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haha, really, like they did during the Daejun last year or 2 years ago?... hahaha.

micky is the only one i have not seen any exposure. >.<

anyways, thank you for the lovely banners.

i like how each one came out different, gonna put up one right now.

yes, you are definitely fast too, does it take you long to make each one though?

anyways, thank you once again!

Haha yes. Like during the Daejun xDDD

LOL. haha yeah. Micky doesn't expose that much LOL

No problem!

lololol. nah. it doesn't. just add some textures to make it look cool, maybe add some brightness/contrast and etc. and voila!

an amazing banner !

LOL. your welcome ! (:

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Haha yes. Like during the Daejun xDDD

LOL. haha yeah. Micky doesn't expose that much LOL

No problem!

lololol. nah. it doesn't. just add some textures to make it look cool, maybe add some brightness/contrast and etc. and voila!

an amazing banner !

LOL. your welcome ! (:

the daejun was sexy, was totaly not expecting, and loved jj's tat.

and yes, micky never exposes, i wanna see what he's packing. XD

hehe true that, textures and brightness/contrast...

hmm i've never did much with the brightness/contrast thing... ithink i'm gonna give that a try.

anyways, sucks about spring break, i wish it was longer... but i went back to school last week, i miss spring break. XD

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pinkylily: aha. Hi there Beckie! LOL. Yeah! High five for TR & 411 buddies ! xDDD

miss_vicky: lolol. yeah. i was spazzing about his tattoo for the rest of the day xDD

lololol. haha yeah xDD

mhm.. actually. I use mostly the curves option more than brightness/contrast.

looks better xD

oh you went back last week? wow. I'm going back today ><"

okay i should seriously get off cause I have to go get ready ><" dang it ! STUPID SCHOOL!

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Guest stephie<3

-gaspp- its been a while since i've last commented D:

andd why isnt anyone requestingg ? LOL.

hmm...maybe i shall request the next time(:

PEOPLE REQUEST REQUESTTT ! lmao. lynn hass some wicked PSing skills !

lolollol. im suchh a weirdoo ><" anywayss good luckk with the TR^^

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-gaspp- its been a while since i've last commented D:

andd why isnt anyone requestingg ? LOL.

hmm...maybe i shall request the next time(:

PEOPLE REQUEST REQUESTTT ! lmao. lynn hass some wicked PSing skills !

lolollol. im suchh a weirdoo ><" anywayss good luckk with the TR^^

lololol. hi steph. xD

blech.. maybe they don't need a banner or icon ? i d k xD


not wicked lolol. blech. my skills are okay LOL.

haha thanks steph ! ;D

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miss_vicky: lolol. yeah. i was spazzing about his tattoo for the rest of the day xDD

lololol. haha yeah xDD

mhm.. actually. I use mostly the curves option more than brightness/contrast.

looks better xD

oh you went back last week? wow. I'm going back today ><"

okay i should seriously get off cause I have to go get ready ><" dang it ! STUPID SCHOOL!

heheh really, i would too! XD

the curves eh, how does that work? i don't think i've ever messed with it...

hope school was fun. C: but vacay is gone. TT.TT

haha you were on in the morning, i could never do that, because i end up being late majority of the time. XD

anyways, i'm back with another request from you too!

My Heart Is Beating For: a banner please

Text: (what the numbers come after the words in CAPS, depending who you choose)

Pictures: ICHIJO RAN: o1 o2 o3

AYASE RYO: o1 o2 o3


RYOUSEI: o1 o2 o3

Extras: size: 300x100 but under 40kb and have fun with it:

and...................... Your my crazy love C:

take your time if you need to and thanks in advance.

if anything is wrong with the images, do let me know.

and take care, and hope you'll get more requests. C:

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heheh really, i would too! XD

the curves eh, how does that work? i don't think i've ever messed with it...

hope school was fun. C: but vacay is gone. TT.TT

haha you were on in the morning, i could never do that, because i end up being late majority of the time. XD

anyways, i'm back with another request from you too!

My Heart Is Beating For: a banner please

Text: (what the numbers come after the words in CAPS, depending who you choose)

Pictures: ICHIJO RAN: o1 o2 o3

AYASE RYO: o1 o2 o3


RYOUSEI: o1 o2 o3

Extras: size: 300x100 but under 40kb and have fun with it:

and...................... Your my crazy love C:

take your time if you need to and thanks in advance.

if anything is wrong with the images, do let me know.

and take care, and hope you'll get more requests. C:

lololol. blech.. school sucksss xP

I hate it ! enuffsaid lol.

ugh.. my math teacher is LIKE KILLING ME. she's soooo bipolar! ><"

LOL. I'm on in the morning all the time xD and I'm never late :D

anyway.. um. . i don't really get what you mean on the text ><"

lol. kinda confusing xD

so do you want me to do something like;

"1ICHIJO RAN" something like that ?

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lololol. blech.. school sucksss xP

I hate it ! enuffsaid lol.

ugh.. my math teacher is LIKE KILLING ME. she's soooo bipolar! ><"

LOL. I'm on in the morning all the time xD and I'm never late :D

anyway.. um. . i don't really get what you mean on the text ><"

lol. kinda confusing xD

so do you want me to do something like;

"1ICHIJO RAN" something like that ?

and aww, school does suck, but it's not like we can escape it unless we start working.... <.<

and oh really, she's bipolar, wow, then math class must really not be going well then?

and hehe, that's good you're never late and have time to go on in the mornings. C:

but yeah, sorry for the confusion...

i just meant "ICHIJO RAN" or whoever you chose... just their name is all. sorry! >.<

i hope that clarifies it now....?

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and aww, school does suck, but it's not like we can escape it unless we start working.... <.<

and oh really, she's bipolar, wow, then math class must really not be going well then?

and hehe, that's good you're never late and have time to go on in the mornings. C:

but yeah, sorry for the confusion...

i just meant "ICHIJO RAN" or whoever you chose... just their name is all. sorry! >.<

i hope that clarifies it now....?


yeah.. i think she's bipolar O_O or maybe she's on her TOM (Time Of Month) LOL

haha yeah. but i was almost late this morning O_O I've been waking up late this whole week xP

oh okay.. I get it xD

aha. thanks for the clarification! I'll start working on your banner ! :D


pick up !

Hey Vicky ! ;D

I finished your request :)

Hope you like !

Banner 1 Banner 2 Banner 3 Banner 4

blech.. truthfully.. these banners turned out weird O_O so its okay if you don't use them lol xD

anyway, hope you like :D

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yeah.. i think she's bipolar O_O or maybe she's on her TOM (Time Of Month) LOL

haha yeah. but i was almost late this morning O_O I've been waking up late this whole week xP

oh okay.. I get it xD

aha. thanks for the clarification! I'll start working on your banner ! :D


pick up !

Hey Vicky ! ;D

I finished your request :)

Hope you like !

Banner 1 Banner 2 Banner 3 Banner 4

blech.. truthfully.. these banners turned out weird O_O so its okay if you don't use them lol xD

anyway, hope you like :D

hahah hopefully she calms down? it could be mood swings?

aww really, maybe it's staying up late? or lack of sleep? it means the same doesn't it. XD

and i love how the banners turn out and i don't think they're weird though.... o.0

and i'm definitely using it, because... hehe, love it, and the guys, gotta show it off. XD

thank you once again. C:

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hahah hopefully she calms down? it could be mood swings?

aww really, maybe it's staying up late? or lack of sleep? it means the same doesn't it. XD

and i love how the banners turn out and i don't think they're weird though.... o.0

and i'm definitely using it, because... hehe, love it, and the guys, gotta show it off. XD

thank you once again. C:

maybe. or she just gets high on coffee (haha. thats an inside joke between me & my friends at my schoool xD)

eh. .I've been staying up late these days O_O idk why? i'm addicted to soompi now xD

haha okay.. :D

hehe no problem ! :]

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Hey everyone! I've been bored these days so I've decided to take request for CC's.



The rules for CC's are the same as the icons/banner request. :)

and you can just use the form that I have right now. but please tell me what the mood of the cc is :)

haha well have fun requesting for cc's? :)


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Guest stephie<3

dude. i dont come to your thread for like a few days and i come back to find

FOUR sexyyy banners and 4 amazing ccs ?

anddd i spot the cc you made for meee ! im going to use it as soon as i find time to post it. or when i feel like posting it XD

hopee more people will request from you :D good luckk i will be back to look at your sexyy graphiccs^^

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dude. i dont come to your thread for like a few days and i come back to find

FOUR sexyyy banners and 4 amazing ccs ?

anddd i spot the cc you made for meee ! im going to use it as soon as i find time to post it. or when i feel like posting it XD

hopee more people will request from you :D good luckk i will be back to look at your sexyy graphiccs^^

LOL. There not exactly sexyyy or amazing lmao xD LOL.

you better post love sucks soon or else. O_o aha. justkidding :P

haha. hopefully ! ;D

aha. okay. :D

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maybe. or she just gets high on coffee (haha. thats an inside joke between me & my friends at my schoool xD)

eh. .I've been staying up late these days O_O idk why? i'm addicted to soompi now xD

haha okay.. :D

hehe no problem ! :]

haha really, high on coffee, must be a really funny inside joke. XD

oh really, and yeah soompi is addicting... hmm maybe that's it.

and ohhh wow, love the ccharts, they're so lovely.

i see different styles in there and i like them.

btw, what is the fonts used in the "love sucks" one?

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haha really, high on coffee, must be a really funny inside joke. XD

oh really, and yeah soompi is addicting... hmm maybe that's it.

and ohhh wow, love the ccharts, they're so lovely.

i see different styles in there and i like them.

btw, what is the fonts used in the "love sucks" one?

haha it is xD

yeah maybe. soompi is funn :) aha

thank you :]

aha. um. for the title, i believe its called Key's Comic font 1 & the character names font is called Kayleigh.

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haha it is xD

yeah maybe. soompi is funn smile.gif aha

thank you :]

aha. um. for the title, i believe its called Key's Comic font 1 & the character names font is called Kayleigh.

hehe that's nice to know, do you and your friends say it often?

and yup, soompi is fun, keke.

and you're wecome.

ohhh awesome. will surely check out those fonts names. thanks.

and just wait it out, people will come in here in good time. C:

in the meantime, maybe just do some more examples, or take up on other people's request thread...

i usually do that when i don't have anything to do in mines. XD

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