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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest dangshin

i'll go home and Cry some... :-(

but if the rumors Are True.. i'm wishing they will make a Promise on their Last Filming to Keep in touch with Each other.. while Crying... and to keep that promise until their ready to be together AGAIN!

YONGSEO will wait for the day you'll invite all of us on your special Day!

we'll always be here for the both of You!

to ALL GOGUMAS Cheer up..

and I want to give HUGS... to each and everyone of you.. you're all DAEBAK!

and we still have a lot of Weeks.. Don't be SAD ok..

we still have a lot of Saturdays to share until MBC confirmed the last filming..

goodnight everyone! ♥♥♥


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hi go-chun villagers, It is hearbreaking for us when yongseo ends but we have to say goodbye to them someday. When they started this journey a year ago, we knew that there was an ending to the show WGM.
































































































































































































































































































































































































All the announcemnet of Yong's drama, comebacks and hyun's japanese tour and new single were released to prepare the fans that Uri couple are leaving WGM.
































































































































































































































































































































































































All I wish is that they would have an ending episode that would do justice to them and the journey they have gone through. Its been a year of wonderful memories, they don’t need a special mission, special guess, special anything to end WGM . It would be a great honor to their memory on WGM if they just spent it doing something that they love together and also just talking about how much WGM has changed them and how much they mean to each other.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Of course I would be the happiest person in the world if someday the end up together but if they don’t I’ll know that the one year they have spent together means something to them and that they had learned a lot from it. For now they need to find their place in the world by going after their dreams. Whatever it is they feel in their hearts we would never know, but I believe in them and faith, one day everything will fall into place.
































































































































































































































































































































































































I am thankful that through WGM I got to know these two beautiful people and they really do affect my life in some ways. I will continue look out for their future activities because I feel as if they are my little brother and sisters.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Lol. I am writing as if I am saying goodbye already, but really everyone lets always be positive and support our lovely couple. If this is saddening for us, think about SeoJuHyun and Jung YongHwa, the two people who have invested their hearts into this for a year now, it must be heartbreaking for them but as young as they are they know they have to keep on going and chase their dreams so that oneday they would not look back and regret whatever choice they made.
































































































































































































































































































































































































So fighting everyone!

































































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Guest Trent



Guys, you have to stay happy! Even though they are going to leave (and the rumours seem substantial to me)


It's important not to see it as negative. They have a lot on their plate, they have been on WGM for a very long time, they like each other a lot (BTW, this is a shotout to MountainMadman: Your fic pierced my poor heart. Augh! Maybe a more happy ending?) I, for myself, have decided to write a BANG-like fanfiction to celebrate the Yongseo awesomeness. So, people, try to cheer up. It's important, otherwise we are going to drown, folks, and our therapist's bills are going to go overboard. ;) Cheer up, folks! Goguma forever!

Best regards,



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Guest JeanetteCham


The soompi maknae here  PROTESTS. tears.gif Who's with me? lols. Can someone enlighten me? Is it reali true that YS's last 2 filming dates with be on 14 n 15 March? I'll really anti the WGM crew if they do this. But good things don't last long. And true enough, 1year isn't long enough for us. When ADAM couple left I just knew this would happen soon ): And it really came. Okay I know i'm blabbering nonsense here repeatedly -.-" The 1 and only suggestion from me : Protest (using a banner of course) to their ending. It's impossible I know -.-" Whutever. When their last episode shows (their'll always be an ending ACCEPT IT) I'll just cry. Bye -.-


Edit : And it seems that the gogumafanfics page's image has been updated(?) :)


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Guest chikaa



























my heart hurts really bad to hear a lot of rumors about their last shooting and so on, but really I wish the best for them
























































sorry for the bad English..















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cruel! this is just plain cruel!!

after such a super daebak episode, and now this?!

all i've been reading today is v depressing, and it turns this happy goguma

into someone moody...

good news - there is no confirmation from FNC & MBC that yongseo is leaving

bad news - yong leaving INKI. he does quite well now, so i dont understand why he

must pull out from this.

- yong reunites with his 'first love' from YAB.

i do not watch that drama, still refuse to watch it and

i don't intend to start watching his new drama either.

why? because this shipper is not ready to see him 'romancing' any other girl..

(friends make it worse by saying how CLOSE those 2 are)

as i said before, thru' wgm, i've grown to love yong, his bros and their music,

but this stubborn heart of mine just can't bring myself to watch him acting

lovey dovey with anyone, but hyun..

happy news - yongseo will be on the same stage in Thailand, the land of smiles.

i hope they'll film at one of the beautiful beaches there..

sad news - all these rumours...

but i have found one BEST news out of everything else.. :phew::P

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Guest krittikan




Today I had bad dream, right?


I thinks this Sat make me happy when SNSD and CN Blue are on same stage in Thailand but today found rumor that they will filming for last day on 14 Mar, it make me hurt. This Sat my seat is very near the stage I swear I will show them how much gogumas love them. I know gogumas will support them forever, right?




Our YongSeo wedding Photo



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Guest moniertu

Wow!! We've been hurled with so much news this week about Seohyun and Yonghwa, but today’s news simply threw me off-balance!!  It affected me quite a bit  to the extent my t-shirt was worn back to front and my panties inside out, no kidding!!  My husband just shook his head and said "You've really lost your marbles, haven't you?"  Now, after a few hours, I've calmed down a bit and able to think more rationally. Let me categorise my state of emotion, as follows:


  • Our couple will soon board their flights to Bangkok, and this will be the first time they'll be performing in the same overseas concert!  And maybe, they will get to perform the original Banmal song or Song For First Time Lovers together!
  • Yonghwa in his first leading role, many actors have to act in so many dramas or movies before they're even considered for a lead role!
  • Saw Seohyun and her 8 unnies in an ad for Intel in our local papers today and she sure looked pretty!
  • Can't  wait to hear and watch Seohyun and her unnies perform their new Japanese single Taxi!
  • Countdown to Yonghwa and CNBlue brothers' first full album "First Step" to be released on March 21st!
  • Looking forward to next Sat's episode, is Yonghwa pulling Seohyun's leg again, or did he really lose something?? Whatever it is, I just love seeing Seohyun's feathers ruffled because she still looks cute every time, and the best part is to see how Yonghwa manages to smooth her ruffled feathers!
  • Both Seohyun and Yonghwa are still faithfully wearing their 'Precious' in public, so soothing to the heart to see this!
  • Still re-watching past Yongseo episodes and all 2010 award shows where our couple were in!
  • No news about  our couple filming for WGM frustrates me a little bit.  It seems like MBC wants to keep it low-key, news about our Yongseo couple leaving the show could affect the ratings drastically, especially when they're still in the process of selecting the next couple/couples.
  • Will I be able to watch Yonghwa's kissing scenes in his new drama 'Festival' without thinking of Seohyun and hurting on behalf of her? (there I go again!!)
  • Anticipating the E_ _  of our Yongseo segment on WGM is driving me up the wall!  It took me two whole weeks to recover after Hyun Joong-Hwangbo's last episode, I wonder what it will be like for me and all my fellow gogumas after Yongseo's last episode airs.


  • Seohyun and Yonghwa have given so much to me.  Even though they're still so young, their interaction and experiences on WGM have touched me in so many ways.  Watching them, I reminisce about my own relationship.
  • From them, I learnt about :
    • understanding (Yonghwa losing Seohyun's note given during first meeting, ideal woman/man),
    • patience (Seohyun not receiving any news from Yonghwa for almost a month, Seohyun's 'nagging' about his health),
    • caring (Seohyun making health drinks for Yonghwa and giving bee pollen for his throat, Yonghwa's handmade Japan survival guidebook),
    • learning new skills (playing the guitar, driving lessons, playing pool, snowboarding, dancing, writing a song, making kimchi, growing and harvesting goguma),
    • working as a team (pool against B-i-L, performance at Incheon Korean Music Wave Concert, Banmal song, Chuseok special),
    • being healthy (medical check-up),
    • being charitable (blood donation),
    • being romantic (exchanging of couple rings under the stars, holding hands, feeding one another, exchanging notes and gifts, backhug on a cold winter's night, sharing a scarf on the boat-ride, sleeping on the train to Busan, wedding photoshoot),
    • having fun (make-up session, jamming, sauna and cooking with B-i-L, piggy back, night basketball, drinking)
    • respect (meeting with Yonghwa's mother, Yonghwa's positive attitude during photoshoot)
I am grateful to be able to watch them both grow, internally and externally, this past year.  Especially Seohyun, she came on the show a sweet, innocent girl, and over the one year period, with the help of Yonghwa (as she has mentioned so many times), she has grown into one beautiful, sexy and cute lady.  Their careers have also positively grown, and I'm so proud of them!Seohyun and Yonghwa have also brought me to this thread, a first for an ajumma like myself to sign up and participate in a forum, plus learning to post pictures, too, now that's a feat, don't you think?I am forever thankful to be a part of this soompi thread, where we all respect each other's views and concerns.  I consider every one of you my special goguma friends.

  • I thought they could spend their birthdays together before they leave the show, but now it seems quite unlikely as Yonghwa's drama will start showing on June 22nd, on his birthday.    However, I hope that the E_ _doesn't come too soon, we still need a dose of goguma for at least another month or two to prepare our weak hearts for the inevitable E_ _.
  • My wish is for Seohyun and Yonghwa's careers to soar to greater heights.  They deserve only the best, and good things happen to good people.
  • I believe in destiny.  It was fate that brought them together.  They underwent a wonderful journey of discovering each other's strengths and weaknesses,  they experienced a myriad of emotions and they had fun together.  It would be impossible to forget and only God knows the future destined for each of this beautiful being.  Whatever the future may be, I can only pray they will be forever blessed with good health, prosperity and happiness.  I am still hopeful that one day fate will reunite them and re-ignite whatever they left off.
  • I also wish that my Goguma friends will remain strong and not to be too sad when the inevitable E_ _ happens.  All good things must come to an end, but in Yongseo's case, it will bring about the start of a new beginning.  

Enough of my rambling, let's blame it on my age (not again!!)..Take care dear friends, and cheer up.. Let's all look forward to this Saturday's episode.  Yongseo Fighting!!

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okay...i've been read all the post for today and really sad if that rumor is true...and i feel like cry this whole day
















but no matter what happen, let's us support them....for the greater good...
















and why don't we make a promise that this thread will always alive and bussy like today and give a report for whatever they doing as seo hyun and yonghwa and keep waiting until they announce their relationship in public....
















and let the Goguma FBI give us a report about what they're doing after WGM...who knows maybe the news and the story about it will reveal the biggest truth about them...that they are indeed actually a couple in a real live....































@deanna55.... I like the idea you got here girl :wub: if and when the time comes that they do end their stint at WGM, let's still continue to stay here in our beloved mini planet and update one another with their latest news until the time they're ready to admit whatever they had during their WGM days till where the future will lead them to.....hahaha... wouldn't that be amazing, that would be one helluva of positive thinking there :lol::w00t:

















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i found it!

WGM this week is daebak!.k yongseo daebak!. sweet Khuntoria.. must watch this saturday!.. have a great day~~!!^^

this is the best news of today!

this is the news that will carry me thru till Sat..

and this is the news that makes me stay in go_chun.


lately, MC Jake tweet's is quite bland..nothing exciting!

but today he seems to know that go_chun is in chaos, with so many news,

that he posted something that reminds me of the b'day celebration..


so, scatterbrain and winbros oppa, it looks like what we were guessing

maybe true somehow..

that yong is just playing a prank on his angelic buin abt losing something..

and when she gets mad..he'll surprise her with an event!

hoping to see them kiss and made up! :w00t::wub:



moniertu...it affected me too. i kept sighing the whole day.. -_-



and i see the old spazzers coming out..

hi wolly! hi naz!

i want yongseo to keep this promise.... whatever they are.. :rolleyes:



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Hello Gogumas! Long time no see~ :D Wish you guys always healthy & happy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm so proud of Yongseo till now. Because of them, I managed to get a new Gogumas family. Thank you so much to Yonghwa & Seohyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know all of these rumors are really making our own world turn upside down, but remember whatever things started, there will always have an ending. Right now, enjoy their precious relationship. They will definitely end their virtual marriage but they will never end their reality relationship whether just friends or else. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For us, we will still stay as Gogumas fans / family. Without them, we are not here. ENJOY. That's what we need now. I'm so in love with them especially during the sweetest wedding photo shoot. Can't describe by words but I really thank God because makes me a fan of these 2 marvelous person! :wub: Yongseo Hwaiting!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Next week episode looks interesting. I wonder if Yong has any idea to surprise Hyun. Knowing them, we will always get a tagline - Expect the Unexpected. :P So I guess, we have to wait but I'm sure they are really really close by now. Congratulations to Yonghwa for getting the lead role. I hope both of them get time to rest well. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Any Malaysian Gogumas here? ---> We had decided to do Yongseo gathering here in KL. Might be in May or Jun. Do PM me if interested to gather ^___^

































































































































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Guest lovelorngirl





Actually, Rumors about Yongseo leaving have been flying around for months. I think Yongseo's fans knew that the day would come very soon since Adam couple left the show.



Jung Yoon Jung PD, “The Reason To Thank Adam Couple”



January 17, 2011




The Adam Couple from MBC “We Got Married”, Jo Kwon and Ga In, left the show after their final episode aired on January 15. Jung Yoon Jung PD, who have created the show with the much-loved Adam Couple for one year and three months, said, “I am very thankful to Adam Couple in so many ways.”

Jung Yoon Jung PD met up with Sports Chosun and said, “It (Adam Couple’s parting) still doesn’t feel real. It usually takes about a week after the final episode of a couple is aired on WGM. But I don’t know how it will be without the Adam Couple who have been around for so long. Even if seasons change…” She did not finished her sentence.



Adam Couple, the longest-running couple in WGM, first lived in a container box on October 2009, then they moved twice and on September 2010 they moved to an apartment in Sangamdong. They started from a honeymoon trip to Paldang Dam, then the scale became extraordinary as they represented Korea in a parade in Hong Kong, they went to Bali to do their wedding photo shoot for InStyle Wedding. Their duet song created during WGM “We Fell In Love” and Jo Kwon’s “The Day I Confess” swept the online music charts and gave viewers so many episodes.



In Jung Yoon Jung PD’s opinion, the funniest episode was the trip to Paldang Dam, and the most memorable one was the trip to Hong Kong. Jung PD said, “The episode where they showed each of their charm the most is the Paldang Dam episode. Kwonnie revealed what kind of man he was and Ga In revealed what kind of woman she was. The meeting of them both after such a long time because of Kwonnie’s sickness was very lovely.” Then she added, “They had such a hard time in Hong Kong and therefore it was the most memorable one. While in Paldang Dam Jo Kwon and Ga In each revealed their own charm, during the Hong Kong trip seeing both of them depended on each other was very heart-warming.”



Unlike other couples, Adam Couple made news with their online activities outside the show through Twitter, Me2day, minihopies. Jung PD said, “Adam Couple did a lot of things outside ‘WGM’. They are the couple who broke the solid outline of WGM formed as time passed by. They are not the make-believe partners who met up once every two weeks to work together in front of the camera, but they really showed off that they were a perfect match as well outside the show. That’s why viewers could feel their freshness and gave good response. I would like to thank both of them for doing such a great job.”






TRANSLATION by suzelle@IAMfor2AM





Back then I was just telling myself to wait and see but now everything just seems to click into place. Maybe it's the time to say goodbye to WGM season 2 :mellow:



I hope the best for them. I'm surely gonna miss them since I've been seeing them on weekly basis for a year now. :tears:



Now the only thing we could do is hope for PDs to end it beautifully. Am I asking too much?


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Guest Hao87




First time to post at here... These news make me feel really sad.. But still happy for yonghwa for the new drama. I'm from Malaysia :) are there many yongseo shippers in Malaysia?


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OMG.. so may news in one day.. I don't know how to react now.. :unsure:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm so HAPPY/SAD (Yong drama)..HAPPY (mc KIM tweet) ....SADDDDDDDDDDDDDDD(rumor ....)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. YongHwa new drama - so it's confirm... to tell the true.. if I'm not watching WGM, this news really made me HAPPY..I like them in YAB...but as YongSeo fans now...deep down in my heart it hurt me..SAD... but I'm happy with Yonghwa...he get to be the lead in drama now.. I hope his drama will success... but I'm still worried becuz it's MBC drama...MBC drama always get bad ranting....(exp: Plyfull kiss, even My Princess with 2 hallyu star Song Seung Hun&Kim Tae Hee, still their ranting can't surpass 20.00)... BUT if the story is good + good ranting, Yonghwa will make a BIG news.... BUT still for me the ranting is not important, just enjoy the drama with my favorite star in it ^^...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. YongHwa quit Inkigayo MC - it's confirm also... but with the rumor he also will leave WGM, I don't think this it's a good choice for him to quit MCs... it just need half a day to do this job..and also it's KBS channel... for a rookie it good if we,fans can see his face in every TVs channel..it's hard to be MC and the same time make a performance? MAYBE.... so as a fans I think I just to believe his decision.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. YongSeo Couple E Rumor - I really don't want to believe this.. but after read all some gogumas post, I think that rumor is true...we don't hear any news about their latest WGM film since shopping film...but still hope they have a secret film especially on their 1st anniversary...that day was important & I don't believe if they don't celebrate that day after one year journey ....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. Korean Festival Concert at Thailand - just want to ask something..it's CNBlue boys or someone from them have a schedule on 11 mac ??why MBC can't arrange SNSD & CNBlue in the same flight instead of FT Island (The same label mate)..why WGM crew won't make this opportunity to make more filming ...SIL & BIL are there...with all THAILAND GOGUMA (just saw their banner..DEABAK..we count on you thai goguma ^^)...the filming will be more FUN... I really hope they can film in Thailand..is they have time to film??.. they already reach at Thailand at late night..must practice for the concert...and after the concert ( late night 12 mac) I bet Yonghwa must leave to Korea for the last film Inkigayo Mcs ( his last on 13 mac right??)..so if the rumor their last film on 14 mac so the film must take in Korea...(BUT I STILL HOPE THEY CAN FIL WGM IN THAILAND..PLEASE!!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this is my first time posting this long...maybe i write something wrong..please correct me.. :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MC KIM tweet - This week YongSeo Couple is DEABAK!!!.. with all this sad news..look like MC Kim tweet still can't make goguma happy..with last week episode, we said it really..really DEABAK, even last week tweet he don't said DEABAK word... How it this week episode will turn out with DEABAK word that MC kim tweet???cheers goguma....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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to think again..yong new drama at this time maybe still good..and also with PSH (one of his friend in ent world)..with Yong & Hyun relationship now.. they are so close now..their feeling is still fresh/strong...I bet he will still have Hyun in his mind even in romantics scene with PSY ..and PSY also remember Yonghwa have SeoHyun already..(I don't know it is good for the drama or not)...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but if they a REAL or want to be a real couple outsite...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they must understand each other... if not now Yonghwa still will have a drama.. and I believe after this that will be more drama for him..and maybe Seohyun also...they are entertainer..and this is just and ACTING.... and if Yonghwa and Seohyun want to marry each other in real live they must accept this situation...AND if they can past this situation....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and I want to believe..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YONSSEO IS REAL!!!!Fighting!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































end :wub:

































































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Guest cherylkoh1991

Hello fellow gogumas! I've been a lurker around this thread for quite awhile, and it's my first time posting here. I'm a great fan of our Yongseo couple! I'm really devastated about the rumours regarding the departure of our favourite couple! The first news I read this morning was the casting of Yonghwa in the new drama, and I knew his stint in We Got Married will come to an end sooner than I expected!

Yongseo couple have a unique relationship that I can't explain in words. The chemistry between them were daebak! I can really see the change in Seohyun right from the first episode till now, of course, the credits will have to go Yonghwa! I hope they will take their reel relationship to the next level!

Of course, my Saturdays won't the same anymore if Yongseo couple quit We Got Married. Yongseo fighting!

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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































hmmmm....... rumours are still rumours, but this current one? it might be true though, considering their hectic schedules. But since there is still no confirmation by MBC, it is still rumour.






























































being in this thread sure feels like riding a roller coaster. after all the daebak episode, then this. I'm stalking WGM website to look any news, just in case they comfirm it..... so far, no news yet.






























































If they were to end WGM, it's not like we can prevent it from happening anyway. this is the thing that we have to face eventually. So to adam couple fans who have gone through this and keep strong in their thread, I really really admire you guys! I believe we In-Go-Paem can go through that as well right??? in fact, YongSeo fans in Thailand will make sure that Yonghwa and Seohyun can see the banners clearly! way to go Thai fans!






























































most likely its their respective companies who make the decisions. But, I feel that MBC/WGM is trying really hard to at least postpone the "end", because clearly they MUST look for replacement, maybe 1 (or even 2). Don't you think leaving WGM is taking a huge risk if they were to leave it with only 1 couple (KT)?? it will affect the viewer ratings, DEFINITELY! so this is why I feel WGM is postponing the news from all of us, because they are still negotiating with SME and/or FNC.... UNLESS THE RUMOUR IS ALREADY CONFIRMED..
































































with that said, I really anticipate responses from both winbros and luvtokki appas! please come out to comfort us :(
































































jnj nuna, is struck me really bad too, but that tweet from MC Jake lifted my mood a little bit. we can go through this!
































































continue spazzing!
































































EDIT: lopeytop...... hmm, I guess it's true then..

































































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Guest lopeytop










Hey gogumas, I've read through many forums (dc,baidu,boice,snsd etc.) and many many tweets and I can tell you that Sylove's tweet is 99% accurate. Someone mentioned here that it's more rare for it to be false than true. And I just read that it is now 100% true.






They will not be filming their WGM epi in Thailand because Yong has gotta to fly back to Korea for Inkigayo on Sunday. And everyone waiting for the official announcement, I am very sad to type this but that announcement will come on Monday night or Tuesday Morning depending on where you are.






Yong and Hyun received the news 2 weeks ago and their final filming will be at their house on 14th March 2011.






The episode will run 26th of March 2011. WGM PDs will only announce the end of a couple only on the last filming date. Such as the most recent Adam couple filming. Only after they film their last epi at the radio station then the official announcement would come.






Contrary to normal practice. WGM will introduce 2 new couples on 2nd April and the announcement will be made on the 26th.






Yongseo will not have any special perfomance on the 12th in Thailand but WGM will record their backroom interview for the final epi before the filming on the 14th. 14th filming will be a short affair and can only take place at night because of SNSD's rehearsal for "Mr Taxi."






Dear gogumas, endings are inevitable in life. When you leave your friends after graduation etc. For YongSeo, lets us not take in the sad ending but rejoice at the beautiful memories they made. This date is inevitable and at most will continue for a 2 months till Hyun's birthday. That is why SM had hoped Hyun could celebrate her birthday because their contract runs out on Feb. Yonghwa and Seohyun did not renew their contract so they had no filming done for the past 2 months. Their last epi is a wrapup by the PD as in Adam's couple's last epi when their contract expired.






Having said this, as much as we hoped they will continue forever, they probably would do so for a short while but with the many obstacles around them, being celebrities and from different companies, chances to meet are far and few between.






Nevertheless, when they look back in their drawers on flip through old photobooks in the future, I'll be happy if they can think back and smile at their lovely moments and their time as a married couple and for Hyun, her first love. I am gonna stop here before my tears start full flow and I sincerely wish YongSeo the best in their careers and hope they remain in close contact and lead happy lives. Thank You YongSeo for everything, for the fun, for the laughter, for the hope you have given everyone and for the chance for many gogumas to bond and have joy. Kamsahameda YongSeo. I will miss you so much!



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news - up

rumours - down

MC Jake tweets -up

lopeytop post - and i am down again...


i am feeling v vulnerable right now..

if yongseo did rec'd that news a couple of weeks ago..


the sad looks that we, seomates, have seen on hyun during that time..

and the recent spaced out look on yong...


then...*idk what to say anymore*


i'm out of here...this heart can only take this much for one day.. :tears:


yes, soshi3, shout out to your appas winbros and luvtokki...

we NEED them now..


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it's true lopeytop??? wahhhh... sad news but.... what can we do? Just wishing & hoping uri yongseo will be happy forever...




















They gave us a lot of memories... They make us happy & smile... They show us the meaning of LOVE.... and now.... they will gone.... no more yongseo... no more a beautiful saturday... Life must go on... so, kwenchana.. as long as they happy.. we will be happy too...




















Thanks for everybody here.... Thanks for your love...





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Guest pandasoori
































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyeong ! Omg , because of this rumor . i can't hiding anymore .































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































today , when i got back frm school , i do my routine * check soompi and SPD .































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but then i see news abt yong quits inki . then suddenly bad news out * yongseo last filming .































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































fr me , if he wants to quits inki its okay even he's doing so well now , but WGM . ottokke ~































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yah . i know i shouldnt behave like this , i should understand them but still . ahhh :(






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really love YONGSEO . i dont know if i could stand watching their last ep . *even now im still crying .
































































































































































































































































I just HOPE after they end wgm , they still contact each other . seriously i dont want them divorce but what can i do .
































































































































































































































































BANMAL SONG will always be my favyy song !
































































































































































































































































IN-GO-PAEM ! let support uri couple forever okay ?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love ,

































































































































































































































































































































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