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The 16 stars of 2009 - Part 3

Kim Nam-gil


Actor Kim Nam-gil [Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

It may seem foolish to identify an actor as a role he played but Kim Nam-gil is similar in many ways to the character Bidam he played in MBC TV series "Queen Seon-deok" this year. His ability to throw in jokes in between the dialogue on every occasion he gets while also being able to go back straight to being serious and genuine to give heartfelt and mature responses for the actual interview, proved Kim is great at handling various situations. "I had once talked about this with actor Jung Jae-young -- people who grew up wealthy can understand those who grew up hungry but not sympathize with them. And vice versa, those who haven't been wealthy before cannot be aware of or know the difficulties wealthy people face despite seemingly living in abundance. Even I myself think "If I only had money. You can do everything in Korea if you have money. What could be so tough about it?" But my parents let me experience a lot of things such as part-time jobs so bit by bit, I think I've received a lot of help getting where I am in terms of my acting."

Jung Woo-sung


Actor Jung Woo-sung [Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

I met with Jung Woo-sung. This is all that really needs to be said regarding the meaning of my interview with him. And it is not just because of the great aura he exudes as one of the top actors in South Korea alongside Jang Dong-gun. He was like a philosophical book written over a long period with much care -- he knew the meaning of what he was saying and each word fell in place with his appearance, name value and filmography as an actor. In other words, his acknowledgement of his position as 'The Jung Woo-sung' and his recognition of 'the image the public wants of Jung Woo-sung' linked well with his decision to take on film "A Good Rain Knows". The clear image the public has of Jung and the substance that fill up that image -- that is what makes him 'The Jung Woo-sung.'



Singer and actor Rain [Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

Rain is like Park Ji-sung. Many people, including Park's coach Guus Hiddink, said it was too early for Park to advance to the English Premier League but he did not hesitate and entered club Manchester United. The situation was similar with Rain. It was not that there was nothing left for him to accomplish in Korea but he gave his all to perform on the best stage and became the first Korean to be cast as the main character in a Hollywood film. It does not mean that he is obsequious. "Even when Japan invaded our country, the one thing they failed to conquer was our mental power. And the numerous cultures and national consciousness our ancestors held," Rain said, sounding almost unsophisticated in his expression of his national identity. In other words, Rain is closer to a member of a national team who has advanced overseas, like pitcher Park Chan-ho or figure skater Kim Yuna, than a world star. A national team ember of the 21st century who is putting up one tough fight against his larger opponents in Hollywood while bearing the mark of Korea on his body. That is who Rain is.

Cha Seung-won


Actor Cha Seung-won [Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

Being called sexy is the best praise a person of the male gender could receive. And Cha Seung-won is a creation worthy of such praise. If the remark was based simply on his physical attractiveness, a curve on a graph would be heading downwards for Cha who is currently 40-years-old. But Cha had an innate sexiness to him, resembling that of Keith Richards or Steve Tyler, which comes from one who pours his passion into his field for a long time. That is why I wished someone would take this man away immediately and fulfill his craving to shoot "a film where you hear the void even though the wind isn't blowing". Cha went onto say, "Men have an homage for noir films from the 80s. Even more so than martial arts films. Because they're all about looking cool." We do not know how soon such a film would be made in Korea but who cares. Cha's sexiness will only continue to ripen.

Yoon Yeo-jung


Actress Yoon Yeo-jung [Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

Yes, we all know. Cigarettes are only good for doing harm. But the moment that white object, shorter than a span, is placed between someone's slender fingers, it at times exhibits a power greater than any other accessory. The moment that actress Yoon Yeo-jung starting smoking, the world starts moving on a slightly different tempo. Time no longer moves on a regular pace but a new rhythm is created within the space you are in with her, flowing according to when she sucks on and lets out her breath while smoking her cigarette. Of course this old actress should be advised to quit smoking for her welfare and longevity but one who witnesses how alluringly Yoon smokes cannot help but become a selfish viewer. It was the same for us interviewing her. "I'm not going to smoke. People will talk about me because there are already so many photos of me smoking," Yoon said, refusing to smoke on the set of the photo shoot. But she constantly held a cigarette in her hand throughout the long interview she conducted with us. So maybe I could say it was the smoke that made me tear up several times during the interview?

Gang Dong-won


Actor Gang Dong-won [Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

Gang Dong-won said he wants to compete fiercely against great senior actors when he meets them on set. He even said, "No easygoing on actresses. Not me. Actresses are usually taken good care of on set but I don't do that." That is how much he desires to win as an actor, regardless of gender. He probably even has a chance at winning if he competed against them for looks.

Editor in Chief : Beck Una one@10asia.co.kr, Choi Ji-Eun five@10asia.co.kr, Wee Geun-woo eight@10asia.co.kr, Yoon Hee-Seong nine@10asia.co.kr

Photographer : Chae ki-won ten@10asia.co.kr

Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr

<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

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Happy New Year 2010



Trends, keywords for the year 2010


Customers browse a host of books attempting to identify new

trends and keywords that may shape the year 2010 at Kyobo

Bookstore in central Seoul. [Lee Sang-sub/The Korea Herald]

What will be the new trends and keywords that will come out of 2010? It's largely a matter of speculation, of course, and even the most experienced soothsayers are likely to get most, if not all, of their predictions wrong.

But making predictions about a new year can be a matter of best guesses, leading mostly to entertainment value. Let's set aside skepticism and allow prediction-makers put on their trend-spotter and keyword-catcher hats.


According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2010 is the Year of the Tiger, a symbol of courage. And Koreans love the idea of courage and associated images. Given the longstanding public preference for the traditional symbol of courage, it's safe to say that trend watchers will place a big bet on the image of a roaring tiger.

A case in point is "Trend Korea 2010," a new book written by Kim Nan-do, professor of Seoul National University who specializes in consumer trends. Kim and his four co-authors have embraced the concept of a tiger in setting up the map for what will dominate the trends this year, adopting "Tigeromics" as an acronym that stands for 10 keywords.

"Tigeromics" is, if anything, a mix of predictions about diverse local trends that might loom large in the local market. Tigeromics stands for: times for Korean chic, into our neighborhood, good to be geeks, end of taboos, ready-made to order-made, omni-U solutions, manner matters, it's aqua, challenge your age and style republic.

In the book, Kim argues that Korea is in a position to jump forward, as if a tiger is getting ready to catch its prey. "The overall atmosphere of the Korean society is full of energy and vitality, setting the stage for positive changes at all levels," Kim says.

Kim's first keyword, "times for Korean chic," is in line with his prediction about the powerful energy that is rejuvenating Korean society and culture. "The year 2010 will be remembered as a turning point for Korean culture. In the past, Korean pop culture bolstered the spread of the Korean Wave, but the key shift will take place in favor of spreading and sharing homegrown knowledge and technology," Kim says.

The enhanced vision towards Korean society and culture also involves a set of new policy initiatives that aim to upgrade the quality of life in local communities ("into our neighborhood") and new business projects that will reshape the way people utilize water ("it's aqua").

And if there was still any debate over which is king -- consumers or producers -- it was settled in the early 2000s. The new year will simply amplify the point. Unlike past consumer-oriented trends in which early adopters had to scream to get what they want or fix technical glitches, the latest chapter will be chiefly about reconfiguring business systems in order to detect what consumers really want down to small details ("read-made to order-made") and give far more initiatives to consumers than ever before ("omni-U solutions").

Much of this year will be spent experimenting with business models customized for consumers who are now armed with what is called "borderless individuality," Kim says.

Breaking down the barrier between work and play is a natural step to take for many Koreans, who are deeply engaged in their personal pursuits or hobbies ("good to be geeks"). Age, a yardstick that has dictated the way Koreans measure what should and shouldn't be done, is no longer a restriction for adventure-seeking people ("challenge your age").

Another book falling into the trend-spotting category is "World Trend: 45 Innovation Keywords," written by Kim Sang-hoon, professor of marketing at Seoul National University. Kim is also in favor of the emergence of consumers who are not so conscious about their age and willing to spend plenty of money on what captivates their imagination.

Kim says the new keywords for those in their 50s in Korea and elsewhere is "die broke" and "TONK" (two only, no kids). In short, a new group of senior citizens want to spend up their money on what they like and nurture their own lifestyle independently, free from any pressure or interference related to grown-up sons and daughters.

In "World Trend," an interesting Korean trend is described in connection with the fast-paced changes in the media industry. The advent of media convergence is, in fact, an almost obvious trend that has been reported and analyzed on numerous occasions from countless angles. Less obvious, however, is how media convergence actually works for Koreans.

"IRIS," a KBS television drama series starring Korean Wave heartthrob Lee Byung-hun, was one of the most successful projects in 2009. A survey by TNS Korea shows that the drama's first episode aired on Oct. 14 secured a national rating of 10.7 percent, or about 5.84 million viewers.

But the ratings figure for the network television was just a small part of a far bigger story. The first episode hit the airwaves on OCN, a cable network, from Oct. 17-22, snatching up additional 1 million viewers. About 385,000 viewers watched the same episode on terrestrial DMB services, available on Korean mobile phones. The number of paid video-on-demand requests for the first installment of "IRIS" on KBS homepage topped 575,600. All in all, one out of three viewers opted for new media rather than the national television network, suggesting a substantial change that will only accelerate in 2010.

MBC, a television network that competes with KBS and SBS, has put out its own predictions about culture trends: "MBC Culture Report: 2010 Trend Wave." Based on MBC viewers, trend-setters and experts in various fields, the survey book details 16 trends including "digital native," "beautiful loser" and "Korean 'Food' Wave."

When it comes to digital natives, what matters most is whether it's possible to catch up with all the eye-popping gadgets and solutions that are hitting the market on a daily basis. Augmented reality, four-dimensional movies, social networking phones, and cloud sourcing may sound highly technical terms reserved for tech-geeks only, but the fact is that a growing number of Korean consumers are being categorized as "digital native," who know how to handle such new technologies with ease and confidence.

When it comes to digital natives, what matters most is whether it's possible to catch up with all the eye-popping gadgets and solutions that are hitting the market on a daily basis. Augmented reality, four-dimensional movies, social networking phones, and cloud sourcing may sound highly technical terms reserved for tech-geeks only, but the fact is that a growing number of Korean consumers are being categorized as "digital native." People who know how to handle such new technologies with ease and confidence.

Another notable 2010 trend-spotting book is "SERI 2010," written by experts from the Samsung Economic Research Institute. The bulk of it is devoted to analyzing the outlook of the Korean economy, which its co-authors say is "in the recovery phase." What's more intriguing, however, is the chapter about society and culture, particularly concerning multiculturalism.

The number of foreign residents in Korea exceeded one million in 2009, growing 20-30 percent every year. The figure is forecast to hit the 1.3 million mark this year. If the current trend continues, Korea is set to see considerable qualitative changes in the socio-demographic structure of expatriates, and the year 2010 is considered especially important as the children of multicultural families will begin to enter the formal education system.

According to "SERI 2010," the new social development stemming from more Korean men marrying foreign brides will accelerate this year in a way that will put pressure on the government to draw up new policies to accommodate an era of multiculturalism.

The emergence of leisure activities is set to be another prominent trend, according to "SERI 2010." The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism designated seven sites for a pilot project with the theme of "culture and nature explored through stories," showcasing the government's focus on policies that promote leisure activities. The increased attention to leisure activities reflects the growing public need for slowing down and going on trips in a bid to escape the city's hustle and bustle.

As with fortune-telling, however, trend-spotting books geared up for the new year might turn out to be off the mark in some of their bold predictions. But their message of hope and positive changes through the symbol of courage is nothing if not a good starter for the Year of the Tiger.

Credits : Yang Sung-jin (insight@heraldm.com)

Source : The Korea Herald

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On Mother-Daughter Bonding


Actresses Song Yoon-ah, left, and Kim Hyang-gi star in a heartfelt story about

a precocious young girl who prepares to part with her cancer-struck mother.

/ Courtesy of Sidus FNH

Amid the speedy, adventure-packed film releases, ``Wedding Dress,’’ a mellow family drama with an andante tempo, seeks to provoke a different sensibility ― to gently pull at the heartstrings of sometimes over-stimulated viewers.

The teary mother-daughter story may be more appropriate for a May release in time for Family Month, and it would have greatly benefitted from some heavy editing to speed up the painful crawling pace and straight-to-DVD movie quality. Nevertheless, compelling child actress Kim Hyang-gi turns cliched predictability into something tastefully classic, and the movie will undoubtedly become a steady cable TV movie listing for the general audience.

Song Yoon-ah plays the role of Go-un, a wedding dress designer who is more often seen frantically running around to correct mistakes than working with chiffon. (The amiable actress, who is more familiar in more elegant roles, is at times surprisingly irritating as the scatterbrained woman).

Nevertheless, the young widow manages to make ends meet for herself and her loving, though rather cheeky, little daughter So-ra (Kim). She may not be the most adept parent but never forgets to pick up an umbrella-less So-ra from school when it’s pouring outside.

Meanwhile, Go-un ― or rather the pitchy-voiced Song ― redeems herself by revealing that her exaggerated efforts at making everyone around her happy are simply a means of preparing for her death (though the movie makes no secret of the fact that she has cancer). The film’s title alludes to Go-un’s ultimate parting gift, a special dress for her daughter’s wedding, which she will never get to see.

So-ra is however preoccupied with her own problems, having to deal with a borderline case of obsessive compulsive disorder, which causes her to refuse to share food with others. She is ostracized at school and even cuts ballet class, finding refuge in hanging out at the neighboring ``taekgyeon’’ (a Korean martial art) class.

Local screens, both big and small, have been dominated lately by flawed personalities, both fictional and real. So-ra, adorable as she is, exhibits a relatively mild case of unpleasant fits compared to other ``national brats’’ in the media, but the film’s comic relief mostly revolves around So-ra being less-than-pleasant to her enthusiastic mother.

So-ra, who learned to look after herself from a young age, is always pouting if not also mumbling her nagging comments to her mother. The precocious young girl may have grown up too fast under the care ― or lack thereof ― of her immature single mom, but naturally she cannot live without her.

The movie’s heartfelt moments are rooted in So-ra’s coming-of-age as she pretends to be oblivious to her mother’s condition while fulfilling her mother’s wishes one by one, trying to make the best of their limited time together.

The movie follows in the footsteps of films that highlight familial love that flows upstream, from child to parent, while dealing with premature death. A notable candidate for comparison is ``Aeja,’’ about a bickering mother and daughter who learn to bond in the face of terminal illness.

``Wedding Dress’’ may have been stonger and delivered the narrative more effectively had it shown the entire story from the child’s perspective. But its dramatic quality is at the same time heightened by the switch in perspective.

In theaters Jan. 14. Distributed by Sidus FNH.

Credits : Lee Hyo-won, Staff Reporter (hyowlee@koreatimes.co.kr)

Source : The Korea Times

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Jan.01, 2010

Actress Kim Hee-sun Set to Make Comeback


Kim Hee-sun

Actress Kim Hee-sun, who took a break from acting to marry a businessman in 2007 and have a daughter, is preparing to return to her career. "I was happy as a mother in 2009, and I'd like to be happy as an actress in 2010," she said.

Kim's husband fully supports her decision to make a comeback. "Family is the greatest blessing and gift to me," Kim said. "During my temporary break from acting, I lived my life for my husband and child. I was very satisfied and happy living that way."

Having published a book on raising babies, she wants to continue doing things for children. "Since the book came out I've gotten offers to write another book on child rearing. I'm interested, but I think it would difficult to do while I'm acting at the same time," she said. "Now that I'm raising a child, I'd love to design babies' clothing. I have so many ideas and thoughts, but because I have so little time they don't go anywhere."

Kim's ambition and passion for acting has grown during her hiatus. "There are so many roles that I'm keen on now that I'm coming back after a long break," she said. But after being away from the entertainment scene for three years, she is taking her time in picking the role she wants. A number of possibilities have been mentioned, but she has not made any final decisions yet.

"It would be a lie to say that I don't have any fear about making a comeback. Sometimes I worry that I might have lost the touch for acting," Kim said. "I don't want to disappoint my fans who have waited for so long, so I'll do my best as if I were starting from scratch."



Source : englishnews@chosun.com

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'Top Actress Kim in Love With Yu'


Top actress Kim Hye-soo is reportedly dating with actor Yu Hae-jin.

Sportsseoul.com Friday reported that it captured the scene of the two stars having a date.

Kim, 40, and Yu, 41, have appeared in several movies so far and rumors had it that they have been going on a date.

According to the sports and entertainment Web site, Kim, upon returning home after spending time with her family on the eve of Christmas, got on Yu's car parked in front of her home and celebrated Christmas together at the car.

According to reports. the two stars routinely had a date every Friday night and Yu was once invited to Kim's family party in November. Their homes are within a five-minute ride each other.

But agencies of the two actors denied the reports.

Source : The Korea Times



Top Actress Kim Hye-soo and Actor Yu a Couple?


Top actress Kim Hye-soo and fellow actor Yu Hae-jin are reportedly dating.

Sportsseoul.com reported Friday that it captured pictures of the two stars out together.

The Web site also revealed photos of Kim, dressed in dark clothes with her head low, and Yu walking out of a building.

Kim, 40, and Yu, 41, have appeared together in movies, including ``Tazza: The High Rollers'' (2006) and ``Kick the Moon'' (2001). The rumors that the two were together first surfaced a few years ago. '

According to the Web site, upon returning home after spending time with her family on Christmas Eve, Kim got in Yu's car parked in front of her house and celebrated the start of Christmas together in the automobile.

According to reports, the two actors routinely went out together every Friday night and Yu was even invited to Kim's family party in November.

After the news broke, fans posted their comments on numerous Web sites and even on the two stars' blogs, congratulating them and saying that they were the first couple to open the year 2010.

Agencies of the two actors, however, denied the Jan. 1 reports.

This is not the first time the two actors have been entangled in a rumor that they were a couple. In November 2008, reports said that the two were getting married, but Kim's agency released a press release denying the statement.

Credits : Han Sang-hee, Staff Reporter (sanghee@koreatimes.co.kr)

Source : The Korea Times

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2009 Drama Awards Wrap Up With No Surprises



There were no big surprises at the Drama Awards held by the three major networks ― KBS, SBS and MBC ― last year.

The Grand Prizes each went to Lee Byung-hun for his work in ``Iris'' (KBS), Jang Seo-hee for ``Cruel Temptation'' (SBS) and Ko Hyun-joung for ``The Great Queen Seondeok'' (MBC).

Year-end drama awards have been criticized for being too generous when giving out awards and also not meeting the public's consensus. Last year's events were indeed generous, yet there were no decisions that caused anyone to shake their heads. However, there were distinctive trends that made the three events different from the past.

'30s Reigning the Small Screen

Unlike the pop industry where young idol bands are main stream, the older crowd is on top in the drama scene.

Lee, Jang and Ko are all in their '30s, beating their younger colleagues with their charisma, experience and impeccable acting skills.

Top prizes, including the Best Acting Awards, also went to actors and actresses in their thirties, including Chae Si-ra (``The Iron Empress,'' KBS), Yoon Sang-hyun (``My Wife is a Superwoman,'' MBC) and So Ji-sub (``Cain and Abel,'' SBS).

Most of the dramas aired last year featured 30-something actors. Notable exceptions included hit drama ``Boys Over Flowers,'' but many television series dealt with more mature characters who were caught up in love triangles and hip trends.

Thanks to the superb acting, numerous dramas, such as ``Style'' and ``Cain and Abel'' managed to receive critical acclaim, even though they failed to mark high ratings.

Actresses Shine

Last year saw numerous actresses bloom, thanks to dramas that depicted love and battles between the two sexes.

Along with Ko, Lee Yo-won also received the Best Acting Award for her role as Great Queen Seondeok, while Kim Nam-joo took home the same prize as the smart yet silly housewife from ``My Wife is a Superwoman.''

Kim Tae-hee and Kim So-yeon also made a lasting impression for their tough and distinctive roles in the popular drama ``Iris,'' and their work paid off with awards at the KBS Drama Awards. Kim Tae-hee, who has been continuously criticized for her poor acting throughout her career, thanked viewers in tears as she received the awards, while Kim So-yeon also cried as she thanked her loved ones.

Couples Galore

Dramas of 2009 also displayed numerous couples on the small screen, and of course awards were given to the best ones.

MBC's Best Couple Award went to Lee Yo-won and Kim Nam-gil from ``The Great Queen Seondeok," while SBS awarded singer-turned-actor Lee Seung-gi and Han Hyo-joo from ``Brilliant Legacy.'' Lee and Kim's characters in the period drama failed to find happiness on the small screen, but their tragic love and affection toward each other moved the audience. KBS gave out awards to a number of couples: Lee Byung-heon and Kim Tae-hee (``Iris''), Yun Eun-hye and Yoon Sang-hyun (``My Fair Lady''), Ku Hye-sun and Lee Min-ho (``Boys Over Flowers''), and Lee Pil-mo and Yoo Seon (``My Too Perfect Sons'').

The year 2009 has come to an end, and so has the excitement of last year's soaps.

With high hopes and keen anticipation, the three major networks are expected to provide yet another exciting year, filled with talented actors, interesting storylines and catchy trends.

Credits : Han Sang-hee, Staff Reporter (sanghee@koreatimes.co.kr)

Source : The Korea Times

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ix dramas revamping 2010 lineup


The New Year heralds a new start for the three major broadcasting networks. A total of six dramas are revamping the 2010 lineup.

A trio of period pieces shuns court and queen and explores the past from a different angle, while a rom-com, a family-oriented drama and a teen-friendly series tackle modern-day issues. Here's a closer look at this month in television.

The Slave Hunters

A swashbuckling period piece with a fresh premise, KBS' new Wednesday and Thursday night series looks set to carry on the winning streak of its blockbuster predecessor "IRIS."

The action-packed series, aptly titled "The Slave Hunters," channels the high stakes allure of a modern-day thriller while bringing on the classic tang of a martial arts piece and the grit of a Western.

The tale unfolds in the 1600s, during the Joseon Dynasty. The king and two of his sons are dead. One final son, the last crown prince remains. A former warrior-turned-slave, Song Tae-ha, is sent on a mission to save him. The infamous slave hunter, Lee Dae-gil, is sent on a mission to capture Song Tae-ha.


In essence, viewers will be tuning in to a 24-episode long chase. Despite its longevity, this is a prolonged pursuit that promises to never let up. Stellar action scenes involving martial arts, swords and guns and a bar brawl or two will keep audiences on the edge of their seats as they cheer on the hunter and the hunted.

"Tazza (The War of Flowers)" actor Jang Hyuk, who is returning to the small screen as slave hunter Lee Dae-gil, captured the charm of his bad boy persona at a press conference on Dec. 21: "Rather than categorize him as a villain, my character possesses both good and evil traits."

Bulked up, sporting a tan, long bedraggled locks and a devil-may-care smirk, Jang Hyuk looked well-suited for his a role as a ruthless hunter.

But it is the duality of his character that will display his versatility and charm as an actor.

A nobleman who lost his family to a fire set off by the brother of his first love, Jang Hyuk is tasked with the burden of making a convincing transformation from a soft and gentle aristocrat to a vengeful and cold-hearted ruffian.


Starring opposite Jang Hyuk, "My Wife is a Superwoman" Oh Ji-ho takes his first turn at a period piece as slave Song Tae-ha. "My Girl" actress Lee Da-hae plays Lee Dae-gil's first love and Song Tae-ha's last love.

"Spirit of Jeet Keun Do" actor Lee Jong-hyeuk spices things up as an assassin hot on Song Tae-ha's trail. "Marrying the Mafia II: Gamunui Wigi" actor Gong Hyung-jin sheds his comedic skin for the role of a tattooed slave who shoots up aristocrats and "Jump 2009" actor Kim Ji-suk plays a member of Lee Dae-gil's slave hunter posse.

Jejungwon The Hospital

Starting tonight, SBS fuses two popular genres - medical drama and historical romance - for its new series "Jejungwon The Hospital."

Based on the first modern hospital in Korea, the new period piece charts Kwanghyewon, later named Jejungwon, its founder and its first Korean doctors. Jejungwon was a medical facility established by American missionary Dr. Horace Newton Allen in 1885.

"Once Upon A Time" actor Park Yong-woo plays a butcher's son who becomes Korea's first surgeon. "East of Eden" actor Yeon Jung-hoon stars as the aristocrat with a passion for medicine. "Jumong" actress Han Hye-jin tackles the role of Horace Allen's translator, a heroine who becomes a doctor.

The Reputable Family

Yet another period piece that goes against the trend towards charting royalty, KBS' new Saturday and Sunday night series churns out a classic family saga with the tale of the famed and wealthy Gyeongju Choi household.

Veteran actor Cha In-pyo and actress Han Go-eun star opposite each other in "The Reputable Family." The first episode aired on Saturday.


The gourmet rom-com has established itself as a staple of Korean television. From "My Lovely Sam-soon" to "Coffee Prince," MBC has been successful at this genre and is attempting to repeat history with its new Monday and Tuesday series "Pasta."

Featuring "Coffee Prince" actor Lee Sun-gyun as the new chef of an Italian restaurant and "Thank You" actress Kong Hyo-jin as his ambitious underling, "Pasta" promises to bring a bit of kitchen romance to the small screen. Former Miss Korea Lee Ha-nui and Clazziquai Project singer Alex will also be starring in the series.

The Masters of the Art of Study

Last January, KBS garnered massive viewer ratings with its comic book-inspired hit series "Boys Over Flowers." This year KBS is bringing audiences yet another comic book-based drama with its new Monday and Tuesday night series "The Masters of the Art of Study."

Like "Boys Over Flowers," a Japanese TV version of the original Japanese comic series has already aired. "The Masters of the Art of Study" director Yoo Hyun-gi promises that the Korean version will not draw inspiration from the Japanese television drama.

"We are making the original comic book Koreanized," he said at a press conference last week, adding that it would showcase more content and that it would be reinterpreted to suit "our situation."

Comedic veteran actor Kim Su-ro plays the lawyer tasked with saving a high school from closure by sending five of its underdog students to Korea's top university. Actress Bae Doo-na plays the school's good-hearted English teacher. "The Great Queen Seondeok" hottie Yoo Seung-ho, "The Host" actress Ko Ah-seong and girl group T-ara member Ji-yeon star as the school's students.

When asked how he felt about playing a rebellious student, the 16-year old Yoo answered: "I play a student who confronts his teachers and is hip."

Sporting an edgy haircut and pierced ears, he grinned.

"It's really fun."

Wish Upon a Star

This year, SBS is going to make Mondays and Tuesdays back-to-back drama nights. Airing right before "Jejungwon The Hospital," the SBS drama "Wish Upon a Star" and its successors will target female viewers aged 30 and over.

"Famous Princesses" actress Choi Jung-won stars as a newly orphaned heroine raising her adopted siblings. "Love and Marriage" actor Kim Ji-hoon stars opposite Choi.


"The Slave Hunters" airs its first episode on Wednesday on KBS 2 TV at 9:55 p.m.

"Jejungwon The Hospital" starts tonight on SBS at 9:55 p.m.

"The Reputable Family" airs on KBS 1 TV at 9:40 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.

"Pasta" starts tonight on MBC at 9:55 p.m.

"The Masters of the Art of Study" starts tonight on KBS 2 TV at 9:55 p.m.

"Wish Upon a Star" starts tonight on SBS at 8:50 p.m.

Credits : Jean Oh (oh_jean@heraldm.com)

Source : The Korea Herald

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'Avatar' sweeps New Year box office in S. Korea

Hollywood blockbusters, led by James Cameron's 3-D epic "Avatar," dominated South Korea's box office for the first weekend of the New Year, with a single homegrown film listed among the top 10, data showed Monday, according to Yonhap News. Avatar drew 1.25 million people from Friday through Sunday, taking in 43 percent of the nationwide audience during the period and breaking the 6 million mark just two weeks after its release, according to the Korean Film Council, which collects box office data across the country through an online movie ticket network.

In second place came "Jeon Woo Chi: The Taoist Wizard,"

directed by Choi Dong-hoon and based on a novel about a legendary, wayward Taoist from the 16th century. With 800,000 tickets sold over the three-day period, Jeon Woo Chi absorbed 27 percent of the total audience as the only Korean film to stay among the most popular 10 movies. It has so far drawn 3.26 million since its Dec.

23 release.

Mystery action movie "Sherlock Holmes" was third with 363,000 people (12 percent), followed by the family film "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel" with 190,000 people and "Nine," a musical that follows the life of an Italian director, with 189,000 people.

"In the period of November to December, there were not many Korean movies newly released and compelling enough to sweep the box office," said Han Seung-hee, a market researcher at the film council.

Overall in 2009, local films accounted for around 30 percent of the newly released films and took in about half of the total audience, Han said.

Source : The Korea Herald, Yonhap News

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Jan.04, 2010

Will Shin Se-kyung Be the Hottest TV Star of 2010?


Shin Se-kyung

Shin Se-kyung, the young rising star of the hit sitcom "High Kick Through the Roof," seems likely to be the most sought-after celebrity in TV for 2010. She won the most votes in a survey of 10 entertainment industry figures, including producers, screenwriters, advertising copywriters and stylists, who were asked to pick the one person they would like to cast if they were to produce a TV show.

The respondents shared the view that while being pretty or handsome is important, an entertainer needs to have a new type of sensitivity that captivates teenagers in order to survive in 2010.

"In today's entertainment industry where man-made beauties prevail, Shin is a new face who appeals to viewers with her natural look," said Park Ji-young, an entertainment program producer at Korea Broadcasting System. "She has a face that would suit any role. Her appearance and her voice can play both good and bad."

Ahn Sang-hui, who heads the drama production team at CJ Media, had a similar view. "Shin defines the type of beauty that the current generation wants," Ahn said.

Hwang Won-mi, an advertising copywriter at Cheil Worldwide, said, "She stands out even when she's playing a dowdy character. Wouldn't she be great in any role? She's one of the most sought after stars among advertisers in the new year."

Credits : englishnews@chosun.com

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"Three Brothers" tops weekly TV ratings


Current No. 1 drama in Korea "Three Brothers" [KBS2]

KBS2 TV's weekend drama "Three Brothers" topped the television ratings chart for the first time in its showing.

During the week of December 28 to January 3, "Brothers" was the most-watched TV show in the country with a 35.0 percent viewership rating, according to statistics released by TNS Media Korea on Monday.

The family drama had premiered on October 17, debuting at No. 2 on the ratings chart behind MBC's historical drama "Queen Seon-deok". "Brothers" has consistently scored solid ratings, although trailing at No. 3 behind "Seon-deok" and blockbuster drama "IRIS" during the two shows' run.

KBS1 TV's daily soap "Jolly Widows" came in second with a rating of 32.4 percent while MBC's "I Love You Ten Million Times" followed behind with a 23.6 percent rating.

Year-end award ceremonies of Korea's three networks drew high ratings in the non-drama category. KBS2 TV's variety show "Happy Sunday" topped the chart with 29.0 percent while the second half of MBC's Acting Awards came in second with a 25.4 percent rating.

Part 2 and Part 1 of MBC Entertainment Awards followed behind with ratings of 24.0 and 23.5 percent, respectively. Part 2 and Part 1 of SBS Entertainment Awards scored viewership ratings of 22.0 and 20.9 percent, respectively.

[RATINGS] Weekly TV ratings: Dec 28-Jan 3


TV ratings for the week of December 28 to January 3. [TNS Media Korea]/ 10Asia

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr

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"Avatar" tops box office for third consecutive week


Movie poster for "Avatar" [20th Century Fox]

Hollywood blockbuster "Avatar" remained the most-watched movie in Korea over the New Years weekend since debuting two weeks ago atop the local box office.

According to estimates released by Korea Box Office Information System (KOBIS) on Monday, "Avatar" attracted 1,245,757 viewers for the weekend of January 1-3. The sci-fi action flick, directed by James Cameron, has attracted over 6.3 million viewers since its release on December 17.

Comic fantasy film "WOOCHI", starring Gang Dong-won, maintained its standing in second place with 800,365 viewers over the weekend -- for the second week, "WOOCHI" was the only Korean movie to make the top ten. Since making a record-breaking debut on Korea's box office on December 23, the action flick has drawn over 3.2 million viewers to date.

"Sherlock Holmes", starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, followed in third place with 362,992 viewers.

Hollywood animation "Alvin And The Chipmunks 2" came in at No. 4, jumping four places from the previous week with 190,397 viewers. Rob Marshall's musical film "Nine" -- which stars Daniel Day-Lewis alongside a handful of top international actresses including Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz and Sophia Loren -- debuted in fifth place with 189,566 viewers.

Other movies included in the top ten were; "Pokemon: Arceus To The Conquering Of Space-Time", "The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus", "Management", "2012" and German documentary "Into Great Silence".

[RATINGS] Weekend Box Office: Jan 1-3


South Korea's box office estimates for the weekend of January 1 to 3. [Korean Box

Office Information System (KOBIS)]/10Asia

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr

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Kim Hye-soo and Yu Hae-jin in a relationship?


Korea's leading actress Kim Hye-soo, 40, and actor Yu Hae-jin have been dating for over two years, according to a sports daily.

The paper revealed the apparent lovers along with some paparazzi photos. One of them showed the couple meeting in front of a car, lightly disguised with sunglasses, a swine flu mask and a cap.

According to the newspaper, they date every Friday night, and participate in each other's family gatherings.

It is actually not the first time that rumors regarding a Kim-Yu romance have been reported by media, although the two have continuously denied such rumors.

The two first acted together in the 2001 comedy "Kick the Moon." But since the big-screen drama "Tazza: The High Rollers" (2006), speculation reached a feverish pitch, with one newspaper even predicting their marriage.

Kim and Yu's management agencies this year denied any relationship was taking place last week, saying that "the two are close friends, but not lovers."

Not put off, the media seem to be quite sure about their relationship this time around. Newspapers and magazines have amassed a treasure chest of evidence - pictures, interviews with associates, as well as clues on Kim's personal homepage, which features phrases like "I love you" and "one love."

Kim is currently taking a break after finishing last year's television drama, "Style," and Yu is featured in "Jeon Woo Chi: The Taoist Wizard," which is currently showing at local theaters.

Credits : Koh Young-aah (youngaah@heraldm.com)

Source : The Korea Herald



Kim Hye-soo, Yu Hae-jin rumored to be dating


From left, actor Yu Hae-jin and actress Kim Hye-soo [Asia Economic Daily]

Top South Korean actress Kim Hye-soo and actor Yu Hae-jin have been dating for two years, said a report by a local sports daily over the New Year holidays.

Sports Seoul on Friday carried an article revealing the romantic relationship between the two along with paparazzi photographs showing the couple meeting in front of or leaving from Kim's house in full disguise.

According to the paper's month-long observation from mid-November last year, the two met every Friday night and spent some weekends together, as well as meeting on Christmas Eve. Yu was also seen attending Kim's family gathering on November 19.

The agencies representing the two actors have played down the report so far, acknowledging the two were close friends as widely known but not lovers.

However, this is not the first time the two have been speculated to be in a romantic relationship -- in 2008 they were rumored to be getting married while several reports thereafter presumed the two were a couple.

Kim, 40 and Yu, 41, first appeared together in 2001 film "Kick the Moon" and again in 2006 hit film "Tazza: The High Rollers" for which Kim won the award for best actress at the Blue Dragon Awards.

Kim, who has appeared in over a score of movies since her debut in 1986, has won the title of best actress over several occasions. Yu has also appeared in nearly a dozen films since his debut and is considered one of the top supporting actors in the country.

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@asiae.co.kr

Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr

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Jang Seo-hee wins grand prize at SBS Drama Awards


Korean actress Jang Seo-hee at SBS Drama Awards [sBS]

Korean actress Jang Seo-hee won the grand prize at the SBS Drama Awards, held at SBS' Open Hall on December 31.

Jang was awarded the top honor for her role in "Temptation of a Wife", which was one of the most-watched and most controversial dramas of the year for its sensational storyline.

"I didn't want to cry. I wanted to be cool about receiving [the award].." said Jang in her acceptance speech. "I thought I wouldn't be able to win this because of the genre. I would like to thank writer Kim Soon-ok... I was in a slump for three years but she helped me make a comeback."

The actress also thanked her family, saying that they "have been my fence against the rough entertainment industry." She went on to say that in a few decades she aspires to be "an actress who receives the lifetime achievement award like [veteran actress] Ban Hyo-jung."

First prize acting awards were handed to Hallyu star So Ji-sub ("Cain and Abel") and actress Kim Mi-sook ("Shining Inheritance").

Drama "Shining Inheritance" was the big winner of the night, bagging a total of eight awards including the prizes for best couple, lifetime achievement and three Top Ten Star awards. "Temptation of a Wife" also collected seven awards including the titles for grand prize, best supporting actor and young actor award.

"Boys Over Flowers" actor Kim Bum gave a heartfelt acceptance speech after winning the Top Ten Stars award. "There is something I would like to apologize for. I'm still young and I think I might have, unintentionally, hurt and offended some people, and I am truly sorry."

The actor appears to have been referring to a legal dispute with his former agency which sued him on charges on violating his previous working contract. His current agency King Kong Entertainment was recently quoted as saying that they "do not want to be further involved in a muddy battle."

The ceremony featured musical performances by several ensemble casts including Lee Seung-gi and Han Hyo-joo, the cast of "Temptation of a Wife" and fictional idol group A.N.JELL from "Minamishineyo".

"2009 SBS Drama Awards - List of Winners"

▲ Grand Prize : Jang Seo-hee

▲ First Prize (Actor/Actress) : So Ji-sub / Kim Mi-sook

▲ Netizens' Choice - Most Popular Star : Jang Keun-suk

▲ Top Ten Stars : So Ji-sub, Jang Seo-hee, Han Hyo-joo, Bae Soo-bin, Cha Seung-won, Kim Suna, Lee Soo-kyung, Jang Keun-suk, Lee Seung-gi, Kim Hye-soo

▲ Lifetime Achievement Award : Ban Hyo-jung

▲ Producer Awards : Jung Kyung-ho, Yoon Jung-hee

▲ Acting Awards - Long-term Series : Byun Woo-min, Kim Seo-hyung

▲ Acting Awards - Drama Special : Cha Seung-won, Kim Suna

▲ Acting Awards - Special Production : Lee Seung-gi, Park Shi-hoo, Han Hyo-joo

▲ New Star Awards : Lee Yong-woo ("Style"), Son Dambi, Kim Beom ("Dream"), Lee Min-jung ("Smile, You"), Jung Gyu-woon ("I Love You Ten Million Times"), Oh Young-shil ("Temptation of a Wife"), Lee Hong-ki, Jung Yong-hwa, Park Shin-hye ("Minamishineyo"), Lee So-yeon, Kim Tae-hyun ("Temptation of an Angel"), Lee Tae-im ("Don't Hesitate")

▲ Best Couple : Lee Seung-gi & Han Hyo-joo

▲ Young Actors : Jung Yoon-seok, Kim Soo-jung

▲ Supporting Actors - Long-term Series : Choi Joon-yong, Lee Hwi-hyang

▲ Supporting Actors - Drama Special : Baek Seung-hyun, Na Young-hee

▲ Supporting Actors - Special Production : Kang Seok-woo, Cha Hwa-yeon

Reporter : Ko Jae-wan star@asiae.co.kr

Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr

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'Laughter and Tears' Entertainment Awards Held

[TV Report by Kim Ye-na / Photo=Han Yun-jong] Notable entertainers of KBS entertainment programs of the past year gathered for a year-end award ceremony. Doing what they do best, comedians and entertainers showed off their glib speech while accepting awards.

The ceremony at the KBS Annex building in Yeouido on Dec. 26 was hosted by comedian Sin Dong-yeob, anchorwoman Lee Ji-ae and Yuna of the idol group Girls' Generation.

Kang Ho-dong, Yu Jae-seok and Lee Gyeong-gyu were the top three candidates for the Grand Prize. But the honor went to Kang, who is the leader of the hit travel reality show "Happy Sunday - Two Days and One Night."


Following are some quotes from the awardees' acceptance speeches.

- Kang Ho-dong: "Lee was my life's turning point."

Kang, who won the grand prize, said that he was sorry to the other candidates including Yu Jae-seok, but particularly to senior colleague Lee Gyeong-gyu. He said Lee had said 15 years ago that he would look after Kang's broadcasting career, adding that Lee kept his promise much too faithfully for Kang to receive the top award. Kang said the honor goes to Lee, the best mentor of his life.


- Kim Sin-yeong: "Was a nobody in the field for 4 years."

Kim did not win a rookie award, usually a precursor to winning a major award. She has been around but her talent was not recognized for the past four years or so. She said she will strive harder and broke out in tears during her acceptance speech.

- Yun Hyeong-bin: "All I did was kick over a well-prepared meal table."

Best known for his beloved "highly unlikeable man" character in the Gag Concert, Yun said his character viciously lashed out at some 200 celebrities over the past year. He also gave a cheer for fellow comedian Jeong Gyeong-mi, chanting "Jeong forever!"

- Lee Su-geun: "I beat Kang, Lee and Yu."

Lee said he was overwhelmed to have beaten the other candidates--heavyweights Kang Ho-dong, Lee Gyeong-gyu, Yu Jae-seok--in the category he was awarded for. He passed on the honor to Kang, whom Lee said he respects and will be grateful to forever.


- Park Mi-seon: "Feels like I got a bank loan."

Park said she will work harder to "repay the loan" next year and also thanked Park Myeong-su, who went home early with no award. She said she considered her award to be received on behalf of Yu, Park and Sin Bong-seon.

- Lee Ha-neul: "Had no idea I would win and didn't pick up suit from the cleaner's."

Lee joked about getting an award as an entertainer and not as a singer, but he expressed his gratitude in tears.

- Oh Na-mi: "Thanks mom, dad for my looks."

Oh shines in her unique appearance in Gag Concert. She jokingly thanked her parents for her "pretty" looks that made it possible for her to become a comedian. She teared up while saying it, but the audience burst into laughter.


▲Honorees of the 2009 KBS Entertainment Awards

▲Top Rookie (male, female) in Comedy: Heo Gyeong-hwan, Oh Na-mi

▲Top Rookie (male, female) in Show/Entertainment: Jeon Hyeon-mu, Kim Sin-yeong

▲Best Playwright in Comedy: Baek Seong-un (Gag Concert)

▲Best Playwright in Show/Entertainment: Jeong Han-wuk (Korea Sings)

▲Top Idea: Gag Concert - Ms. Gang of the Dressing Room

▲Top Entertainer: Kim Seong-min, Kim Tae-won, Kim Ha-neul

▲Best Teamwork: The Invincible Baseball Team

▲Special Honor: Gwon Oh-jung

▲Achievement award : Artistic Director Go Dong-wuk

▲Runner Up (male, female) in Comedy: Gang Yu-mi, An Yeong-mi, Yun Hyeong-bin

▲Top Entertainer in Comedy: Park Seong-ho

▲Runner Up (male, female) in Show/Entertainment: Sin Bong-seon, Lee Su-geun

▲Top Entertainer in Show/Entertainment: Park Mi-seon

▲Top Program Voted by Viewers: Happy Sunday (What Makes a Man, Two Days and One Night)

▲Grand Prix Entertainer: Kang Ho-dong

Photo = Han Yun-jong / Kim Ye-na yeah@tvreport.co.kr

Writer: TV Report

Copyright ⓒ KBS & KBSi


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'Master of Study' Lifts Veil with Production Conference

A press conference was held to announce the production of the new KBS2 drama "Master of Study" at the Palace Hotel in Seoul on December 29. The drama is drawing much attention with its star-studded cast including rising teen actors such as Ji Yeon, Ko Ah-sung and Yoo Seung-ho, as well as famous actors such as Bae Doo-na, Kim Soo-ro and Oh Yoon-ah.


▲ Stars of the drama pose at a press conference

Based on the Japanese manga "Dragon Sakura" by Mita Norifusa, "Master of Study" deals with five problematic students from a humble high school who have no interest in learning, but get the chance to join a special class that aims to send them to a top-notch university.

Director Yoo Hyun-ki explained what inspirations he has taken from the original story. He said, "It was made into a drama in Japan as well, but since we have more episodes than the Japanese show, we will be able to deal with it in a deeper and more enriching way." He added, "We are keeping the main themes of the original, but changing other plot elements to suit Korean society."


▲ Kim Soo-ro (left) and Yoo Seung-ho

Kim Soo-ro, who is appearing in a TV drama for the first time in his career, plays Kang Seok-ho, a lawyer-turned-teacher who himself went through a turbulent adolescence and guides the five troubled students. He said, "I played a similar role of a teacher in a film, but their characteristics are certainly different. The role in the film was rather comic while the one in this drama is serious."

Yoo Seung-ho, dubbed the nation's "little brother," wants to use the show as a chance to show different sides of himself as a rebellious teenager. "I chose to appear in the drama because the story was very appealing. I also tried to change my fashion and hairstyle to shake off my nice-boy image," he said.

Returning to the small screen after a three-year absence, Bae Doo-na plays an English teacher. She said, "It's a story we can easily see around us, where teenagers experience a rise and fall while shaping their future. So it will appeal not only to teens but also to all those who have gone through similar adolescent times. It's both entertaining and moving."

The show will portray how troubled teenagers come to find passion for life and pursue their dreams. It begins airing on January 4 at 9:55 p.m. on KBS2.

Writer: KBSi Jin Yeong-ju

Photo: KBS public affairs team Lee Min-gyu

Copyright ⓒ KBS & KBSi


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Lee Byung-hun scores triple wins at KBS Acting Awards


Korean actor Lee Byung-hun at 2009 KBS Acting Awards [KBS]

Top Korean actor Lee Byung-hun won three awards -- including the grand prize -- at the 2009 KBS Acting Awards, held at KBS Open Hall on December 31.

Lee was awarded the top acting prize of the year for his role in blockbuster drama "IRIS" and also won the Best Couple and Netizens' Choice awards.

"I started acting at KBS," said the actor in his acceptance speech. "When I had just debuted at KBS I heard about the acting awards.. I wondered if I would ever be able to go up on that stage. The very next year, I won the Best New Actor award."

He went on to say, "And now I've won Grand Prize on this stage. I'm very touched." He thanked the staff, actress Su-ae who -- believing Lee would win -- sent him a congratulatory text message in advance and his mother.

The titles for first prize were handed to actor Son Hyun-joo and actress Chae Shi-ra while three more "IRIS" cast members -- Kim Seung-woo, Jung Joon-ho, Kim Tae-hee -- each claimed second prizes.

The Best Couple awards were given out to four fictional couples; Koo Hye-sun and Lee Min-ho ("Boys Over Flowers"), Lee Byung-hun and Kim Tae-hee ("IRIS"), Lee Pil-mo and Yoo-seon ("My Too Perfect Sons") and Yoon Eun-hye and Yoon Sang-hyun ("My Fair Lady").

"Boys Over Flowers" heartthrob Lee Min-ho also won the trophy for Best Newcomer while his co-star Koo Hye-sun picked up the Netizens' Choice award for female actress.


Actor Lee Min-ho [Lee Ki-bum/Asia Economic Daily]


Actress Kim Ah-joong [Lee Ki-bum/Asia Economic Daily]


Actress Kim Tae-hee and actor Lee Byung-hun [Lee Ki-bum/Asia Economic Daily]

"2009 KBS Acting Awards - List of Winners"

▲ Grand Prize : Lee Byung-hun ("IRIS")

▲ First Prize - Actor : Son Hyun-joo ("My Too Perfect Sons")

▲ First Prize - Actress : Chae Shi-ra ("Empress Chun Chu")

▲ Second Prize - Mini Series - Actor(s) : Ji Jin-hee ("He Who Can't Marry"),

▲ Second Prize - Mini Series - Actress(es) : Kim Ah-joong ("The Accidental Couple")

▲ Second Prize - Mid-Length Series - Actor(s) : Kim Seung-woo, Jung Joon-ho ("IRIS")

▲ Second Prize - Mid-Length Series - Actress(es) : Koo Hye-sun ("Boys Over Flowers"), Kim Tae-hee ("IRIS")

▲ Second Prize - Daily Series - Actor/Actress : Oh Man-suk, Jo An ("Jolly Widows")

▲ Life Achievement Award : Actress Yeo Woon-kye (posthumous award)

▲ Writers Award - Jo Jeong-seon ("My Too Perfect Sons")

▲ Best Couple(s) : Koo Hye-sun and Lee Min-ho ("Boys Over Flowers"), Lee Byung-hun and Kim Tae-hee ("IRIS"), Lee Pil-mo and Yoo-seon ("My Too Perfect Sons"), Yoon Eun-hye and Yoon Sang-hyun ("My Fair Lady").

▲ Supporting Actors : Yoon Joo-sang ("IRIS"), Choi Chul-ho ("Partner"), Moon Jeong-hee ("Empress Chun Chu")

▲ Popularity Award : Yoon Sang-hyun, Yoon Eun-hye ("My Fair Lady"), Kim So-yeon ("IRIS")

▲ Best New Actor/Actress : Lee Min-ho ("Boys Over Flowers"), Kim So-eun ("Boys Over Flowers", "He Who Can't Marry")

▲ Netizens' Choice : Lee Byung-hun ("IRIS"), Koo Hye-sun ("Boys Over Flowers")

▲ Special/Literary/Short Features : Kim Kyu-chul ("Korean Ghost Stories"), Kim Sung-eun ("Korean Ghost Stories")

▲ Young Actors : Park Chang-ik ("The Splendor of Youth"), Park Eun-bin ("Empress Chun Chu")

Reporter : Lim Hye-seon lhsro@asiae.co.kr

Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr

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Dae-sung to replace T.O.P. in new Song Jina drama


Big Bang member Dae-sung [Asia Economic Daily]

Dae-sung, member of popular boy band Big Bang, will replace T.O.P., the rapper of the same group, to star in a new TV series by famed writer Song Jina.

"Dae-sung will take off his acting career starting by making an appearance in 'Zero Plus'," an official at the group's agency YG Entertainment told Asia Economic Daily over the phone on Monday.

T.O.P., whose real name is Choi Seung-hyun, had originally been tapped to play the main character but decided to withdraw from the drama due to a conflict of schedule. He had made his acting debut in 2007 drama "I Am Sam" and last appeared in hit blockbuster drama "Iris" alongside Lee Byung-hun and Kim Tae-hee.

Dae-sung, 20, was part of the cast for musical "Cats" in 2008 and also released a solo album early this year. He also makes regular appearances on popular weekly variety show "Family Outing".

Song, one of the most successful television writers in Korea, has written numerous hit dramas including "Kaist", "Sandglass" and the recent "The Story of the First King's Four Gods", which starred Hallyu star Bae Yong-joon. "Sandglass", which starred top actress Koh Hyeon-jeong, recorded a 64 percent viewership rating at the time of its airing in 1995, making it one of the highest-rated dramas in Korean history.

"Zero," about the dreams and love stories of students enrolled in the theater department in college, is set to air within the first half of this year.

Reporter : Park Kun-ouc kun1112@asiae.co.kr

Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr

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'Avatar' Becomes Fastest Selling Foreign Film


A scene from the film “Avatar,” which garnered over 6.4 million Korean

viewers in just 17 days

It's a ``blue'' winter in Korea, with ``Avatar'' garnering the largest number of moviegoers ever over a given timeframe among foreign films.

The 3D alien movie swept holiday ticket sales with unstoppable momentum, attracting a total of almost 6.4 million viewers in just 17 days, as of Monday, according to the Korean Film Council. It is the first imported film to achieve such a rate.

During the long weekend over New Year's Day (Jan. 1 to 4), 1.2 million or 42.7 percent of moviegoers saw ``Avatar'' in 725 theaters across the country.

``I think that when you look at James Cameron as a filmmaker, and his history, he's always proven himself,'' said producer Jon Landau when he visited Seoul in October 2009. Cameron and Landau joined hands in the 1990s worldwide hit ``Titanic.''

Michael Bay's extraterrestrial robot franchise ``Transformers 1'' and `` Transformers 2'' stand as the highest grossing foreign flicks in Korean box office history, having each sold some 7.4 million tickets. ``Avatar'' currently ranks third but considering that advance reservations are fully booked until mid-January, the movie is expected to break the record in the near future.

No foreign movie has ever surpassed the 10-million audience mark, which has been met by only a handful of local blockbusters, including ``The Host'' and, recently, ``Haeundae.''

Tailing ``Avatar'' in the current box office is the Korean superhero story ``Woochi,'' which sold 3.25 million tickets since opening 23 days ago. While it is the only local flick in the top 10 sales ranking, ticket sales rate parallel that for the Hollywood blockbuster ``2012.''

``Sherlock Holmes,'' starring Robert Downey Jr. as the uncanny private eye, came in third (363,992 viewers), followed by ``Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel'' (190,397) and the star-studded musical movie ``Nine'' (189,566).

The Japanese animation ``Pokemon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life'' and the fantasy flick ``The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus'' ranked sixth (61,766) and seventh (35,231), respectively.

Jennifer Anniston's newly released romantic comedy took off with a positive start, No. 8, while ``2012'' maintained a solid No. 9 spot. The small documentary film ``Into Great Silence,'' which has been riding positive reviews and being shown on an increasing number of screens, ranked tenth with a total of 28,899 moviegoers as of Monday.


Meanwhile, ``Woochi'' star Kang Dong-won stands in the spotlight; in addition to starring in the superhero movie, which is off to a strong start, the actor has another movie, ``Uihyeongje'' (Blood Brother), co-starring Song Kang-ho, coming to theaters next month.

``Woochi'' is expected to score well in the box office among local films, with only small melodramas such as ``Wedding Dress'' or ``Fair Love'' hitting screens this month. The positivity is to continue with ``No Mercy,'' which opens Thursday with favorable reviews from critics and previewers, and ``Sikgaek: Kimchi Wars'' (working title), the sequel to the hit drama ``Le Grand Chef'' that opens next month.

Credits : Lee Hyo-won, Staff Reporter (hyowlee@koreatimes.co.kr)

Source : The Korea Times

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January 04, 2010

Kim Hye-soo, Yoo Hae-jin are officially out as a couple


Actress Kim Hye-soo and actor Yoo Hae-jin.

For once the rumor mill was right. It's finally been confirmed that actress Kim Hye-soo and actor Yoo Hae-jin are a couple.

Kim's management agency Apple of the Eye yesterday issued a press release confirming the two actors have been dating.

"The relationship between Kim and Yoo evolved from friendship into love in a natural way, as the two share an interest in culture and the arts," the release said.

The release continued: "The two have had a good relationship and there are high expectations that they will get married, but there are no such plans for that as of yet."

The two actors appeared together in the movies "Kick The Moon" (2001) and "The War of Flower'' (2006) and since then there have been intermittent rumors that they were a couple.

However, the two have kept a low profile and denied reports that they were in a relationship ? most recently, a news report on New Year's Day that featured pictures of the two stars out together.

Some fans were skeptical about the rumors, saying that Yoo's rather humble status, with mostly supporting roles, when compared to Kim's popularity, would not lead the two to date.

When asked why the two denied they were dating, the agency said, "The two had to be careful not to make their relationship public because they wanted things to be the way they were ? natural, tranquil and private."

Kim made a splash last year with her role in the TV drama "Style." Yoo can currently be seen in a key but supporting role in the Korean comedy/action flick "Jeon Woo Chi: The Taoist Wizard."

Credits : Park Sun-young [spark0320@joongang.co.kr]

Source : JoongAng Daily


Kim Hye-soo, Yu Hae-jin confirm relationship

The much talked about romantic link between popular screen siren Kim Hye-soo and character actor Yu Hae-jin have been confirmed by Kim's management company yesterday.

After a week of endless unconfirmed press reports of the two actors' love affair, Kim's management company released an official statement saying their client was romantically involved with the 41-year old Yoo.

According to the agency's press release, the relationship between Kim Hye-soo and Yu Hae-jin blossomed from a platonic relationship into a full-fledged romance as the two shared "common interests both culturally and artistically".

It further states that Kim had "discovered" Yoo's "free-spirited outlook in life and modesty" to be factors in their relationship naturally developing into an intimate one.

About the possibility of marriage, the press release stated that there were no such plans at present.

This isn't the first time talks of a Kim-Yu romance have been swirling about in the rumor mill.

The two first met while acting alongside each other in the 2001 comedy "Kick the Moon," and five years later they were reunited on the silver screen once more for another blockbuster "Tazza: The High Rollers."

Since then there had been consistent media speculation that the two were romantically involved - although both denied the rumors until now.

Kim and Yu's camp again denied any relationship was taking place last week, saying "the two are close friends, but not lovers," but with mounting evidence to the contrary - such as the series of photos shot by local paparazzi showing the two together and through comments by various sources closely associated to both actors - both camps have now acknowledged their relationship.

Credits : kws@ heraldm.com



Kim Hye-soo admits to dating Yu Hae-jin


Actress Kim Hye-soo

Top South Korean actress Kim Hye-soo has admitted to dating fellow actor Yu Hae-jin.

In a statement released on Monday, Kim's agency Apple of the Eye explained that the two "found a friendship based on their mutual interest in the arts and culture" which later "naturally developed into a romantic relationship after Kim discovered Yu's simplistic and humane personality."

Rumor that the two had been dating for two years had heated up the Internet since the start of the 2010 -- on New Years Day, local sports daily Sports Seoul released a report detailing the relationship between the two actors along with paparazzi photographs the paper had snapped of the couple over a month-long period.

The photos showed the couple meeting in front of or leaving from Kim's house in full disguise. Based on its observation, the paper said the couple met every Friday night together and also spent some weekends together.

The paper also raised speculation that the two may get married soon, as Yu was seen attending Kim's family gathering in November. Kim's agency, however, played down the assumption, saying in its statement that both actors "have no such plans as of yet."

Rumors of the two dating had circulated since 2008 although representatives for both sides had continuously denied any romantic involvement.

Kim, 40 and Yu, 41, first appeared together in 2001 film "Kick the Moon" and again in 2006 hit film "Tazza: The High Rollers" for which Kim won the award for best actress at the Blue Dragon Awards.

Kim, who has appeared in over a score of movies since her debut in 1986, has won the title of best actress over several occasions. Yu has also appeared in nearly a dozen films since his debut and is considered one of the top supporting actors in the country.

Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr

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S. Korea's box office revenue hits record high in 2009

SEOUL, Jan. 5 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's box office revenue surpassed the 1 trillion won mark despite the economic slowdown in 2009, mainly due to higher ticket prices, a state-funded film council said Tuesday.

According to data tentatively filed by Korea Film Council with its nationwide movie ticket network, sales last year reached a record high of 1.08 trillion won (US$938 million), past the previous peak of 995 billion won in 2007. The final tally will be set later this month, when data from minor theaters come in, the council said.

Han Seung-hee, a box office analyst at the council, said the record high revenue derived more from higher ticket prices than from an increase in audience numbers.

"It comes from more of the fact that ticket prices went up. There were more expensive 3D or 4D movies in the market and night-time discounts were slashed," Han noted.

Audience size, at 150 million, has barely increased from 2007, while the ticket price for a regular movie went up to 8,000 won ($7) from 7,000 won at the start of last year. Special-effect movies cost well beyond 10,000 won.

The market was almost evenly shared between foreign movies and homegrown ones, with the latter drawing 48.7 percent of the total ticket sales.

In a separate report, the council expects the Korean movie market will continue its incremental growth over the next five years, expanding an average 1.9 percent every year.

Ticket sales are forecast to reach 170 million by 2014, a stellar performance for the movie industry in the country with the population of 48 million.

Credits : hkim@yna.co.kr

Source : Yonhap News

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