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[OFFICIAL] The DBSK, THSK, TVXQ! (동방신기) 5 Thread

Guest Supernike911

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Guest dorfehh

Thank you for the info. Btw, I'd like to ask another question, is the poster is the first press bonus? Or the photobook is the bonus as well? Thanks in advance.

The photobook is the bonus, I'm not sure about the poster though... I think it just depends on whether or not it's still in stock.

I don't think the one I got was even an official one, it was more of a sales advertisement type thing, it had a photo of them and then info on some of their previous releases (Best Selection/Secret Code DVD etc.) underneath.

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Guest moosicISlove4

I wanted to share a video clip with you guys~~ :D

I was watching this and it reminded me of the situation right now and I wondered if the boys remember this::


@ 4:30 Yunho starts talking-->and then it goes on to Jaejoong

I thought it was relevant to now,, but whatdo you guys think??

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@maytheendeTVfXQ.....I'm agree with you and I think many of us here think the same. I remember my last post here begging 'this bashing and saying negatively about JYJ' to stop. But...NO...it never stops.

Tonight I cried my eyes out just reading the fan account that followed the boys to PYH's grave today. And guess what? In the time the boys need support. The thing I see is the same old person's negative thoughts about the boys and blah blah blah...

@Sheila...I'm begging you now...please stop this. Don't tell me to use PM because that's all you can say and continue badmouthing about JYJ. T^T

I know you love you bias...And I respect you for that and so you should also respect others too. I've never seen anyone saying negative thing about HoMin (whom I also love dearly) but why JYJ have to suffer this? At least you should think about others' heart.

@TO MOD: I'm sorry I have to post this post. But I don't want to see again and again that one comment will lead to fanwar and arguement over again. If you want to warn me because of this. That's alright. I take responsibility of what I said but please...I don't want things to be like what we have in the 4th thread again.

I don't have anything to share at the moment. T^T So sorry...

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Guest JJ4eVa

honey bunny sweety maytheendeTVfXQ just ignore that so called i-support-the 5-but-actually-not fan,we knew it already... XD we don't want another drama here ok.. ^^ just let her rants... :D


just ignore her honey, okay.. :)

she will stop herself.. :D

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Guest alexkziel

[TRANS] 100712 JYJ - "(Park) Yong Ha-Hyung, Sorry We're Late."

The TVXQ trio, Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochun returned from America and immediately went to Park Yong Ha's grave, paying their respects to the spirit of the deceased in tears.

As they stood in front of the picture of the deceased and said, "Hyung, we're really sorry we came so late", they finally shed tears. This was especially so for Youngwoong Jaejoong, who received a great shock when he received word of his death, as he had made contact with Park Yong Ha while he was in the United States.

This is really sad but something that needed to be done.

I'm a little worried for JJ, I saw how affected he was with the lawsuit and now something even worse comes to him.

I know that he is a strong man, he is not the weak and little boy that some people likes to make from him, his life hasn't been that easy since he was young and it has contributed to harden him, even so it will be extremely difficult so I hope he can take this with calm, lean on his family and close friends support and keep going.

[TRANS] 100711 ELLEGirl Behind-The-Shooting + Editor's Blog

"This is the first time I've acted cutely so I feel really embarrassed," was what Changmin said to us. When we told him about the crazy responses for his signed photos and fans' excitement through the blog and twitter, he said "honestly, I still don't feel the reality of the Japanese fans' longing towards my activities, even until now, but when these all become evidence and are presented to me, I'll bit by bit feel "happy" and smile."

It hurts a little to see Changmin and Yunho being this doubtful about the fans love, but who can blame them?

Things like this makes me rage because the rumors and actions of some fans and outsiders were unnecessary and really cruel.

In fact, I believe that it played a significant role in how the things are now and in the current distance that exist between the boys, they said to us "don't believe and don't spread rumors" and some of us didn't give a damn. Now the damage is done.

That's why I'm glad for the fans that are actively supporting them, making petitions, asking for fanmeetings, supporting their projects, they need to know that they are loved :)

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Guest globerrific

hehehe rewatching this old but gold clip :)

mini Junsu is too yummygummy!

aww come on don't hate on JaeChunSu or HoMin. person first, artiste second; staying-together-just-for-the-sake-of-fans is silly and the last thing they should do. so let's just hope that first they nurture their bodies back to health, and second continue to make good music (whether individually or as a group).

what if (just what if) the stress from all the hating drives them to desperation and literally kills them? not everybody has the tenacity to stay strong in difficult times; even for those usually strong, sometimes all it takes is for that one breaking point.

of course we want to rewind this saga to before it even happened, but we know that it's not possible, and the situation has developed to what it is now. thinking this or that person should or shouldn't have made certain decisions is futile as it's all been done. don't feed your fantasies of "should have" and "could have" anymore because it's only gonna hurt yourself.

let's focus on the NOW, and think and say things based on the current situation. do i want to be amongst those who nitpick on the smallest things, and possibly drive the boys to desperation? no. do i want to move on and stick it out with them during these difficult times? yes.

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Guest sheilapiglet

@ sheilapiglet, i know that you are a Homin bias, if not just Yunho bias. But, seriously. Why do you always have to (almost always) criticize every single things that JYJ is doing? Just say, OK, that maybe their management send the news to the press. Or maybe, since the news is still hot at the moment, there are several reporters that waiting outside their residence, then followed them everywhere. So what? You mostly post negative comments about them, if i can't say always.

Don't you realize that your comment can open a debate, if i can't say a war? Most of your comments irritate me, personally, to be honest. I support all of 5 boys. I don't even care of the boycott project since it's started (sorry to you who support this project). Cause I know, what I've spent will go to them, even in a little amount. I believe once the lawsuit is over, and I hope JYJ wins, all 5 of them will get what they deserved. I'm talking about the profit re-calculation here.

Another thing is, that you support HM to sing "Mideoyo" in the coming SMTown Concert, yet you wished JYJ not to sing any Tohos nor DBs songs in their past Dome Concert. Seriously, what???

I even bother myself to backtracking last pages of thread 4 just to assure myself that you have stated that. I do aware that you also said that you will support JYJ to sings that song on their concert, but hey, the concert unfortunately has ended. It was so late that the statement is coming from you.

And, don't tell me to use PM, since you also didn't use that when you yelled at a member here. But now, I don't want to bother myself backtracking it.

what?...since when did I criticize JCS?!....I was criticizing the media/their management for using their sorrow as a way to boost their upcoming activities....using their feelings like that is not right...and I'm sure that they would've prefered to have their privacy..especially in the personal things they felt and said to PYH at his tombstone...I don't understand why people always think I'm talking about the members when I'm talking about something else...*thud*

if my posts irritate you, then DON'T READ THEM!....like seriously, it's not that hard..this is a public forum to discuss...if you can't handle seeing an opinion that you don't agree with without having to argue over it, then go somewhere else....I don't see how my post was saying something bad about JCS at all.

and where did you get the idea that I support the boycott?...eehhh???....I DON'T support the boycott..in fact, I think it's really silly and will only hurt Homin in the end and won't even help JCS...please don't put words into my mouth.

I don't feel comfortable when the guys sing ANY DBSK song when they're not complete..and I still don't now....when i said that i wouldn't want JCS to sing any group songs at their concert, I meant it...and at that time, Miduhyo was never even brought up and I never even thought about it..so of course i didn't mention it before....if I did think about it before tho, I would've said the same thing I'm saying now...that's the only song that I would be more okay with them singing just because we all know the meaning behind it....it still will never feel complete and I don't even think Homin will be able to sing it well with just 2 voices, but it lessens the blow just because it's that particular song....just like how it didn't feel right for JCS to perform at Tokyo Dome without Homin, but them singing 'W' also lessened the blow.

if you weren't so biased in the way your backtracked and only looked at the negative things I've said instead of the other 90% good things I've said about the guys, then you would've noticed that I never directly speak to someone unless first spoken to...so when I tell people to PM me, that's a reminder because they quoted me first..understand now?...just like how I'm replying to you now because you are directly talking to me FIRST.

I really dont care about the comment rating thing...I don't see the purpose of it at all except to judge people with....I'm not surprised since everything I say is apparently ALWAYS negative towards JCS and the other 99% of things I share is apparently overlooked...so I really don't mind.

anyways, stuff to share:

another fellow soompier requested some clips of YH teaching Korean..so here it is=):

Learning Korean With Yunho

100712 JKPOP NO.1-10

yay, they're at #1=)

[cut] cute dbsk moments

this is more JCS actually...awww, I love how YC was leaning on JS here and JJ with his funny faces=P..I love how the guys can just harmonize so well on the spot=D

DBSK "Bo Go Ship Da"

I love this song...so it's nice that the guys have sang it before too...they actually sound really good when they're not goofing around!=P

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Guest senyae

Congrats to the new tread :D

I only wish they put a recent picture of JJ (2010) in the presentation just like they did with the rest of members. But hey I shouldnt complain...overall It was an excellent job, especially the resume of the lawsuit...Thank you so much to the people who work very hard for making this new tread.

@Sheila...maybe you should be more careful to chose your words, because there are many people who didnt like your comment. You say to the other girl, If you dont liked then dont read it, sorry but since this is a PUBLIC forum of course we will read your comments, isnt about cant handle your opinion, we can handle opinions but somehow even I can feel like you were bashing indirectly to JYJ...always indirectly...maybe its not your intention and I'm misunderstanding you, but since Im not the only one who feel this way, I believe it must be your problem in the way to communicate your opinions...Im just asking you please be more careful next time.

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Guest felinmusic

Hey, can I ask how come youtube keep removing dbsk videos?? It's like every time when a user upload a complete set of dbsk variety show's, youtube keep removing the user's account, which is VERY VERY VERY frustrating. And where could I watch a complete variety show of dbsk?? I'm a chinese, so it's ok for me to watch chinese sub videos.

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Guest chdairkld

@ maytheendeTVfXQ: If you're going to post in here, then so be it. No need to make yourself a martyr and accept in advance a possible warning from the mods. You're free to let your rant/thoughts out as with everyone else.

@ rae_ai_gin: Don't go out of your way to politely mention how much responsibility you're going to take for posting and how much you don't want to stir argument. You've posted, now live with it.

We're not going to agree with every single post in this thread. That is why we each can post what we want, when we want. You are going to see every single post if you follow this thread and sometimes you won't be able to censor out posts you dislike or disagree with. If it bothers you, then post up your opinion to counter it. Go ahead, just like the person who posted the comment that you disagree with, you too can post up whatever you'd like to say regardless.

It is quite popular to post up statements asking sheilapiglet to stop posting/commenting in the way she has been doing. This is not necessary in this case nor any other case. Just post up what you'd like to be heard regarding the original issue. If you think sheilapiglet (or anyone else) has put down a member(s), it is much more productive to "correct" the problem by simply posting your view, instead of repeatedly posting that you simply disagree with that said poster.

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hey guys which site is best to buy off some of the albums?

i know there's yesasia but some are very expensive, like which is the cheapest?

and also ..in which version of mirotic is the "acoustic" version of the song mirotic??

[TRANS] 100712 JYJ - "(Park) Yong Ha-Hyung, Sorry We're Late."

"(Park) Yong Ha-hyung*, sorry we're late"

what is a swastika doing there?

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Guest bblover89

Let's move on people...

it's not that sheilapiglet is bashing, it's because of her? use of words.

she says her opinion. even though it's always the same negative tone...it's not like anyone can stop her from posting,

so just ignore her post if you disagree or pm her.

seeing this makes me really excited for yoochun's drama!

Scandal fanvid

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Guest miar815


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Guest eva0524

Sigh... :unsure:

No more fanwars guys...ok? If you dislike a person's post or choice of words, just ignore it.

The last thread ended quiiiiite peacefully because it's like we all came to a non-spoken agreement to ignore some certain users comments.

And even though this thread kinda had a rough start, it all started moving along smoothly because everyone went back to that agreement.

In my opinion, I think it's just choice of words and the attitude coming out of the posts. They probably don't mean to bash, but the way they phrase what they say just irritates the heck out of people. Me included.

Soooo~ lets just spazz and get excited about the new album coming out~ and all the dramas~ and SM town and A-nation! So much to be happy for! Don't let someone's comments drag you down^^


It's copyright infringement (i think?). So that is why now lot's of people post the name of variety shows in weird fonts and ways so they won't be able to find it and take it down. You can probably go to 百度 东方神起吧 if you want to find their variety shows with chinese subs. 土豆网 doesn't really take it down I think.

[TRANS] 100711 Elle Girl August issue Q&A - Hello Again Changmin

What is it like living with Yunho? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Awww~ I'm so glad they are living together! And it's so adorable~ one person pays and the other cleans up ahahahah ^^ Even though the part of Yunho panicking kinda breaks my heart just a lil bit =( Minnie...don't be such a meanie! XD

Friends, family, lovers, work and yourself. Rank the five in terms of their importance to you.

I kinda agree with sunny_dance on this one~ it sounds like he was answering the question rhetorically...It would be awesome if he had a real gf though~ lucky girl :lol:

[NEWS] 100712 Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu Pay Their Respects to the Late Park Yong Ha

[TRANS] 100712 JYJ - "(Park) Yong Ha-Hyung, Sorry We're Late."

:tears: It broke my heart to read this...Not being able to attend his funeral and pay respects to him, that must've felt like a ton of rocks stacked on their chest...Now that they've finally been able to have closure on this tragedy, I hope the healing can begin.

[Trans] 100712 Mnet Japan August Vote Results for Men With Beautiful Body

I'm really not surprised hahahah! Changmin's body is just...perfect 0_0

Pic/GIF Spam Time ^^

(All pretty old, but they're so cute^^)



LoL~ this GIF just makes me laugh...enjoying your massage there susu~?


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Guest lenale

[HD] Mini DBSK (Eng Sub)

this was just too hilarious and adorable...everytime i see this video, i just cant stop giggling :lol:

arent they so cute, dancing just like our boys...its awesome how they imitate them so well...and when mini Yunho says "because i resemble him, so i am quite a bit popular at school" ROFL...so cute...mini Jaejoong is so mischievous and smart...lolz...and mini Junsu is my favorite, he is just too adorable...maybe because he is the youngest...lolz...

thank you globerrific for posting it^^

070424 DBSK - 21c ARTIST (6/6)

thank you moosiclSlove for sharing this video^^...however, this one is without subs, so i dont know and cant remember what they were talking about there blush.gif ...but its still great to rewatch and enjoy those videos^^


wow..as always it feels great to see our boys n°1...and because they're often at this rank, i feel very disappointed when they're not...lolz...even for the most insignifiant poll...i just want to see them n°1, because to me, they're my n°1!!!

Learning Korean With Yunho

ah learning Korean with Yunho...the dream of every of us, fangirl...lolz...and suddenly Korean sounds so easy to learn...and if Jaejoong joins him, i will certainly major in Korean...lolz...i want them as teachers!!! who wouldnt :w00t:

[cut] cute dbsk moments

i so love this video...listen them trying to speak french...saying "bonjour" (Junsu's accent is not bad at all here...lolz)...and singing "Oh Champs Elysées"...and laughing at themself...it makes me smile...i love it...

thanks for posting all those videos sheilapiglet

Scandal fanvid

wow, its fanmade? it just look like a real teaser...its very nicely made...i cant wait for the series!!

thank you for sharing this clip bblover

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Guest raikko9

I agree though there's also really some posts here that irritate the hell out of me.

But its better to just ignore those comments or try to as much as possible~

We just need to learn to ignore or agree to disagree.

Just JaeMinSu.XP~


Kotobani dekinai caps~lol



Pretty Jae .XDD~


pics credit: as tagged

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Guest pickleisgood

what?...since when did I criticize JCS?!....I was criticizing the media/their management for using their sorrow as a way to boost their upcoming activities....using their feelings like that is not right...and I'm sure that they would've prefered to have their privacy..especially in the personal things they felt and said to PYH at his tombstone...I don't understand why people always think I'm talking about the members when I'm talking about something else...*thud*

I think..maybe because you dont love jyj as much as you love yunho now, that you didnt feel insulted when someone says something like "using their sorrow as a way to boost their upcoming activities". Even if you directed it to their management.

Its insulting. Its just like when netizens said that Yunho/management/sm starts to do donations right before his mj concert to boost that concert, or that he purposely bring media and photographer when he come to 'secretly' donate to his school and other charities. Werent you as yunho fan would be mad too? its the same as this.

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Guest Elizabeth9095

Ah, people will use anything against them. Don’t even respect their pain and grieve.

We, the fans, also have to be strong to face this endless criticism.

Many people don’t understand our pain, until is their bias they are talking about.

Let’s be strong, ne?

I’m really worried about Jaejoong, but I’m so glad he is now in Korea, and with people who can take care of him and help him overcome the sadness.

In the other hand I’m excited about their album, they recorder it in 2 weeks? I hope they take good rest now, they really need it.

I hope I can buy the album, is there gonna be a Japanese version and a Korean version or something, or I just dream that? I can’t remember where I read it

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Guest Supernike911

@Night Star

LOL bb, that's not a German swastika. It's the sign of temples in Korea - religious sign :)


I appreciate all your opinions, and I'm glad you guys are being mature, but please be careful not to directly attack anyone in particular.

[TRANS] 100712 Musical Actor Kim Dong Ho Talks About U-Know Yunho

Currently performing in the musical "Cat On The Roof", musical actor Kim Dong Ho (25) has also been invited to participate in the musical "Goong". He can be considered quite charming in terms of his musical performances, and his stage acting is also very outstanding, so he can be counted as a senior with plenty of stage experience.

This time, he will be assuming the role of the lead character as Prince Shin along with the leader of idol group TVXQ, U-Know Yunho. He humbly expressed that he wanted to take U-Know Yunho, who was challenging musicals for the first time, as a normal person, or someone he could naturally interact with under ordinary circumstances.

The tickets for U-Know Yunho's appearances were sold out within 2 minutes, which has evoked a huge amount of popularity and attention towards Goong. In response to this, Kim Dong Ho expressed calmly that although he had thoughts of making Yunho a competitor, Yunho did ask of plenty of guidance in terms of his acting from all the actors, so he was really thankful because he himself had areas where he wasn't sufficient in.

Source: [baidutvxq]

Translation credits: Supernike911@tohosomnia.net

Shared by: tohosomnia.net

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[TRANS] 100712 Eriko Kitagawa: Congratulations To Jejung + Heaven's Postman Extension

Congratulations To Jejung!

A lot of people have sent over information, and from the replies in the blog, I've come to know that "Sunao Ni Narenakute" has received an award from Nikkan Sports. Everyone that has congratulated me, thank you very much. Jejung, who is receiving the supporting actor award, congratulations!!!

Although I've already expressed how thankful I am... I didn't search for the article from Nikkan Sports, so it isn't fake right? It's not fake, so thank you so much. I can't help but say congratulations Jejung!

So thankful, I'm really unfamiliar with Nikkan Sports' Drama Grand Pix, but being congratulated by everyone makes me really happy (laughs). Everyone, thank you so much. I'm preparing to pass this onto Jejung. Alright, now I'm going to congratulate him.


Heaven's Postman Extension

Heaven's Postman's showing time was postponed again. The postponement was at Tokyo's Roppongi. Thank you.

Today, my husband finally saw Postman and said it was really good. There were two other men beside him, seemingly, they were desperately trying to wipe away their tears while making wuwuwu sounds.

My friend Mayumi, and also Kadokawa's new person-in-charge, Okada, both went, so thank you.

How do I say this, I have a feeling of wanting to say thank you to anyone who went to see. It's cute, and also, it has been extended again, so I want to go see it once more. Maybe it will be the last time seeing it in theaters.

The second part has started (currently still in my mind). But it hasn't descended to the bottom of the ocean floor, so I can't work... (referring to the previous journal)

(unrelated material omitted)

Postponement details for theaters


Source: [heyjj + baidutvxq]

Translation credits: Supernike911@tohosomnia.net

Shared by: tohosomnia.net

Do not remove/add on any credits

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