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少女時代 Girls' Generation / SNSD (소녀시대) Official Thread [Ver.3] GIRLS 6ENERAT10N | HYO 4th Single "Dessert"


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Guest lucky_tin06

Seriously,,,at first when i watched the perf

i was like at least Taeyeon needed to be professional,

but i heard the complete story,,where she many times

asked the pd for re-do,,but she was ignored...

of course,,i would be richard simmons to..plus,,,ive been a fan

of soshi since the beg,,and ive nver seen Taeyeon this upset,,

so Kbs mst hve pissed her off really bad,,and IM glad

she voiced out her opinion for ALL the artists :)

Soshi & Sones <3



thnx for the update :D

Im glad Korea is behind

our adorkable leader and

understands where shes coming from :)

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Guest usagi713

i'm glad taengoo voiced her concern about the stage's technical problems. hopefully, kbs will clean up their act and provide a better stage for singers to perform on. also, it seems like there are some people questioning taengoo's professionalism during OH! performance. remember she still had on the malfunctioned ear piece during Oh performance, so i know it must have been difficult to hear the music and herself singing. i can totally understand where she's coming from. mubank pd should've replaced her earpiece when she requested for them to do so. anyways congratulation on the girls' 8th mubank win.












cc: as tagged, sosiz

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at least there no big issues in kbs just right now

well glad to see that tae yeon speak her voices about the show

but suddenly i remember mu bank is one of the show that make snsd well known

and at the top of their career,remember Gee era,snsd record in mu bank is incridible.

because of that snsd can win all daesang,bonsang ect.

lets move on

waiting for wgm tommorow.also is tiffany come back to mu core ?

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Guest musicbubbles

i am so glad the girls won!!! they totally deserved it(:

anyway as regards to the taeyeon's controversy, I think that she is not in the wrong at all for her comments. Afterall, its true that Mubank as a music programme, should provide the best for the singers. Especially today since it was like a special episode, not just some normal ones. However, i hope that taeyeon did not show her unhappiness during Oh performance on purpose. I mean its normal that she is unhappy about it, but i think that she should not sulk during the performance, especially so when the rest of the girls are putting in their best for this performance.

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Guest timpa

If you listen to the Oh performance there's a few times in it that there's weird feedback and static as well.

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Guest AdriP

We do not know all the details of the situation so judging who's right and wrong cant be done at the moment.

I am a huge fan of Taeyeon but I have to say that the way that she performed during Oh! was totally unnecessary and

rude to the fans and her members,but , after all , she is a human like all of us and sometimes there are things that

bother us so much that we just can't just shut up and put a smile on our faces. The problem is people look idols

like they were perfect ignoring that they have fears insecurities etc etc etc... like all of us. Maybe she needed

to speak up and say what she thought and I respect that of her because not many people have the courage to do it.

But maybe after the incident and when she had time to think with a cold head she will realize that the way she

performed during Oh! wasn't appropriate because no one thinks straight when you are mad.

Netizens just take any opportunity to make a big fuss of it. Idols are people too they make mistakes like all of us

Hope this incident do not affect their future performances and it doesn't get any bigger as it is.

I know SONES all over the world will understand this and will continue to support the girls no matter what. :)

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Guest lamperouge

Congrats to SNSD for winning the mid year k-chart!

Regarding Tae Yeon I think it was unprofessional of her to show her displeasure during the Oh performance. But I don't think it was wrong of her to voice her complaints about MuBank sound system because SOMEONE HAS to bring it up and it needed to be said. I don't know if a public broadcast was the best place to say but I think the issue needed to be brought up. MuBank has some serious sound/mic issues. Hopefully now they'll work harder to fix that since it's been brought to attention.

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Guest kuity

@ cosmiclatte

I see what you mean now. I seem to have misunderstood what you meant by 'sucking it up'. Indeed, putting on a cheerful facade for 'Oh!' would be the appropriate and professional behaviour as others have mentioned.

And yes, I think that it would matter because it is not just any singer voicing out on any broadcast, but Taeyeon voicing it out on this particular broadcast so you know for sure a lot of people will be watching and a lot of people will be taking notice, making it impossible for the issue to be ignored. Once, twice may be dismissed as random error. But if these incidents start to add up, MuBank will start running into bigger problems as its efficiency is called into question. Which is why it is important to expose these problems.

Just my opinion, anyway.

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im going to be on taeyeon's side 100% side..

this isnt the first time mubank is kinda failed... it happened too last year right?

she's a brave singer and finally utters what she considers the best for all the artists..!

taeyeon jjang!

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Guest hotchocolatelove

what does PMS mean?

^ lols, girls stuff.. PMS = premenstrual syndrome >.<

anyways, i still support Taengoo no matter what antis say!

go Taengoo!

however, im a lil bit dissapointed cause she was sulked during Oh! perf..

oh well, she is a normal human being after all..

no one can smile when one sad/angry/feeling down/upset etc..

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Guest random_luv

Now other than the failing earpiece and taeyeon going off key (which wasn't her fault) I really liked the special stage. Different members from different groups rocking out together was pretty sweet. I don't know how many other people watch this show but the special stage really reminded me of how they did it on GLEE.

Glee+Kpop=My 2 True Loves xD

They all looked like they were having a lot of fun. We all know Taeyeon's got some awesome english pronunciation but I was very shocked that Yonghwa's pronunciation was pretty nice too. CN Blue's english pronunciation, while not terrible has never been as good as I heard Yonghwa during the performance. Seobaby teaching him maybe? xD

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Guest HyperionZ

Before I knew about the MB statement Taeyeon made, people (including myself) were thinking she was sick since she cracked in the special stage and she didn't sound that great in the Oh! performance. I hope people don't jump to conclusions and think her performance and statement to MB are related like some netizens are. If people know Taeyeon, she usually doesn't get rattled easy, but when it comes to performing, she wants to perform her best on stage for the audience. Maybe not getting the chance to redo it and getting rejected from the PD got to her. But I wouldn't go down the unprofessional route as long as she wasn't sulky on stage while she was performing.

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What if Taeyeon didn't really meant to sulk during the Oh performance which every one of us thought that she was being unprofessional..She may be really feeling unwell or weak at that moment..We never know until SMe speak up..I mean this may be something we failed to see,Taeyeon is really a girl that have proper performing ethics ,i don't think she will do that without any vaild reason...

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