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[drama 2010] I Am Legend 나는 전설이다

Guest Q_Park

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Guest trixicopper

I'm not sure that I would go so far as to say that I was hoping that JW and SH would get back together in the end.

But I did feel bad for him in the court room when the video was being shown. Not sure why, since he has been a royal jerk the whole drama.

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Guest ponkie

Wow, people are actually rooting for JW? Seriously? A total richard simmons and cheater! He's terrible. I honestly want him to diaf the entire time. :lol: Sorry, but no sympathy for him at all.

Haven't watched episode 8 yet, but glad the divorce is finally official.

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Guest calderonbr

I'm new to this thread and just wanted to know the following:

Does anybody know what SH said in the court, to be more specific why did she tell him sorry twice, what was she sorry about?

If anyone can translate SH's closing statement?

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I would not say I want them to be back together - I just like the presence of the JW actor more than TH.

I mean a lot of times in reality, people cheat but they come back. This is drama, it takes it to the extreme form and naturally, people do not like JW character - who likes a cheater? But I think if SH still loves her ex-husband, and it seems to me she does, there's no reason for me to object her choice. :) but if she falls for TH then fine for me. I just don't believe that she has any feeling for TH yet, up to this point, episode 8.

How many episodes? maybe if it's 20, they can build a relationship?

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Guest Brigichii

I just made a gif from my fav scene of epi 8. XD


Their Genie parody was hilarious, love the girls XD

i hope you like it too ^^

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Guest miniejungle

i just realised the white dress with black ribbon that Seol Hee wore in the first epi to her husband's celebration (and ended up in jail afterwards) is a Yves Saint Laurent creation... which is now retailed for more than 3000 pounds. Wow!!!!!

need to check out ep 7 and 8 tonight. I miss the girls!!!! :)

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Guest nitrogen123

I'm really glad that SH didn't use the revealing video in court. It just doesn't seem to be in her nature to be so ruthless. It goes to show you that you don't have to use dirty tactics in order to win (unlike the other side...who tried every dirty trick they could).

Also, I'm really glad that the show's moving on....personally, they spent way too much time on the divorce. It's time to show SH building her new life, and more of the lives of her band members.

Just a guess, maybe SH will end up being the lawyer's secretary....after all she does have some law experience. Wouldn't it be great if she ends up helping the lawyer go up against her ex in court for other cases? Now that's justice for you!

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Guest Q_Park


(** There might be slight errors or weird characters mixed in because I had to convert the text file but something always screws up. lol Sorry about everything!)

Seol-hee walks out from the room, frantically calling Lawyer Go; he shows up and hands her the CD evidence that Park Ki-chul handed over to him. Meanwhile, Ji-wook's assistant tells Ji-wook and Seung-hye that Seol-hee just received a piece of evidence. Panicked, Ji-wook runs to Seol-hee to question her about the tape. She is going to go to the room and watch it right now because she doesn't quite know what is on it. With this, Ji-wook tells her that they can stop right now and he'll give her anything that she wants. Seol-hee shoots back that the more nervous he gets, the more curious she gets about what exactly is on the CD. Now's it's too late to stop her. Seol-hee watches what is on the tape and then goes back to the trial room.

As she walks to the DVD player, a very tense Seung-hye and Ji-wook turn disbelieving when the DVD actually plays a video back from when Seol-hee and Ji-wook got married and even their honeymoon. During their wedding, they seemed to be very much in love and Seol-hee pregnant. Hwa-ja suggests that she cover up that baby bump with her bouquet. During their honeymoon, Seol-hee gives her baby an endearing nickname of Kkong-Kkong. ôI saw a picture of you before we came here and your eyes, nose, and lips look exactly like your dad's. This makes me extremelyyyyy happy!ö û Seol-hee to unborn baby. It's really heartwarming to see Seol-hee so lovey dovey and Ji-wook affectionate. (Seol-hee's so giddy with her love that she is like a giggly little schoolgirl.)

Ji-wook actually looks quite surprised (and teary-eyed), as if he can't imagine the way he used to be to Seol-hee. I think here he receives a bout of mixed feelings because he knows that Seol-hee changed the DVD to this one and he can't imagine why. Does she still love him that much? 

Seol-hee stands up to say:

(to Ji-wook) While I was preparing for this case, I tried erasing my memories of us when I discovered that DVD. I know this piece of evidence is too weak to disprove the fact that I am a gold digging vixen. I hated you with my guts and I wanted to plot my revenge but I couldn't bring myself to throw that away. Whether you accept this or not, I do believe that for a short period of time, long ago, we really did love each other. Today, while I was sitting down in the room, I thought for a long time. Why would I possibly be fighting with you? What do I really want from you? Thinking of all the past events, the answer is that all I wanted to hear from you were the words 'I'm sorry'. 'Although I did love you once, I'm sorry that I'm not anymore. Instead of leaving you the way you were, I'm sorry that we had to go through this awful war. I'm sorry.' That's all I wanted to hear. (to audience) I will not hide the fact that at first I wanted to get a divorce because of my mother-in-law who prevented me from getting a bone marrow transplant for my sick sister. However, after being turned into a gold-digging vixen who ruined her husband's life in court, I became extremely frustrated and helpless. The evidence pointed against me was so spot on that even I wondered if I had become that. This bothered me to the fact where I stopped sleeping and eating. I had made up my mind to clear my name from any of these false charges. However, the more evidence I looked up for Cha Ji-wook, a strange thought entered my head. The fact that I was turning into what I despised the most from my in-laws. After realizing this, I became extremely embarrassed with myself.  (to Ji-wook) From now on, I'm not going to live this life. From now on, I'm not going to lie to myself. (to MD) No matter how many times you call me 'that thing', I, Jeon Seol-hee, am proud of myself. 

Outside of the court room, her friends tell her that she did great and that she won. On the other side, MD says that for a moment there, she thought Seol-hee actually had something that would help her win the case. All she did was try to win the heart of the judge by spewing all that nonsense. Seung-hye also can't help but feel relieved that the video didn't reach Seol-hee's hands. Ji-wook quietly tells her that Seol-hee did have the video. She did have the video.

Tae-hyun tentatively asks Go Jin-bae how the case went. She lost, right? Jin-bae asks him why he's asking something so obvious. Tae-hyun sighs but Lawyer Go goes on to say that he takes back whatever he said about Seol-hee being weak and whatnot. She's not your average woman. 

Seol-hee sits quietly in the studio, singing Reminiscence. Ji-wook comes to see her but he stops when he hears her singing. Meanwhile, Ji-wook is drowning out his sorrows in whiskey, perhaps wondering what he had done. 

Hwa-ja tries to sell more aloe products to a company president when it's interrupted by a worker saying that the band supposed to play tomorrow at the supermarket quit unexpectedly. Ah-hah! Now the Madonna Band has got a gig there. Seol-hee takes time off to visit her parents' ashes and confesses to them everything that has happened. She gets messages from the band and she shows up to perform. At the supermarket, Hwa-ja gets in trouble because she implied that Ran-hee would be with them but she's not. The crowd seems to like them at first but they end up going to the other side because there's a stage with younger, prettier, sexier girls there. Upset, they get reprimanded for playing oldies when everyone is listening to hip, pop songs. (Insert messy Genie parody here.)

Su-in finds out from Kwang-yul that Tae-hyun was the one who let them perform that one time on the stage and she tells the rest of Madonna Band. Kwang-yul also tells Su-in he thinks that Tae-hyun likes Su-in so she'd better stay away from him, a divorcee with a child. Su-in is secretly embarrassed but pleased? to hear this so she wonders (Uh oh.) Learning this, Seol-hee calls Tae-hyun out to give him a cake so that he can eat it with Nu-ri. She also wants to apologize for the time before when she was too harsh to him about Seung-hye. 

Seung-hye walks into Ji-wook's office to tell him the results of the case. Seol-hee and Ji-wook are getting a divorce but Seol-hee is not getting a penny of Ji-wook's money. Both sides of the party pay for their part of the case. Ji-wook doesn't seem particularly happy or surprised about this and he says what reason has he to be happy? It turned out just the way they expected it to turn out. He seems a little withdrawn and Seung-hye leaves. Hwa-ja and Su-in are appalled that Seol-hee isn't receiving a cent but Seol-hee doesn't mind and tells them to leave it alone. She'll just live off them. Ji-wook calls her out to a cafe. 

JW: (pulls out a money envelope) There's no need to feel bad or to misunderstand. It's not like we started this fight for money and I know you need some for right now so I put in an appropriate amount. Also, it would be even better if you could live quietly. 

SH: (returns money) Sorry but I don't think I'll be needing this. Although I don't know everything you are thinking, I know part of it so I won't misunderstand. I'm afraid that because of your money something might happen to me. I don't want that to happen again. I'll be leaving nowàI hope that in the future we don't have to meet again. 

(I love the fact that the way he looks at her is no longer vicious.) 

Looking for a job proves not to be easy for Seol-hee. She gets an idea and decides to pay a visit to Lawyer Go with a little bribery consisting of a cake. No one is inside and Seol-hee puts her feet up to relax when a terrified woman runs in with her abusive husband chasing after her. Seol-hee threatens to call the police and charge the man of domestic violence. When he doesn't believe her, Go Jin-bae walks in and calls Seol-hee assistant lawyer(?). Enlightened Seol-hee has finally found a job...I think. 


I also thought today's episode was going to be extremely frustrating but it wasn't all that. Especially the part where Seol-hee says her speech; that part made me tear up a little bit. I'm glad that the divorce is finally done with but I'm sure that later something big is going to happen. 

- Kyu

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Just wanted to share the ratings for epi 8

16.6 (6th) Nationwide

18.1 (6th) Seoul

Q_ParkThanks for the recaps, I guess we'll have a love square

Can't wait for next week

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Guest Kamakshi

Kyu's question: Which upcoming scene are you most looking forward to?

Ji-wook repenting on how he mistreated & misunderstood Seol-hee when they were married. Seol-hee embracing the ups and downs of re-discovering her lost identity. Comeback Madonna becoming more widely recognized. More substantial interaction b/w Seol-hee & Tae-hyun.

@blackjackVip: I haven't seen ep 8, but after reading Kyu's spoilers (THANKS!), I was kind of torn that Seol-hee didn't show the evidence in court. Initially, I felt the same way that you did b/c I wanted Seol-hee to have some sort of payback for all the malice that they've done to her. But on 2nd thought, it's touching & bittersweet that Seol-hee proved to Ji-wook how much she really did love him. She managed to protect what he values the most (his reputation, pride, & image), even though the public views her as the bad one in their marriage. Seol-hee doesn't care about the slanders b/c in the end, she only wanted Ji-wook to realize her "true" self & her love for that prick. It's unfair for Seol-hee, but I like how she gracefully ended the divorce case.

@stupidolive: I guess I got accustomed to her mini shorts, dress, skirts, etc. b/c the 2nd time at the court didn't faze me as much as the 1st time. Now I'll be stunned if she wears something that covers her thighs every now and then. :phew: KJE is very natural w/her crying & teary-eyed scenes, but I hope there will be less weepy scenes in the future eps b/c it seemed like there was always a scene in every eps.

@ponkie: No, I don't sympathize nor support Ji-wook b/c I dislike his cruel, selfish character so far. However, I want to see him regain some humanity, so that his character will be more layered and interesting for the sake of the storyline. Ultimately, I want Seol-hee to hook up with Tae-hyun, but it would be nice to see a transformed Ji-wook in contention for Seol-hee's love.

Ooooh! Can't wait to see ep 8! I'm relieved that the divorce case finally ends.

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Guest mindmixer

episode 8 was pretty good.. But they didn't show a preview for ep 9 though... Wonder what's gonna happen... Can't wait!

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Guest ceceetran

thanks kyu for the fantastic summary. Like you guys, I wish she would have shown the cd but I guess she wanted to be the better person. I hope the video does open up and ruin both lawyers and parents images. That would really really make day!

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Guest ariendoll

@ Kyu... Thank you for the recaps!

SH now has an ace up her sleeve (DVD). I hope she does get that job w/ lawyer Jin Bae, then they would be able to go head to head w/ JW and SHye in court. JW and TH will be competing against SH's affections while SHye will be the pathetic outcast. Hahahaha!

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I'm glad that she did not use the cd. Some how I felt like she preserved NooRi's respect for his mother. I would have hate for SeungHye's picture to be plaster on the front page labeling her as an adulterer and one of NooRi friends sees it and then taunts him about his mother's misbehavior.  I'm glad this has not happen and if it does happen in the future at least SH will not be the reason for it.  Also, I'm sure her action has paved the way for her and TH to get closer together. TH is probably just as grateful as JW that she did not use that cd even though she had every right and purpose to do so.

Concerning their wedding videos, I was surprise to see such a loving couple. I thought their marriage went sour before the wedding day. That clearly was not the case. It's a shame they couldn't get over their situation and maintain such a good relationship. The actor was very good at expressing his unexpressed love. Even though his hateful actions and words you could still see glimmers of his love for his wife.  He lied to himself so he could justify his action but I'm sure that video opened a flood gate of emotions he does not want to deal with. I'm not sure if he is even capable of handling those emotions.

To bad JW has lost such a great love. I don't think she will go back to him. I think the real reason why SH always over looked and denied that he was having an affair is because that is the one thing she is unable to forgive. I think the moment she saw the clip is the moment her love for him ceased to exist. It's over and she is not going back.  At least that's how I see her actions.

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Guest kara_elayne

I was teary eyed when Seol Hee showed their wedding and honeymoon videos, and it seems like they were really in love after all, as what Seol Hee was saying. I can’t help it but root for them to reconcile and be back together again, although somewhere in between that, I want Seol Hee to make Ji Wook really suffer. But then I was thinking, Seol Hee is really a good person, even if she can destroy Ji Wook, his family and Seung Hye with that one video, she still chose to do the good thing and not to fight dirty, thus she “overcame” them with the goodness in her heart.

It was nice seeing Ji Wook smiling, looking lovingly at his wife, making that heart shape sign for their unborn baby, laughing with Fa Ja during their wedding, so it made me wonder what really have gone wrong why he was suddenly cold with his wife, and even got to cheat on her. Does the miscarriage have something to do with it? Was he really devastated with what happened to their unborn baby, and blamed it all on Seol Hee? This part of this marriage life I want to know. I think, somewhere deep deep inside of Ji Wook’s heart, there is still love for Seol Hee. He doesn’t look so happy after the divorce trial, he was teary eyed while watching their wedding and honeymoon videos, and his tone when he told Seung Hye that Seol Hee had the CD, I take it that there was a hint of regret in his voice, like he was thinking, “What am I doing divorcing such good hearted wife?”

After 8 episodes, I still don’t feel any chemistry between Tae Hyun and Seol Hee. Even if the hubby’s a jerk at present (coz in the past he isn’t, only he’s workaholic), he still looks good together with Seol Hee. I want the Tae Hyun-Soo In pairing though.

What was that song Seol Hee was singing the night after their divorce trial? I love it, and also I wish they would release an instrumental version of Tae Hyun’s song too.

Thank you, Kyu, for the recaps! The subs in Viikii are not complete yet, so your spoilers are a big help to me in understanding some scenes. Hehehe!

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Guest CBfantastic

It would be nice if at the end of this drama she ended up with no one. It's such an empowerment for women, and as I am watching I am thinking " I know a women who is feeling the same way". During episode eight I really cried for her. She is such a well rounded character, and this is such a good drama.

So far we constantly see her defining herself and taking control of her life. That's why it would be great for me if she ends up being matched up with no one, but finds this true happiness with herself that wasn't there in the beginning.

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Guest miniejungle

paging Kyu... :) when can we have ep8's recap please?

I checked viikii and the subs are not completely out yet (60-70%) - i think i'll just wait till it's all done properly before watching. but so curious of what's gonna happen in ep8...

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the series didnt really hold my attention/ wowed me till NOW. Previously i was watching for the sake of watching it but now, i am totally invested in the characters. Eps 7 and 8 reveals a lot of the different characters and their inner feelings which works like a charm on screen.

particularly interesting was Cha Ji Wook. Yes he was a jerk, a meanie, nasty bast**d but seeing him in the wedding video made me think twice about his true character. He would have become an incredible, doting father and husband but perhaps due to circumstances (i believe that witch of a mother probably has a HUGE role to play in turning Cha Ji Wook into such a beast), he changed. And i guess Jun Seol Hee recognizes that. Recognizes that inside, he was ( and maybe IS) still the same man she married. I am really curious how the writers are going to further craft CJW's character. As of now, it seems like there is going to be a shift in his character.

And i cant resist writing this...Kim Jung Eun's acting is top class man. Man can she fill her eyes with tears and make me cry instead. Marvelous acting skills there.

On a sidenote, Kim Sun Ah would have been totally competent in this role as well. Just that i feel that KJE brings more vulnerability to this role than what KSA can (she has always been the more strong willed woman type) and i liked the sense of vulnerability very much.

Just my two cent's worth :)

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Guest Q_Park

paging Kyu... :) when can we have ep8's recap please?

I checked viikii and the subs are not completely out yet (60-70%) - i think i'll just wait till it's all done properly before watching. but so curious of what's gonna happen in ep8...

Haha, I've already posted the recap for episode 8, it should be on the previous page, I think. :)

- Kyu

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Didn't SH hinted that she didn't use 'other evidence' because she couldn't stoop so low. That would have put her in the despicable level same as her husband and MIL. She was right not to accept the money from CJW. He wanted to give her money to ease his guilt and for her to keep a low profile.

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