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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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hi @coolreborn.. this is my first time in a long time to post here again.. are you trying to show us the BB in the pics above.. ive been trying to figure out why the pics but then i caught the BB.. (bubble butt)..hehe

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hi @coolreborn.. this is my first time in a long time to post here again.. are you trying to show us the BB in the pics above.. ive been trying to figure out why the pics but then i caught the BB.. (bubble butt)..hehe

@ell4u: Yes yes dear, that's what my minions are trying to point. Nice, right? :D

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☆ Medical K-dramas: TV is the best medicine ☆

What are some of the best and worst medical K-dramas in recent years?

A Korean drama set in a hospital is not always the prescription for success, but it is undeniably a tried-and-tested formula that has worked over the years.

From classics like General Hospital and White Tower to recent shows like Golden Time and Good Doctor, medical-themed dramas have proved to be a hit with TV viewers, except maybe those with a weak stomach. 

With upcoming Ch8 series You Can Be An Angel Too and  Life is Beautiful slated to be broadcast next year, it seems like local TV is catching up on the trend too.

Medical dramas, when done well (kudos to producers and writers for their extensive research as well as actors for their convincing delivery), are a huge source of inspiration and comfort for viewers.

On the other hand, however, there are instances when even a charming cast of actors can’t save a badly written drama.

(Below is the part on GD that I extracted from the named list of successful medical dramas including "Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctors" and "Golden Time")

~ Good Doctor ~


● What the drama aims to heal:  Social stigma and prejudice 

Good Doctor is a medical drama about how Park Shi-on (Joo Won), an autistic person with extraordinary memory and perception of space within the human body, overcomes discrimination and rejection to become a genius pediatric surgeon. 

Shi-on’s traumatic and abusive childhood did not stop him from growing into a warm-hearted chap whose dream is to save the lives of children.

Thanks to the refreshing storyline, Good Doctor topped the viewership chart week after week. The 20-episode drama not only bagged numerous prestigious awards in Korea, the production team is also reportedly in talks with a US broadcaster to film a remake.

● Where it succeeded:

One area that the drama did really well was to allow viewers to empathise with Shi-on, as he gradually matures and gets accepted for who he is, beyond his “disability”.

Also, Good Doctor is the first medical K-drama centered on pediatricians. Apart from its plot, the drama owes its success to the exceptional acting by Joo Won, who was able to depict the characteristics of an autistic person to a fault. In fact, we liked the show so much that we rated it as one of the Top 5 K-dramas last year.

Good Doctor airs every Sunday at 9pm on ChU.


Read the full article at http://entertainment.xin.msn.com/en/hallyu/medical-k-dramas-tv-is-the-best-medicine#image=1

P.S. Ch8 and ChU are 2 of our local Chinese free-to-air TV channels in Singapore. Currently, GD is aired on ChU on every Sunday night :)

GD on ChU's FB & IG:



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In my OB mood now... missing Cutie as well as my "first love" Tae-Hee. Till today, OB remains as the only family drama I have enjoyed watching and it will always have a special place in my heart. No other family drama is able to match it. I love all the characters in this drama and Tae-Hee is still my most fave character that Joo Won has portrayed. This character is the closest to a real-life person, just like your oppa who lives next door :x

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This is one of my fave shot. My moaty sensor just went up.


After breaking the bakery apart... getting bloody finger... being so daaaaaarn bad... Ma Jun ends up looking SOOOO HOT!!!! How can a moaty even be angry with this man? Just that look and everything.. literally, everything that covers a moaty breaks apart....

th_6.gif  Bad boy... come here let Noona  punish you..... th_83.gif

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