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少女時代 Girls' Generation / SNSD (소녀시대) Official Thread [Ver.3] GIRLS 6ENERAT10N | HYO 4th Single "Dessert"


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Guest kimchime

^^ i didn't know it was you, sorry about that *quoted image*

i guess that's a tennis player special for their episode

i wonder if they will have any interview, is there an english speaking host in the show?

^ well this person tweeted about it before https://twitter.com/#!/Kourai32

but i think it's full already

if They sing, they 'll be interviewed, that's the "tradition" at "le grand journal", even if it's 5 minutes or less. A few interviewer speak english, so the interview will be in english, go on Tiffany and Jessica ;)

the two main guests are two tennis players, because a tennis tournament is held in paris these days.

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Guest corambing

if They sing, they 'll be interviewed, that's the "tradition" at "le grand journal", even if it's 5 minutes or less. A few interviewer speak english, so the interview will be in english, go on Tiffany and Jessica ;)

the two main guests are two tennis players, because a tennis tournament is held in paris these days.

is the french open starting already? i don't really pay attention to it

that's nice to know, so at least they get to do an introduction 

i hope they can provide a nice live strong performance

thanks for the info

and good luck to you in obtaining a seat/ticket if you're planning to watch it livehappy.gif

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Guest kimchime

is the french open starting already? i don't really pay attention to it

that's nice to know, so at least they get to do an introduction 

i hope they can provide a nice live strong performance

thanks for the info

and good luck to you in obtaining a seat/ticket if you're planning to watch it live*quoted image*

too bad, the audience is already full... it's incredible o_o


edit : no, the french open, is in May. this is the "Open GDF Suez" at paris Coubertin.

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Guest corambing

too bad, the audience is already full... it's incredible o_o


edit : no, the french open, is in May. this is the "Open GDF Suez" at paris Coubertin.

that's too bad, but are you attending the mubank concert? if you are, then you still have the chance to see them live as well as on your tv

that's still pretty great 

少女時代(SNSD)「MR.TAXI」Acoustic Cover

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Guest kimchime

that's too bad, but are you attending the mubank concert? if you are, then you still have the chance to see them live as well as on your tv

that's still pretty great 

少女時代(SNSD)「MR.TAXI」Acoustic Cover

i'm going, I 'll try to take some pictures =)

 I still got an Extra ticket for Music bank  Paris, if anyone is interested. dont want to waste it, so I give this ticket =)

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Guest rinasanchu

It's me Youffie17 xD

I'll watch SNSD on my TV, I'm so happy :w00t:

"Le Grand journal" is a big TV show in france, with live and itw. It's our Letterman show ^^


Wow it's amazing T_T I wanted so bad to have a seat for the show, but apparently, it's already full :/

Do you think I'll have a hope to see the girls outside the building when they'll finish their recording? The show will be recorded at just 15 minutes from my house T_T

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Guest HyperionZ

okay i'm probably just over thinking it, but is it just me or the media is surely exaggerating snsd's worldwide release marketability?

i know they did great and their appearance did expose kpop more to the people that don't know about it, but snsd haven't exactly found success there

sure it's an achievement and a good exposure for kpop but when the media starts exaggerating about the success that they have yet to prove and the power of their marketability like the article that soompi posted earlier i feel they're overdoing it

i believe sme/the media should actually wait until the success of their releases before they actually brag about snsd's marketability outside of asia

cause it's yet to show any result and it could be a boomerang in the future



another nice exposure for them

Yes, I think most fans know that the NYC appearances were quite successful to exposing SNSD and Kpop to the US, but we won't quite overdo it. Korean media, however, are quite known to exaggerate or embellish a small amount of success into something bigger than it is. I think SNSD and fans know they should continue to work harder and be humble with all this.

Koreans can be very prideful people, and doing something that big in their eyes is very prideful to them, so they flaunt it. That is why I said that while the girls have their own expectations and goals, they have to carry the weight of Korea around with them, because they are Korea's national group. They are a symbol/icon in Korea now. This sets up SNSD to fly higher, or to fall harder imo.

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Guest LittlePinky82

Hey Pinky, did you get my message?

I got a response and nothing was there? So I wasn't sure... unsure.gif

I love the pics with Paris. I hope they have a great time. How nice they're going to be on a major show there! That's great! I don't blame SME for bragging. If people don't like it they don't have to read so meh. 

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Guest rinasanchu

Yay ! Finally I managed to have a seat for Le Grand Journal to see the girls !!!! I'll try to do the fanchants properly to cheer for the girls xD

I read somewhere the public will be mainly sones or kpop fans?

So, let's try to do the best fanchant possible !!

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Ah! So jealous~

But congratulations, lol and I hope you have a wonderful time ^_^

hI Folk =)

Anyone got place to see the girls at the grand Journal?

who is going ? =)

Kimchi, I am forever jealous of you but I know you'll have a fabulous time <3

Enjoy Soshi and I will live vicariously through you!! (since my boat won't make it to France in time)

Eff yesh! Hyo isn't the fashion terrorist this time B) which, don't get me wrong, I love that side of her -- but these moments are few and far in-between lol

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Guest SNSD4evah

Yes! Global Shidae, Girls' Generation they don't stop!

first i have to congratulate our girls, they work hard and are getting more and more popular overseas, not that they weren't before.

 Anyways i have a random story i want to share with fellow sones. Yes, I live in America, east coast in a predominately rich white area (no racism intended) im not white im black but that doesn't matter. Not many people in my school know k-pop except for a few of my friends a korean and viet. girl (no rascim!) They were listening and dancing to Gee one day a few years ago and i got hooked to it! ok back to my story. I became an avid SONE and i stalk this thread every-friggin-day. No Joke. So to show my love and you know show it off i bought snsd merchandise off of http://fyzzed.com/ (if anyone is wondering they make kpop merchandise in the U.S.) I love allllll members but my bias is HYOYEON!  So i bought this hoodie red version with girls generation in white on the back (the hyoyeon one): snsdggshirts.jpg

anyways, i had, and still do, have people come up to me, read it and ask me about it. Sometimes i get looks from some, maybe some shy sones happy.gif and then one day i saw the same hoodie in white with the print of girls generation in black on the back of a girl. i was a bit far from her but it caught my eye! I just stood there (looking like a weirdo for staring) waiting for her to turn around to see what member she had, but noo! she walked away and i couldn't see until TODAY i saw the same girl and this time she was walking towards me and her bias ( i suppose) is none other than our shikshin! SOOYOUNG! she was wearing this: http://image.spreads...sd-sooyoung.png" />

yeah, just a random story to show how popular our girls are, i didn't even know anyone else knew of them at my school.Never underestimate the power of SNSD.

 GOOD DAY/NIGHT SONES! biggrin.gif

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Guest arianaSNSD

The girls will be interviewed on France2 channel's main news Le Journal De 20H

They won't visit the news but they will air interview video.

cr. RealSamchon / Pete Samchon aka bossa747

Girls' arrival in Paris





cr. nineangels_ @ twitter

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Guest arianaSNSD

new photos from Wild Romance




Girls’ Generation to appear on most popular French talk show ‘Le Grand Journal’

According to SM Entertainment on February 8th, Girls’ Generation will be appearing on France’s premium television channel Canal Plus (Canal+)’s popular talk show ‘Le Grand Journal’ come February 10th (Paris local time).

‘Le Grand Journal’ (airs at 7pm, Monday to Friday) is France’s most popular talk show and various pop stars such as Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber as well as famous Hollywood actors like Jodie Foster and also other world class stars have made their appearances on the show before.

SM Entertainment stated, “Girls’ Generation is the first Korean artist to be appearing on ‘Le Grand Journal’. During the broadcast, Girls’ Generation will be presenting a live performance of their hit song ‘The Boys’”.

SM Entertainment also revealed that Girls’ Generation is also expected to attend an interview with French TV channel France2′s main news programme ‘Le Journal De 20H’ (airs at 8pm) and the interview video is scheduled to be aired on February 9th.

During the interview, the girls will be introducing ‘The Boys’ special album which will be officially released in France on February 13th as well as talking about their supportive and enthusiastic European fans.

Girls’ Generation’s arrived at Paris on February 7th to attend KBS ‘Music Bank in Paris’ and at the same time kicks off their promotional activities in France.

Credit: yna.co.kr/newsen.com / Fanwonder

【 Girls' Generation 】 [broadcast(France)]

France2 『Le Journal De 20H』- Feb 9. 8pm. interview (recorded on Feb 8) /

Canal plus 『Le Grand Journal』 - Feb 10. 7pm. performance (recorded on Feb 9)

cr. Yurui912

Yuri will go to New York on 13th for 2 weeks for Fashion King shooting
cr. Chichinhu

Staff said that they'll be filming at trendy places in New York including Fashion school,

scenes where the 4 characters met will be filmed

cr. Imwhywhy
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Yes, I think most fans know that the NYC appearances were quite successful to exposing SNSD and Kpop to the US, but we won't quite overdo it. Korean media, however, are quite known to exaggerate or embellish a small amount of success into something bigger than it is. I think SNSD and fans know they should continue to work harder and be humble with all this.

Koreans can be very prideful people, and doing something that big in their eyes is very prideful to them, so they flaunt it. That is why I said that while the girls have their own expectations and goals, they have to carry the weight of Korea around with them, because they are Korea's national group. They are a symbol/icon in Korea now. This sets up SNSD to fly higher, or to fall harder imo.

This can be true of Koreans but it's true of Americans as well. Generally speaking it's very hard to comprehend how things are even seen in other countries.

For example US media commonly talks about Lebron James and Kobe as "worldwide stars" when in truth they're basically known in the US, a couple countries in Asia and a few countries in Europe. No one even cares about the NBA in most countries.

Americans fool themselves into thinking of the Superbowl as the biggest sporting event when in fact even Yao Ming playing Yi Jianlian in a regular season game had more viewers around the world (mainly China)...

Commentators commonly talked about how beloved Tiger Woods was around the world or Oprah. These are mainly American stars.

Koreans are prideful but they're also extremely self-critical (don't know if you're Korean or not) which opens them up to even more criticism. Some fair some undeserved.

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Guest LittlePinky82

Koreans are prideful but they're also extremely self-critical (don't know if you're Korean or not) which opens them up to even more criticism. Some fair some undeserved.

I've noticed this too in my time in Kpop. Looking for example at MBLAQ. They're critical of themselves and apologize for disappointing fans although they've done nothing wrong (for not winning awards as much as other acts). I would probably fit in with that lol.  And yeah Americans, well U.S. Americans I'd point out, are pretty prideful too. The whole "we're #1!" thing. 

Love Yoona's new Eider pics. I wonder about Eider as a brand and if they're here in the U.S.? I'm a Champion fan girl myself. All my sport stuff is Champion lol. 

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Guest LittlePinky82

I love the pop your booty thing still lol. Kelly looks a little awkward though with how she's standing. Maybe the dress or something. I love how nice she and Howie were and how Kelly stayed and talked to fans about the chants and stuff. She should check out concerts with chants. Those are the best imo. 

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I got a response and nothing was there? So I wasn't sure... *quoted image* I love the pics with Paris. I hope they have a great time. How nice they're going to be on a major show there! That's great! I don't blame SME for bragging. If people don't like it they don't have to read so meh. 

Messages aren't working for me when I try to send them out. Anyways, I'm sone89 from 6theory. They just had to close the old forums because of spamming, trolling, porno and other stuff that was clogging up the forums. Also, new rules will be used.

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