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You Like it When Girls...

Guest aiambest

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Guest kiss_bunny

My guy friends like these things from what they told me.

-when girls are really friendly and smile and keep a conversation going.

-does good housekeeping >.> lmao.

-make yummy food

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Guest Winuuur


-when a girl sneezes and it sounds cute xD (am i weird? LOL)

-when a girl asks you out and then runs away to her friends....looking all cute xD

-is open to you

-whispers in your ear

-when this girl asked me out in the hallway with everyone out of class, yelling "Can i be your Seo Hyun and you can be my Yong hwa?" then she gets in trouble and when she was on her way to the principal's office i yelled " YES!! POTATOOOOOOOOO", lol and we both got in trouble ;)...holding hands ;)

-when the wind sweeps her hair

-when we have contests about who can eat more >:D


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I feel like most of the desirable qualities have been mentioned previously, or in the "you like it when guys..." thread. I'd like to think for the most part, we're seeking comparable/complimentary qualities.

From a male perspective, I would be seeking someone self-conscious but also considerate of others' feelings, understanding and compassionate, yet strong-willed/hardworking and adventurous (e.g. willing to try anything once, like going bungee jumping), who's unfathomably smart and witty (i.e. can take a joke but dish one right back). I look forward to taking care of one another, but not in the context of being a spoiled gold-digger (ideally she would have been raised among siblings to learn the importance of sharing and sacrifice).

I can do without the over the top fashion or short shorts...some naturally looking BB cream/mascara makeup and light perfume would be awesome, and I'm a huge fan of scarves and cardigans. I can do without the fine cooking -- as long as we get to cook something together, enjoying each other's company with laughs, avoiding hurtful insults...that experience is really the reward...the food, whether edible or not, would just be the cherry on top.

Ideally she should have a curiosity about the world, reads random but interesting topics worthy of debate, and segue from one conversation into the next without a hitch, all while tossing in experiences from pop culture or from our past shared memories together. As others have said, it's the little things she remembers about the guy that gives him a sense of just how much she cares about him.

I'm a terrible dancer and even worser of a singer, but I've been ingrained in the Kpop culture, so would look forward to learning various dances/songs with my significant other. Guys sometimes have fragile egos, so she should only laugh when appropriate (i.e. when I start laughing after falling on my face, but not when I've been diligently practicing a spin and becoming increasingly frustrated as I mess up the routine or lyric for the 20th time -- instead of laughing, she should praise me for my efforts and my progress made, and realize I'm already my worst critic without the need for further embarrassment)

Oy, too many other subtitles to list, I'll return to this thread at a later time :)

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Guest SHINeeStars223

I feel like most of the desirable qualities have been mentioned previously, or in the "you like it when guys..." thread. I'd like to think for the most part, we're seeking comparable/complimentary qualities.

From a male perspective, I would be seeking someone self-conscious but also considerate of others' feelings, understanding and compassionate, yet strong-willed/hardworking and adventurous (e.g. willing to try anything once, like going bungee jumping), who's unfathomably smart and witty (i.e. can take a joke but dish one right back). I look forward to taking care of one another, but not in the context of being a spoiled gold-digger (ideally she would have been raised among siblings to learn the importance of sharing and sacrifice).

I can do without the over the top fashion or short shorts...some naturally looking BB cream/mascara makeup and light perfume would be awesome, and I'm a huge fan of scarves and cardigans. I can do without the fine cooking -- as long as we get to cook something together, enjoying each other's company with laughs, avoiding hurtful insults...that experience is really the reward...the food, whether edible or not, would just be the cherry on top.

Ideally she should have a curiosity about the world, reads random but interesting topics worthy of debate, and segue from one conversation into the next without a hitch, all while tossing in experiences from pop culture or from our past shared memories together. As others have said, it's the little things she remembers about the guy that gives him a sense of just how much she cares about him.

I'm a terrible dancer and even worser of a singer, but I've been ingrained in the Kpop culture, so would look forward to learning various dances/songs with my significant other. Guys sometimes have fragile egos, so she should only laugh when appropriate (i.e. when I start laughing after falling on my face, but not when I've been diligently practicing a spin and becoming increasingly frustrated as I mess up the routine or lyric for the 20th time -- instead of laughing, she should praise me for my efforts and my progress made, and realize I'm already my worst critic without the need for further embarrassment)

Oy, too many other subtitles to list, I'll return to this thread at a later time :)

Thanks for taking the time to write such an elaborate and long response(: Will definitely take into notes x3

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Guest baehyun

i like it when girls try their best! even if it turns out bad or seems silly, quitting half way on anything is a turnoff :/

&&lots of attention haha i tend to dote on my gfs so its nice to get attention back ;P

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This list is far from finished.









Trust in me

Faith in us.


the cliche "kindness"

Confidence in themselves.

A genuinely "good" person.

A person who learns from their mistakes.

Not too emotional, but not emotionless.

Responsible, but knows how to unwind and have fun.

Not too needy, but still needs my help from time to time.

The ability to see mistakes and flaws and be able to learn and prevent them in the future.

A woman who doesn't choose a man for what he can do for her, but chooses him to "grow" as a human being together.

But most of all, imperfection, and the ability to embrace that.

I'm sorry, these are a few of my favorite things, but it describes a woman, not a girl.


The trust and confidence in both of us to be themselves around me... through the good times and bad.

Tears of Joy, tears of joy, the cold, the warm, the hot, whatever it is.

It doesn't matter if either of us have an interest in each other.

When she leans on me when she's not strong. When she sings silly songs when we're happy. Or blues when we're sad.

When she can say "I love you" and it doesn't have to mean we're romantically interested in each other.

When she can share her dreams, her passions, her aspirations, her insecurities, her worries, her past, jalkjglkhdsaglk

kay. I think I sound like a richard simmons machine now. time to stop

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Guest WallaceJiang

- I like it when she whines :rolleyes:

- When you don't see each other for a long time, then when you do she jumps on you ^_^

- cuddling

- holding hands

- Whispers in your ear

simple stuff :D

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Guest aricka

I love it when she holds my waist or gently touches me in a non-sexual way, such as fixing my shirt in a cute flirty way, lol

I love it when she doesn't wear lipstick or lipgloss or foundations because it would just feel like it's going to rub on my face.

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Guest legweak17

Thank you to all the guys who have posted/will be posting, you guys have NO IDEA how awesome it is to know this stuff lol (well you might, but still). It's great to know you guys secretly do like a lot of the little things we do, as well as all the other things you mentioned ^^ so thanks for helping us girls out, keep going please! :D

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I'm one of those REALLY SHY boys. So i'm not all that experienced with girls.

By that I mean that I act really akwardly around them and I usually stay really quiet.

And its quite laughable as I came from a co-ed primary school.

Anyways the thing I like about girls at the moment is:

when they do ALL the talking and so give me an excuse to stay quiet.

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