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少女時代 Girls' Generation / SNSD (소녀시대) Official Thread [Ver.3] GIRLS 6ENERAT10N | HYO 4th Single "Dessert"


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Guest silis7noy2

^ Yeah that's basically what Sooyoung said, that they won't forget their choshim. This word is a bit hard to translate simply, literally it means "original mind". What it means is when you start something big in your life your mind is determined, you have pure goals and ideals and with much enthusiasm and passion. This is choshim. As time passes people start to forget their choshim. The girls haven't and they won't~



Again Tiffany's injury is not serious but the showcase is coming up soon. Reportedly it seems she is ok enough to perform at the showcase after getting checkup at hospital but still not 100% confirmed. Hope SM won't push her to perform unless completely recovered. Airport pics should be coming in few hours and we can see Fany.

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Guest silent_scream

Thanks silis! Suddenly I remember her UFO reply and 1000th message to SONEs, i think it is somewhat similar to your explanation...

1000th Day message to SONEs

Hello. This is SNSD’s Princess of Liveliness~^^! hehe Glad to see me,  right?

(Nowadays, the culture of tweeting.. and minihompy has spread  and there  are opportunities to get closer to all you fans more easily…  but  unfortunately because we have so little time, we don’t have many   opportunities to greet you through the Internet. ㅠㅠ)

Have you been  well? Our SONE??

I don’t worry because you all seem so full of life and energy in our broadcast performances

It’s already been 1000days  since SNSD debuted~!!!!

(I think I can hear Lee Seunghwan  sunbae-nim’s voice from somewhere.. for one thou~sand days~♪~~)

We  say it all the time but the feeling of our SONEs loving us..

I’m  struggling to not assume that we deserve it he he

Maybe because man  is an adapting animal.. keke

If you keep loving us no matter what, we  get used to it…

I will try my hardest not to feel deserved or used  to it

and I won’t lose our original intentions (rookie-mentality)…

SONE!! Please look fondly on me~^^ hehe

Always  thankful! I love you! ^3^

3rd Year Anniversary message


cr. silis

Thanks for translating the banners! I knew it! K-Sones epic quotes never fails! Hahahah! The messages are both funny & sweet.

Yoona don't go to Japan, Fany don't go to Japan, and then... Sica let's go to Japan together. LOL! :lol:

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SNSD’s ‘Genie’ in 3D is Out!

SNSD is finally releasing the 3D version of their MV to Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)!

The MV goes across nine different TV screens to promote Samsung’s newest line of televisions. While the official MV hasn’t been released to the public yet, it has been revealed in SM Town’s Seoul concert.

Although the 3D version of the MV is different from the original one that was released last summer, fans are already liking this new music video and even saying that it’s better than the other one! Why don’t you watch it below and tell us what you think!

Genie in 3D ← click for video

Video Credit: TheSoneSource12 @ Youtube.com

Written by Eunii @ Kpoplive.com

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Guest silent_scream

Soshi with the handkerchief... is this the Eco handkerchief by Innisfree? If yes, the girls are sweet! They're helping Yoona to promote it. :D









cr. tags+soompi+bestiz+sosiz

I can't find Sica's

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Guest evilgary

thanks for sharing all the pictures from the smtown

hope they would have success in japan and bring back a new song in korea

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Guest zane87

Soshi with the handkerchief... is this the Eco handkerchief by Innisfree? If yes, the girls are sweet! They're helping Yoona to promote it. :D

The way I see it, they're not helping to promote it, but they did it cos they're also part of it...

In the eyes of many, Innisfree is Yoona's solo CF, but to me it's more like a SNSD CF with Yoona representing it, same with other individual CFs with any of the girls. The reason I think like this is bcos I read the Innisfree interview for this eco handkerchief recently, out of 8 questions, in 5 of them she mentioned "We SNSD", "Our members", "The members and I".... from that moment a thought prompted in my mind "Ah, so the girls actually treated as they're part of the CFs with any of the members", and this is bcos they're not for jus 1 individual, but it's for the group SNSD....

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Guest sukimiy

Soshi with the handkerchief... is this the Eco handkerchief by Innisfree? If yes, the girls are sweet! They're helping Yoona to promote it. :D


yes, it is ^ but guess it's SM Town ver. (since they're sponsor and Yejimiin too maybe) i love how she always being a good endorser for the product she endorses, such a sweetie and girls too <3

anyone knows where can i buy cosmo? i want the girls' pics and this.. > <

(heard that yoona and those gorgeous eco handkerchief pics is part of this too)






cr. as tagged

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Guest Shirubi


Sunny's just too adorable ! This haircut suits her so well ! Soonkyu <3

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Guest silis7noy2

Fany got cast on her leg


I wouldn't be too alarmed, From the looks of it I think they're trying to protect it as much as possible. But still they shouldn't let her perform until completely recovered

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Guest Coopcayke

No updates about their arrival in Japan yet? I'm super excited! It has finally begun!


Oops! Posted at the same time.

Poor Fany :( Can she dance on the showcase with that injury?

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Guest killerkill




Hyoyeon & Seohyun at the airport TODAY


Gee time is left leg and now right leg T___T fany pls take care your self


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Guest Redwarrior

Poor Fany :( Hope she gets well soon.

On another note....is it the same ankle she sprained last time (Gee Era if I remember correctly)?

If it is, she needs to be EXTRA careful...this girl need some more strengthening exercises for those ankles of hers (actually all girls who wear high heels should too, then you add the dancing...girl groups should def do regular ankle strengthening exercises).

I just saw the full Genie 3D MV version and I have to say...IT PWNS THE ORIGINAL MV!! The storyline helped and no more creeper hands coming out of the camera!!! Plus I love Sica's hair during her close-ups (I love her hair period...it seems very soft...I want to use whatever shampoo she uses b/c my hair gets poofy when it's dried...).

As for the showcase, if the sprain or injury isn't too bad then maybe she'll be dancing in flats, but I think sitting out would be better since it is in a cast and it needs time to heal. - she can just wow people with her voice :D

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Guest ice_soshi




looks like they're making sure she don't strain it.

i guess she was sent to hospital or had medics during concert to give her a cast so she miss the rest of the performances. which i am very happy about because it means they take serious care of the girls.. i'll be freaking out if they make her go on stage with a limp.

also i think the rest of the girls will not let her dance if she's not well enough :) 

sigh.. why can't i be in japan now ;_; ...


my fav picture of sunny from this live.. super child-like expression



for a moment, the banner translation for hyoyeon.. 

i thought i read "Genius of Universe, Kim Choding" keke. did a double take to read her name. 

"Cheat and there will be punishment" LOLed hard at this.. reminds me of army.. lol..!! 

love them all... they're so witty~

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Guest loversandlies

has this been posted? gifs of dorky hyoyoung XD lol this couple i love how hyper they are together:





some sexy hyoyeon. work it sexy mama!:




cr: Uyen@soshified --> hyohunnie's spaz thread

Aw fany fany ;~; I really hope she gets lots of rest, if the cast isn't healed it's best if she sits it out. i don't want to see her perform her heart out if she hasn't recovered. ;_; Remember, fany health first! Get well soon <3 wish you and the girls the best in JAPAN!

Fighting ^^


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Guest random_luv

I say put Fany in a wheelchair and let the good times roll xD

That's what DBSK did when Junsu got hurt and he survived. She's not gonna be happy if she can't perform and I see no reason why she shouldn't do the showcase as long as she can be the smiley singer we all love.

Clearly sitting in a chair would make her really antsy and if she really should be resting her leg [and yeah she should]then a wheelchair would quite appropriate situation....just keep the Im Choding and Sooyoungster away from the steering handles rofl

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Guest cloudsaerif

Despicable Me New Promotional Photos


Taengoo as Margo


Seo Hyun as Edith

credit: fnn.co.kr; mokochan@soshified.com

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