had a mini reunion.. :heart:

Before Kim Hee Sun took Joo Won's photo is alice filming set and JW uploaded in on IG..now it's Kim Hee Sun's turn. While KHS would look beautiful either way Joo Won's angle was quite good.

I also Think JW has a knack for good Photography. Specially he likes to take artsy style. He may not be able to take good selfies but he's good at regular one.

@kittyna kindly share those candid of Shim Eun Kyung by Joowon you're talking about if you later find those. I'm curious.


Speaking of Shim Eun Kyung I recently found this video in YouTube probably uploaded by TC Camera Director. I don't know if you guys have seen it before but i saw it just now.. JW and SEK being silly in Austria.. Specially JW because SEK was a bit shy and embarrassed by whatever they were try to do. :lol:



These two are such babies.. we know JW loves to be engaged in silly and child like fun.. looks like JW and SUK's sense of fun clicked right away. As far as I know Austria scenes were one of the first scenes filmed in Tomorrow Cantabile. I adored all of JW-SEK behind scenes and pictures because they looked like two innocent kid playing together.. ha ha..


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Tons of new updates today!


Photos from JW's upcoming feature in DAZED


Behind the scenes from said photo shoot - Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3 (Long story short: he's got a very excited staff ;))


JW's own newest Instagram update - His message is, as always at this time of year, a reminder for fans to dress warmly :fullofhearts:


A compilation of comeback dramas - Which ones have you seen so far?


The hat JW wore at the Alice reunion




It seems like @flutterby06 and I were sharing some of the new pics simultaneously :lol: So there's some doubling this time

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22 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

I was wondering why he's wearing Nat. Geo jacket and the translation had answer. 

Yeah, he was pretty candid about it :lol:

24 minutes ago, kittyna said:

The hat JW wore at the Alice reunion

So, now that you mentioned the hat, everyone guy in the photo seem to be wearing hat. It makes sense for actors to wear it, since they are trying to promote, I don't know why the director is wearing one

26 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

Specially JW because SEK was a bit shy and embarrassed by whatever they were try to do. 

I think lot of scenes from Austria were edited out. Editing was major draw back of this series

28 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

He looks so damn handsome!

I think his facial features have changed a lot after joining the army, maybe training and diet had to do a lot with his manly facial features. Out of all the discharged actors, I find joo won went massive transformation with his facial features.

40 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

These two are such babies..

Don't know about Joo won, but SEK sure was a baby back then, I think it was her first drama and on top of that it was really a complex role , in which she was able to do a decent job. :blush:

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Also I don't know if it has been mentioned here but JW previously shared this-




link: https://twitter.com/mymoonjunwon/status/1329695135643226114



JW was probably mentioning about his interview on SBS news corner 'Nightline' here. The news of this appearance came after JW's IG Post. According to news it will be broadcasted today.


Joowon, appeared on SBS'Nightline' today (24th)

[Daily Economy Star Today Reporter Shin Young-

eun ] Actor Joo-won will appear on SBS'Nightline' today (24th).

Joo-won will appear in the invited seat of'Nightline' broadcasted at 12:30 this night.

Joo-won announced a successful return after military service through the recently ended SBS drama 'Alice'. In addition, after 7 years, he is appearing in the musical 'Ghost' and is performing a hot role.

Meanwhile, Joo-won, who debuted with the musical 'Altar Boys' in 2006, started with the 2010 drama 'Bakery King Kim Tak-gu', through 'Ojak-gyo Brothers', 'Gakshi-tal', '7th grade civil servant','Good Doctor' and'Yong Pal'. I received a lot of love.



News Link: https://www.mk.co.kr/star/broadcasting-service/view/2020/11/1207063/



Also Joo Won's Ghost waiting room vlive has English subtitles.. It's mostly done with my sloppy English and very limited Korean vocabulary. 

There were some places where I got stuck because I had idea of what they were talking about I lacked the exact understanding. You guys probably know this account from IG @meyahmjw. She was very eager for subtitles as she knows it from IG how much fans look for it. She contacted some kfans and they helped us with the correct korean words and one even helped us with explanation of those parts. So translation translation was a combined process but lacking will be all mine. Thankful to those sweet kfans who helped.


I sometimes share some Tid-Bits of JW staffs with translation in my tweeter account when I found those very interesting but never really thought of translating such a large one because I do not have the expertise.  But saw some fans here and there very eager for English subtitles for JW stuffs but sad because there's a lack of it.. But v fansub, tho time consuming, still is easy to do. In times like that I dearly feel the need for skilled sub team of Joo Won soompi thread.. They did such a good job with subs before. They did a great job and actually I'm very thankful to their subbed videos because many of JW's frequently used Korean words translation stick to my mind because of JW cutie subs.

So BIG THANKS to Joo Won Cutie International!:heart:


@kittyna and @kireeti2 if you guys watch it and have any suggestion let me know. So far I didn't even share it on my twitter account because I'm lacking some confidence. ha ha.. :sweatingbullets: 




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2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

 kindly share those candid of Shim Eun Kyung by Joowon you're talking about if you later find those. I'm curious.


I don't remember if I saw the actual photos, but I do remember seeing footage of JW taking the pictures...which, as of right now, I haven't been able to track down again :P All I know is that it was one of the many little snippets from the Japanese behind-the-scenes feature that fans posted on YouTube several years ago; I seem to recall it being at some point while filming this scene, but I can be wrong.


In the meantime, while trying (and failing) to find that clip, I did come across some other behind-the-scenes footage from Nae Il's Cantabile:





And, while cycling back through the JW fan accounts on YouTube I do know about, I also came across this old clip from a 2014 interview he did:



2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Speaking of Shim Eun Kyung I recently found this video in YouTube probably uploaded by TC Camera Director. I don't know if you guys have seen it before but i saw it just now.. JW and SEK being silly in Austria.. Specially JW because SEK was a bit shy and embarrassed by whatever they were try to do. 


:loolz: This video never gets old! Every single time I see it, my reaction is just to go, "Omo - Cha Yoo Jin, what the heck are you on right now?!?!"


2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

As far as I know Austria scenes were one of the first scenes filmed in Tomorrow Cantabile. I adored all of JW-SEK behind scenes and pictures because they looked like two innocent kid playing together.. ha ha..


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think lot of scenes from Austria were edited out. Editing was major draw back of this series


I don't know about scenes getting cut out, but Nae Il's Cantabile is the clearest example from JW's dramas as to how live-shoot dramas can really go awry with characterization and storyline if you're not careful.


Long story short: the footage that was shot in Austria was among the first overall, because the producers needed it for promotions, flashbacks, opening stills, etc. What matters here is that JW and Shim Eun Kyung filmed their scenes there at a point when the emphasis was really on keeping the slapstick comedy of the original Japanese version. We see this in the more exaggerated performances in the first few episodes of Nae Il's Cantabile: both in Nae Il's really over-the-top proclamations of love and Yoo Jin's rough treatment of her.


However, my guess is that that didn't go over so well, which is why by the time we're in Episode 5 (maybe even Episode 4), there's a noticeable shift in both JW and Shim Eun Kyung's acting towards more realistic and nuanced versions of their characters. It's a drastic change that, under the circumstances, was handled rather smoothly: we see Yoo Jin starting to think twice about just pushing Nae Il aside, and Nae Il hesitating as her infatuation slowly begins to become something deeper.


And the rest of the drama progresses smoothly along those lines until we get to Episode 16. Once Yoo Jin and Nae Il are in Salzburg for her competition, the show starts using all the rest of the footage from Austria and the contrast between the two different styles was a mess :P If you watch closely, you can even figure out which scenes were actually shot in Austria (i.e. most of the outdoor and more slapstick scenes) and which ones were shot in various locations in Korea that could pass for being in Europe (i.e. most of the indoor scenes, with the one comic scene being the hotel room bit). Looking at comments from that point in time, I could see that fans really struggled to have all the little bits of footage make sense in their minds, especially re: Nae Il's character. Realistically, everyone knew they couldn't exactly go back and re-film those scenes (some people did suggest that the show should've just cut it out entirely, though); and for Seolleim in Salzburg purposes, I personally wound up going with the interpretation that Nae Il was just that excited about the thought of staying in Austria with Yoo Jin.


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Don't know about Joo won, but SEK sure was a baby back then, I think it was her first drama and on top of that it was really a complex role , in which she was able to do a decent job.


It wasn't Shim Eun Kyung's first drama by a long shot. She was a really prominent child actress, so even though she was cast maknae (or close to it) in Nae Il's Cantabile, she was pretty much everybody's sunbae as well :P What is different here, though, is that this was SEK's first lead role as an adult, and the transition from child to grown-up actress was harder for her than most, given that Nae Il's Cantabile was something of a flop in terms of ratings, and much of that was pinned on her performance.


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think his facial features have changed a lot after joining the army, maybe training and diet had to do a lot with his manly facial features. Out of all the discharged actors, I find joo won went massive transformation with his facial features.


Generally, I find that many Korean actors suddenly physically mature at some point in their late 20s or early 30s. Not all, by any means (some stay baby-faced through it all), but I think it's a part of the natural aging process that just happens to coincide really nicely with when they tend to enlist :) 


For JW personally, I think the shift in his features started around 2016, but it's definitely more noticeable now after his comeback.


I haven't had a chance to respond to your latest post, @flutterby06, since it went up while I was writing this one. But I will later!

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

What is different here, though, is that this was SEK's first lead role as an adult,

That's what I meant when I said it was her first drama, as an adult. Like you mentioned in your previous posts that she was a prominent child actor

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

. We see this in the more exaggerated performances in the first few episodes of Nae Il's Cantabile: both in Nae Il's really over-the-top proclamations of love and Yoo Jin's rough treatment of her.


However, my guess is that that didn't go over so well, which is why by the time we're in Episode 5 (maybe even Episode 4),

Yeah, I did notice that comedy was toned down a bit and concentrated more on the musical story. But it really did not help with ratings though, maybe its because lack in depth of the story line and writers choose to concentrate on Nae-il's story line at very end of the drama, which I personally think was a major set back.


2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

@kittyna and @kireeti2 if you guys watch it and have any suggestion let me know. So far I didn't even share it on my twitter account because I'm lacking some confidence. ha ha.. :sweatingbullets: 

Thanks for sharing the link, there was no information about this on Joo won's Instagram though. Ans I finally get to see the other actor who is playing as Sam and when I see him and joo won side by side, they look like siblings and have same facial features and he seem to be close with Joo won(due the skinship between them):blush:

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7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think his facial features have changed a lot after joining the army, maybe training and diet had to do a lot with his manly facial features. Out of all the discharged actors, I find joo won went massive transformation with his facial features.


Training definitely did change some of his physical features.. But honestly I found him good looking before and now in most of his style he adopted for projects. He looked well all sorts of style or may be his stylists did a good job in styling him. And now his physics became a bit more well built which I find handsome but still miss my old cutie JW. the fats around cheek.. ha ha.


But I was a bit scared inside when JW was doing Gym crazily and getting bulky with his packs.. Because I'm not that fan of well built body. But this is it went well with his character in Alice. personally I did miss his smooth hands while watching Alice.:sweatingbullets: Due to fitness training and his veins in hands were almost always popping. :lol:


But the thing with JW is the moment he opens his mouth he became the cutie again regardless of how strong he looks.. That is enough for me. ha ha..


7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Don't know about Joo won, but SEK sure was a baby back then, I think it was her first drama and on top of that it was really a complex role , in which she was able to do a decent job. :blush:


JW's inner baby comes out when he's in his comfort zone with people he can connect with. That's what I was talking about when I mention JW as a baby. Usually JW is a Sunbae of SEK and She's the female lead if it was another person he might act cute but may not be this silly always. JW also likes to be a bit reserved in his silliness when he is working with Younger People like how he did it with Uee and Jin Se Yeon. But he become childlike with SEK. Most of their bts were pure kiddy adorableness rather than romantic heart fluttering. I wouldn't say there were none of heart fluttering moments but what I'd say is that they were people who seemed comfortable in a friendly and Brother-sisterly way. JW did pick SEK as his type compared to Sulli and Park Se Young as he prefers cute personalities.


Also I think overall TC had a fun and friendly environment because most of the young actors are in close age group. I think that helped them to be more relaxed and carefree.


One thing I noticed is that JW shows different side of himself with different age group. It's just comes naturally from him. In MSG I found it interesting that his rapport with Oh Yeon Seo was like they were two friends. They literally teased each other like bickering friends would do. She used to tease him then about his upcoming Military service while he'd say Yeon Seo is sassy and she didn't act as a female lead actor in the set.


In Alice we did see how close he is with KHS which is almost how he used to be close with Kim Tae Hee, Choi Kang Hee or Jeon In Hwa. I saw some KHS and Alice fans commenting with a cutely why he's being so adorable with KHS when she is Married, he can't gain anything by being like that with her( I thinking this is the problem with Shipping  culture --- all they see is drama chemistry not a person to person friendly chemistry). I was like "This is exactly the reason he could be this adorable with Hee Sun noona because he didn't have to be careful about showing her attachment and respect for her as she is married. If she was unmarried and JW was like this there will be news like "JW aging fell for his co-actress!" He has enough experience of that. Though KHS played the role of his mother he can't really call her mother considering their age differences isn't much and she's still young and it can be taken as disrespect to her. So he likes to express his adoration as much as he can calls her "Goddess." and other takes it as if he's flirting with her!!


He likes to be as genuine as he can be depending on his relationship with other female lead but media will always try to take it in romantic view.


Sadly we didn't get many behind clips from how Joo Won and Lee Da In was in behind scene.. I believe it was because Alice didn't want to focus on them as genuinely romantic. Alice Production's focus was always on two main characters  (which I fully understand) so they didn't give us many of their one to one behind scenes. From few scenes we saw he did have a bit easy going sunbae like relation with her which is my take from how he teased her when she was acting in the scene when DY told to JG "It's not easy to say such a pretty face in early morning!" and JW found her hand gesture quite skilled and Da In was asking him "Why're you laughing!" Also he talked with Da In in informal tone at press conference. So they may not become that close but comfortable enough that he uses informal tone with her.


When anyone who is new to how JW interacts with female co-actors questions if he has any ulterior motives I feel like suggesting them to watch how he acted with Jeon In Hwa and Grandmother from Ojakgyo. Jeon In Hwa was senior yet popular actress and one of the strongest star cast of Baker King even tho she played antagonist. JW a just newcomer because enough close to her that he used to call her literally Omma and they used to be in regular contact for a long time. She even sent food truck in My Sassy Girl set. Also with Grandmother actress how he used to share his coffee with him and they bonded over their love for coffee. 


And there also people who used to question him because he expressed his adoration for his Hyungs. It's just he doesn't care much when he express genuine adoration to people he close with.. I love this side of him.


Speaking of good relationship you guys remember the Emoji quiz video from Seensee Company. I must say the way JW interacted in that interview it just shows how he's comfortable and carefree around them. He used his natural+ agyeo tone.. ha ha.


Sorry got carried away.. But it's just I get so defensive when I saw such comments that questions his genuine sweet nature.


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

I don't remember if I saw the actual photos, but I do remember seeing footage of JW taking the pictures...which, as of right now, I haven't been able to track down again :P All I know is that it was one of the many little snippets from the Japanese behind-the-scenes feature that fans posted on YouTube several years ago; I seem to recall it being at some point while filming this scene, but I can be wrong.


In the meantime, while trying (and failing) to find that clip, I did come across some other behind-the-scenes footage from Nae Il's Cantabile:


Those footage posted by cantabilecouplefan are too cute. I remember watching those too when IG was accessible without having an account .. Honestly Tomorrow Cantabile and Good Doctor are top on my comfort drama list. when I feel like watching nothing I some times go through random episodes and bts videos.. TC cast were quite adorable and fun.


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

And, while cycling back through the JW fan accounts on YouTube I do know about, I also came across this old clip from a 2014 interview he did:


Thanks for sharing the interview.. I think I probably have seen it before but it feels new.


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

And the rest of the drama progresses smoothly along those lines until we get to Episode 16. Once Yoo Jin and Nae Il are in Salzburg for her competition, the show starts using all the rest of the footage from Austria and the contrast between the two different styles was a mess :P If you watch closely, you can even figure out which scenes were actually shot in Austria (i.e. most of the outdoor and more slapstick scenes) and which ones were shot in various locations in Korea that could pass for being in Europe (i.e. most of the indoor scenes, with the one comic scene being the hotel room bit). Looking at comments from that point in time, I could see that fans really struggled to have all the little bits of footage make sense in their minds, especially re: Nae Il's character. Realistically, everyone knew they couldn't exactly go back and re-film those scenes (some people did suggest that the show should've just cut it out entirely, though); and for Seolleim in Salzburg purposes, I personally wound up going with the interpretation that Nae Il was just that excited about the thought of staying in Austria with Yoo Jin.


Yes.. I remember reading about it.. Aah.... the struggle drama productions has to go through.


Joo Won's appearance today in Nightline. 



And Again.. He looks so so good!




I actually wasn't planning to watch this real time because I was excepting it to be on YouTube anyways and also I was busy in writing this post. But after half an hour of the show I looked at watch and thought may be I could stream and see if it's still on.. and 20 seconds after my streaming JW's segment started!! Talk  about luck!

He started talking about Alice and then it was mostly about Ghost. His comeback in Musical Stage.

It he was there on for around 8-10 minuets.


Here's a bts photo with news staff may be--

Times like this he looks sooooo long..I mean tall. :yum:





8 hours ago, kittyna said:

Behind the scenes from said photo shoot - Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3 (Long story short: he's got a very excited staff ;))


His staffs are like semi fans.. "My oppa is back and busy. .Let's share updates palli palli."


3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

there was no information about this on Joo won's Instagram though. Ans I finally get to see the other actor who is playing as Sam and when I see him and joo won side by side, they look like siblings and have same facial features and he seem to be close with Joo won(due the skinship between them

Did you just saw this vlive now?

You mean notice about Ghost vlive on JW's IG? It was notified in Seensee Company and Agency IG I guess. But I saw the notice on JW's vlive channel and Seensee twitter account.







Yes.. I also noticed JW seemed to be really close to this hyung. And He also was all praise for JW in the vlive interview of Ghost cast. That JW comeback as a more cool and handsome Sam Whit.


I also recently saw somewhere that Maknae Sam, Jin Wook IG (Aquaz0203) posted a masked  in his IG story tagging JW saying "Joo Won is the best..I love you Hyung." and JW probably shared it in his IG story. But I can't give the reference because I'm not in IG.


So looks like old and new Ghost Sam's have good relationships with each other.

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Haven't had the time to sit down and watch the V Live broadcast yet, but since you guys are sharing stories....


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

Training definitely did change some of his physical features.. But honestly I found him good looking before and now in most of his style he adopted for projects. He looked well all sorts of style or may be his stylists did a good job in styling him. And now his physics became a bit more well built which I find handsome but still miss my old cutie JW. the fats around cheek.. ha ha.


Generally, I think JW and his team do a great job figuring out a "look" that works for each of his characters, so I've never had reason to complain or go, "Um, what the heck is he wearing?" or anything like that. I remember writing up a longform post about this months ago while we were waiting for Alice news and I was scrambling to keep the content flow going :P - obviously, it doesn't include Alice, but if anyone wants me to do a similar blurb on Park Jin Gyeom's look, please do say so.


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

But I was a bit scared inside when JW was doing Gym crazily and getting bulky with his packs.. Because I'm not that fan of well built body. But this is it went well with his character in Alice. personally I did miss his smooth hands while watching Alice.:sweatingbullets: Due to fitness training and his veins in hands were almost always popping. :lol:


Same. I prefer a lean/wiry build to a really bulked-up one, but at the same time, it's 1) a matter of what works for the role, and 2) a matter of JW's own personal preference for how he looks. 


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

Sorry got carried away.. But it's just I get so defensive when I saw such comments that questions his genuine sweet nature.


lol - Don't worry; I feel you :) To be honest, I feel much the same way regarding JW's relationships with his co-stars: i.e., why can't we just take them as the friendships they are and leave it at that?


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

Usually JW is a Sunbae of SEK and She's the female lead if it was another person he might act cute but may not be this silly always. JW also likes to be a bit reserved in his silliness when he is working with Younger People like how he did it with Uee and Jin Se Yeon. But he become childlike with SEK. Most of their bts were pure kiddy adorableness rather than romantic heart fluttering. I wouldn't say there were none of heart fluttering moments but what I'd say is that they were people who seemed comfortable in a friendly and Brother-sisterly way. JW did pick SEK as his type compared to Sulli and Park Se Young as he prefers cute personalities.


I definitely got more of an older-brother-younger-sister vibe watching JW and Shim Eun Kyung's behind-the-scenes footage - not to mention their characters in the drama itself - than anything that could be taken as romance. 


By comparison, he was a bit more reserved during Ojakgyo Brothers and Gaksital filming, although I'm not sure as to why: whether that's simply how his personality meshed with his co-stars' or if there was another reason.


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

Also I think overall TC had a fun and friendly environment because most of the young actors are in close age group. I think that helped them to be more relaxed and carefree.


Yeah - since the entire main cast were 20-somethings, I think they did away with a lot of the age/seniority-based hierarchies and just hung out and got along as equals :) 


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

In Alice we did see how close he is with KHS which is almost how he used to be close with Kim Tae Hee, Choi Kang Hee or Jeon In Hwa. I saw some KHS and Alice fans commenting with a cutely why he's being so adorable with KHS when she is Married, he can't gain anything by being like that with her( I thinking this is the problem with Shipping  culture --- all they see is drama chemistry not a person to person friendly chemistry). I was like "This is exactly the reason he could be this adorable with Hee Sun noona because he didn't have to be careful about showing her attachment and respect for her as she is married. If she was unmarried and JW was like this there will be news like "JW aging fell for his co-actress!" He has enough experience of that. Though KHS played the role of his mother he can't really call her mother considering their age differences isn't much and she's still young and it can be taken as disrespect to her. So he likes to express his adoration as much as he can calls her "Goddess." and other takes it as if he's flirting with her!!


Personally, I think that JW's more comfortable around older actresses when he knows they're taken. I saw a similar vibe with Yong Pal filming as well, when Kim Tae Hee was already widely known to be Rain's girlfriend, and those who followed his Instagram immediately after his enlistment know how close he was with Lee Si Young :) 


But yeah, Alice was a bit chaotic in the chemistry department, because there was already so much questioning and speculation around the relationships between the characters that it was bound to bleed into how people viewed the cast as well.


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

And there also people who used to question him because he expressed his adoration for his Hyungs. It's just he doesn't care much when he express genuine adoration to people he close with.. I love this side of him.


This, I think, stems from a general lack of awareness of how same sex friendships work in Korea. Different things are coded as being homoerotic in different cultures, so there was a good deal of confusion when Western fans saw how JW behaved around his hyungs on 1N2D. But the thing is, though, that if any of the hyungs had reason to believe JW was gay, they would most likely have not allowed him to get so close - it's like, the skinship we saw in Korean variety shows was only possible under an unspoken belief that everyone was actually straight and only meant the hugs and whatnot out of friendship.


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

Those footage posted by cantabilecouplefan are too cute. I remember watching those too when IG was accessible without having an account .. Honestly Tomorrow Cantabile and Good Doctor are top on my comfort drama list. when I feel like watching nothing I some times go through random episodes and bts videos.. TC cast were quite adorable and fun.


I just went ahead and got an Instagram account for the sole purpose of looking at stuff - I don't post anything of my own, but use it in order to see things :) 


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

Here's a bts photo with news staff may be--

Time's like this he songs sooooo long..I mean tall. 


Yikes - makes me wonder where I'd end up if I were standing next to him, since even most of his shorter co-stars are taller than me :P It'd be like looking up at a giant or something!


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah, I did notice that comedy was toned down a bit and concentrated more on the musical story. But it really did not help with ratings though, maybe its because lack in depth of the story line and writers choose to concentrate on Nae-il's story line at very end of the drama, which I personally think was a major set back


I actually liked the story more after those changes were made - it made the characters feel more like actual people than caricatures. And Nae Il really did need to mature as a character before any chance of a romance would have been even possible, so I was glad to see that storyline too. It's not perfect - I feel like the point where the drama ends is actually where the real story between Yoo Jin and Nae Il begins - but it's allowed me to imagine their road ahead all by myself ;) 

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44 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Generally, I think JW and his team do a great job figuring out a "look" that works for each of his characters, so I've never had reason to complain or go, "Um, what the heck is he wearing?" or anything like that. I remember writing up a longform post about this months ago while we were waiting for Alice news and I was scrambling to keep the content flow going :P - obviously, it doesn't include Alice, but if anyone wants me to do a similar blurb on Park Jin Gyeom's look, please do say so.


Just went through the post. It was quite nice write up :thumbsup:

It's more critical because you had to consider the character and their fashion sense.


But hands down Cha Yoo Jin is at a level in fashion that goes so well in my opinion that I would always like to biased and put him on top regardless of his interest or lack of it in trendiness. I think I either saw or read from some interview that JW's suits are usually tailor made specially the one he wears in award functions but I feel like those shirt's he wore in TC was so for him. I loved everything he wore there and the vibe he tried to give.


And Next is Joseon City Boy Lee Kang To..


ha ha..


Anyways, Joo Won's team is doing such a great Job with styling him according to the respective characters that there are times I feel off about other people's styling right from the start of a drama (even tho I look forward to their projects) because they don't even do half of what JW does to be a character. I mean he has so far played 2 profiler, 3 detectives and 2 Doctors and none of them look same let alone act. He changes his hairstyle every time in each of his projects. He and his team is so meticulous about this that it's surprising each time. And I think most long time JW fans looks forward to how he'd look in his next projects because we know he'd look different. A big part of why we can see the particular character in JW when he's playing that is because how he styles himself. Next comes how he maintains his posture, gesture, tone and other details in acting.


I almost came in term with this that I wouldn't find 50% of this in others but I still sometimes bugs me specially when I see someone's hair is exactly like his previous character. Usually If women changes hairstyle just a bit sometimes it's enough to make a difference. But if men don't do so, they look same all the way at least to me.


So Joo Won and his hair and styling team :thumbsup: Thanks for taking care of our Joo Won. :fullofhearts:

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

By comparison, he was a bit more reserved during Ojakgyo Brothers and Gaksital filming, although I'm not sure as to why: whether that's simply how his personality meshed with his co-stars' or if there was another reason.


1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Personally, I think that JW's more comfortable around older actresses when he knows they're taken. I saw a similar vibe with Yong Pal filming as well, when Kim Tae Hee was already widely known to be Rain's girlfriend, and those who followed his Instagram immediately after his enlistment know how close he was with Lee Si Young :) 



And yes while everyone knew about KTH and Rain, Yeojin and Taehyun's chemistry still shined. And I think I saw news that he was one of the few who was invited to their wedding but couldn't attend because he had filming schedule.


Like he's comfortable more with Noona, Hyungs and even Senior Actors, he's is a bit reserved and careful when he's with youngers. He himself also said it that he tries to be a good example to the younger so may be try to carry himself with some sort of carefulness with them. Also During Gaksital and Ojakgyo JW was till a new comer so he had to be careful with his actions. But he seems to be a person who'll loosen up after he's done observing the other person and decide find his comfort zone. 


The way JW these days talks like "I want to be good Sunbae to youngers like how my Senior Sunbaes who I look up to, are with us." tells me that he is now a sunbae that young actors can feel closer to considering they have good attitude towards acting and acting environment and seniors. He just looks like so ready to be taking care of others. 



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