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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Finally gathered courage to see Don't click... Was really excited even thou I seriously dislike horror...

But ended up like this...1620529_10202779614358782_1859937737_n.j

Cuz seriously this wasn't needed for my heart to see was it??!!! AGH my poor heart...1900126_10202779618678890_1164513673_n.j

So ATM am like: tumblr_mya3745pu01su4dyho4_250.giftumblr_mya3745pu01su4dyho4_250.giftumblr_mya3745pu01su4dyho4_250.gif

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Thank you @coolreborn for all the super gorgeous screencaps and thank you @mindymoe for the gifs!

Someone commented on YT that his thigh look bigger.......Hmmmm....although I do not fancy red or any shade of red pants on a guy, if the guy had skinny thighs, I will run far far away. Sorry I have a huge allergy to "soft" looking kpop guys or some kdrama boys for that matter who have a penchant for short(above or skimming ankle) skinny pants in bright colors and skinny thighs to wear them. Thankfully Joo Won's thighs have never looked like beanpoles even at his skinniest. This man has never revealed his legs higher than his knees but judging from his lower leg and calves, I can tell they are nice and muscular all right. Remember how delicious they looked in the pictures of him riding a horse in Gaksital? Darn I can just imagine them gripping the sides of the horse.

and my dearest Cutie, can you stop rubbing your thighs?



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Guest mindymoe

I love this scene, it shows how frustrated Sam is and Cutie really did it well. I watch this scene vid several time and still wow-ed by Cutie's emotion :)

cr. as tagged

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Guest mindymoe

Yesterday curtain call

cr. dcinside.com
Happy to see Cutie still smiling and having contact with the audiences even though we know he is tired. Fighting!!

Noticing that Entertainment Weekly always giving Cutie caption or nickname with "Good Baewoo" or Good Actor. Yes we know that he is good in everything to the core :)

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cr: pcareppWhen I watch this video, I remember his performance @ KBS drama award 2010. and I'm thinking maybe it's joo won's idea to perform percussion @ KBS drama award
id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 24px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"2010 KBS Drama Awards - King of Baking special performance

cr: fuckyeahyoonshiyoon
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