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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Same articles have popped up from two sites. Using google translate, Seems it was pretty much confirmed here. But I'm wondering about the last sentence which an official says that "There is nothing definite yet."

[단독]용서부부 정용화-서현 ‘우결’ 결국 하차 왜?

뉴스엔 원문 기사전송 2011-03-11 10:42






























[뉴스엔 고경민 기자]










MBC '우리 결혼했어요2'(우결) 최연소 커플 씨엔블루 정용화(22)-소녀시대 서현(20) 커플이 프로그램에서 하차한다.










지난해 2월 27일 첫 만남을 가진 뒤, 1년 넘게 가상부부로 알콩달콩한 신혼생활을 즐겼던 두 사람은 최근 바빠진 스케줄로 자연스레 하차 수순을 밟게 됐다.










한 방송 관계자는 “정용화-서현 커플이 하차하는 방향으로 얘기가 되는 것으로 알고 있다. 1년 넘게 한데다 최근 서로 바빠진 스케줄이 그 이유인 것으로 보인다”고 말했다.










최근 정용화-서현은 웨딩촬영 이후 하차 예언 사진이 돌며 한 차례 하차설이 돌았다. 네티즌들은 이들 용서부부의 웨딩사진을 촬영한 이재호 사진 작가가 촬영했던 이들이 전부 출연 프로그램에서 하차했다는 우연의 일치를 들며 용서부부의 하차를 예견했다.










실제 ‘우결’에서는 웨딩촬영과 뽀뽀 스킨십까지 발전한 커플의 경우, 자연스레 하차 수순을 밟곤 했다. 특히 두 사람의 경우, 최근 급격히 바빠진 스케줄로 서로 일정 조율이 힘들어진 것이 가장 큰 원인으로 꼽힌다.










서현이 속한 소녀시대는 4월부터 본격적으로 일본 활동이 예정돼 있다. 4월 13일 세 번째 싱글 신곡 'MR.TAXI(미스터 택시)'와 'Run Devil Run(런 데빌 런)'을 발매하고 5월 18일 일본 도쿄 국립 요요기 경기장을 시작으로 나고야, 오사카, 후쿠오카 등 4개 도시 7회 투어 콘서트도 예정돼 있다.










평소 서현은 ‘우결’에 애착을 가졌던 것으로 알려져 있지만 유리 써니 티파니 등 다른 멤버들도 해외 활동 때문에 출연했던 예능에 전부 하차했던 경험이 있어 서현 역시 같은 행보를 걸을 것으로 보인다.










정용화 역시 오는 13일 방송을 끝으로 8개월간 MC로 활동했던 ‘인기가요’에서 하차하고 씨엔블루 정규앨범 활동과 함께 최근 캐스팅 된 드라마 촬영에 전념할 계획이다. 특히 배우 박신혜와 함께 ‘풀하우스’ 표민수 감독의 신작 MBC '페스티벌‘에 남녀 주인공으로 낙점된 정용화는 드라마에 집중하기 위해서는 예능 하차가 불가피하다.










앞서 많은 사랑을 받았던 아담부부 조권-가인의 경우에도 MBC 시트콤 ‘몽땅 내사랑’ 촬영 등의 이유로 많은 인기를 뒤로 한 채 지난 1월 하차한 바 있다. 현재 '우결'에는 용서부부 외에 닉쿤-빅토리아 커플이 출연 중이다.










한편 정용화와 서현 소속사 측은 하차와 관련해 "아직 확정된 것은 아무것도 없다"며 말을 아꼈다.










고경민 goginim@newsen.com







































i really envy thai goguma!!!! and i want a lot of fancam ok??? :D :D thai goguma jjang!!!





















yongseo fighting!!!!



















Sorry if we might let you down about fancam. From what I heard fans are not allowed to bring in camera as they will broadcast the concert in Korea (and maybe in Thailand as well).










110310 "MBC Concert" Come to Thailand (SNSD)



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Can someone tranl this
































































































































































































[뉴스엔 고경민 기자]
































































































































































































MBC '우리 결혼했어요2'(우결) 최연소 커플 씨엔블루 정용화(22)-소녀시대 서현(20) 커플이 프로그램에서 하차한다.
































































































































































































지난해 2월 27일 첫 만남을 가진 뒤, 1년 넘게 가상부부로 알콩달콩한 신혼생활을 즐겼던 두 사람은 최근 바빠진 스케줄로 자연스레 하차 수순을 밟게 됐다.
































































































































































































한 방송 관계자는 “정용화-서현 커플이 하차하는 방향으로 얘기가 되는 것으로 알고 있다. 1년 넘게 한데다 최근 서로 바빠진 스케줄이 그 이유인 것으로 보인다”고 말했다.
































































































































































































최근 정용화-서현은 웨딩촬영 이후 하차 예언 사진이 돌며 한 차례 하차설이 돌았다. 네티즌들은 이들 용서부부의 웨딩사진을 촬영한 이재호 사진 작가가 촬영했던 이들이 전부 출연 프로그램에서 하차했다는 우연의 일치를 들며 용서부부의 하차를 예견했다.
































































































































































































실제 ‘우결’에서는 웨딩촬영과 뽀뽀 스킨십까지 발전한 커플의 경우, 자연스레 하차 수순을 밟곤 했다. 특히 두 사람의 경우, 최근 급격히 바빠진 스케줄로 서로 일정 조율이 힘들어진 것이 가장 큰 원인으로 꼽힌다.
































































































































































































서현이 속한 소녀시대는 4월부터 본격적으로 일본 활동이 예정돼 있다. 4월 13일 세 번째 싱글 신곡 'MR.TAXI(미스터 택시)'와 'Run Devil Run(런 데빌 런)'을 발매하고 5월 18일 일본 도쿄 국립 요요기 경기장을 시작으로 나고야, 오사카, 후쿠오카 등 4개 도시 7회 투어 콘서트도 예정돼 있다.
































































































































































































평소 서현은 ‘우결’에 애착을 가졌던 것으로 알려져 있지만 유리 써니 티파니 등 다른 멤버들도 해외 활동 때문에 출연했던 예능에 전부 하차했던 경험이 있어 서현 역시 같은 행보를 걸을 것으로 보인다.
































































































































































































정용화 역시 오는 13일 방송을 끝으로 8개월간 MC로 활동했던 ‘인기가요’에서 하차하고 씨엔블루 정규앨범 활동과 함께 최근 캐스팅 된 드라마 촬영에 전념할 계획이다. 특히 배우 박신혜와 함께 ‘풀하우스’ 표민수 감독의 신작 MBC '페스티벌‘에 남녀 주인공으로 낙점된 정용화는 드라마에 집중하기 위해서는 예능 하차가 불가피하다.
































































































































































































앞서 많은 사랑을 받았던 아담부부 조권-가인의 경우에도 MBC 시트콤 ‘몽땅 내사랑’ 촬영 등의 이유로 많은 인기를 뒤로 한 채 지난 1월 하차한 바 있다. 현재 '우결'에는 용서부부 외에 닉쿤-빅토리아 커플이 출연 중이다.
































































































































































































한편 정용화와 서현 소속사 측은 하차와 관련해 "아직 확정된 것은 아무것도 없다"며 말을 아꼈다.
































































































































































































고경민 goginim@newsen.com
































































































































































































기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com
































































































































































































copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지
































































































































































































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Guest klee22








Can someone tranl this




[뉴스엔 고경민 기자]




MBC '우리 결혼했어요2'(우결) 최연소 커플 씨엔블루 정용화(22)-소녀시대 서현(20) 커플이 프로그램에서 하차한다.




지난해 2월 27일 첫 만남을 가진 뒤, 1년 넘게 가상부부로 알콩달콩한 신혼생활을 즐겼던 두 사람은 최근 바빠진 스케줄로 자연스레 하차 수순을 밟게 됐다.




한 방송 관계자는 “정용화-서현 커플이 하차하는 방향으로 얘기가 되는 것으로 알고 있다. 1년 넘게 한데다 최근 서로 바빠진 스케줄이 그 이유인 것으로 보인다”고 말했다.




최근 정용화-서현은 웨딩촬영 이후 하차 예언 사진이 돌며 한 차례 하차설이 돌았다. 네티즌들은 이들 용서부부의 웨딩사진을 촬영한 이재호 사진 작가가 촬영했던 이들이 전부 출연 프로그램에서 하차했다는 우연의 일치를 들며 용서부부의 하차를 예견했다.




실제 ‘우결’에서는 웨딩촬영과 뽀뽀 스킨십까지 발전한 커플의 경우, 자연스레 하차 수순을 밟곤 했다. 특히 두 사람의 경우, 최근 급격히 바빠진 스케줄로 서로 일정 조율이 힘들어진 것이 가장 큰 원인으로 꼽힌다.




서현이 속한 소녀시대는 4월부터 본격적으로 일본 활동이 예정돼 있다. 4월 13일 세 번째 싱글 신곡 'MR.TAXI(미스터 택시)'와 'Run Devil Run(런 데빌 런)'을 발매하고 5월 18일 일본 도쿄 국립 요요기 경기장을 시작으로 나고야, 오사카, 후쿠오카 등 4개 도시 7회 투어 콘서트도 예정돼 있다.




평소 서현은 ‘우결’에 애착을 가졌던 것으로 알려져 있지만 유리 써니 티파니 등 다른 멤버들도 해외 활동 때문에 출연했던 예능에 전부 하차했던 경험이 있어 서현 역시 같은 행보를 걸을 것으로 보인다.




정용화 역시 오는 13일 방송을 끝으로 8개월간 MC로 활동했던 ‘인기가요’에서 하차하고 씨엔블루 정규앨범 활동과 함께 최근 캐스팅 된 드라마 촬영에 전념할 계획이다. 특히 배우 박신혜와 함께 ‘풀하우스’ 표민수 감독의 신작 MBC '페스티벌‘에 남녀 주인공으로 낙점된 정용화는 드라마에 집중하기 위해서는 예능 하차가 불가피하다.




앞서 많은 사랑을 받았던 아담부부 조권-가인의 경우에도 MBC 시트콤 ‘몽땅 내사랑’ 촬영 등의 이유로 많은 인기를 뒤로 한 채 지난 1월 하차한 바 있다. 현재 '우결'에는 용서부부 외에 닉쿤-빅토리아 커플이 출연 중이다.




한편 정용화와 서현 소속사 측은 하차와 관련해 "아직 확정된 것은 아무것도 없다"며 말을 아꼈다.




고경민 goginim@newsen.com




기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com




copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지




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*quoted image*







oh my gosh...




i didn't read the whole article but the first sentence translates to




"MBC's We Got Married Season 2's youngest couple, CNBLUE's Jung Yonghwa (22) and SNSD's Seohyun (20) will be leaving the program."




someone please tell me i translated it wrong...




p.s. however the last sentence says that the agencies said that there is no confirmation yet. so... let's keep our fingers crossed, gogumas.





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cr: anink
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can someone tranl this
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[뉴스엔 고경민 기자]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MBC '우리 결혼했어요2'(우결) 최연소 커플 씨엔블루 정용화(22)-소녀시대 서현(20) 커플이 프로그램에서 하차한다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































지난해 2월 27일 첫 만남을 가진 뒤, 1년 넘게 가상부부로 알콩달콩한 신혼생활을 즐겼던 두 사람은 최근 바빠진 스케줄로 자연스레 하차 수순을 밟게 됐다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































한 방송 관계자는 “정용화-서현 커플이 하차하는 방향으로 얘기가 되는 것으로 알고 있다. 1년 넘게 한데다 최근 서로 바빠진 스케줄이 그 이유인 것으로 보인다”고 말했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































최근 정용화-서현은 웨딩촬영 이후 하차 예언 사진이 돌며 한 차례 하차설이 돌았다. 네티즌들은 이들 용서부부의 웨딩사진을 촬영한 이재호 사진 작가가 촬영했던 이들이 전부 출연 프로그램에서 하차했다는 우연의 일치를 들며 용서부부의 하차를 예견했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































실제 ‘우결’에서는 웨딩촬영과 뽀뽀 스킨십까지 발전한 커플의 경우, 자연스레 하차 수순을 밟곤 했다. 특히 두 사람의 경우, 최근 급격히 바빠진 스케줄로 서로 일정 조율이 힘들어진 것이 가장 큰 원인으로 꼽힌다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































서현이 속한 소녀시대는 4월부터 본격적으로 일본 활동이 예정돼 있다. 4월 13일 세 번째 싱글 신곡 'MR.TAXI(미스터 택시)'와 'Run Devil Run(런 데빌 런)'을 발매하고 5월 18일 일본 도쿄 국립 요요기 경기장을 시작으로 나고야, 오사카, 후쿠오카 등 4개 도시 7회 투어 콘서트도 예정돼 있다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































평소 서현은 ‘우결’에 애착을 가졌던 것으로 알려져 있지만 유리 써니 티파니 등 다른 멤버들도 해외 활동 때문에 출연했던 예능에 전부 하차했던 경험이 있어 서현 역시 같은 행보를 걸을 것으로 보인다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































정용화 역시 오는 13일 방송을 끝으로 8개월간 MC로 활동했던 ‘인기가요’에서 하차하고 씨엔블루 정규앨범 활동과 함께 최근 캐스팅 된 드라마 촬영에 전념할 계획이다. 특히 배우 박신혜와 함께 ‘풀하우스’ 표민수 감독의 신작 MBC '페스티벌‘에 남녀 주인공으로 낙점된 정용화는 드라마에 집중하기 위해서는 예능 하차가 불가피하다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































앞서 많은 사랑을 받았던 아담부부 조권-가인의 경우에도 MBC 시트콤 ‘몽땅 내사랑’ 촬영 등의 이유로 많은 인기를 뒤로 한 채 지난 1월 하차한 바 있다. 현재 '우결'에는 용서부부 외에 닉쿤-빅토리아 커플이 출연 중이다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































한편 정용화와 서현 소속사 측은 하차와 관련해 "아직 확정된 것은 아무것도 없다"며 말을 아꼈다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































고경민 goginim@newsen.com
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this is much as i got from google
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MBC 'We Got Married 2' (Got Married), the youngest couples CN Blue Jung Yong Hwa (22) - Girls' Generation SNSD (20) couples in the program will stop.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































More than one year each bappajin handeda recent schedule seems to be the reason, "he said.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Last jeongyonghwa - Seo off predictions after shooting the wedding photos turned around the hypothesis of a turn off. Netizens forgive their wedding photos taken of the couple Jae Ho Lee is a photographer had taken off from the program that they all appeared to lift the forgiveness of a coincidence to get off of the couple had predicted.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The actual 'We Got Married' wedding photography that evolved from physical contact and kissing, the couple, was a natural stop balgon drill. In particular, the two men, together with recent rapid bappajin schedule would have been difficult to schedule coordination is cited as the most likely cause.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD Girls belong in earnest in April and is scheduled for Japanese activities. April 13 third single new song 'MR.TAXI (Mr Taxi)' and 'Run Devil Run (Run Devil Run), released May 18 and the National Yoyogi Stadium in Tokyo, Japan started to Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka, etc. 4 also is scheduled for a concert tour of the city seven times.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Adam received a lot of love before a couple trillion - in the case of Cain MBC sitcom 'all my love' taken a lot of other reasons behind the popularity has been one where you get off last January. Current 'We Got Married' couple in addition to forgiveness, NK - Victoria is the couple appeared.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Meanwhile, Seo Yong hwawa station in connection with agency officials, "there is nothing definite yet," he ahkkyeotda said.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogyeongmin goginim@newsen.com
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks anink :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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New Couple Ring?  Old Couple Ring?  Whatever Ring (or accessory for that matter)








That's what we're talking about!!  Goguma FBIs For The Win (FTW).  The rational part in me agrees with snccrockz that the new rings may be pure coincidence, the shipper part in me says what the heck, let's just go with the flow, and like snccrockz says, just look at their eyes and body cues, its just screaming pure L.O.V.E.  Get together already you two.  I'm going to be lurking around the threads waiting for sharp-eyed goguma FBIs like yourselves to post snippets of their "togetherness" via new rings, old rings or whatever other accessories we can link with (in our happy delusional minds).... :rolleyes:















sorry to cut your post winbros, but, i agree with what you said, it could just be pure coincidence, but, it could also be that it's not a new couple ring but Yong might have given her the ring he was seen wearing on the pix that was posted.  An eternity ring is usually worn by women anyway.  He might have given her that ring for her to wear it around without being obvious to signify their being a couple (delusional me, hehehe).









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Guest -insideout
















































































































































oh my...
















































































































i don't have time to fully tl the articles but they go along the lines of some PD mentioning that they plan to leave wgm because of their busy schedules and stuff BUT the last line of the article says that their companies have said that nothing is finalized yet regarding them leaving
















































































































.... :l
















































































































anyways the tl of the blog post from the staff member at the wedding photoshoot~
















































































































































































































































































































































It seems he wrote a REVIEW about last episode ^^
















































































































































































































































































































































*quoted image*















































































































































































































































The second wedding photoshoot episode aired... -_-*

[i was] shocked at Nayoung unni's surprisingly glamourous body, and shocked again at Seulong's small face
















































































































The precious table we can't live without where our office workers always sit around to eat... we shared! -_-; ke
















































































































They say that kids these days kiss and hold hands and all within one hour, but why can't this couple do the popular/normally desired(?!) things...
















































































































The kind of facial expression that is conscious and wary of SNSD fans ke ke ke
















































































































The mysterious product of anticipation and worry ke ke ke
















































































































It felt as if we spent a lot of time in the photoshoot with all of them together, but what actually aired on broadcast wasn't much TT_TT
















































































































As I was watching the broadcast I realized something.
















































































































How big must the burden of getting edited be for celebrities T_T -_- ke ke ke
















































































































Jungshin chingoo is really long and skinny ....
















































































































- Writer talks about wanting to lose weight -
















































































































Doesn't listen to the opinions of those around [them/him].
















































































































The best thing is if it looks good to the people around you -_-*
















































































































Yonghwa and Seohyun also probably didn't have feelings of not wanting to do it. Right? -_-* Ho ho
















































































































- Writer talking about MBC editing out herself and other staff members)
















































































































This photo is also very cute cute he he
















































































































But why are all the photos the originals that haven't been photoshopped T_T
















































































































Another worker unni and I worked hard to photoshop the photos to give to them T_T
















































































































Well clearly these two don't have much to be fixed [through photoshop] but
















































































































What are you going to do about the pipes and streaks in the background. Aigoo ke
















































































































These two who are so superior [in looks] even without photoshop, they're magical
















































































































The fighting spirit of our photographer ke ke ke Climbing up the ladder to the 2nd floor and shooting downward !
















































































































That place that I have never been to even once
















































































































Huh? The shock+happiness+delight(?!) I suddenly got while watching the live broadcast
















































































































ke ke ke ke ke
















































































































[i'm the] girl that came out on that television ...
















































































































Aing... [He] seemed like he would be a bad boy...
















































































































Hyun buin is closing her eyes. You should be more aggressive with the forehead kiss! Hm?!
















































































































Love is all about timing, you person !!
















































































































You should go all out when everything is set up for you~ Aigoo -_-*
















































































































What will we do about that last facial expression of Yonghwa ke ke ke
















































































































- BTS blurb about packing the goguma into the basket -
















































































































Like a fresh couple, these types of cute concepts fit well with them he he
















































































































It seemed like this was the most comfortable photoshoot for both Yonghwa and Seohyun
















































































































That's right, if you are the man take her ! Decisively !!
















































































































... Why am I becoming so emphathetic -_-;
















































































































That awkward hand ke ke ke
















































































































Hyun buin's headlock that can't come without emotion attached ke ke ke
















































































































Were there lots of grudges you held until now ...
















































































































- More on her photoshopping Hyun's legs but them airing the original shot anyways -
















































































































At this time our whole staff were in marveling in awe after looking at Seohyun he he
















































































































The terminator with pigtails;
















































































































The terminator with apple hair also came ke ke ke
















































































































[should I say] It was pretty cute how he gave off the aura of a man with the apple hair -_-*
















































































































Having a battle with the recorder ke
















































































































I told them it was extremely spicy !
















































































































I am currently acting with my hands !
















































































































I received the look from Seohyun's eyes as she asked if it was very spicy !!!!
















































































































- Writer talking about tasting the dukbokki, making a fool of herself, etc lol -
















































































































I told you not to eat it because it's extremely spicy ... ke ke ke
















































































































The Yongseo couple that refuses to die alone ke ke ke {referring to eating the dukbokki}
















































































































I think they shot well with the choding concept!
















































































































The pictures undoubtedly came out well since both of them were comfortable and natural +_+
















































































































Seohyun panting like that after eating the spicy dukkboki he he
















































































































They said that she finally had some cola -_-; ke
















































































































This is how it began ~
















































































































The strong girl Hyun who has overflowing strength after eating lots of healthy things he he
















































































































What do you mean a kiss on the cheek ....-_- ke...
















































































































Why the cheek... If you're gonna do it you might as well do it on......ke....
































































































































































































































The face in which anyone can tell that he is happy
















































































































Ah~ It is quite difficult to give a kiss on the cheek
















































































































Something... gave a fluttering feeling, but on the other side it looked frustrating T_T
















































































































However thinking about how nervous these two must have been
















































































































Well it's fun even with just that he he
















































































































Right now this picture is in a frame in front of my eyes -_-*
















































































































It is quite... nice seeing the actual picture in a frame.
















































































































Everyone worked hard he he
















































































































Because it was so fresh/innocent it was a wedding photoshoot that left lots of regrets for those watching, but since we don't know what the feelings and emotions of these two were -_-* I think they might've just felt excited and nervous he he
















































































































If you come next time ~
















































































































I'll give you dukbokki that's not spicy he he
















































































































Please come visit ~

















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Guest SophiaPia
















Thank you to all the fancams and fan acct. Wife SeoHyun as always looking lovely. 



















YongSeo Thailand thanks so so much. 



















Tomorrow Saturday, we should be loaded from wgm episodes, Bangkok YongSeo banmal duet, the precious and eternity is spotted wub.gif i guess not to bad to end the virtual marriage. I just want to think YongSeo will be friends or best friends after wgm. It's up to them it they want their "friendships" to be eternity wub.gif 








Tonight the boys arrival i wonder if the precious will be spotted as well. and eternity? maybe not lol.



















Thanks to whoever sponsored the eternity :) really looks good with Seobaby.



















"YongSeo couple start with precious, and will end with eternity"



















another eternity. dated 2011 Jan 10

















































wife SeoHyun precious + eternity last night arrival in Bangkok. So so lovely indeed




































































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To -insideout; I would like to give +ve point, but run of it.. hehe.































































































































TQ for the translation. Looks like the writer really been in "awe" state for this couple..































































































































They witness everything inside out BTS rather than us on broadcast...































































































































From this blog, I can feel that she's really wanna write it after the photoshoot.. Kekeke..































































































































But still hold it after almost 3 month to spill everything inside her..






























































































































































































































This sentence :






























































































































































































































Aing... [He] seemed like he would be a bad boy...































































































































Hyun buin is closing her eyes. You should be more aggressive with the forehead kiss! Hm?!































































































































Love is all about timing, you person !!































































































































You should go all out when everything is set up for you~ Aigoo -_-*































































































































We also feel same as you. Frustrated but content. His too "respectable" to begin with...
































































& this sentences :































































































































Hyun buin's headlock that can't come without emotion attached ke ke ke































































































































Were there lots of grudges you held until now ...






























































































































































































































Did they saw something in her or them??? Hehe secret message??
































































& this sentence :
































































The Yongseo couple that refuses to die alone ke ke ke {referring to eating the dukbokki}































































































































































We know already... Hyun already spoke louder before...Hehe..
































































& this sentences :































































































































Right now this picture is in a frame in front of my eyes































































































































It is quite... nice seeing the actual picture in a frame.































































































































So they will get a wedding picture frame... Wahh... Where will they hang it.. In their own rooms, I guess. Usually it will be very big picture... Now.. Curiosity is coming..
































































& because of this sentence:































































































































Because it was so fresh/innocent it was a wedding photoshoot that left lots of regrets for those watching, but since we don't know what the feelings and emotions of these two were
































-_-* I think they might've just felt excited and nervous he he































































































































We also just like you guys.. Still in the same ship.. "we don't know what the feelings and emotions of these two were -_-"
































































Bout the official statement :
































































I like the last line... "there is nothing definite yet," from their respective company...
































































Maybe I'm try to be +ve... but who know right.
































































Looks like the motto for this couple, really are "EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED" after all.
































































Who would know that they will perform @ the concert, in the last minute, right... that's too unexpected.
































































We just can wish it, but MBC make it real.
































































Hope we can get all the good news before the "real parting/end" comes.
































































Anyway, let's spazzing as usual.. Tomorrow is the "DAY" everyone...

































































































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Guest Anink
































































































































































































































































Thank you to all the fancams and fan acct. Wife SeoHyun as always looking lovely. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo Thailand thanks so so much. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Tomorrow Saturday, we should be loaded from wgm episodes, Bangkok YongSeo banmal duet, the precious and eternity is spotted *quoted image* i guess not to bad to end the virtual marriage. I just want to think YongSeo will be friends or best friends after wgm. It's up to them it they want their "friendships" to be eternity *quoted image* 
































































































































































































Tonight the boys arrival i wonder if the precious will be spotted as well. and eternity? maybe not lol.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to whoever sponsored the eternity :) really looks good with Seobaby.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"YongSeo couple start with precious, and will end with eternity"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































another eternity. dated 2011 Jan 10































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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wife SeoHyun precious + eternity last night arrival in Bangkok. So so lovely indeed































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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check this vid than you can see it

































































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Guest eric-original
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm guessing you girls don't know that they're leaving the program this month(?)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's official on Yahoo.co.kr news. They're both too busy with their own schedules
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and YongHwa is going to film a new Korean drama. SeoHyun is going to be
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































stuck in Japan with SM Town for her group.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I want to go to Thailand NOW!!!!! that's impossible though, giving an explanation to my parents will be very hard, and I hate it if I have to lie hahaha. besides, upcoming tests will make it impossible for me to go.... *sigh*. winbros appa! just go! take your WIFE WITH YOU TO THAILAND!!! I bet she'd like to see FT Island on stage too RIGHT??? :D:D
































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm browsing soompi right now on the PC inside my college, then suddenly I experience why MOST EMBARASSING MOMENT since I started college life. the moment I saw the pictures and fancams from previous pages, especially the one where "Hyun was embarassed" after seeing the kissing picture, I SCREAMED SO LOUD!!!!!!!! didn't expect my reaction to be like that......... all the people are constantly looking at me right now :lol:. Whatever, OVERLY HAPPY PERSON HERE!
































































































































































































































































































































































































so the official news came out already right? but it's still "THERE'S NOTHING DEFINITE YET"!!!!! we still have hope! I hope that after seeing the explosion of YongSeo popularity, MBC would consider extending both Yonghwa and Seohyun's contracts, maybe for 3 months (that's the best, considering the drama he's going to be casted). If this happens, we will be the first fandom that are able to put pressure on MBC, great achievement isn't it?
































































































































































































































































































































































































I know, I put my hopes too high, but as zealous said before, the motto "EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED" is REALLY our couple's TRUE motto! I didn't even think of them performing before....
































































































































































































































































































































































































oh, I almost forgot. in the midst of happiness here......... are you still COUNTING?????






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































eric-original, yeah, we know about that, but "there's nothing defninte yet". if they are to leave, then I'll understand, but if suddenly they stay, GREAT!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest klee22












'우결' 정용화·서현, 이달중 하차.."후임 물색중"




[스타뉴스] 2011년 03월 11일(금) 오후 12:24|








가 가| 이메일| 프린트




[머니투데이 스타뉴스 김현록 기자]




MBC '우리 결혼했어요2' 용서부부 씨엔블루 정용화(22)와 소녀시대 서현(20)이 약 1년만에 하차한다.




관계자에 따르면 정용화와 서현은 이달 중 '우리 결혼했어요'의 마지막 녹화를 마칠 예정이다. 두 사람은 지난해 2월 27일부터 '우리 결혼했어요'에 출연하며 알콩달콩한 어린 부부의 모습을 그려 왔다.




두 사람 모두 바쁜 일본 활동에도 '우결' 촬영에만은 함께하는 등 프로그램에 강한 애착을 보여 왔지만 향후 활동 계획에 따라 하차가 사실상 결정됐다.




한 프로그램 관계자는 "확정되지는 않았지만 이달 중 마지막 녹화를 할 것 같다"며 "마지막 방송 시점 또한 미정이다. 현재 후임을 물색하고 있다"고 언급했다.




정용화와 서현은 최근 1주년 맞이 웨딩사진을 촬영하며 화제를 모았다. 당시 네티즌들은 이재호 사진작가가 촬영한 커플이 모두 하차했다는 우연의 일치를 들며 두 사람의 하차를 예언한 바 있다. 네티즌의 예언이 바로 적중한 셈이다.




소녀시대는 오는 4월부터 본격적인 일본 활동에 들어간다. 정용화는 정용화는 최근 MBC 신작 수목드라마 '페스티벌'에 박신혜와 함께 캐스팅돼 MC로 활동했던 '인기가요'에서 하차했다.




한편 현재 '우결'에 출연중인 쿤토리아 커플 닉쿤과 빅토리아는 계속해서 출연할 예정이다.




can someone please translate this?




my korean is somewhat limited...




thank you (:




actually... here's the translation from allkpop:








Are Yonghwa & Seohyun leaving “We Got Married”?




Certain representatives from the industry have reported that the ‘YongSeo Couple’ of MBC’s “We Got Married” will be concluding their virtual marriage by the end of this month.




A representative of broadcasting revealed, “The Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun couple are currently in discussions to leave the show. They’ve already been on the show for over a year, and it seems their busy schedules are getting in the way.”




Another revealed, “There hasn’t been anything confirmed yet, but it seems they will be recording their final episode for the show within this month. Producers are currently looking for another couple to take their place.”




Rumors about their departure already began circulating shortly after the couple’s wedding photoshoot episode; the program has a tendency of taking couples off the show once they reach a level where they are able to initiate skinship naturally.




Seohyun and Yonghwa’s respective groups also have a busy schedule ahead of them in the coming months, which makes the rumor even more plausible. SNSD will begin focusing on their Japanese promotions in April with “Mr. Taxi” and “Run Devil Run“, and they also have a scheduled concert tour in four different cities. Meanwhile, Yonghwa will be tackling his leading role for MBC’s new drama “Festival“, and is in the midst of juggling promotions for CNBLUE’s comeback.




Both of their agencies, however, commented, “There’s nothing decided yet.”





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Guest d3j1k0

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I'm guessing you've gained the "-"s because of the way you came about the news. You didn't violate any written rules. If you have browsed through the thread, or even went a page back, you would have known that the people of this thread (members or not) are very much aware of YongSeo's ending in WGM. The tone of your message came off rudely, first off we do have males in this thread and you are one (I assume)--but we do appreciate you informing us non-Koreans about the info from the Yahoo website.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, I am a bit sad that they will be ending on such short notice and will be apart (like literally) from each other after the show. I knew that the possibility of them pursuing an acting career on the same program was close to none, but I still hoped for that they would have that opportunity that the Adam's had. I guess reality is starting to sink in and pretty hard too; whether or not they are in a relationship, we really won't know until they themselves admit or deny it, but until that day comes, I will be counting the sprouting leaves of spring and hope for the best for them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































May spring come to you as well fellow gogumas, as it did with our couple. Just like the sweet potato roots they planted, their bond *coughlovecough* will get stronger as time goes by, that to me, is promising enough.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest fabiistar07































































Thank you very much for those translations!































I loved reading the one from the photographer :)
















About uri YongSeo's departure ..... nothing has been set 100% [which i'm glad about]































I'm just staying possitive now, thinking of Saturday's episode & the concert
















I've been reading this book [it would probably be in Hyun's favorite section, Self-Improvement keke]































It talks about staying possitive and thinking about nice things that make you happy and with that you'll attract more similar happy things
















So LET'S ENJOY THE MOMENT IN-GO-PAEM! ... let's not worry of what will come in the future [i'm also sad but i'm setting those feelings aside for now and remembering the joyful memories of YongSeo] and just get the most out of what's happening now ..
















Like the new discovered ring































Hyun wearing both rings on the airport
















Hyun's priceless expression at seeing the picture of her kissing Yong seobang :wub:
















Saturday's episode that have us all so curious
















& the expected YongSeo duet :wub:
















Let's not let the last couple of pages of our thread be filled with saddening comments, only joyious ones :)














































... Don't Worry, Be Happy
































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'우결' 정용화·서현, 이달중 하차.."후임 물색중"

[스타뉴스] 2011년 03월 11일(금) 오후 12:24|


가 가| 이메일| 프린트

[머니투데이 스타뉴스 김현록 기자]

MBC '우리 결혼했어요2' 용서부부 씨엔블루 정용화(22)와 소녀시대 서현(20)이 약 1년만에 하차한다.

관계자에 따르면 정용화와 서현은 이달 중 '우리 결혼했어요'의 마지막 녹화를 마칠 예정이다. 두 사람은 지난해 2월 27일부터 '우리 결혼했어요'에 출연하며 알콩달콩한 어린 부부의 모습을 그려 왔다.

두 사람 모두 바쁜 일본 활동에도 '우결' 촬영에만은 함께하는 등 프로그램에 강한 애착을 보여 왔지만 향후 활동 계획에 따라 하차가 사실상 결정됐다.

한 프로그램 관계자는 "확정되지는 않았지만 이달 중 마지막 녹화를 할 것 같다"며 "마지막 방송 시점 또한 미정이다. 현재 후임을 물색하고 있다"고 언급했다.

정용화와 서현은 최근 1주년 맞이 웨딩사진을 촬영하며 화제를 모았다. 당시 네티즌들은 이재호 사진작가가 촬영한 커플이 모두 하차했다는 우연의 일치를 들며 두 사람의 하차를 예언한 바 있다. 네티즌의 예언이 바로 적중한 셈이다.

소녀시대는 오는 4월부터 본격적인 일본 활동에 들어간다. 정용화는 정용화는 최근 MBC 신작 수목드라마 '페스티벌'에 박신혜와 함께 캐스팅돼 MC로 활동했던 '인기가요'에서 하차했다.

한편 현재 '우결'에 출연중인 쿤토리아 커플 닉쿤과 빅토리아는 계속해서 출연할 예정이다.

can someone please translate this?

my korean is somewhat limited...

thank you (:

ALLKPOP already translated it.


Certain representatives from the industry have reported that the ‘YongSeo Couple’ of MBC’s “We Got Married” will be concluding their virtual marriage by the end of this month.

A representative of broadcasting revealed, “The Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun couple are currently in discussions to leave the show. They’ve already been on the show for over a year, and it seems their busy schedules are getting in the way.”

Another revealed, “There hasn’t been anything confirmed yet, but it seems they will be recording their final episode for the show within this month. Producers are currently looking for another couple to take their place.”

Rumors about their departure already began circulating shortly after the couple’s wedding photoshoot episode; the program has a tendency of taking couples off the show once they reach a level where they are able to initiate skinship naturally.

Seohyun and Yonghwa’s respective groups also have a busy schedule ahead of them in the coming months, which makes the rumor even more plausible. SNSD will begin focusing on their Japanese promotions in April with “Mr. Taxi” and “Run Devil Run“, and they also have a scheduled concert tour in four different cities. Meanwhile, Yonghwa will be tackling his leading role for MBC’s new drama “Festival“, and is in the midst of juggling promotions for CNBLUE’s comeback.

Both of their agencies, however, commented, “There’s nothing decided yet.”

Credits: ALLKPOP


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Guest reiran18































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When I frst heard about the news it really makes me sad but  I always stay positive..evn if der is no official statement yet  I'm ready whenevr they would release the departure of Yongseo..It's really sad..I was addicted to Lettuce couple,that is he tym I known we got married, when they end the show i did not watch WGM anymore but Yongseo was the one who hooked me to watch the show again..I don't know how to react when they release the final statment but I always believe in our couple..Yongseo Fighting!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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To Thai Goguma :






























































































































































































































































Cr to : ridicsis































































































































Share by : yongseofacts






























































































































































































































TQ for your effort...& we proud of you.































































































































Hope this can move our couple, their companies and MBC to continue filming & broadcast for several months...































































































































































































































































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This is my first time posting a comment here, though i've been lurking for a long time.. I was saddened by what i've read so i did a little research. And I didn't find any news about YongSeo leaving the show. They've always been so busy but they managed to do very well. So i think i, or we don't have to fret because it was never confirmed.

I love this couple so much that i never missed any single episodes. I hope their relationship gets better and better. <3

Can't wait for another exciting episode tomorrow... :wub:


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Guest luckynew








To Thai Goguma :














Cr to : ridicsis







Share by : yongseofacts














TQ for your effort...& we proud of you.







Hope this can move our couple, their companies and MBC to continue filming & broadcast for several months...





















Hahaha.. Is that what uri Hyun saw at the airport? Hahaha.. That explains why she reacted the why she did. There were actually more to it! Love Thai Gogumas! They did an amazing job to greet uri Hyun. Hopefully they can do the same to uri Yong also. :D




Edit: Would love to give +'s but I ran out. Haha.. Also, kudos to the Male Goguma, I love his bright orange shirt! ;) 




Dduk & Klee22, thanks for providing us that information.




Ouichan, Where are you? Any updates from your friend, Phokar?




I am looking forward to more happy memories of uri YongSeo this week!





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