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[Drama 2010] Coffee House 커피하우스

Guest simplycomplex18

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Will you be getting together with yiti for episode 18? Really appreciate all your hard work. Your mandarin and korean translation skills have been a real gem and top-notch too.:)

Damn my boss refused to gimme a day off tmr lol. The ending better be good or else it will be me down with a fever and saying "it's because of you!!"

Yes I am on the way to meet yit now. Going to have a a bottle of beer courtesy of her after the show. Hopefully it will a toast of celebration and not for me to drown my sorrows

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Guest cassidee

I´m just asking. Is anyone streaming right now? I´m streaming with TVU and it says, and I can´t find the channel. I looked for the channel, I watched yesterday in the history of my browser and they said, that the channel is off-air now. I´m quite sure, that I´m on the right channel, but "errare humanum est" and I could be wrong.

Is there someone with similar problems?

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I´m just asking. Is anyone streaming right now? I´m streaming with TVU and it says, and I can´t find the channel. I looked for the channel, I watched yesterday in the history of my browser and they said, that the channel is off-air now. I´m quite sure, that I´m on the right channel, but "errare humanum est" and I could be wrong.

Is there someone with similar problems?

Ya we are having the same problem too. Currently using http://kr.wubisheng.cn/html/hanju/zxtv/# but the buffering is very bad. TT TT

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Guest angelicaknows

I´m just asking. Is anyone streaming right now? I´m streaming with TVU and it says, and I can´t find the channel. I looked for the channel, I watched yesterday in the history of my browser and they said, that the channel is off-air now. I´m quite sure, that I´m on the right channel, but "errare humanum est" and I could be wrong.

Is there someone with similar problems?

Yeah. I think that's kaput. I tried it a couple of hours ago just to be prepared, and all it was giving me were a couple of korean christian channels.

It's really too bad because that was a very good medium.


Axe, we do have to bow down to you. In all the forums (be it here, Viikii, Baidu, DC, SBS or Dramabeans), you are the queen. You visit other forums so that you can share news, spoilers, and comments with us. You even take the time to translate. We truly appreciate all your efforts.

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omg, i'm so nervous waiting for tonight...aish, i need to go and will be back halfway through the show. sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif

i hope you get good streaming. Axe and Yit, big thanks for your efforts! :)

EunSoo-ers, big group hug! :wub:


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Guest cassidee

Da... it.

Yesterday I had three working streaming-sites and now not a single one. krtv8 is not working, tv365 is not working either, aish, why today?

Hmm axe, about the site you are using, do I have to download something or something else. It´s not working for me. :tears:



ok, I have a sbs channel now, but I´m suspecting it´s the wrong one. Right now, there is a documentary airing about a old western (caucasian? arabian?) film. It´s the wrong one, right?


now they are showing hidden camera jokes, argh

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Hi all,

Assuming we get reception (inshah'allah!) here's the post we're going to post about the first third of the episode and then we'll start a new one as this gets too long!

Okay, Axe and I are set up (fingers crossed it sticks when the show starts!)

Now you'll have to excuse us we're are going to stand around for the next 20 minutes and chew on our finger-nails worrying about the connection...


(We're losing 10 minutes of our life-span every time it buffers.... urgggg! :wacko: )

Right, starting! (We're ready, are you gals??! :) )

SY at the station

SY calls DW, asks if he's going to the wedding, has it started? I got the invitation but I can't go, can you give them the wedding gift for me?

DW at the wedding- it's chaos! It's a train wreck

SY Teacher did what??! Why? (SY looks distressed)

Man JS beat up is carried out on a stretcher

Wedding, EY is wandering around in shock. Everything is smashed. JW is being interviewed.

JW's mom is distressed: It was your wedding! (She cries)

EY's secretary calls EY out.

Sec tells EY this is not a good situation, it's not a minor offense, it's assault.

EY: You rascal, you bastard!

JS is being led out in cuffs to the police car.

EY runs out.

She looks panicked.

She goes to the car and stares at JS. JS looks up and sees her shocked face. He smiles and looks away.

Car moves off.

EY asks her sec for the car. EY changes. EY instructs her to find out more about the guy who was beat up, and why JS is signing a contract with him. She arranges to go back to the office.

EY to herself "You said you'd find a way, and _this_ is your way??!"

JW stalks in looking for EY.

Someone tells him EY went somewhere with her staff. JW is exasperated.

SY's family.

They see the events of the wedding on TV-

Recap of JS beating up the guy! :) (He looks super cool... not that I'm advocating for violence, but KJH can whip butt!)

AT the jail- JS is watching his own news on his phone behind bars. He compliments the pictures! ;)

SY turns up "Teacher? What the hell is happening?"

JS and SY talk.

SY What to do now? Don't you have any back-up plan before doing this?? Your image is ruined!

JS So my 100,000 female fans are gone?!

;) (JS is still acting cool!)

JS I needed the money (he looks like he's joking!)- yeah, that's the sort of person I am! I don't write anymore, I just do such things (?) Sorry. Oh gods, what do I do?! The lawyer fees, the publishing fees??!

(JS is awesomely funny pretending to be the bad-richard simmons! ;) )

JS Ahh.... if I write I can make the money back! But I need an idea.... what if I use Galapagos!

SY: Sighs.... ok, so you want my idea?

JS: I need it urgently! But if I write a good book, just one good concept....

(JS is really having her on!)

SY: Okay.

JS is shocked: REally?!

SY: Since you need it!

JS: Are you kiddding me!??! Just because I told you I need to?!! Get lost!

SY: Why?

JS: (very seriously now and silent)

EY is seen working hard with her lawyer figuring out JS's case.

EY and her lawyer visit JS.

JS: Long time no see.

EY looks massive mad at JS.

JS smiles.

Lawyer : Situation is not good.

EY: Even if you want to settle it out of court, do you think the other guy would do it?!!

(She's mad)

L: You're exagerating!

JS gives lawyer a number: Contact this guy, he's been investigating, he has evidence against the person I beat.

(JS DOES have an exit strategy!!!)

Lawyer leaves.

EY Let's settle this

EY The smart LJS, I want to hear your reason, I want to hear it from you


1) I wanted to stop a wedding you had no confidence in

2) I didn't want to make you the center of attention

3) I'll take responsibility for everything

4) (?)

5) (?)

6) (?)

7) I love you!


Cue beautiful music!

They gaze at each other.

EY cries.

They sit there, separated by one small desk. (UURGGGG!)

Lawyer pokes his head in and leaves again.

SY turns up at EY's office, to look for EY. Sec tells SY all is settled. JW pokes his head out of the office. He's been drinking.

SY and he have a drink together.

JW: When I heard that JS is not leaving, I felt uneasy. Finally it turned out this way. I told him to leave... didn't you know?

SY: Why?

JW: The ring you have do you know who it's for?

SY: No.

JW: It was for EY.

SY looks upset (she DIDN'T know???)

JW: What do you think? Will EY leave me? I think she's going to leave me. I feel it. Even though EY treats me well, I feel happy but still, strangely very uneasy.

(Quite tragic really, even if he's a bastard!)

EY gets dropped off at her office by the lawyer. She stands there and has look of determination on her face!

YESSSSS!!!!!!!! I think she's going to do something now! About @##^&#$%# time EY!!!!

EY goes up stairs and walks into her office where JW is waiting for her.

JW: You're late. (He's drunk) So how is JS? Is everything okay?

EY looks bothered.

She sits down in silence.

She looks at JW levelly.

JW: What? You seem to have something to say to me.

(Poor JW, even I feel bad for him now... :( )

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Axe....I use the link you gave. I'm click SBS-KBC.

Hope, it's the right channel. Till now, no buffering.

Please GOD, we have a good streaming today.

EDIT: Oh, I must say QUEEN AXE. hehehe...Thanks for your time to give all the best on CH.

Hope, we have a nice ending & you can open the beer to celebrate.

If not, I think your boss will be confused about your swollen eyes.

OK, finally we don't get the "ride segway together" & sit side by side".

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 i also dun get why he is so intent on securing SY's respect for him, he wanted it so bad that it tore his heart (he said that in preview for ep18)?

I thought he was referring to EY while talking to SY....He's thinking about her feelings right now and always...just my 2 cents before the epi begins.

Good morning CHers....Are we ready so show some EunSoo love????:wub:


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Guest em.sie_1813

queen of coffee house land= AXE. wahaha :))

**I agree.

Oh yeah. Were now facing the dyed hearten ending..

Hoping it was not bitter!!

I'm going stick to it.. SKIN SHIP.. SKIN SHIP! SKIN SHIP! tongue2.gif

yit is right, were nearly in hell(closure) so guys, pls follow rules of the forum!

Am I too excited? starting my stream 2 hours before airing. HAHA. :D



kuiweo :)

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Guest angelicaknows

My streaming's working right now, and I hope it continues to do so during the airing of Coffee House.

I'm hoping the usual suspects will continue to provide us with their play-by-play and transcriptions :) Good luck, people.


I apologize if I'm slow, but Yiti and Axe, are you two truly, physically in the same place?

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Guest mariamariamaria

Hi, guys.. may i just say before we start this last run, that i just want to THANK YOU ALL!! for the spazzing, and the opinions and the funniness and ALL THE FUN! thank you thank you thank you.. it wouldn't have been the same without you guys.

special thanks to the regulars... axe, yit, clock, em.sie, eats etc, and everyone else i had looked forward to seeing here every time i lurked... THANK YOU. :)

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My streaming's working right now, and I hope it continues to do so during the airing of Coffee House.

I'm hoping the usual suspects will continue to provide us with their play-by-play and transcriptions :) Good luck, people.


I apologize if I'm slow, but Yiti and Axe, are you two truly, physically in the same place?

Haha thanks everyone for their support. We will do our best but no promise!! We are so excited and happy to share these with you guys.

Eh ya me and yiti at in the same room but different chairs lol.

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