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少女時代 Girls' Generation / SNSD (소녀시대) Official Thread [Ver.3] GIRLS 6ENERAT10N | HYO 4th Single "Dessert"


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Guest snowqueen13

hmmm... they are doin well for a rookie.. they got harder competitors.. but you know what... all sones should have this rookie mentality some sones are so cocky.. dont you know with your cockiness you're putting greater pressure  on snsd?? SNSD is already carrying the pressure of having the title of korea's top girl group...that alone is enough to make them all feel nervous.. and some fans, netizens and antis are adding more pressure... expecting them to be always number one,..remembr they are just debuting.. they havent shown japan what is the real meaning of SNSD yet,,,..

i'm more worried about their health actually cos from wha ive seen since lst year till this year they all look so tired..i hope i wont read a news the one member fainted bec of exhaustion..

and as for japanese gee.. no offense but it's an unwise move for sm..im a big sone but i have neutral opinion.. gee has been heard a lot by many people, it has been a year since it was promoted, it even created controverssies.. and by re creating gee(japanese version)  Japanese music industry will not take snsd seriously.. some japanese are already saying about the less effort in advancing to japan cos korean groups just re create their older songs.. thus the quality of japan's music is declining..if they really want snsd to become the best of asia.. start with japan,...show the them real music and new song and not just rely on snsd's charm.. brand new song+SNSD's charm and talent+popularity+real music= BIG SUCCESS..

they should promote snsd more on music shows, televsion where they can actually showcase their chamrs and talents rather than photoshoots and posters.. they didnt go to japan to be models..

not hating just my two cent..

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Guest Redwarrior

hmmm... they are doin well for a rookie.. they got harder competitors.. but you know what... all sones should have this rookie mentality some sones are so cocky.. dont you know with your cockiness you're putting greater pressure  on snsd?? SNSD is already carrying the pressure of having the title of korea's top girl group...that alone is enough to make them all feel nervous.. and some fans, netizens and antis are adding more pressure... expecting them to be always number one,..remembr they are just debuting.. they havent shown japan what is the real meaning of SNSD yet,,,..

i'm more worried about their health actually cos from wha ive seen since lst year till this year they all look so tired..i hope i wont read a news the one member fainted bec of exhaustion..

and as for japanese gee.. no offense but it's an unwise move for sm..im a big sone but i have neutral opinion.. gee has been heard a lot by many people, it has been a year since it was promoted, it even created controverssies.. and by re creating gee(japanese version)  Japanese music industry will not take snsd seriously.. some japanese are already saying about the less effort in advancing to japan cos korean groups just re create their older songs.. thus the quality of japan's music is declining..if they really want snsd to become the best of asia.. start with japan,...show the them real music and new song and not just rely on snsd's charm.. brand new song+SNSD's charm and talent+popularity+real music= BIG SUCCESS..

they should promote snsd more on music shows, televsion where they can actually showcase their chamrs and talents rather than photoshoots and posters.. they didnt go to japan to be models..

not hating just my two cent..

I agree. One remake for a debut single is enough. If they have consecutive singles that are both remakes, it wouldn't be good. If they want to remake Gee in japanese, they can put that in their 1st Japanese album. no harm in that But as another song to promote, it makes it seem like they are not serious about entering the Japanese Music Industry.

-Plus...I'm greedy and I want new songs.... :phew:

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Guest Preaw2007




I have to agree with you!...some sones.and antis are putting so much pleasure on them...they expecting them to be always number one....thats just ..uh.-.-

look at wonder girls...they  are also start from zero again when they promote in the US.....succes need time...(and they doing good already for a newbie in Japan!)

some of you guys are really greedy....when you were born can you walk on two feet already? I don think so...or else you are buddha xD

chill out ....the girls are doing fine for a beginner!

and another point -- music...yeah thats true but is also like killing the girls alive ya know....you said it yourself.....their schedul is full..to the max....thats just insane-.-

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I think it's still too early to tag number i.e., 80,000 units sold for the time being... and I think it's still inaccurate to say those are just pre-ordered via 'retail' as well, in actually it could really be genuine indication of success for our girls. But, just like the majority here, lets wait until 1 week to see a more concrete indicator of SNSD's progress.

It's important that we keep sharing the love of our girls to our fellow friends and neighbors... don't underestimate the simple yet powerful method spreading the word of SNSD to others!

There's more to the article though:

Many cassies over at the DBSK thread were angry about that last bolded part. Basically Kim didn't think about the context. Japan music scene 4 yrs ago =/= Japan now. There are so many factors that lead to more exposure to Korean songs in Japan. So, 1) It wouldn't do anyone any good to compare the debut of the two groups 2) especially since they are signed under different companies (AVEX didn't do much promo...>.>) SNSD is EXTREMELY lucky to have Universal. CSJH flopped b/c AVEX didn't promote them as much as they could have.

This statement about THSK not having a hard time in Japan also contradicted with the statements of the boys whenever the spoke about their time in Japan. It was basically a slap in both Yunho and Changmin's faces who were present at the presscon.Here's a post that explains why:

It wasn't about SNSD but more about KYM's choice of how he went to explain about Soshi's Japan activities and plans.

That's why I was hesitant to bring the subject here in the first place. However, with that said, SM had to make a stand in their position on 'TVXQ' and its outlook. What was unfortunate for SONES who caught the news, was the timing of the questions (many SONES agreed about how that wasn't the place to answer such questions from the media), it should just be about SMTown live and nothing else, it was SMTown live's place and time. Representative Kim could've portrayed and used different vocabulary and the media could've hold off on such questions for a more less sensitive venue. Questions that would rile up 'reactions' from people should be set at another time, not there and then.




소녀시대, 일본 데뷔 싱글 ‘GENIE’ 일본 음악차트 1위!

SNSD, debut single 'Genie' Japan hits no.1 on Music Chart!

입력 : 2010.09.09 14:42




소녀시대, 日데뷔싱글 아이튠즈 뮤비차트 '1위'

SNSD, hits 'No.1' on itunes MV chart

2010-09-09 15:28




'아시아 NO1 걸그룹' 소녀시대, 日 데뷔 싱글 'GENIE' 1위!

SNSD received 'Explosive Reaction' as 'Genie' tops No.1 on chart!

2010-09-09 15:27


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Guest snowqueen13




yeah i want new songs too.. and hopefully the new song could actually showcase their vocals..

if the japanese media and public thought that they arent serious... it would create big impact on snsd...in a negative way..actually i dont lie what sm is doin..look at the girls theyre so thin and look dead tired.. if they want them to do well they should give them enough rest.. they could've pull out snsd from la concert(tho its impossible).. what thyere doin is they make snsd attend loads of concert, then just post loads of pictures and posters of snsd in japan>>>did they go there to be magazine models or what?? thats why japanese media always call them beautiful legged, model like girl group bec thats how theyre promoted,..

sorry fro ranting but im kinda dissapointed with sm...snsd are humans not machines.. then they still allowed snsd to go to kpop night in singapore.i know it has something to do with becoming asia'stop girl group but cant they do it like once step at a time? they should be focosing on japan more since thats where they're currently promoting,,,

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Guest Redwarrior

^ Yeah, I agree about the vocals part.

Oddly enough, my all-time favourite SNSD jams are: Into the New World and Girls' Generation.

[Great vocals]. They'd do even better since their voices are more polished after 3 years of experience.

DISCUSSIONWhat's your favourite SNSD song to jam to?Or songs - won't get tired of it, listen to it anytime, anywhere, not necessarily the one with the most play counts.

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Guest My Sweet September

My top 5, at the moment, are:

1. Himnae (recently switched places with Into the New World hehe)

2. Into the New World

3. Beginning

4. Girls and Boys

5. Ummm...the is hard. Haha. Its between Girls' Generation, Etude, or Kissing You.

I mean I love all SNSD songs really. But these songs always brighten my day and I ALWAYS sing along. It might be a peculiar list, lol.

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Yeah as for the next song i also dont want it to be Gee lol it's quite old and idk

it's korea nation song so let it be just like that hahahaha also that song is almost 2 years old now

anyway my fave snsd song

- Himnae LOL XD

- Genie

- Echo

- Complete/Tinkerbell

mostly the non promotion song ones lol

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Guest ice_soshi

DISCUSSIONWhat's your favourite SNSD song to jam to?Or songs - won't get tired of it, listen to it anytime, anywhere, not necessarily the one with the most play counts.

All their title tracks.. i can keep looping them on my player and i won't be tired of.

Tae's 2 OST i'll never get tired of... i have most of her radio lives on loop. =x

I'm not sure about jamming o-o;;; (u mean like guitar/drums stuff?)

But if its KTV, then it'll be Gee & RDR... (i skip the rap parts though)

top songs for me are Himnae and GG (my fav MV) i've always been more of a rock listener.

and i guess Chocolate Love... its catchy :)

from Oh album, i particularly like Forever and Talk to me



she looks sleepy though


funnily i'm currently hooked to Trax's Oh! my goddess... and i keep thinking about the girls when i listen to it. someone should make a fmv of soshi with this track xD

talesy said everything i wanted to say. xD

i was too tired to type all that out..thanks for voicing~




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Guest snowqueen13

my fave aonga of SNSD

1. into the new world




5.girls generation

~~ these are my all time fave....

labelle are you bellisima i saw you before at taesu thread..^.^ im eunbi

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Guest Wildcats1204

DISCUSSIONWhat's your favourite SNSD song to jam to?Or songs - won't get tired of it, listen to it anytime, anywhere, not necessarily the one with the most play counts.

1.Run Devil Run- This song is now stuck in my head!

2.Genie (Japanese/Korean version)- I love Genie :)



5. Into the New World

I love SNSD songs

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Guest harris90

My favorite SoShi's song... top 5 would be:

1 - Run DEVIL Run ( never get tired of this song...but the MV is suXX <_< )

2 - GENIE ( prefer Korean version )

3 - OH

4 - Star Star Star

5 - Into The New World ( maybe > < )

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I think it's very likely that 'Gee' will be the next single. I personnally don't mind, honestly, but I understand that some fans might think it's too old to be promoted.

That's just my opinion, but I don't like J-Pop. Not my cup of tea. Their Korean songs have a LOT of potential and I think 'Gee' could do well in Japan. But 'Gee' will probably be the second and the last remake.

After that, I believe they will comeback in South Korea with a new album which will be promoted for a few months, and then maybe they'll start releasing original songs in Japan.

I don't know if I'm the only one feeling that way but Japanese songs released by Korean artists usually aren't that good so I'm not really impatient to have original songs. Plus, as long as they remake their songs, I'm pretty sure it'll make the girls comeback in Korea faster. Original songs mean a lot of promotion. That means SNSD will concentrate on the Japanese market at least for a moment... And if after that they go to other Asian countries, when will we see SNSD back in Korea ? Every 2 years like DBSK ? =/

I don't know but I personnally like what Universal is doing with the girls so far. They'll probably have a few performances sooner or later in Japan. They won't only have their posters in the streets of Tokyo forever. About the "beautiful-legged group", I don't see why it's a problem. It's just a strategy to catch people's attention, honestly, they'll get rid of that after 'Genie'. It's because the song itself really emphazises on their legs.

It's not like Japanese people only know them as "the good looking girls" of Korea. Many people have been praising their skills in singing and dancing, probably more than any other Korean group debuting in Japan.

Can't we just chill instead of being unhappy about Universal's way of promoting SNSD or SNSD's so called low sales ? :P I don't know but the single was released yesterday and there are already many complaints. It's not too late for SNSD to promote right now. Just wait and see. =/

What's your favourite SNSD song to jam to?Or songs - won't get tired of it, listen to it anytime, anywhere, not necessarily the one with the most play counts.

1. Genie

2. Run Devil Run

3. Oh!

4. Gee

5. Into The New World

These are the ones with the most play counts. But my favorites are 'Genie' and 'Into The New World'. :)

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Guest killerkill

DISCUSSIONWhat's your favourite SNSD song to jam to?Or songs - won't get tired of it, listen to it anytime, anywhere, not necessarily the one with the most play counts.

- Into the New World

- Gee

- Genie (Korea and Japan)

- OH <-- i love fanchart ><

- Complete

- Tear

- Forever

- Can you hear me

I listen snsd's song everyday. I think soshi's song is stuck in my head lol

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^ Yeah, I agree about the vocals part.

Oddly enough, my all-time favourite SNSD jams are: Into the New World and Girls' Generation.

[Great vocals]. They'd do even better since their voices are more polished after 3 years of experience.

DISCUSSIONWhat's your favourite SNSD song to jam to?Or songs - won't get tired of it, listen to it anytime, anywhere, not necessarily the one with the most play counts.

jam meaning playing acoustic the song with guitar or listening ?

that would be

1.Into New World

2.Baby Baby


4.Lets Talk About Love

5.I Want To Dream With You Forever

6.Kissing You




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Guest snowqueen13

talesy: i really hope they wont make gee as their next single T.T call me immature or whatever but it wont do well in japan..japanese music industry is already scrutinising korean groups fro just trnalating their old songs to japanese.. they wont sell well.. japan music industry is big..they should take it seriously..^____^

But 'Gee' will probably be the second and the last remake.

i will agree with the las remake part..cos if they will remake gee..their sales would be lower.. theyre gonna learn their lesson

i'm a sone and soshsifed is the only international forum ive joined please dont call me a hater but i dont like sm's way of promoting they rely on visuals,...instead of emphasising their talents,, gee is korea's anthem but now its time to make new song.. i mean a real good song.im a sone but im not blind.. the only song's from snsd that i can consider REAL music are into the new world and girls generation.

i forgot..soompi is another forum site -.-

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Guest herojaejoong:)

I think Gee as the second single is really plausible. Since SNSD is still sharpening their Japanese skills and they are still strengthening their fanbase, SM just want to take these no-lose (not to mention cheaper) steps as their stepping stones to tbe Japanese market. A new single would probably be released when SNSD is more popular in Japan. Thats usually how it works, I guess. And if that happens and if SM wants SNSD to focus more and grow larger at Japan, more singles would be released. Cos in japan, artists release singles atleast twice or thrice a year. So for now, let's enjoy remakes! :)

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