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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bAngs_zatie
















































awww...my heart is hurt now bcuz if GD!!!! :tears::o
















thank god there is YONGSEO couple...hehehe..
















wahhhhh...really..this ep is EPIC!!!
















yah,yong....what u do to hyun????she is so touchy-touchy with his husband in this ep....haha.. :w00t:
















ngahahaha...nvm,hyun...we understand.how can u hold not to touch ur handsome hubby...hahaha
















first tap tap tap,then holding hand...now its only TRIAL,then it'll bcome REAL...hohoho.. :phew:
















the thread move so fast...gahhh,i need to read the back pages...i see some comment about j2dlee translation....*goes read now*
















btw,evntough i didn't read yet the back pages,i want to thank for all the links,trans,caps n all the spazz-worthy...luv u guys so muchh:wub:

















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cailei23 I think Jinwoon is now kinda worried of how much intimate Yong and Hyun will be on the coming episodes, i sense some jealousy here ~~

Definitely, I agree. I've noticed too that the show has pretty much stopped showing his reaction shots; in the beginning they used to automatically go to him when YongSeo did something sweet, but now, not so much.

But in the epi I was surprised that he seemed to understand what was going on during the pool game when no one else seemed to and was putting Yong down for it... I mean, I just don't think Hyun is so weak and fragile...she may be innocent in love and shy, but she's not fragile... I think Yong knows that now to an extent and tries to treat her as his equal.

:lol:genxv at your spoiler. I wasn't thinking it but I am now. :P

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do you guys see this??














I love how he naturally grab her hand and Seohyun disn't retract.










































hoping more and more skinship after this!!!!!




























there's so much to love from this epi!!!














I also luv how he give his jacket and help her zipped it!!!

















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Guest miel_1301




Seriously it's like they have jumped light speeds ahead in terms of comfort and skinship. Yong really knows how to use Hyun's competitive streak to his advantage! kekekeke...


And it's so cute that Yong is calling Hyun "Hyun-ah" and "SeoHyun-ah". Makes me think of his desire to be called "YongHwa-yah". Yong, I hope your wish comes true!



Yeah, genxv! The level and quality of comfort between YongHwa and SeoHyun have jumped at the speed of light that even the MC/hosts were all wondering why all of a sudden this YongSeo couple is doing "things" that they have not seen them do before.


What really could have happened in between filmings from May 12 to June 08?


I don't believe that after the May 12 filming of the Driving test scene, the scene at the park with Hyoyeon and Jungshin and the dancing to TMYW, they just suddenly out of the blue when they met on June 08 decided to "behave" this way.


I strongly believe that such "level and quality of comfort" that gradually started and as we saw it happening episode after episode have been "sustained" and even further "strengthened" in between--- in those periods when they don't get to film for WGM.


At this point in time when I have re-watched episode 19 for the nth time, I am still in such a "pleasant" shock. I can't seem to believe that what I saw with my two eyes ---that all those "subtly intimately sweet" moments did happen,---from the couch convo from last episode 18 up to the entire episode 19 (all filmed on June 08).


I still find it hard to believe that Seobaby really agreed to such ""back hug cum piggy back ride". And to think that they did it 3 times. And it was even Seobaby who suggested to re-do it after finding a right spot to start off. And I find it rather funny when it was Yonghwa who was already somehow insinuating, "Ok! That's enough" when he wanted to go down already after the 2nd attempt but Seohyun was still insisting on a third try. ha..ha..ha!


He was such a sly to use Seohyun's competitive streak but at the end he somehow wanted to surrender when after the 2nd attempt SeoHyun said, "Oh, you're really heavy", and so he said "let me go! let me go!" and he went down from her back.


And then the 3rd attempt, with Seobaby insisting on doing it correctly was hilarious. Ha..ha..ha!!!


H: No, we have to follow the rules! Again!



Y: What rules? This is just a punishment!



H: No, I can do it.



Y: Your competitive streak is coming out.



H: Again, one, two, start.



Y: Please go easy on me. Ah~ah~ah~!!



H: Kyah~!



Y: Don’t swing, don’t swing! This terrifies me more than it does you.



H: No, make a comfortable position.



Y: I can’t get comfortable!


But notice that it was YongHwa who doesn't want to keep still while he was riding at the back of SeoHyun, hence, making it even harder for her. Was he doing it on purpose? Or maybe he was already somehow feeling conscious of the entire situation--- with him being a man having to be carried by a woman at her back? ha..ha..ha!!!


I think more than possessing such competitive streak and wanting to prove that indeed she can carry a man on her back, SeoHyun may have insisted on doing and redoing the piggy back ride for three times because she must have been really pleased and touched with all the efforts shown, thus far, by YongHwa--- the photobook gift as a token of forgiveness, the dancing to TMYW and the ring incident to name a few--- that she felt like she ought to do something also "memorable" for YongHwa to look back to, so that even giving him a piggy back ride Seohyun wants to do it perfectly. As she still is working out and trying her best to grant him his wish of speaking to him informally which could take quite some time for her to completely get used to.


And about the use of banmal language, we can clearly see that in as much as YongHwa wanted Seohyun to keep trying and to go on to speak to him informally, he is somehow torn between such desire for Hyun to feel closer to him yet at the same time his heart can't bear the sight of a "struggling" Hyun whom he can clearly see as having such a hard time. I really pity the boy in this aspect.


thank you j2dlee for translation


I replay the piggyback scene a lot of time and I feel Yonghwa don't want real piggyback I think he just want back hug


when he running and then stop and hug her it's Seohyun who lift his body on her back




it's not HD cap (still D/L)


but I love the scene too



I join you nazweena and sally about these scenes.


And allow me sally to repost...








The first attempt/try is for me the best of the three!!! I must have re-played/re-watched this a dozen times.


YongHwa really seemed like he did not intend to ride on SeoHyun's back but just wanted to "back hug" her. You can see that he was very careful not to put his entire weight on her. And how he gently and lightly put his arms around her neck by just tip toeing. It was only Seobaby who tried lifting him and so they went off balance.


And the sweetest part of the first attempt was when Yong Hwa didn't want to let go of Seohyun because even when she was struggling to carry him, he still tightened his arms around her neck.


Oh!!! _d3seohyun, I know you will capture this scene that I am talking about frame by frame. And I shall wait patiently, because this "back-hug cum piggy back ride" is the best.


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Guest jechod
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hug back as DONAME.hahaha

































































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Yong hubby is now relieved and about to show his true ability




Y: Oh, shot-ta!




NY: What is shot-ta?




JW: Isn’t that the word you use in Busan?




SO: Shot-ta!




MC Kim: Is that a Busan accent?







As always j2dlee, you are truly the sweetest! :wub: Thank you & I'm sorry to cut your post.














I'm curious. Why do we always hear comments about someone having a Busan accent? Is it meant in a positive or negative way? This comment is frequently heard on variety shows too.




Thank you heartbreak_warfare22 Ive tried to search for the audio but this is the only one that ive found and i'm not sure if this is the right one.




dooguendooduen by HAM




Can anybody help me on this? thank you







Hi biiianx, here's the youtube link to the song by Lucite Tokki ^_^














Lucite Tokki - Dugeun Dugeun (Audio Only)





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Guest ninyaah
















































































































































































To those who are curious about the song during the piggyback ride scene, the title is '두근두근 (Dugeun Dugeun)' by Lucite Tokki.
















































































































































I don't post that much in Soompi anymore, but I visit this thread often. Thank you so much for posting pictures, news, translations, etc. It's very much appreciated. This episode was the best episode by far. Every episode keeps getting better and better, and I love how their relationship is progressing -- especially the skinship. These two are taking it slow, and although it took a lot of time for Seohyun to be comfortable (as frustrating as it was sometimes), it was well worth the wait. They look good together, but most importantly, they complement and bring out the best in each other.

















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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
























its 3:30am here. but why am I still watching the piggy back ride??








coz its EPIC!!








I like the fact that this couple started out as they did, engagement first then marriage. they started things slowly and when they do sweet little things, fans and even the MC's get all giddy. they started to get to know each other more and slowly but surely become closer as their relationship grows.








as their relationship grows, so does their personal growth. they both became open to new things, and do things that they normally would not do.








Yong always give in to what Seohyun wants but after their couch talk, we can see him express himslef more. refusing to go play billiards at first, but then he broke his promise not to play again so that he could have a good time with his wife. this guy always thinks about his wife. who could blame him? his wife is an amazing person inside and out.








Seohyun insisted to play billiards because she has no experience and at the same time, wanted to know why Yongwa vowed never to play again. she wants to know her husband more. she cares for him.








I liked her reaction when Yong told that he used to lose to girls in the pool club. she was a bit upset cause she was pouting. as we all know, that is somewhat a signal that is is upset. maybe she felt a bit of jealousy perhaps. although she normally doesn't show it because Yong never really talks about other girls in the show, but when he does, Seohyun pouts a little. remember on the 1st episode when Yong mentioned Taeyeon?








the piggy back ride. we felt happy that they displayed affection towards each other but the bickering after that showed me how comfortable they really are with each other's company. the bickering was really sweet as real couples do it that way. both of them may not know it now, but at the end of WGM, they will truly miss each other, long for each other's company, remember all the memories they shared and maybe become real couples. both of them are truly amazing, and it is a blessing that they were paired up in WGM, because Yonghwa will never find another Seohyun again, and vice versa.








sorry for the long post, just thinking out loud. :)









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lol i'm not a sweet potato couple fan so i didn't watch many wgm episodes of them...
























































but today i accidentally stumbled on a youtube video of them where seohyun carried yonghwa on her back
























































this video made me :w00t::wub: gahh, ok this couple is too cute
























































maybe i should watch some more episodes of them <3









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Guest Soonkoon








lol i'm not a sweet potato couple fan so i didn't watch many wgm episodes of them...




but today i accidentally stumbled on a youtube video of them where seohyun carried yonghwa on her back




this video made me  :w00t:  :wub:  gahh, ok this couple is too cute




maybe i should watch some more episodes of them <3







haha.yes u should.and so do i.its what i've been hoping to see in them. biggrin.gif




how i wish i can meet some1 like her... so envy of yonghwa oppa...





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Guest Crystal392



Hello my lovely Gogumas!! I am back :D

This thread moves sooo fasst!!! OMO Soo Hyun~ gave Yong~ a piggyback ride? :wub: OMG now I can't stop thinking that maybe the kiss on the cheek rumour may be true too!! :o:o

Can't wait to watch the episode. :w00t:

Thanks to everyone for the translations, info, links, screencaps and everything!!! :D


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We can all spazz all we want, today's episode is by far the best skinship episode we have..





The least we want to happen is for us to loose our thread..



baby_bo's right.

i saw some still posting a one liner.

not to dampen the high spirits here, but.... mods watching ;)

anw, i am glad that yong won the game.

being beaten by a girl is nvr good for a man's ego, right heartbreak?

but it seems to me that yong wants to backhug her more than getting a piggyback because he still has his arms arnd her even after they stop. love the caps, sally

yong must be feeling fuzzy inside, with buin's hand on his back thigh..aah..

and hyun insisted they try it again not once, but 3x.. :wub:

tks for the translation, j2. *hugs hugs* we are forever grateful.

but i don't understand the part where yong says he can't get comfortable.

is that a good way or bad?

d3 - waiting for your min by min caps ;)

in the prev, they're wearing the couple necklace.

not sure if its a couple necklace since all members have the same necklace too

and finally!! we get to see cn blue's dorm! lets see if we can spot anymore

of hyun's pics in yong's bedroom... :lol:

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Thank you heartbreak_warfare22 Ive tried to search for the audio but this is the only one that ive found and i'm not sure if this is the right one.




dooguendooduen by HAM




Can anybody help me on this? thank you




edit: I'm also a fan of Jinwoon (i saw him here at Singapore and he is so nice, all smiles all the time ^^) that's why i feel sad for him but Hyun is for Yong for me ~~







i found this ..mp3 download link




MP3 download




hope it help ..




i just wrote a comment then my internet got disconnected..And i am too lazy to type again..




by d way so many haters at allkpop who hate our couple ...wonder why??


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Guest Crystal392



Phew! Finally I finished reading all the posts. I was aways only a couple of days but the thread moved really fast. I was laughing so much when you were spazzing while you were watching the latest ep. ^_^

jechod: Back hug from Nodame.... Piggyback ride/back hug from YongSeo ;) Thanks for posting that pic.

woollylamb: I don't think it's positive or negative when they mention Busan accent... I think it's like how sometimes people from US imitate how people from England or Australia talk (and viceversa) :P

j2dlee: Thanks soo much for the translation! You are a Goguma angel, really :D


I haven't seen much haters but I don't read all the articles so I am not sure xD Just ignore them...

:) Maybe they are envious? xD xD hehehee and even if they don't like YongSeo, posting just to say how much they hate them shows how immature they are :P

*goes off to watch the ep*


cr: dcmarried

I`m In Love........... video

~Short but really beautiful fanmade video~


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Guest aoi_enma

i found this ..mp3 download link

MP3 download

hope it help ..

i just wrote a comment then my internet got disconnected..And i am too lazy to type again..

by d way so many haters at allkpop who hate our couple ...wonder why??

thank you very much ^^

*DL-ing the mp3*

They are just some jealous fans ... don`t worry about it ^^ *because they didn`t follow our goguma couple they simply don`t know how sweet our couple :)*

j2dlee thank you so much for your translation :wub:

*i wait for your translation until midnight but in the end i`m sleepy and just read your translation on 5.10 am hehehehe*

uwaa~~ they are so sweet very comfortable being together ...

MCs suprised too they become have so many skinship kekekeke :)

this is what we wait patiently for ... CHEER Goguma alien!

Many sweet conversation in ep 19 i can`t decided what my fav quote :wub:

This ep really jjang!!

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the ratings of wgm season 2 on 14.08.2010








source: TNmS























i was in awe watching seohyun piggyback yonghwa+bags without falling down to the ground. this girl is really full of awesomeness because this kind of girl would only exists in manga world.





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Guest lenovo








I`m In Love........... video






~Short but really beautiful fanmade video~















Oh CRYSTAL ---- I'm IN LOVE!!!!








What song was that? ----- WHO SANG IT????? Tell me, tell me, tell me please.....








It's so sweet!!!!!








I hope someone would make another one and INCLUDE the latest SWEET MOMENTS of YongSeo! <3








Likin' the song so much!
















So, it's NARSHA's. But i love the male version better. (his voice is soothing)



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Guest Crystal392



kubih: Thanks for sharing the ratings ^_^ They are almost the same as last week but I am happy because at least they didn't decrease :D Someday it will reach 20% :) The three couple are awesome... for me specially YongSeo :P

lenovo: Beautiful song right? I found another fanmade video CF-like:

YongSeo - HAZZYS(60'')

~It only lasts one minute but the ending is :wub: ~

I just finished watching the latest ep and <3 <3 <3 It was soo lovely. I loved when Yong 'pushed' Hyun while they were walking on the street and Hyun 'pushed' him back. And when they were eating they were soooo cute ^_^ And the end was the best part for me!! I loved the piggyback ride/back hug blush.gifblush.gif It was soo.. daebakk... I can't explain it with words. And when they were on the stairs and laughing together... they looked soo happy. I really really love YongSeo <3


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caps of my most fave scenes..

somehow i always ended up listing the whole epi... :sweatingbullets:

d3, tks for the guide. love ya!

the first of many skinships to come :wub:


poor jw turned green with envy. aigoo aigoo :sweatingbullets:


natural skinship ^_^


got to zip u up, babe! : :w00t:


*imagination* his hand on her waist! ;)


walking side by side so close like this :wub:


yong in seventh heaven. the backhug that he always wanted :wub:


yong "i got u now!"

u're going to kill her with that grip, yong! :rolleyes::lol:


yong has to hold baby's arm since she swayed a bit after giving him the piggyback


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Guest Crystal392



I still feel giddy from the latest episode.

jnj: Thanks soo much for the beautiful screencaps :) They look soo good together. ^_^

I found this cute gif on tvdaum, one of my fave scenes:


cr: tvdaum

~ I can't stop watching that gif :rolleyes:blush.gif:wub:w00t.gif

Btw, welcome new Goguma spazzers!!!!! *throws confetti*


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