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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest wallpaperfood

Omo my tears came flowing out again after lopeytop's post...but thanks for confirming it - where did you read it from? You seem to know so much!

I just want to clear up one thing: where it states that "the episode will be run on march 26", does it mean we only have 3 episodes of Yongseo left?

This coming Saturday's: March 12

Shopping: March 19

Final: March 26      ?

Only 3 left..? :(

My heart can't take this atm...but hang in there gogumas, we all need to support each other at this very vulnerable time!


and WHAT ABOUT THE "BEAUTIFUL FAREWELL"?! A "short" last-filming at night?! :( I know they have their schedules to follow, but...awwwrrh at least have a decent farewell...(Adam couple's was so unfair as well). Nvm we have tonnes of memories to look back on and replay whenever we want to :")

+ I agree with soshi3 and jnj, luvtokki and winbros, I want to heat what you guys have to say too!

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Dear Gogumas,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Today is truely not our day, is it? All the heartbreaking news coming all at once.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wholely support Yonghwa and Seohyun as individual artists, I should be happy about Yonghwa's new drama, but I am not, I am only human after all. It's hard to let go of our lovely couple when I've followed their episodes since the very beginning.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seriously, tell me, how can you get rid of this habit of mine to religiously wait every week for the show and check this thread everyday for more than a year? I still need time to digest all this, before I can become mature and thank them for showing us their beautiful journey for the past year. It'd only be lying if I were to say that I'm excited about the new drama. I feel selfish for thinking this way though.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The only reason that I'm sad is because of a fear, this fear that they won't have a chance to preserve their wonderful blooming feelings/relationship outside of WGM. They're both mature for their age, and I don't doubt for a second that their genuine affection/liking for each other is serious, but can it be nurtured with their busy schedules? It's a fact that they are young rising idols who have so much on their plate to deal with other than their feelings. I still can't get over the fact that many other WGM couples whom I was sure to get together for real didn't. Again, I am not saying that what those couples had together during their WGM was not real, it's just the post-WGM period, when all the hypes die down and they move on with their busy lives.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm really curious now as to what Yonghwa and Seohyun feel about this? I can't even bear to think about the sadness that they must be going through. Virtual or not, it's simply not possible to come out of this experience and not feel anything. As fans, we're affected, we're sad because we will not see them as a couple again, as much as we badly want them to go on with WGM. However, as the main characters of their story, they're affected in their own way, and I don't doubt that it's even worse than what us fans feel about their ending.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What's the point of this post?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't think I have one, since I'm feeling quite down as all Gogumas do. Anyway since I was nostalgic, I went to listen to Yongseo's Banmal Song on Youtube, please do so, it will bring a smile back to your face :]

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest AngelVillian



After reading what lopeytop typed.


Slowly, the tears just blocked my vision.

To say it bluntly, i just literally cried.

I didn't really realised the importance of Yongseo that much, until i know that they are leaving we got married.

I was always spazzing along, with all the episodes and stuff.

I thought it was because their love was beautiful and i enjoyed watching the show.

Today, i think i finally realised it's more then a show.

This routine of spazzing along with you Yongseo shippers became a part of my life.

Thank you Yongseo, you made my saturday beautiful.

Happy and always full of colors.

Now that you guys are leaving the show.

I think it's basically normal that i feel sad.

I'm sorry MBC.

It's true that because of you guys, we got married is then made possible.

I'm sorry i can't make myself thank you guys now.

I just felt like cursing MBC.

But really,

thanks for having yongseo on we got married.



Thanks to every single one of you who spazz along with me.

Shared this and that, that and this all about yongseo with me.

Translations and all those kind of stuff.

Words can't describe my thankfulness towards you guys.

Three words for YONGSEO Couple & YONGSEO SHIPPERS.


"Less then three <3"




Get over Yongseo and stop crying.







I took your advice and it kinda worked.

I'm wishing all the best for them now :)


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Think positive thoughts!








































I'm writing this post to come clean/make sense of my feelings about the sudden bedlam. Yes, my heart sank but I managed to calm myself down after repeating the mantra above. Let's not get all depressed and count our blessings, shall we?








































1. Even though it might be a rumour until further confirmation; I, for one, am thankful for it because it prepared us for a new beginning and to make peace with the idea. Their days on WGM may be numbered but at least it won't be an abrupt announcement and throw us off the loop. (E.g. Adam couple dropping the bomb on the radio, a few days after their own daebak episode... yeah, wouldn't wanna wish it for other couples' fans)








































2. We get to watch their relationship grows from very awkward to just plain beautiful, them flourishing as a person, taking care of one another, respecting each other. Their commitment to each other is nothing to scoff at. In a way, they kinda taught me how a relationship ought to be and how it can be enriching in every aspect.








































3. This is my opinion and my opinion alone; despite the late start at skinship, this couple has more depth and is probably the most intimate. How close are they, really, for him to know her sleeping schedule and for her to know his tummy ache and bathroom visits?








































4. The new drama with Park Shin Hye; at least it's one of his friends and not some new, random girl he haven't met before (The idea of kissing scene doesn't sit well with me though PSH seems unperturbed by it, judging from some BTSs).








































5. The biggest blessing of all blessings, they met each other. No way, under normal circumstances, would they have met but they did. And they have gotten to know each other better; charms, quirks, flaws, habits and all. The changes they brought into each other's lives are beyond expectation.








































My hopes for the future episodes so I won't be left fuming and not satisfied:








































1. Yong gets to meet Hyun's parents.








































2. The bike ride.








































3. A beautiful finale (And by that, I mean solid editing. Nothing wishy-washy because so help me, God, a murder will happen if they settle for anything less).








































#1 and #2 seem bleak because of their crazy schedules. #3 is doable, PD-nim. (After reading lopeytop's post, even more bleak so hope is diminished).








































What I'm anticipating/dreading in the future:








































1. Kinda looking forward to their interaction (or lack thereof) in music shows or other variety shows. I'm actually glad that they are private people and don't interact openly like Adam couple (to each their own). Gives me the vibe that there are more things happening off-camera and they are not just doing things as fan service.








































2. Their rings. I'm on the fence for this one. I want to see them keep wearing it, maintaining their connection but it might also be a burden to them if people keep pointing it out and speculating about them. It would provide unnecessary stress for them.








































3. The state of their relationship. Hopefully, the new beginning will provide them clarity of whatever it is they have, should they need to decide, and just run with it (The delusional me is hoping that they are already in a relationship and continue to be in one when the next phase starts and get married for real).















































































Let's send them off to a new beginning with a big bang!








































YongSeo, thank you. For being awesome, respectful, talented individuals that you are and even more as a couple. For making us feel for you, riding on emotional roller coaster with you, for making our Saturdays happy. From the bottom of my heart, thank you ♥









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Yong and Hyun received the news 2 weeks ago and their final filming will be at their house on 14th March 2011.
































The episode will run 26th of March 2011. WGM PDs will only announce the end of a couple only on the last filming date. Such as the most recent Adam couple filming. Only after they film their last epi at the radio station then the official announcement would come.
































Contrary to normal practice. WGM will introduce 2 new couples on 2nd April and the announcement will be made on the 26th.
































Yongseo will not have any special perfomance on the 12th in Thailand but WGM will record their backroom interview for the final epi before the filming on the 14th. 14th filming will be a short affair and can only take place at night because of SNSD's rehearsal for "Mr Taxi."































































Dear lopeytop, sorry to cut your post short. I couldn't believe my eyes and I keep on repeating to read on your post. The date is so clearly mentioned and it really looks like a true news. Well, I think all the information seems like making us GOGOMA here to be more prepared until the last official announcement.
































I'm really getting a heartache, this is way too near from now. It seems like everything will be E by March. I wonder how will Yonghwa & Seohyun felt 2 weeks ago when they received the information about their last filming date. I think both of them are pretty sad as well. I just really hope that the last epi is a good one although the filming will be short affair. I just couldn't believe that we just saw their nice wedding photoshoot on early March, and now rumors are saying March will be a E for them. :tears:
































12th in Thailand no special performance for them, but I could not accept is, why the heck MBC have to film their blackroom interview on 12th? The same day of their performance in Thai. Can't it be too cruel to uri YongSeo? They need to perform on stage and yet getting a sad interview?Blackroom interview on 12th, which means whatever happened in the last epi, could not be interviewed?
































Sorry for my randomness and rambling. I shall stop here.

































































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Guest ena123
































































































































































































































































































































Hi Gogumas!
































































































































































































Adam couple fan here^^ 
































































































































































































When I heard the news I was like  what ??????? I'm still waiting for their kiss !!
































































































































































































this is a very big shock for me..
































































































































































































But what's important is that we believe that Yongseo is real and it's for sure .. and Yongseo couple will be in our hearts 
































































































































































































































































































































































































like before I said this 2 have some very good eyes ^^ their eyes talk .. (they are so in love with each other) I can see it just by watching their eyes.. 
































































































































































































                       Fighting Yongseo couple! 































































































































































































































































































































































































               And of course their awesome fans fighting!!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want to thank u people for all the good work you all did all this time giving us information about the couple.































































































































































































































































































































































































even if yongseo couple ended their marriage on wgm that doesn't mean the end  of Yongseo couple...
































































































































































































keep up the good work people!!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest seohyungeneration































































































For Yongwha's new drama: I hope MBC will choose someone who is really a singer and not just a good actress. Not just someone who can carry tune but can really really sing. 































































For Seohyun future drama: SM entertainment is an excellent company. They protect Seohyun and the rest of the artist. She just need to be older (22 years old) if ever the drama requires a kissing scene (since KDrama almost have it).
































Let me say this once and for all since nobody wants to say it.
































































































Understanding. Respect. Comprehension. Maturity. Selflessness. These easy words but hard to do especially for people who are envious and jealous of someone who has the goodness of all hearts. 































































For instance, if the mother of your idol approves of the girl he cares about who are you and what rights do you to own him and stand in the way of his happiness? What do you call yourself—envious and jealous. These two kills you and eat you up slowly. Is this how you want to live?






























































































What do you understand if you hear the words personal life and privacy? I doubt you know. 































































Love their music. Support them but also face reality. Idols should control their fans not the other way around. Do you really love them or just being delusional that they can be yours? Wake up. Have a life. You will never have him nor become his girlfriend (unless you belong the circle and industry he belongs to). Maybe. Just maybe if you have a good heart. What goes around, comes around. I quote from a very kindhearted, impressive and very matured young lady, “PEOPLE WITH GOOD HEARTS ARE THE ULTIMATE WINNERS.”































































I do believe not all are like these kind of people (one point: one idol fans didn’t go ballistic when he made a dedication to SH in their album). There are still people out there who love their idols since they have the proper upbringing (such as morals and values) and education. And again a good heart. 































































Bashing? Nope. Truth hurts. This is tough love. Either you accept it now or continue to be in denial. Again, is this how you want to live? Why should I be afraid to express myself? I belong to a culture that can to speak my own mind and be not afraid especially if it is worth defending someone who doesn’t deserve to be hated just because they care about each other. There is no reason to hate her. Who wouldn’t want to be like SH? I want to be her. I learn a lot from her and she brings out the best in all of us. She represents what is pure and kindness of heart that we still have if we dig deep within. 































































“Fate determines who comes into our lives. The heart determines who stays. Fate brought you to me. My heart let you stay.”  Fate brought Yongseo together (Think whatever you want and say whatever you want whether be it a show or not they are fated to meet). It is hard to escape from your heart. To quote from a famous poet “Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.” NOW THE QUESTION FOR BOTH OF THEM: WILL BOTH OF THEIR HEARTS MAKE THEM STAY? 































































She took good care of YH (i.e. worried about his health, his throat, etc.) just as MIL said, “If you take care of each other your feelings will eventually be expressed.” SH has given hints and signs to YH. If us fans can see it why can’t he? As MIL said to SH as I quote “You’re doing well. It’s YH who has to do well.” The ball is in his hands. Will YH accept his fate or let this wonderful one of kind girl out of his life? Indeed she is a catch and he heard this for sure so many times but somehow I have the impression he still doesn’t FULLY get it (I haven’t seen the look where he’s about to throw himself in front of a bullet to save her). He can still have his career and a personal life. It is possible. He’s been lucky so far. Both of them can figure it out themselves how to work it out. Even in a thousand lifetime, you will never find someone like Seohyun. She’s not perfect but she is right—just right and well matched for Yongwha (and vice versa). It is like saying to each other with every ounce of confidence he/she is the best person I’ve ever known. (On the other hand if he does not feel deeply for her, then he is not ready for someone like her. What appears to be a man’s rejection is merely God’s intervention and protection. Then he should let her go before she gets hurt more.)































































You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength and loving someone deeply gives you courage. Have courage Yongwha. Don’t give in to your fears. If you do, you won’t be able to talk to your heart. You have us—the people who truly understands and support both of you. Both mind and heart can work out a decision if it is true and pure. Love does not give up! Anything worth having is worth fighting. Aja!





























































































































































































































































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Guest xyescaped

Hello Gogumas! :) Im an Adam couple fan. I saw lots of rumours on twitter/soompi and everywhere about Yongseo leaving wgm. Just wanted to pop by and leave a comment for you all! You were there when we, kkapliners, had our worst time. So I think we should be there for you too. To be honest, after Adam left, I did not have any interest with WGM anymore. But I still continued watching Yongseo when they had their wedding photoshoot and cannot deny that they really look very good together. Yonghwa, as the reliable and sweet yet encouraging husband. Seohyun, as the lovely, feminine and brave wife. I totally squealed when they had their skinship! I think Yongseo is one great couple whom no one can ever replace. :)

Having said all that, I hope you all will have faith and dont presume the rumours are real. Rumours had always been there since a very long time. Dont fred until official statement is released!

Yongseo fighting! :)

& I made this for all gogumas!!!


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Guest yongseo_fighting




seriously, this news really comes as shocking to me. It is only up to last few episodes that we saw clear hint  that their reltionship was blooming fast. I wonder as well how Hyun and Yong took this news. Did WGM crew send them a Mission Card as what they did to Adam Couple? Will Hyun be fine after knowing this? Will Yong call up Hyun to check if she is fine? Lots of questions ran through my mind and I am so lost in what to say. This even happened before we reached 2000th page. Nevertheless, I wish them well... just that I do not know I have the courage to watch Yong and PSH's new drama... Sorry, everyone, :tears: couldn't help it...



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People , we just have to think a little , with logic.











The drama will be broadcasted in MBC , the same broadcasting as WGM . he probably quited inkigayo because it's at SBS. The same happende JOONGBO couple , Hyunjoong was casted to a KBS2 drama so he had to choose between the drama and WGM. Yongseo is not in the same position .


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Lopeytop, though you bear sad news, I still thank you because they sound credible and logical. Thank you for settling the rumours. At least we'll rest for the day knowing the real score.
































So, there goes my Thailand filming, crushed. I just hope the last filming day would be enough for our couple to say their final thoughts sincerely.
































jnj, you are so brave in saying your thoughts about Yong's new drama. I have the same sentiments but I don't want to voice out them before since I know there are JYH + PSH shippers here. But really, when I watched YAB, I was JGS+PSY shipper all the way. I never entertained JYH + PSH. That was a forebonding to me, I guess, since I'll be a JYH+SJH shipper through and through. I want to watch YAB again because I want to be re-acquainted with JYH after knowing him in WGM. But I just can't. I don't even know if I can watch Festival. In my mind, there's this question, the women-lead character for Festival fits SJH to a tee. Why not her? MBC, you made the Adam couple appear in a sitcom together, why can't you do that with YS couple? Sorry, for JYH + PSH. Just please let this sad goguma say her piece.
































Just let me say this:































































































You haven't ridden the bikes,































































You haven't watch your Hyun-buin in her concert,































































You haven't visited your Hyun-buin's mother.































































These you have promised.































































I just hope you can fulfill these someday.
































It's hard to accept, but we are left with no option. We have to say goodbye.
































So, good night. Let's rest for the day.
































I am still hoping to see you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
































Let's go through all this, my dear gogumas.
































But for now, good night.

































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Guest zero_one
























i wont believe it until the WGM PD really really really said that the Goguma couple end their story in the show








i wont believe in any rumours only...








the only thing that i will believe is that this week episode will BE DAEBAK








or like MC Kim's tweet REALLY REALLY DAEBAK..









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Guest chandrawd












let's be frank. i cried after reading the final episode at here. it's just too hard for me. yongseo been affected my life for this past 1 year. imaging my saturday without them really breaks my heart into pieces......





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Guest yonghyunforever


group hugs, gogu:(ma. the day finally come. crying and crying. yes but late or soon we have to face the truth. Love you all guys in this Go-chun. we have more than 1 year emotional ride together with our couple. our couple reach to their comfortable level now. we ready to let them go to make them fullfill their dream.




hope they will find the way back again. i feel sad because they didnt complete their list to do yet. so YOngseo dont divorce, please continue marry life later and finish your list.




Yong and Hyun, if you guys love each other. i beg you guy please brave enough to go with this. the love like this not easy fo find. please brave yongseo.




why i am like this with these 2 young people. why. im so sad :(


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Guest shenibabi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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they're not only my idol but also the happiness in my life
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest cikila

















First time to post at here... These news make me feel really sad.. But still happy for yonghwa for the new drama. I'm from Malaysia :) are there many yongseo shippers in Malaysia?

































































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Guest uh-ohxev
































































Hey gogumas, I've read through many forums (dc,baidu,boice,snsd etc.) and many many tweets and I can tell you that Sylove's tweet is 99% accurate. Someone mentioned here that it's more rare for it to be false than true. And I just read that it is now 100% true.
































They will not be filming their WGM epi in Thailand because Yong has gotta to fly back to Korea for Inkigayo on Sunday. And everyone waiting for the official announcement, I am very sad to type this but that announcement will come on Monday night or Tuesday Morning depending on where you are.
































Yong and Hyun received the news 2 weeks ago and their final filming will be at their house on 14th March 2011.
































The episode will run 26th of March 2011. WGM PDs will only announce the end of a couple only on the last filming date. Such as the most recent Adam couple filming. Only after they film their last epi at the radio station then the official announcement would come.
































Contrary to normal practice. WGM will introduce 2 new couples on 2nd April and the announcement will be made on the 26th.
































Yongseo will not have any special perfomance on the 12th in Thailand but WGM will record their backroom interview for the final epi before the filming on the 14th. 14th filming will be a short affair and can only take place at night because of SNSD's rehearsal for "Mr Taxi."
































Dear gogumas, endings are inevitable in life. When you leave your friends after graduation etc. For YongSeo, lets us not take in the sad ending but rejoice at the beautiful memories they made. This date is inevitable and at most will continue for a 2 months till Hyun's birthday. That is why SM had hoped Hyun could celebrate her birthday because their contract runs out on Feb. Yonghwa and Seohyun did not renew their contract so they had no filming done for the past 2 months. Their last epi is a wrapup by the PD as in Adam's couple's last epi when their contract expired.
































Having said this, as much as we hoped they will continue forever, they probably would do so for a short while but with the many obstacles around them, being celebrities and from different companies, chances to meet are far and few between.
































Nevertheless, when they look back in their drawers on flip through old photobooks in the future, I'll be happy if they can think back and smile at their lovely moments and their time as a married couple and for Hyun, her first love. I am gonna stop here before my tears start full flow and I sincerely wish YongSeo the best in their careers and hope they remain in close contact and lead happy lives. Thank You YongSeo for everything, for the fun, for the laughter, for the hope you have given everyone and for the chance for many gogumas to bond and have joy. Kamsahameda YongSeo. I will miss you so much!































































Thank you for all those details.. now the reality hits harder... :tears:
































I'm very sad that they're doing their blackrooms when they're in Thailand. It's almost a bit cruel to have them do that. I wonder if they will shoot it together like how Adam couple did? In s1, it was very different... but, since Adam couple was really the only couple to leave for s2, I'm not sure what to expect for our YongSeos last episode. Will they have a joint blackroom shoot? I actually hope they do.. I also hope they have a separate one, so that we can see what they say without being shy about it to one another.
































I'm also extremely sad that they'll have to film it at NIGHT... I would've hoped they spend the whole day together not just night............. *and here I cry again typing this T.T*...































































MBC, PLEASE. I JUST ASK OF YOU TO MAKE THEIR LAST EPISODE A BEAUTIFUL MEMORABLE ONE. ONE THAT CAPTURES THE UNIQUENESS AND REALISM THAT ONLY OUR YONGSEO COUPLE HAS. There would be nothing worse to us than a half-assed last episode.. PLEASE give them a nice ending. And don't let their "final goodbye" be as abrupt as Adam... I like the season1 style of goodbyes as opposed to how quick MBC gave the Adam couple.































































































I also hope they can go to a radio show.. but, they're so busy I almost doubt that....... :tears:
































Uri Gogumas, I just want to say.. I LOVE YOU GUYS! I have made a new family with you guys and even after WGM, I hope you will all still visit this thread and keep it alive. Posting any type of news about YongSeo you find. Don't ever stop stalking fancams at events to see if you see a ring ding dong or maybe some YongSeo interaction. This isn't the end... I know we will see more from YongSeo. Whether it be subtle or obvious.. I know they have created a bond that nobody can replicate. YONGSEO FOREVER<3

































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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Things aren't looking good now =(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm trying to write a little something about me but I can't organize my words right now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When everything ends, I will go back to being a SONE but I will have added another something to my life and that is being a supporter of CNBLUE.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As a Seohyun fan, I really hope she doesn't cry on the last filming.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you gogumas for sharing all the love here. I hope all of us copes well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And with this I'll leave a video here. This was taken on Feb 28. Please take a look at Hyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[Fancam] 110228 Seohyun SNSD

































































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Guest AngelVillian



Everyone! Let's just seriously enjoy this few weeks of we got married.

Let's all make a promise to stream it if you guys can!

It's going to be so much fun spazzing all together.

Nothing last forever,

So treasure what we have now.


Don't count what is left,

Count what is given.


We usually focus on what is gone

Rather then focusing on what we have.

Try and relate them to all Yongseo shipper's situation.


It's going to be okay in the end.

I'm struggling myself,

But it's all good.


It will come one day.

I thought i was prepared for it,

But no i wasn't.


Here i am, trying to fix myself.

Trust me, i still am..trying to fix myself up.



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im crying really hard right now i cant take it anymore































































































































im sorry if im being selfish but I really Hate this































































































































I hate an Ending T__T,,































































































































ever since the news of Yonghwa will filming a new Drama i know this would be happen.































































































































this is the first time for me loving such a beautiful perfect match couple and it suddenly End??































































































































i dont know if i can watch WGM anymore in the future































































































































i dont want to feel the way i feel right now for another Will-End-Couple






























































































































































































































































I just wish All of us have a Strong Heart to face this together































































































































I will Keep my faith for YongHwa and Seohyun that they're love each other































































































































and i will always Support them forever































































































































































































































































































































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