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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest lenovo














thanks clums, bianx for the pic --- and baby_bo too. In ur attempt to post it also. hehehe






























OOOOhhhhh, check out that BODY CURVE???! She's hot!!!!!



















Woah???!! 2:00AM? These girls have a weird time clock ei?



















Include all Kpop stars at that. hehe.






























hhhmmm.... KPOP stars are NIGHTSHIFTERS!!!! LMAO!










Good for me!!! Good for clumsy Unnie! --- hahahaha/



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Oh my! I miss this thread so much!!! I'd been working like crazy for the whole week! (Just got permanent job, that's why :D) Anyways, thanks a lot for all the updates! Although I didn't go through one by one.. Planning to read them after come back from SG. :D














I shall be asleep now since my flight to Singapore is just 7 hours more. Excited to meet other Gogumas, lovekim and hallyucraze(thanks for all the hard work!). *hugs* Currently I'm working on the frame board. I think I will just give the simple one. Because if we use the glass frame, it might be broken later.. As long the gifts can be send to Yonghwa, others doesn't matter. hehe!














Hope to see YongSeo SGFans tomorrow. :wub:














I will be back to Malaysia on the same day, at 11pm and the most exciting part is CNBLUE will be back to Korea at 10pm. If we are in the same terminal, might be bump into them inside the waiting area.. :w00t: I'm not so sure but yeah, I might be fainted there. keke XD














Have fun watch the latest Goguma episode tomorrow!! :D














*thank Lenova *hugs*



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Guest 1sweetlove
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































THis is a new picture of SeoBABY :wub: since we missed her so much. I wanted to share it with you!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit to allkpop
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ANd here is the teaser of SNSD MV for Japan!! Seohyun is sssssooooooooo KAWAI!! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here's the link to view it:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit to Taeng021

































































































































































































































































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Guest biiianx








































































thanks clums, bianx for the pic --- and baby_bo too. In ur attempt to post it also. hehehe






































































































































































































OOOOhhhhh, check out that BODY CURVE???! She's hot!!!!!































































































































Woah???!! 2:00AM? These girls have a weird time clock ei?































































































































Include all Kpop stars at that. hehe.






































































































































































































hhhmmm.... KPOP stars are NIGHTSHIFTERS!!!! LMAO!
































































Good for me!!! Good for clumsy Unnie! --- hahahaha/































































































































keke! I also think that they're mostly nightshifter lenovo.
































































By the way, i'm also from the country of three stars and a sun but only speak Tagalog :)
































































Edit: I'm still ecstatic about this whole CNBlue event but i'm tired and I guess I can't fulfill my mission to finish uploading all my videos. Oh well...
































































Later Sweet Potato Lovers!
































































~~Happy SATURDAY everyone~~









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He does look great in that shot of him smiling and waving in the blue "Banana" something t-shirt on top of page 849. blush.gif

They all look so handsome in these shots and thank you to those who have shared them with all of us. I don't know if it is just me but all the CNBlue members seem to share a genuine warmth in their eyes. They all look so calm! I guess this is a good reflection of their leader, too.

Looking forward to tomorrow's episode. :)

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Guest JustMeee




















































I'm from singapore too, seriously i'm so jealous of lovekim and others from sg who went to cnblue fanmeet and tmr's showcase!!!!!!!!!
























i'm not able to attend and i dont have the showcase ticket!!! ): How i wish i can get the showcase ticket, ahhhhh seriously!! Dying ~
























The fancams and pictures are killing me... Update more pictures ok? ENJOY! :D



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Guest miel_1301






Again to all SG Gogumas---- biiianx, Yuki, lovekim, star sapphire, hallyucraze, DeeOmfg who'd been to the Fan Meet/Sign of the boys, Thank You for sharing your captures and vid clips from the event. But most specially thank you for sharing your "priceless" experiences of your encounter of YongHwa and his bros. You somehow extended the FUN to us through your blow-by-blow accounts.


And your specific experience hallyucraze I just simply call "FATE".



@clumsy and biiianx, thanks for those photos of Seobaby at the SM Town Rehearsal.


@nazweena, have a safe trip to SG. And good luck to you, lovekim and the rest who will be handing over gifts to Yonghwa for him and for Seobaby at the Fanmeet/Showcase.



And to the entire YongSeo Team: nazweena, lovekim, hallyucraze, genxv, fiona, chika, bezbezbez, omonOona, crystal who made all these projects and gifts possible, I salute you ladies. You are all wonderful people.





We sure have a lot in store for the day: the much anticipated Episode 20 with the CN Blue bros and Seobaby's salty kimchi, the SM Town Concert and CN Blue SG Showcase.



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Guest omgirly




























thanks to everyone for the awesome pics and videos of our happy couple preparing for their respective appearances this weekend, especially all of the goodies being posted from our goguma friends in singapore. you all are so awesome! can't wait to see more!






























































what i love so much about the whole couple ring OUTSIDE of WGM is that yong and the guys are already popular in japan, where hyun and the rest of her unnies are trying to break through. and the same applies to hyun wearing her ring while yong are touring asia. it feels like they're telling their fans in those countries to support their spouse and their groups.


































































got my friend hooked on yongseo last night and she loves them too.  she mentioned that yong and hyun are just so good for and to each other. 






























































only 14 hours until wgm and yongseo's salty kimchi! 





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Guest Norabella




Its past 2am and I still can't sleep after seeing all those lovely photos of our Jung Seobang and his brothers.


To all fellow SG Gogumas who are going tomorrow, I really hope to see you all. Lets us enjoy ourselves with the once in a lifetime experience watching the showcase of Jung Seobang and his brothers. I remember reading something (could it be star sapphire) on about how she wondered why she was there at the fan meet? Thats what I exactly thought when I was at the airport last night. Even my two teenage girls laughed and told many stories about me squealing when I saw Jung Seobang yesterday to my husband :rolleyes: They even warned him to keep an eye of me... :w00t:


I am sure all of us are so excited...lets hope that everything goes smoothly tomorrow...


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Like lovekim, I want to share the other gift for our YongSeo which is a wedding certificate frame! I'm so sorry because it's so simple and this things has made me and lovekim going crazy about it one whole day. :lol:














Luckily I managed to get them printed and laminated, then I just pasted on hard board. We can't give them gifts which is made from glass because it might be broken and un-safety. So, due to my non-stop-working hours, I make up my mind to just do as simple as I can and here they are! The collection of YongSeo Gifts Mini Quick Project. :lol:



























Couple Frame




























Original Design (by nazweena and rippergirl)




























Precious Gifts, Bear Speakers




























Writing Boards, Love Letter









































Thanks a lot to lovekim, hallyucraze, genxv, fiona, chika, bezbezbez, omonOona, crystal and others for making this things real and hopefully our YongSeo will notify our love for them! :wub:














See you SGFans at 2pm tomorrow! I will follow lovekim (don't leave me~ :P)



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Wow, nazweena the frame and all the gifts that you, lovekim and the crew are bringing are so JJANG! That would be amazing if you get to see them up close at the terminal!!! Try not to faint girl! Take lots of pictures instead and give them a shoutout from all of us ^^


lovekim ... can I scream with you? KYAAAAA!!. you got to Hi-5 YongHwa!!!! Did you do it YongSeo style? LOL. So cool that other YongSeo fans were there to send gifts! Hi lovely YongSeo fan!! *waves*


hallyucraze you lucky girl you!! :lol: Send us pics of your Yong autograph soon..! I LOVE that he is wearing his ring. (Did you get to touch it when you shook hands? kekekekeke)


lovekim, hallyucraze, biianx, yuki, judy, nazweena, Deeomfg, star sapphire and all potatoes there hope you have a BLAST and a safe trip! Can't wait to hear about all your experience ^^ Thank you for sharing pics and updates! I can feel your excitement through the screen... I want to scream with you too!!! KYAAAAA


clumsy & biianx thank you for those SMTown rehearsal photos! O.M.G my head is going to explode. I feel like Ive been spazzing and spazzing and spazzing all week. OMG WHY ARE THESE TWO SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!! baby_bo I'm so excited for everything too! The CNBLUE showcase, SMTown concert, our regular dose of WGM. kyaaaaa~




p/s: Also, Big wave to CL from the DCInside Gall! 안녕하세요! Hope we can work together and support this gorgeous couple for a long time ^^



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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You really are amazing for putting together all those awesome things.
































































































































































































































































I am sure Yong won't stop smiling after seeing all those gifts :) I am sure he will tell Hyun, Maybe he will call her? :D
































































































































































































































































Finally I am home and ready to read all your awesome posts!!! I will spazz more later.
































































































































































































































































Goguma couple hwaiting!!!

































































































































































































































































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MU links of [Eng] WGM Yongseo Cuts by nulsaranghae






episode 6 of yongseo has been uploaded to MU. it took a longer time than i expected after many uploading errors that prevented it from completion.






@Trent may i suggest that when i finished uploading episode 7, all these compiled links can be posted on an existing blog like sweet potato days? if someone could post the links at the first page of this forum it could be better. FYI, ep. 6 video might be jerky in earlier or some parts and i can do nothing about it since the video source also had the same problem.






please do not post this link outside of this forum thread without permission. thank you.






[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 6 | MU *latest






[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 5 | MU






[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 4 | MU






[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 3 | MU






[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 2 | MU






[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 1 | MU






cr: nulsaranghae






+ at last... episode 7... 10%



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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hayllucraze: *faints* .... ..... ....... *wakes up* *squeals* OMG that is soo awesome!! My heart began to beat faster and I couldn't stop smiling when I read your post! OMG OMG OMG OMG That is soo awesome! Really ;_; I am soo envious of you but at the same time soo happy ^_^ You got to me uri Yong seobang! hahahahahaha and tomorrow will see him again!! ^_^ Thanks for sharing your fanaccount, can't wait until you share pics and fancams. Thanks thanks thanks.
































































































































































































































































star sapphire: Thanks for sharing your experience. Awww fanboys <3 hehehe
































































































































































































































































lenovo: *hugs* Thankfully our lovely Gogumas from Singapore are updating as with the latest news :)
































































































































































































































































blues_berry: Good luck to you tomorrow!! :D Gogumas from Thailand get ready!! ^^
































































































































































































































































DeeOmfg: Thanks soo much for sharing those pics and fancams. YongHwa looks like a little boy.. so cute. His big eyes and smile are :wub:
































































































































































































































































biianx & clumsy: Thanks for sharing those pictures of Hyun~~! She looks soo pretty :D She is bringing sexy-back ;) hehehe Hyun hwaiting! I am sure she will do an awesome job tomorrow.
































































































































































































































































1sweetlove: Welcome back to Goguma Planet!! *throws confetti* Right now we are having a big Goguma party, with lots of info abou Yong Seobang and his lovely group (CNBLUE) and tomorrow we will have lots of info about Hyun Buin and her lovely unnies (SNSD) ^_^ I loved your post and your quote from Marcus Aurelius: "Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." Fate brought YongSeo together, and fate made me meet all of you my lovely Gogumas! You all have no idea how much you've helped me, how many times you've cheered me up when I was having a hard time, when my nanny passed away (she was like my second mom), when my mom got really sick and had an emergency surgery. I love you all my Gogumas <3 I love YongSeo <3
































































































































































































































































naz: Sis sis sis!!!! OMG I haven't talked to you in ages!! (a week? :( ) You are going to go to Singapore? I can't believe it, that's soo awesome!! I hope you have lots of fun there! Thanks for all your hard work. You are really an amazing unnie! ^^
































































































































































































































































omgirly: Yong and Hyun... leader and maknae.... they are so awesome. Keep spreading Goguma love hehehe
































































































































































































































































Norabella: Have lots of fun!!! hehehehehe Jung Seobang is jjang right? <3
































































































































































































































































kubih: You are soo awesome for uploading all those episodes. Thanks thanks thanks. They will be stored there forever. Thanks a lot.
































































































































































































































































Btw, I think the pick-a-band and get an autograph according to the color was a really cool idea :P
































































































































































































































































Finally I saw the Genie Japan teaser!! The girls look soo pretty, specially uri Hyuniiee!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Some fancams shared by our lovely Goguma reporters:
































































































































































































































































[FANCAM] 200810 CNBLUE FANMEET PART 1 - Introductions






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[FANCAM] 200810 CNBLUE FANMEET PART 2 - Signing & leaving






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































100920 Fancam CNBlue in Singapore City Squre Autograph Signing
































































































































































































































































Also don't forget to see 100820 SNSD ' Genie Japanese Ver. Teaser

































































































































































































































































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aw, naz...that's a lovely gift u and lovekim got there.

tks soo much for all the hard work u guys put in. :wub:

lovekim, will PM u later abt my contribution k?

wanting soo much to join u guys @the showcase, as this is the only chance in our lifetime to see the boys up close and personal right, i mean, now that i've seen

them, i soo much want to hear them too, but 8 pm is impossible for me to make it.

so, i'll be waiting at the airport to send the boys off..that's the least i cud do.

but then, how long is the showcase btw?

today is goguma day.

we have WGM, CN Blue showcase and SM Town concert.

goguma alien planet are sure busy today!! :phew:

to fellow gogumas attending the showcase...

ENJOY, soak in the 'deafening' fun, yes, with all those screaming...

and don't forget to shout 'Goguma' out loud. :w00t::wub::wub:

anticipating, yong's reaction to the salty kimchi!!! :lol:

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kubih thank you for your hard work compiling the videos. If you don't mind, I would LOVE to post them on SweetPotatoDays for any fan to find. I wonder who manages this threads front page. Is it still *sunhee? It would be nice if w=could update with more links and news sicne we ahve so much to share :lol:


crystal thanks dear for reposting the fanvids for easy reference. I think my brain exploded somewhere in the middle of today because it could not handle the excitement! We are seriously on SPAZZ OVERLOAD here! HAHAHAHAH. I love it!


1sweetlove, there you are!!! Welcome back to Goguma planet ^^. We really missed you. I loved reading your post and the quote you used was especially beautiful: "Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." awwwww... :wub:


dreamyboo, Yes, I'm from Malaysia too! ^^ Right now I'm working elsewhere but home is always Malaysia. Salam perkenalan! *hugs*


Edit: OMG crystal, those screencaps are hilarious!! Look at Yong's face!!! :lol::lol::lol:


Hmm, on a random note. I wonder if Yong & Hyun call each other before their shows to give each other encouragement. Just like when they were taking the driving test. ...aww.. I'm squeeing at my own imagination.. (crazy)


bezbezbez got your PM dear. WOW.. It's amazing!!!!! You guys are unbeleivable. Thank you so much.



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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Some screencaps from the preview (credits: tv daum - http://tvzonebbs.media.daum.net/griffin/do/talk/program/wemarried/read?bbsId=354_a&articleId=3711&pageIndex=1 -
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*Hyun~ added too much salt and hmmm... garlic (? I've no idea what's that x_x ):
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*Hyun~ gave some to her handsome husband :wub: And Yong's reaction is :lol: : ( jnj, that's how he reacted hehehehehehe)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































genxv: Sis!! :D Hehehehe I am squealing by just thinking about that too.. I am sure they called each other... :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































More CNBLUE fancams (to the ones who haven't seen them yet, this were posted before but the thread moves really fast) :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CNBLUE's arrival in Singapore 190810!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cnblue Arrival @ Singapore Changi Airport T2 19th August 2010

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































good morning guys!!!!
































































































































































































waaaa...finally we are done with the mini-booklet!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm just waiting for it to upload before I'll post the link here.
































































































































































































Thanks to everyone who have helped and expressed their love for the couple.
































































































































































































I went through all the reasons before uploading and I tell you after reading it, it made my goguma love stronger than ever.
































































































































































































Your answers were the best and I'm sure the couple would love it once they see it :)
































































































































































































once again kudos to all of us!!!
































































































































































































here's the file for the project guys http://www.mediafire.com/?hagvion3o0l9v8w you might wanna save it in your laptops/computers and look at it from time to time to reminisce all the memories they shared together and how strong is the goguma love.
































































































































































































genxv I pm-ed you twice dear :) I hope you could read it soon so that we could discuss it :)

































































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tks for the caps crystal.

i notice that when hyun cooks, she puts in generous amount of ingredients.

like when she was making the bean paste stew, remember how much/ big she cuts her

onions and tofu?

i guess she is still not used to cooking only for 2 instead of 9!! haha

for a beginner (i assume she can't make kimchi), instead of just a spoonful

of salt, she pours them!! :lol:

can they salvaged the salty kimchi?

and jungshin clean the glass table with a vacuum cleaner?!

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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































bezbezbez: Thanks soo much for compiling all those answers. I will download them and treasure them forever. ^_^ Goguma love <3 Korean YongSeo fans are awesome, and International YongSeo fans are awesome too!! :D:D:D:D:D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































jnj: You are welcome dear :) I didn't notice that until you pointed it out. You are right, when she cooks she puts in generous amount of ingredients :lol: hehehe I think Jungshin is using those things that are used to clean glass (don't know the name), they also use it to clean windows :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've been really busy so I haven't had much time to see new fanmade video. I just saw genxv fanmade video and girl.... your are soo talented!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[Fan MV] Love Evolution - A Sweet Potato Movie
































































































































































































































































by genxv































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also check:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo - pit-a-pat, doogeun doogeun...
































































































































































































































































~It has lots of cute scenes from the latest ep~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































by annared10
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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