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[Drama 2010] Coffee House 커피하우스

Guest simplycomplex18

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Guest boraah

A lot of angry ppl in this thread LOL. But I can understand you guys cuz I was like that when I thought the story was gonna end w/ EY/JS. But I wasn't that over the top though...

I'm pretty much a silent lurker and don't post much cuz a lot of the EY/JS shippers scare me too much...some very harsh comments towards the character or even actor they don't like.

I mean..even though I want the story to end w/ SY/JS...I don't post any harsh comments bashing EY. I think thats why not a lot of SY/JS supportors post here.

I don't think EuSoo shippers bash SY here in this soompi thread, for no reason. If they did, it would be related to the story. If a character does something stupid, then some will say that they did something stupid. Same goes for EY, JS, or JW. That's not bashing. I think some people just don't like when their opinions are being debated. That's what happens in forums. That's why they are called forums.

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Guest kravi77

thanks bettyboop...you can't imagine the number of times I've stared at the pictures...

I know this is shallow but the whole "jinsoo oppa" thing drives me to fits of laughter.. :lol: :lol: :lol:


shy? haha..yeahh riight!!! ^_^:lol::rolleyes:


true true..but it's good to know he didn't hate the kiss..maybe SY should've gone in for the third time blush.gif

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Guest boraah

Ok I know I'm overthinking this...but bear with me...

Why didn't JS pull away the second time? I mean the first time SY kisses him ...granted he didn't expect it..but the second time? Dude..she pulled the same move on you twice...or were you just curious? fury.gif

He's a male. what do you expect?

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@yit I agree. Don't be sad because it's over, be happy because it happened. I'm sure every character will find their happy ending. To me no matter what the future holds, EunSoo will be forever the same, always looking out, caring for each other most. Nothing nor anyone can take their places in their hearts. In fact, there's one of my fav quotes in jdrama that I think really fits EunSoo "I don't know if I can make you happy. But to me, being with you is my happiness." if only either of them realizes it before it's too late.

Which drama is that? I should check it out :) 

yit, love your new avi... hahaha. 

kaedejun, lol... they didn't kiss. SY kissed him. No man instinct, though. LOL. 

I think EunSoo-ers know the difference between adults kissing and a 5 year old kissing another in the sandbox.wink.giftongue.gif And you guys know that if that was Eun Young kissing him in his bedroom... you know what would have happened next ;)

tendoclan, no one is going to bash you for your comments. I don't get why people keep saying that. But the director giving into EunSoo shippers for the ratings? I think many of us would also have liked EunSoo to have more light, comedic and romantic moments. So the way the story was told can't be blamed on the shippers. Plus I doubt he was doing it for the ratings because of EunSoo. JS/SY also have their fans. And if it's all about ratings (which were never great) and catering to the EunSoo crowd, how do you explain episode 15?  This is just the story he wanted to tell. 

If you look back on this thread, many of us were just pleading for some fun romance to end the drama after ep 12's shift. LOL... but here we go. laugh.gif


yit, it sounds like you're letting go too :D Funny this is the third "letting go" after episodes 11 & 12. Perhaps third time's a charm. I hope you'll still be with us till next week.

After today's episode, I think EunSooers are ready for whatever happens next. If the drama ends with JS finding love with SY, we'll probably be less dramatic tomorrow and next week :D  

I will say that it was nice to see Jin Soo loosen up at karaoke and dance a little. It was also nice to see him laughing as he read the script in the preview. The drama may not give us what we want, but it's nice to see the characters happy in the end regardless of how they get there. 

And the show down might simply be Jin Soo coming clean and saying that he did come back for Eun Young but now that he sees how happy they are together, he's not going to interfere. Hope if this is the case, they end this cleanly. 

I think angelica said that the director said the drama would be comedic at the beginning, angsty in the middle and end at comedy. again. Perhaps we've come to the final stretch. 

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I don't think EuSoo shippers bash SY here in this soompi thread, for no reason. If they did, it would be related to the story. If a character does something stupid, then some will say that they did something stupid. Same goes for EY, JS, or JW. That's not bashing. I think some people just don't like when their opinions are being debated. That's what happens in forums. That's why they are called forums.

I also am a silent reader who thinks the EY/JS shippers have gone over the top.I am neither shipper as I think the writing on some dramas are too audience driven. As for this story maybe JS doesn't need to be with either. He has a lot of baggage and is he really the right person to settle down and have kids? EY is getting to the age to have kids and not to help JS with all his problems. Everyday no matter what the back ground history between them is going to be there. As for JW ok he cheated...but he has been busting his butt to reform...I think not enough background on JW..JS and EY was given in the drama. I in my opinion think when it went hot and heavy between EY and JS the story went downhill...It lost its freshness and lightness. As for the actress PSY she is an excellent drama actress ...loved her in

"Story of Man" I think drama is better suited for her...but that is my opinion. As for episode 15 I thought it was back to the original feeling that made it a pleasure to watch. I didn't hardly watch the last two episodes. I think the PD will give into the loud demand for the EY/JS shippers for ratings...but if it was reality I would feel sorry for both of them...Sometimes what we want and what is best for people isn't the same thing.

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wow... so many pages to back read, this is only for episode 15..... Thanks for the spoilers and translations, based on the comments here it has more JS/SY scenes...

I still believe it will be EUNSOO ending.. I think it what happen tonight is just one of the trials that they need to go through before they can have they happy ending..

BTW... some pictures of PSY.. She is really beautiful..









credit: HelloKpop.com

The August issue of COSMOPOLITAN recently revealed some pictures featuring actress Park Shi Yeon, Son Ye Jin and actor Daniel Choi.

Park Si Yeon said in the perspective of a 32 year old woman, "A lot of people have the idea that I am living very well, with both acting in drama and movie, but it seems as though it is a time for me to reflect on myself." and "I want to fall in love, and to get married and live blissfully."

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Guest bettyboop_

I am glad that SY is somewhat " childlike". A guy like JS needs someone like SY so he won't forever stay self centered, boring and manipulative like his " friend" - EY.;)

This is my opinion. Nothing personal.  No bashing!!!:sweatingbullets:

Coffee house is a drama and this is a forum from my understanding...:rolleyes:



Glad that JW is childlike too...;)


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I never post here but I really don't see any bashing going on...

What do people see???

I think it's all in good fun. It's just all the discussions from people who love the drama, for various reasons. I think it's great that people are enthusiastic about the choices and opinions.

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I am glad that SY is somewhat " childlike". A guy like JS needs someone like SY so he won't forever stay self centered, boring and manipulative like his " friend" - EY.;)

This is my opinion. Nothing personal.  No bashing!!!:sweatingbullets:

Coffee house is a drama and this is a forum from my understanding...:rolleyes:

I don't think EY is self-centered, boring and manipulative. At all. If you see her as such, I believe that JS is a much worse person. And yet you still hope for the lovely SY to be with him...

I think SY is too lovely for JS.

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Alas, staying up awfully late to watch the c-subs and I have to agree with the baidu fan who noticed that this episode really does feel like the "letting it go" episode.

Her point was that the opposite of love is not hate but distance, and from JS tolerating JW, to smiling at the wedding planner, to thoughtfully looking at EY in her happy-family setting with her in-laws... it all seems like they're trying to show why JS can let go with peace of mind. Afterall EY seems happy enough.

EDIT: Actually JW's dad seems nice- he tells EY that if JW treats her badly, to tell him and he'll beat him up for her! :) Awww.... but I admit what aches my heart is JS's clear thoughts here "All the wonderful things she has today that she wouldn't if she were with me."- and it's not like it's material things either, a warm in-law family isn't anything to scoff at! Ah.. poor JS. I don't know what to say to you. Perhaps EY made the right choice for herself afterall, and if so I wish you would know she wishes you all the best with all her heart too!


JS and her are still cute even as friends though! :) They laugh when she comes in and discovers him in the bathroom and he says "Isn't this ridiculous?" she responds "Beyond ridiculous!" And they giggle. Then he tells her about the missing ring and they have a laugh. Then he says he'll return the ring to JW but she has to pretend not to know he lost it! And he smiles, and she looks a little embarrassed- I guess she's just realizing, how awkward this all is.

Then she says "Sorry." And he pauses, recall this is probably only the 2nd time in their whole relationship she's said sorry (recall the first time when JW beat JS up over her!)

And he looks gently thoughtful too.

JS "Your in-laws seem really nice. Totally unlike JW."

EY "They are nice."

JS "That's good." (Apparently it's the same thing she said after he kissed her on the train, so may be translated as "That's enough for me.")

And she leaves, neither of them looking at the other.

He sneaks out and they manage smiles for each other though the music is undeniably sad. (And so is this poor little weak-hearted viewer! :tears: )

JS also seems to be enjoying himself at the last part of the karoake- with SY dancing around him.

And on EY's end, she gives a single "sorry" when she does see him at his place, being more concerned with her in-laws, doesn't rush down to 'rescue' JS anymore when she hears that JW is bothering JS/SY, and apparently next episode dances happily with JW. Perhaps she too is finding peace and some sort of happiness in her current state.

Ah well... still a happy camper- maybe I too have attained Nirvana without noticing it :) It's a mellow, angst-tinged sort of happy, but maybe that's the flavor the PD wants to leave for us as an after-taste.

If so, Axe, Clock, Eats, Choufy, Kravi, Nomanymore, Puck, Thao and all you other gals,

"I am glad to be with you... here at the end of all things." -Tolkein


Ok, I forced myself to watch the famous kisses, and as it turned out- it wasn't painful in the sense of angst painful, but it was a little more cutesy that I'm used to. JS looked mostly past-annoyed that she's doing all this weird stuff in addition to being drunk. Though I admit, his last look at her was perfectly serious. Which could be a red-herring, or could mean he's growing fond of her.

Either way Clock, you were right. EY's "2" was a rejection. She wasn't biding for time, she really is stronger than I gave her credit for!

At least as of now, she's sticking to her word, and every indication is that she's moving on, forgetting JS ... I _still_ don't think she'll marry JW (because it really is unimaginable for her to marry that SLIMEBALL*!) but she's doing a credible job of looking like she means to!

EY- you're really do have heart strings made of steel, otherwise JS's wistful looks would have broken them by now! :tears:

*How's that for bashing? I would cheerfully, eloquently and sincerely bash JW any time of the day! :) JW-lovers be warned... this is a crazy JW-anti out on a rampage!

And I _still_ think I'm more happy than sad- those two! They play my poor heart-strings like a cello! And right now they're playing this on them-

Beautiful and happy but somehow also sad....

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I don't think EY is self-centered, boring and manipulative. At all. If you see her as such, I believe that JS is a much worse person. And yet you still hope for the lovely SY to be with him...

I think SY is too lovely for JS.

I think SY and EY are too good for JS. I think if this was a Japanese drama JS/JW would end up together for redemption is always a running theme.... DW and SY would also have a chance...and JS would smile and walk off into the sunset...but this is a KDrama so I think it will go JS/EY and SY ...who knows what she will do.

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Guest cassidee

Ok, let´s please drop the bashing-thing. I love both pairings, both pairings have their own good points, some like one pairing more than other. Let´s not disregard the opinions from the other ship. In the beginning I saw bashing from both sides, I have to admit, after the recent episodes, SY-shippers were a little more bashed, than the other way round here, but I think, it´s just a coincidence, because here are so many Eunsoo-shippers. I´m sure in other forums with more SY-shippers it´s the same for Eunsoo-fans.

So let´s just end this issue.

Btw, I think, that both female characters are great. They are neither mean, nor manipulativ or boring. And I like both actresses. I´m kinda surprised by myself. After Story of a man, I thought, I can never forgive PSY, but I have to eat my words, lol.

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Speaking of his helping JW look for the "lost" wedding ring, I was dumbfounded when JS sat down and talked with SY. I was like, why are you doing this drama? He looked at home there in her place looking at her style...shoes and bags.

Seriously though, when the dude sat down it was like he was home.....JS has to confess his feelings before the end of the drama to JW and EY. I prefer he do this to JW in epi 16 before it ends.


After 15, it looks like JW found out why he returned and will confront JS. This is when I want JS to man up. He still has to confess to EY too and not allow anyone to shut him down until he has unloaded. IF she is going to marry, she will do so knowing that JS came back for her like he kissed her because it was SEY.

The drama forfeits if it does not allow for confessions to be made and full disclosure of the heart.


Yit, I would love for your script on the confession to be made in 16 by JS...Two from one sale in epi 16 on the JS confession to both....All the EY pretend merriment has go to get to him since she more or less told him why her and JW are together....by default.?


Choufy, the drama is going around in circles and reopening old wounds without doing anything about them....The writer has hit a wall. I wonder if she or he uses dominoes to get over it. If so, someone needs to go in and knock them over.

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Wait mskololia- catch me up here- why would you prefer him to confess he likes EY to JW? Rather than to EY herself?

I guess EY has forbade him, but I think I'd like to see him assert himself a little here-

"And ye shall know the truth- and the truth shall make you free." -John 8:32


Okay, got your point Mskololia and I'm with you! I too want JS to, even if its entirely not appropriate and only because I detest JW-the-chauvinist-pig, give JW the "Get off my property" caveman speech about EY!

(Though I agree he ought to start with the "I came back for you, I don't see HS anymore when I see you, I love you, do you love me too?" speech to EY!)

Choufy! ;) Good to have you back! And ah, you know me, the doom-and-gloom weather forecaster... I can make a sunny day sound like a hurricane-cum-earthquake is due! :)


Okay, I'm an old softie! I was just recalling back a few episodes I wanted EY to trample on JS and give him a kick in the richard simmons for good measure because he deserves it after making EY put up with his crap for so many years and trampling on her feeelings... now all EY's done is message him a "2" (a pretty mild rejection as rejections go!) and I'm bawling in pity for JS!

Geeeeze.... Yitian, pull yourself TOGETHER!


Azil thanks for the picts and the quotes! Awesome!!

Heeeeeeyyy... my sneaky little shipper heart is at work again, but PSY says her fans think she has it all with her career and looks, but she wants to fall in love and get blissfully married? Didn't KJH tell his fans at the start of the series that he has wealth and success now but lacks a girlfriend??!

Are you gals thinking what I'm thinking?


Okay, maybe not ALL the details are the same, but I'm pretty sure we're thinking along the same crooked lines... (yeah Clock, don't go giving me that innocent look! We all already know about you remember?) ;)


Clock- I thought that was the definition of Nirvana- letting go of all your worldly cares and possessions and moving to a higher plane of existence...

Ommmm shanti, shaaaaantiiiii ommmmmmm

(But you and Kravi are the experts, so you tell me! :) )

Are you %^&%& kidding?! Wild horses can't keep me away from here. I'm at a conference and I'm &*(^& pulling a ^&*&^* all-nighter to watch this *(^*% thing! I can't ^&*^*& keep away if I *(&&^% tried... pardon mon français encore! ;)

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Guest choufy

lol Yit why did I get the feeling to be on Titanic when I read your post ? ;)


I didn't watch episode 15 but based from the preview I think E15 & 16 will be mostly about JS & SY to end with Eunsoo in E17 & 18. Why ?

- JW's request for JS departure (what's the point if JS is ready to fall in love with SY ?)

- SY's declaration as a trigger (JS's serious gaze)

- JS reading SY's script : finally a professional recognition ?

And if CH heads for an Andromeda final... Well, the thruth is : I must have been in Nirvana for a while now too because I don't really care anymore...

p.s : I will reserve my opinion about the writing untill the drama ends and even if I totally get the criticisms about it.

p.p.s : why did they bring back my sweet DW into this mess ? For. Er. Nothing ? Could it be... Could it be that HE would be the one who'll run away with EY at the wedding ceremony ?! B)

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Guest kravi77

:wub: :wub: :wub:@yit

No worries..we're all here for better or worse ;).

Early on I would have been thrilled by episode 15, but now I'm a little more cautious. I don't like the fact that we're being strung along..simply because you know there's always going to be group of people unhappy with the ending. Although I imagine the talk between JW and JS is most likely to push JS to confess his feelings to EY, I can't help but think that maybe it might push JS towards SY. Isn't that what the director was talking about? SY will facilitate JS-EY while JW will do the same to JS-SY. If anything I think it would be more likely for SY's words to have a bigger impact on JS. Then again..who knows...especially with this group of writers.

That being said, I love the way SY bargains...fake fiancee in exchange for guest on radio show. Finally, the girl learnt something. As for the drunk scenes..it's pretty adorable. If it is one of her first times getting drunk...it's bound to happen. And I love :wub: the way drunk SY has JS wrapped around her finger. She pretty much runs all over him... while his annoyed looks make no difference. Regardless I'm glad for the laughs this episode brought. It's finally a whole episode where I didn't cringe or look away at all the sadness. And the scene where EY rushes over to the bathroom..HAHAHAHAAA!!!..priceless! I wish her character had more laughs. Said and done..I'm not convinced JW is the bad guy here...he's loud, obnoxious, but he promises a security JS never will. And his dad...ADORABLE!!! Each of the four leads have something going on for themselves. I hope they all end up happy ...for better or worse ;)phew.gifphew.gif:wub: :wub:

P.S> I will be very upset if halmoni does not knit an ugly sweater for JS, or make some lascivious comment about his...ahem!!! You know she peeked!!!



Om shanti Om? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kj8RzUm9fJ0

I don't think that will get you anywhere near Nirvana but you could try..

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@clock it's jdrama called 'Brother Beat', the quote is from ep5, I think. Ironically enough the story is about a guy who left his girlfriend because he's not sure if he could bring her happiness, despite his love for her (though he doesn't have all that problem like JS, he's just a player lol). Until she decided to get married, just like our EY..

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Guest JaneElliot

Seriously, this is like the revolving door drama, with the romantic focus going around and around. Not that I'm complaining. I happen to think revolving doors are tons of fun.

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@clock it's jdrama called 'Brother Beat', the quote is from ep5, I think. Ironically enough the story is about a guy who left his girlfriend because he's not sure if he could bring her happiness, despite his love for her (though he doesn't have all that problem like JS, he's just a player lol). Until she decided to get married, just like our EY..

Oh, Brother Beat. I've seen it and liked it. My favorite Jdrama is Long Vacation. It's funny that axe said that JS never told EY that he loved her but same with Sena. He never told Minami that he loved her but we all knew he did. Although that's my one gripe with that drama - I wish he did.

As for the rest of this drama - I'm staying in Nirvana lol.... and will try my best to just watch it all unfold objectively. I will no doubt have my issues with the direction but it's all good. I remember axe saying she didn't want EY to be engaged or in a relationship because JS would never fight for her. lol... and so far, he's being rather consistent with his character. Regardless of what happens here, I hope that episode 16 is very clear about the final couple. Truth is, loads of dramas where the final couple is clear from episode 1 have high ratings so there's no need for the writers to play this kind of game with us. I think one drama that had a real love triangle where you didn't know who she'd pick was My Love Patzzi and I found it interesting the whole time and liked both pairings. Too bad it didn't have a real ending.

I wonder if we had too much hope for this drama. lol... to delve into the usual kdrama cliches - fake relationship, karaoke, piggy back ride, drunk kiss etc... and do it on crack so quickly, lol... what is this? HAHAHAHA... lol. Let me let this go like JS has let EY go... for the third time. Let's see if it sticks. lol.

And if they are going the JS/SY way, that means they've dropped clarifying the history. LOL. In the future, instead of a show that self actualizes, they should write a first draft and fill out all the plot holes. Anyway, lemme move on. Will see you guys in here tomorrow. lol.


Thanks, krav.

Episode 16 might end up being lower.

Not that I can explain the ratings but to me, episode 13 ended with that wedding dress scene and frankly speaking the next episode looked interesting which might be why more turned in for ep 14. Ep 15's preview might have been a turn off for some and I won't be surprised if ep 16 ends up having worse ratings but we'll see.

ck1Oz, I don't think everyone thinks JS will end up with EY. The drama is telling us right now that they don't end up together. But some people are hoping that they do.

And as for JW, I don't see him as the type to let EY free or whatever. I don't think that's his nature at all. If he suddenly does a switcheroo and decides to let her go, given EY's actions in the last two episodes, I won't be surprised if she decides to stay.

For me, there's logic that follows the entire drama and there's logic that follows the drama from episode to episode. Ignoring what we think the characters feel or what we hope the writers create, judging this drama without bias and expectation of a switcheroo, given what the characters have done in episode 15 alone, EY should stay with JW and JS has moved on and probably moved to SY. Based on episode 15 alone. What the writers will decide to pull out for the rest of the drama is anyone's guess.

I must say, I did love the first half of the episode. Really enjoyed it. lol... will watch the second half properly when there are subs. Maybe I will like it too.

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