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少女時代 Girls' Generation / SNSD (소녀시대) Official Thread [Ver.3] GIRLS 6ENERAT10N | HYO 4th Single "Dessert"


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Guest miavmiav

LavelyShai said: Uh oh, more potentially bad news. K-news reports that Jessica has been emailing journalists about her alleged mistreatment from SM. This doesn't look good at all, I don't want to believe she's been doing this, it doesn't even sound right. 

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contracts with SM are probably similar to contracts everywhere else...

if Jessica is going to sing, SM is the manager/owner...

anything else, unless stipulated in the contract, is all hers...

but, if she does sing, she needs to live up to the obligations in her contract...

SM is probably just hoping the twitters, emails, and any other postings just stop...

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Guest nth2tell

MaryS said:

My opinion:

First and foremost I support OT9.

Second... I am no the kind to judge a person with out knowing him/her first......BUT this Tyler Kwon guy never gave me a good feeling.

Since day one of this scandal, a "novela" type of drama come through my mind...  A long and strong friendship broken because of "love".  We have all seen it in TV dramas and movies... this guy suddenly comes into the life of this two close friends. Blinded by "love" and all this guys sweet talks The friend in love decides to terminate the friendship because of him...... But we all know the ending.... and that's what im most afraid of for Jessica.

In my mind, this was all very well planed by this person, so J will be alone and that way...it will be easy to backstab... perhaps run with the profit?? (crazy right lol)

Like all the comments before me.... I do think Tyler is very much to be blame! Why to be so clingy! fallowing her Everywhere! specially this last months???

She signed the contracted for 3 more years, SNSD and SM were supporting her (although I do still hate SM for handling the recent problems so bad)

As we can all see the 8 members are sad about all this....

Sadly Jessica was stock between two very important things she love SNSD and fashion designing ... she had to choose one. But she could have waited a bit ...I mean, all the members are getting to an age that they want to have their own family and like Jessica have their business. I will Love for SNSD to do music forever...but ofc they need their break and im pretty sure well know its almost about time. To get their life together and after a couple of years comeback like Shinhwa.

Back to the main point. Why so rushed!?  to open Blanc ....she has a lifetime to do so... unless ofc pushed by someone she "trusts"

Tyler must have known the BUSY schedule of SNSD! plus individual activities ....why add such a Big load of work and time consuming project to Jessica. Although she was determine to do SNSDs activities and do Blanc, at the end of the day, we all know Jessica will have stumble cause of so much stuff going on in her life mentally and physically. The 8 members saw it and perhaps advise Jessica about it....  

..... Finally We DO NOT KNOW WHAT REALLY HAPPEND!  this is just MY OPINION, Im just making things in my head, may be this Tyler guy is really nice and truthful to Jessica.

I JUST PRAY THIS IS SOLVE, AND THE 8MEMBERS AND JESSICA GO BACK TO OT9 PEACEFULLY. But what ever they do together or apart I will always support them!

P.S ( I wish SNSD will just quit with SM and make their own company or just go with another one with out such stupid  CEOs )

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That's is right @LavelyShai everyone so far on this thread have been level-headed although we all know at the back of our minds that we are bias or possibly siding someone's side but we're weighing things quite well. As for me it would be so disappointing if Jessica really did release a statement for the press - if she really did. I think that would be such a bad move and it would most likely put her on bad light not just for her but for the girls as well. I honestly think still that it was not "unjustifiable reason" when she got booted out of course I also wouldn't agree that she got booted out.I have remembered that Jessica has an impulsive behavior, if you remember on GGTS when she got upset because HY suddenly went missing from their dance practice and she started saying things already but found out that HY was just checking the "Do Something" choreography and Jessica cried because she didn't think about what HY did was for their team. She cried because of that and HY saw it first. My point is this could have not happened if only they have tried to talk it over atleast one last time on what Jessica really wanted before Jessica made any comment about it. Maybe the ultimatum she was given is to decide before the China fanmeet but when they found out that Jessica wasn't there yet a day before the fanmeeting the girls could have probably thought that it was already Jessica's answer but then she posted it on Weibo that GG was her priority which was of course too late already because the girls are on their way to China. She arrived after 8 girls left and not in China but in Korea. So..
Anyway, I really hope they could talk things through.. Apologize whoever needs to apologize. I cannot believe the 15years of togetherness would end this way. I cannot blame other people who would say that soshibond is fake.. it makes me sad.. I wish right now they can prove that Soshibond is real. And like Jessica said on a US interview that they are just like sisters.. so.. I really pray.. hard for them.

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Guest danielle92



Back to the main point. Why so rushed!?  to open Blanc ....she has a lifetime to do so... unless ofc pushed by someone she "trusts"

Tyler must have known the BUSY schedule of SNSD! plus individual activities ....why add such a Big load of work and time consuming project to Jessica. Although she was determine to do SNSDs activities and do Blanc, at the end of the day, we all know Jessica will have stumble cause of so much stuff going on in her life mentally and physically. The 8 members saw it and perhaps advise Jessica about it....  

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Guest miavmiav

Indeed, thank you for the levelnesshead in this thread. It is beyond amazing and it is really nice to feel we are all in this together, that we are all hurt by this situation, but nevertheless that we still try to think rationally and logically about the situation. 
There is one thing that I have been thinking lately, and that is their latest Japanese album release with a video about them, where they answer some questions. I remember watching it and being very confused about why Jessica would answer 'many times a day' to the question of 'whether she had considered quitting SNSD'... I can remember it didn't feel so nice to hear and now, I guess everything makes sense with this situation, though it goes directly against what she said in her statement. The unsure feeling the answer left behind wasn't nice at all, yet I hadn't expected this.

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@happyboy: totally agree w/ all your points.
and the Spencer Pratt connection has got to be be the most spot on comparison yet. wow.
as dumb and incomprehensible a move it was for GG to remove Sica from the group, I'm sure it was really a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils.
From the other 8 members' positions Sica's actions and her choices may have been becoming increasingly unreliable and independent. Maybe they saw that it was only a matter of time before lord knows, Sica up and decides, she's going to marry that low-life of a human being. In that event, as much as some of us GG fans would like to deny, the group's profit, stocks, marketing, demand from advertisers could have become vulnerable (at least, in the eyes of the group...)
One thing I'm interested in hearing all your guys' thoughts on is:What do you think distinguishes Sica's relationship w/ Tyler + her personal project from let's say, the other members' dating situations and their personal involvement in dramas, shows, musicals?
I am definitely leaning towards the side that thinks Sica's case is, in fact, different from what the other members are doing, but I can't place a finger as to WHY.
Does it have to do w/ the fact that Sica's relationship + personal activities are so heavily geared to her securing a life for herself AFTER GG? But couldn't that also be said for the other members working on their own projects?

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Guest miavmiav

yellow and green


What do you think distinguishes Sica's relationship w/ Tyler + her personal project from let's say, the other members' dating situations and their personal involvement in dramas, shows, musicals?
I am definitely leaning towards the side that thinks Sica's case is, in fact, different from what the other members are doing, but I can't place a finger as to WHY.
Does it have to do w/ the fact that Sica's relationship + personal activities are so heavily geared to her securing a life for herself AFTER GG? But couldn't that also be said for the other members working on their own projects?

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Guest danielle92

yellow and green


One thing I'm interested in hearing all your guys' thoughts on is:
What do you think distinguishes Sica's relationship w/ Tyler + her personal project from let's say, the other members' dating situations and their personal involvement in dramas, shows, musicals?

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Guest iheartneiman

Everyone makes really good points. I feel that most of us are on the same page. It's really nice. I wish J n TK stop writing/posting to the media. I know she wants to get her points across but can't she keep it in house? They've been together for so long that I wished she would've waited before she posted something. Yes she was extremely upset but it didn't give her time to calm down and think properly. Airing all this dirty laundry causes more friction between both parties. Hopefully they will be able to resolve this and mend their friendship. It'll be hard since she did throw the other 8 under the bus but hopefully the girls will look past that hurt. But if J continues on her rampage then it'll be really hard to salvage what they loss. Love friendship and bond. J is normally a very private person so I'm really surprised and baffled about how all of this went down in social media. That's why I really blame TK for the bulk of this riff. He could be buzzing in her ear and feeding her things for all we know.

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Guest iheartneiman

Do you guys think J added TK to act as her manager and guide in her contract clause? SM handles most of her SNSD group activities but TK and his company gets to manage her on other activities that are unrelated to the group ie Blanc. How would J have time to practice and tour with the girls if she's busy making her name and brand known? Both activities prolly clashed often, time and effort wise, and that's prolly why J had to make a decision on what's more important. She said SNSD is important but why wasn't she in Korea prepping for their fan meeting in China. China is where most of her fans are. She didn't come back until the last minute and that is why I am iffy about her statements. Her statements are prolly reworded and looked over by TKs PR team before she posted it.

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@LavelyShai: lol you're not alone, the spaces in my UN gets its fair share of hate :)

Echoing others in this forum, everyone brings up really great points and in such a civilized and rational manner... It's so nice to read others' insights without wanting to rip my hairs out or scratch my head in utter confusion or at a loss of words - feelings I have when reading some of the korean sites/k.netz comments... -__-

Also, as much as I would love to hear/read something - ANYTHING - from the other 8 members - I actually appreciate their current silence. Sure, their being mum on the issue can be seen by some to confirm their role in forcing J out, but I'm thankful they're not rushing into making an official statement. I really can't imagine how much they, too, want a chance to explain their side of the story + address the accusations made against them... But think it through, girls. Think it through. Once words are written/spoken, they can't be taken back.

BUTTTTTT, if their silence is just SM manipulating/forcing them to buy time while drafting the perfect statement to be read by a member being trained to cry on cue... well then, we fans are screwed on so many levels.

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Guest nth2tell

LavelyShai said: @iheartneimanYou just mentioned something I don't think ANY SONE thought of. 
Trust me I've thought about it but every time I think about business point of view, it turned out to be very ugly. (e.g. all these commotion is a marketing strategy because her line is supposed to ship out this month and .... I see a few sold out items on her blanc web now. --- omg.. I don't want to imagine anymore. This is wrong.)
As for her official statement, it's been confirmed that it was posted through a pr firm and was then posted on BLANC's website...who do we know of that dabbles in public relations and is extremely close to Jessica? Tyler Kwon. She's still in SM so her statement should have been through them even though she has her own business, putting it up on BLANC makes it seem suspicious to me. Some are saying that both of her released statements contradict each other, but I can't figure out who said it though. 
To me, it doesn't seem weird for her statement to be posted on BLANC. It'd be more weird if SM would allow her statement to be published through them because, in short, the statement has a negative effect to SM and the members.
I know that they do practice at the venue right before an event so I'm not exactly sure whether she missed any practice or not.
Rehearsal at the venue usually is to check the technical aspect e.g. mics + speakers and so on. and of course, we don't know if she missed any practice or not but showing up the last minute made me suspect that. BTW, I remember the news that there're a few occasions this year where Jess arrived late at the event and many people are not too happy with the behavior. Let's just say we have enough evidence to conclude that she's extremely busy in the past months.

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Guest MaryS1430294456

(second opinion..)

as bad as it may sound... Blanc had to be launched when Jessica was most popular, and the Blanc people knew it...there for Jessica was pushed to do it this fast. The sad part is SNSD was the one to be sacrifice.

SNSD are the busiest kpop group, the girls are doing so many activities as a group and individually. They barely sleep and rest.

Opening such a project like Blanc from scratch, takes so much time and work.... and also a lot of stress that will have distracted Jessica from SNSD activities. Like it has been said and seen they(the other 8) were supportive of her on Blanc but they must have felt Sicas distraction and perhaps less priority to SNSD... there for they needed Sica to decide... but It was too late for her Since a lot of money and effort had been put on this project. Althought she did signed the 3yr contract, there is no way she would have been able to lift so much work load.

If she needed to take a couple of hiatus years, if she needed them to rest, get her life together, get married, and work on Blanc, we will have been fine with it.... Like it shas been said, she was planning to, calmly... But with her sudden waibo comment, everything went down fall. BUT I do not fully blame her, cause im pretty sure she was not alone in this, what I mean is that Jessica has not been The Jessica we all know, as Sones have noted.

And the part that angers me the most...Tyler Kwon. Since he appeared, this all started.   I do confess I know little of him but what I do know are not great things... (I have heard he was friends with Hyoyeons boyfriend...and we all know how that went)  .... his reputation is bad.

The way he has been on his Weibo about all this!?? -.- like how he just denied to be getting married and how he has no plans to....He sounded like a rude spoil rich kid. 

The way it has been rumor, he has been fallowing Jessica to everywhere she goes, to me it seems he doesn't want anyone to influence her But only Him.

The difference between him and the other Soshi boyfriends Is that they are idols too...they know the job and all the work it takes.To me this guy just wants fame and money.

Love can blind...

I HOPE im wrong and he is a nice guy and truly loves our Jessica.

As only Jessica , SNSD, SM and close people to them know the REAL thing going on, I can only but imagine all this in my head. SInce a lot has to be clear and talk I can not take sides or blame anyone....

I will pray for OT9 to be back together or at least their friendship <3 SNSD <3 SONES FIGHTING

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Guest jammer25

My hate for Tyler Kwon grows:


If this has been posted before, my bad. But this just feeds into the idea that TK deceived Jessica into falling for him from the start. His "investment firm" seemed like a sham all along (especially since I work in finance), and makes me wonder what kind of tricks he had to pull on others to secure $40 million in funding for BLANC. I can see him playing up Jessica's image to investors, and stroking Jessica's ego at the same time to make her buy into everything.

Perhaps everything he did was to speed up the process with the company. Following her everywhere to make sure his influence didn't die out, and so no one else could convince her otherwise about BLANC vs. SNSD. Playing himself up on social media to invariably associate him with Jessica, and make things public enough for Jessica to cement her commitment to him/their potential relationship/the business. (As far as I know, she never denied things about TK, did she?)

As others have said, love can sometimes throw rationality out the window, unfortunately.

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Guest danielle92

The  media is harming already her business. I don’t like this, always citing  anonymous. Personally, I have nothing against TK and neither I'm that interested in him. What I hope is  Jessica and SM hold a press conference together soon and clarify their situation.


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Guest nth2tell

Because I've followed Edison Chen news, I also feel uncomfortable with Jessica partner up with Tyler Kwon as well. But the chance she's getting married with him sounds absurd. I meant Jess just met him a year ago and he just broke up with his ex. How can anyone plan a wedding that fast? And of course, I don't like the media digging Jess's biz up. It only has negative effect to her business.
In addition, I find Jess business, in general, is risky. She has no prior experience in this and the lines are too expensive for most SONEs to buy it. When starting up this kind of business, she has to be very thorough with business plan. 

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