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Universities/Colleges in the Philippines

Guest driftwood023

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eeek. i am so amazed to find Filipino thread here haha:D

anyways, i spent 6 years of my life in UST [highschool and 2 years in BIOLOGY] but i recently transferred to Lyceum to take up Foreign Service:D

apparently, i wanted to pursue my passion for languages hehe:D


another thomasian..


lot of thomasian in this thread..

nyc meeting you..

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^ haha malayo pa ako. incoming sophomore pa lang ako sa law. easy ka lang sa bar, darating ka rin dun. anyway you're not entering san beda as a law student so its "prestigious history" won't really matter. if you really have decided on going to sanbeda, you should probably think of more reasons other than their bar passing percentage. sanbeda is a good school naman, bar exams or no bar exams, so it won't be difficult to think of reasons why you should go there. trust me, the "prestige" of their college of law does not necessarily rub off on undergrads.

ganun pala kamahal sa CSB? trimestral pa sila. pero diba depende rin yun sa course mo?

by the way, mahal din mag-law ah. even in UP, it takes a lot of money to study law. we pay only 18k per sem but we spend 5k on xeroxed cases and articles every semester. the books also cost a lot, probably around 6k for the first sem. you should buy your books too. dont just borrow. you're going to use it a lot naman, probably even after law school. eh di kung sa private law school pa yan like san beda, it's going to cost a lot more. in ateneo law, tuition is 56k per sem. san beda is probably not far behind. we're not even talking yet of the opportunity costs (the money that you won't make because of spending time in law school instead of working). so think really hard about it because it's a gamble that not a lot of people can afford to lose.

lol no i'm not going there for that sole reason

just because of the passing rate and what other people said..

but its a factor.. it won't be like that if it wasn't good in the first place

pero i know that what i'd be .. if i would pass it.. survive it or not.. is all up to me..

the best schools wouldn't help you if you wouldn't help yourself..

yup csb is expensive..

from their list of courses.. the cheapest one i saw was around 50k or 52k per sem.. expensive.. TT.TT and trimestral pa..

we can pay it but it would be difficult pag may biglaang gastusin.

unlike now that there's absolutely no problem with everything

and its quite far from home so i'd be spending quite a lot on fares..

about the gamble..

yeah.. T-T i do understand.. i already thought of those factors when i decided i'd take it

i may have to give up lots of things..

the first one may be the hours of sleep.. because i may have to dedicate lots of my free time to reading

then maybe a bit of my social life.. my love for art etc etc

i read a few posts from law students from other forums and they said it is quite frustrating knowing that your batchmates have already found jobs and that stuff..

anyway.. hahaha tatapusin ko muna ang legal management bago ko isipin ang law school..

but one day.. i really do hope i'd be a law student like you..

advanced good luck na lang even if 3 yrs pa sya.. super advanced..~!! hehe

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Guest neinsager

^ haha all right thanks. anyway if you're not particular about the law school you would want to attend, it's easy to get accepted into one and become a law student. schools like san beda don't really care much about their admissions as much as their retention requirements.

haha, don't worry too much about sleep or social life. you will get enough. it's all about time management and excellent cramming skills that you will get to develop in college.

i don't know about the frustrations of seeing my batchmates already getting jobs though. surely, some of them got financially rewarding jobs that offer a lot of opportunity for personal and professional growth. but that's not what i hear about most of the time. my friends from ateneo keep telling me how lucky i am that i don't have to work yet. especially if you enter law school right after college, a lot of your batchmates will probably get 9 to 5 jobs in makati where they stay in their cubicles all day, with pay that's not even enough to support their college lifestyles. that's hardly anything that i would look forward to. you however, as a law student, get to study at your own pace and spend money that you don't have to earn yourself. you don't have a boss. if you botch a recit or an exam, you don't have anyone to answer to but yourself.

of course, after law school, you might decide to join a law firm, and therefore, the ranks of the makati 9-to-5ers. imagine 30 case piles randomly strewn across the floor of your office. but you will probably make a lot more money in the long run, which is kind of the point of going to law school anyway. yeah. you weren't thinking of saving the country with your super awesome lawyer powers, were you? hehe.

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Guest cpopbaby19

^Uy, I love that "excellent cramming skills" line. :P 8D Yes, it's true.. If you will pursue a course that is really much into paper work, you will develop excellent cramming skills. (like.. finishing a paper 30 minutes before class) :lol: And, its really up to you if you will give up your social life. :P My friends go out alot (like go clubbing in Eastwood) and they still get to finish all the stuff we have to do. :P

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Guest BrightStar

Cool, saw this just now. Haha! Loads of Filipinos...

I'm from UST. Graduating there, Bio major. Actually a friend of JEMNISE! And a close one at that :P

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Guest sweetRUI

actually, my parents did not want me to go any other place else other than UP Diliman. kasi nga the tuition is very low compared to other schools.

my parents even gave me the UP or nothing thing....

and look where i am now...hahaha

yes, it's expensive in CSB but it's up to you to make the best out of it.

you're not only paying La Sallian status but your 53K will actually go somewhere....like a secured job and you'll become very skilled with the craft you choose.....so far, I'm choosing the web design and photography track.

*sighs*....actually i'm not only going to pay 53K x3 a year....every year it goes higher and highes up to 60K coz of the laboratory fees

Multimedia Arts is a fun course but it can be sooooo demanding.

Why not opt of Information Design of ADMU or Film and AudioVis of UP. ^^

yup csb is expensive..

from their list of courses.. the cheapest one i saw was around 50k or 52k per sem.. expensive.. TT.TT and trimestral pa..

we can pay it but it would be difficult pag may biglaang gastusin.

unlike now that there's absolutely no problem with everything

and its quite far from home so i'd be spending quite a lot on fares..

and yes, fare trips to CSB is really a big load on your budget...

i'm paying like 300+ just for one week fare. and i only have like 1200 to spend for a week.

think how much you're materials for ur projects....it's beyond expensive...u can borrow cameras and equipment in school but it's a long process.

class systems are heavy too. next term, i have a class until 8:00 in the evening....

you'll also experience not eatin for the whole day just to get a project done...

most likely you'll experience hell just like how other students experience hell in their own schools...

there's not much difference really...

i'm trying to make the best out of my stay in CSB with pleasing my parents with my grades....i guess that's the only i can repay the 52K we're paying now....

but at the end of the day....especially after you've finished a film and presented it and got a good grade....you can finally breathe out and say it's all worth it....

it sucks april that i wont get to see you but who knows, try getting masters in graphic and web design in CSB in the future...hehehehe

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Guest 15;;1/2

^ Someone once told me "If you want an easy life, go to CSB." It's somehow true but only in your first three/four terms. The workload of CSB students (SDA students, specifically) involve design / graphics / exhibits / other practical stuff unlike most schools (which involve more theoretical type of school work). The facilities in CSB are really good too. :) MMA is a good course; you'll have a lot of career opportunities with that degree.

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Guest sweetRUI

^ Someone once told me "If you want an easy life, go to CSB." It's somehow true but only in your first three/four terms. The workload of CSB students (SDA students, specifically) involve design / graphics / exhibits / other practical stuff unlike most schools (which involve more theoretical type of school work). The facilities in CSB are really good too. :) MMA is a good course; you'll have a lot of career opportunities with that degree.

i dont think that's true nowadays in CSB....

forgive me if this sounds offensive but there are some people who just waste their time in taft and go around UM (university mall) to drink and smoke during their class hours.....that's what i think gives the impression that CSB life is easy.

I've only been here for 3 terms but I dont think CSB life is so and so...

the SDA (School of Design and Arts) courses are very demanding...and its true....you're professors are going to be demanding coz they expect you to be top pioneers of the design industry in the philippines...but never the less, being someone from SDA is rewarding...

the other courses are also pretty much demanding....i think esp of those of SHRIM (School of Hotel I-something....lol, forgot...and Mangament)

HRIM student almost runs the CSB hotel so that gives them a lot of practice...

as for the business courses, it's pretty much the same as any business school.....

CSB does more practical work than doing the classroom type thing....

so I don't think CSB life is easy...it's very demanding and there are people from CSB who take CSB life lightly.....

and if you ask me....I didn't like CSB in the first place...I was opting for DLSU-M....but because of my course, I came to appreciate the school a little better.

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Guest 15;;1/2

^I agree that there are many people who just waste their time in Taft and not attend their classes at all. I think it's a waste of time..especially when you fail a subject then take it again and extend for a few more terms in college.

Well..CSB life can get quite demanding (depending on your course maybe) but a lot of students take it lightly..maybe it's also a factor why people think CSB students are dumb.

Btw, what's your course in DLSU?

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Guest sweetRUI

^I agree that there are many people who just waste their time in Taft and not attend their classes at all. I think it's a waste of time..especially when you fail a subject then take it again and extend for a few more terms in college.

Well..CSB life can get quite demanding (depending on your course maybe) but a lot of students take it lightly..maybe it's also a factor why people think CSB students are dumb.

Btw, what's your course in DLSU?

ah....eh....hehehe...i'm from CSB btw...currently an incoming sophomore this may21 taking up Multimedia Arts..^^

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Guest geronsky

^Aren't you a mod at YGBB? ._. ..or not. lols. ^^

I'm studying at MC! XD Incoming Junior (OMG! Thesis is on novemberr) taking up International Studies. ;)

Maybe we can see one another at Katipunan!! XD

Wow you're studying at MC? I just graduated high school there and I'll be going to college there soon too~ I'm going to take up the same course as well.

I actually wanted to go to UPLB or UST before because I wanted a new school.. but my parents wanted a school that was close to my house. Now I'm fine with MC as my school =D I'm actually excited about college.. since I got the course that I want.

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Guest keiko04

Hi everyone :D

I have a question. I moved to the US June '07, and I'm considering taking the UPCAT my senior year. (I'm still a freshman, so around 2010) Is the Filipino part of UPCAT difficult to pass if you haven't had the chance to learn high school-level Filipino? Because yeah, I don't think I'll take it if I just end up flunking it, because taking the exam would be more expensive from here D:

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(Was there a Filipino part? LOL XD)

Anyway, as far as I could remember, the language part (English and Filipino) was fairly easy~ Practical stuff, I guess x:

I think you just have to worry about the Math and Science part of the test.

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Guest geronsky

^ Hehe yeah there was a Filipino part.

But like what Diana said.. it wasn't really that hard.

^ Oh Mara ^^ You're also an incoming freshman? Cool <3 Maybe we can meet somewhere in Katipunan. I'm right 'next door' XD Dong Bang spazzing? :D

Diana~ You'll be studying at Ateneo? =P Yeah we could meet when school starts! I'm sure I'll have fun spazzing with you XD

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Diana~ You'll be studying at Ateneo? =P Yeah we could meet when school starts! I'm sure I'll have fun spazzing with you XD

Yes, HOMG :D It's rare that I get to spazz with someone of the same age (in person) hahaha~ Are you coming to Cassiopeia Philippine's gathering this week (on the 19th)?

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Guest badstar

Wow you're studying at MC? I just graduated high school there and I'll be going to college there soon too~ I'm going to take up the same course as well.

I actually wanted to go to UPLB or UST before because I wanted a new school.. but my parents wanted a school that was close to my house. Now I'm fine with MC as my school =D I'm actually excited about college.. since I got the course that I want.

I'm from MC too, but I'm older than you both lol. I'm an incoming senior and I'm taking up CDE..

Speaking of IS, some of my friends in IS are taking up their OJT now, and they're going to the US. Awesome!

Hi Diana, wow! you're going to Ateneo? that's great! Maybe we can meet somewhere in Katipunan when you're already in college. Congratulations to you!^^

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Guest keiko04



Thanks guys :D

Let's see how high school goes, and if I'll still be doing well in Math by then >>; Congrats to those who are going to college this upcoming SY, and good luck (:

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Guest neinsager

Hi everyone :D

I have a question. I moved to the US June '07, and I'm considering taking the UPCAT my senior year. (I'm still a freshman, so around 2010) Is the Filipino part of UPCAT difficult to pass if you haven't had the chance to learn high school-level Filipino? Because yeah, I don't think I'll take it if I just end up flunking it, because taking the exam would be more expensive from here D:

worry about your SAT first before the upcat.

if you're graduating from an american high school, you will need to get a score of at least 1200 in your SAT to get automatic admission to UP. otherwise, you will have to take the upcat.

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