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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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ctfrsgp said:

@ctfrsgp : Ok, wish you luck! Hope he can fix it coz I know how it feel not to have an internet connection. I went crazy when I can't watch Gaksital because of that disconnection.

@coolreborn looks like i hav to continue with my 1-finger typing & internet surfing on my mphone. The tech guy fr telco confirms nothing wrong with my home internet connection & the prob lies with either the windows software or netwk card in my pc :(( i dun wat to do now :(( :(( this is going to be a miserable weekend for me :((

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alysanne said:

ctfrsgp said:

I hope JW will not change and maintain this "dual" personalities as he progresses in his acting career and gains greater popularity worldwide.

@ctfrsgp: Me too! I read in other message boards, though, that some of his scenes on 1N2D get cut because powers-that-be are concerned that those might affect how viewers perceive him on Gaksital. I don't know if this is true. I hope not. It's such an interesting duality to see on-screen, at least for me (and you!) But I am not Korean, so maybe things are different over there. :D

Hi!  I'm new to this thread and I'm also a big fan of JW.  Anyway, I hope this isn't true.  1N2D is one of my favorite variety shows and have been watching this since season 1 --  but I love season 2 more coz JW is there.  Hehe! 

@chicann welcome! I am pretty new here myself :D becoming "corrupted" by our seniors here as u can see fr the earlier posts :P but not yet as deep down in the gutters (or shld it b moat alrdy by now?) as @coolreborn @mrdimples & @mojobobo :D

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@ctfrsgp: it's a moat!!!  =))

@chicann: Welcome to the thread and embrace the craziness.  >:D

thanks ctfrsgp & alysanne for the warm welcome! i'm also slowly digging through my own moat! hehe! :\">

i love his smile and his voice! when he sings, my heart just melts! sigh!

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thanks ctfrsgp & alysanne for the warm welcome! i'm also slowly digging through my own moat! hehe! :\">

i love his smile and his voice! when he sings, my heart just melts! sigh!

@chicann here's my most fav vid of JW singing. He has got a very superb singing voice :x :x


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@ctfrsgp OMG!!!! this is one of my favorites!!!! thank you soooo much! >:D<

i'm listening to him sing with my eyes closed... :x his voice is soooo smexy! imagine him singing this to you with his voice so close to your ear - sigh!!! i think i'm hyperventilating!! (faints!) :\">

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Guest rynhanna

Thank you for the videos! Love them all. Truly miss cute Joo Won in 1N2D, and tomorrow is Sunday!!! Yay!!! =D>

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Thank you for the videos! Love them all. Truly miss cute Joo Won in 1N2D, and tomorrow is Sunday!!! Yay!!! =D>

@rynhanna i wonder who will JW be calling to bring him home at the end of the camping trip. We all can expect Mrs Kim will go pick up Papa Kim. Will u be watching it live?

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Guest ditadita

YES FINALLY TOMORROW IS SUNDAY ~~ lalaa yeyey ~~ i miss joowon already and gaksital will end in 2 weeks i never wait sunday so happily beforee but now lalal yeyey ~~ and school will started soon too T^T i am worried if i cant see him that often hikssssssssssssssssssoppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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ctfrsgp said:






: If you can watch 1N2D without Eng subs and you still laugh, then that means the show is doing a great job.


 My introduction to 1N2D is season 2, actually, and yes, because of JW only.  Now, I actually like most of the cast members.


 It was only after about 6 episodes of Season 2 that I looked into Season 1 because people were always comparing S2 to S1. And now I'm on an S1 marathon!  <br />

Like you,


, my favorite from S1 is Seung-gi (see my avatar; do you remember from which episode it came from?


).  He is different as the maknae of the cast compared to JW, but maybe that's because their personalities are also different.  What I like about LSG is even though he seems very conscious of his public image, what he shows rarely comes across as contrived, and so we see his good MC skills and also other facets of his personality (he can be helpless, he can be stubborn and very competitive, he doesn't feel comfortable being left alone on the show).  With other cast members (especially KHD), you can feel that they have their "onscreen persona" on most of the time; it's not a bad thing, but you also don't get to see anything interesting or new from them.  So that's why I also like how JW is on the show. I hope we see an episode where he's the one left behind or on a solo mission; that should be interesting and hopefully, fun.

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@ctfrsgp : Poor you. Tech guy don't know the problem? If he said that it's a Windows update, why don't you try to restore to an earlier time, I think Windows saved a restore point before doing some updates. If its the network card, then you can have a computer technician look at it or someone you know who can repair PCs, you have to buy a new network card if that's the problem. Me, if my PC is acting up and I can't seem to fix the problem, I just backup my files and reformat and reinstall windows, problem solved. You should also have a good anti-virus installed in your PC, sometimes those PC viruses are the culprit.

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A funny fact about our cute Moon Joo Won:
from 1N2D

What did our Joo Won sees that made him flee?

Here it is!

Joo Won looking scared and nervous.

Joo Won : "I'm going to have a heart attack because of that monster Bee-Hornet!!!"

Joo Won looking so happy, the bee-hornet is gone

The Super Hero that is not afraid to show the world that he is Afraid. LOL.

Now we know that Joo Won is scared/afraid/does not want bugs. *I hate roaches, I call them Monster!* And he looks so cute when he did that, I want to tell him, "Come here sweetheart, don't be afraid, its not gonna bite you" then gives him a hug and puts his head in my.... gyaaah!!!

*sorry about the screenshots, I don't have the HD version

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Guest ditadita

@coolreborn sexy hands, kissable lips, huggable body, nice butt/backYES THIS IS IT !!! 
hahahahah this week episode special in kbs world is the korean living overseas right?joowon being so caring hyung in this episode hoho and still cutee <3

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@coolreborn u always never fail to remind us abt your visit to the moat (its no longer gutter anymore at the rate the crowd is gathering we need more space) :D

And yes, i agree with your views tat JW shld maintain a versatile image as an actor so as not to limit his options when choosing his new roles. Not sure if you are familiar with HK actors. I hope JW can be like Liu Song Ren or Liu Ching Yun (Lau Ching Wan). Both actors took on "good guy" roles as well as the villian ones, and hav never disappoint their fans in their performance. Oso, JW shld never give up any good roles in fear of damaging his image. It is common for actors/actresses to decline roles tat they think will harm their image after they have gained a certain status. I am glad tat JW took on BM which was turned down by tat hallyu star for fear of losing the Japanese fan base. A loss for him, but a gain for our dearie :x

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A funny fact about our cute Moon Joo Won:

from 1N2D

What did our Joo Won sees that made him flee?

Here it is!

Joo Won looking scared and nervous.

Joo Won : "I'm going to have a heart attack because of that monster Bee-Hornet!!!"

Joo Won looking so happy, the bee-hornet is gone

The Super Hero that is not afraid to show the world that he is Afraid. LOL.

Now we know that Joo Won is scared/afraid/does not want bugs. *I hate roaches, I call them Monster!* And he looks so cute when he did that, I want to tell him, "Come here sweetheart, don't be afraid, its not gonna bite you" then gives him a hug and puts his head in my.... gyaaah!!!

*sorry about the screenshots, I don't have the HD version

@coolreborn u know i'm really glad tat JW is in 1N2D bcoz how else will we find out some many interesting tidbits abt him. We all know now tat he hates insects, loves super duper sour lemons and seafood, likes to bite his fingers, loves to hug his hyungs, talks to his mummy in baby voice, etc.

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