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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Ryushi








Wow, totally was certainly a big day with all the news about the drama, quitting Inkigayo and now the rumor about the last filming. I wasn't too surprised about Yong quitting Inkigayo, he does have a very busy schedule and if anything was going to be dropped from his schedule, I thought it would be his MC job.




I'm not too worried about the rumors of their last filming, I do hope that they continue as a couple on the show for alot longer, I can honestly say that Yongseo takes up a good portion of my day, whether it be checking this thread, SPD or reading various fanfic about them, if they were to leave the show, I, like many of us would be devastated.




However, I don't think that the last filming rumor is true for two main reasons, one, if they left the show sometime soon, Khuntoria would be the only couple on the show. With no official news on a new couple that will join the show, I don't think that the WGM PD's will take off the Yongseo couple, a couple which they know has a great deal of fans both in Korea and internationally. No offense to Khuntoria fans, but with ratings generally down from when the Adam couple left, I don't think they would be able to support the show by themselves.




Secondly, I don't think that WGM would want news to break about them finishing up on the show this early, possibly weeks or even longer before they run out of footage for the couple since this could have a negative impact on the show. Until we get official news from the WGM PD's I will remain hopeful that our beloved goguma couple will stay on the show to continue to show us their journey. Sorry for the long essay!!



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Thai goguma are jjang..



*quoted image*



Tweet by rxp_sonoiceguma






Believe this 1 is for the concert..



Thai Goguma : Please bring some pic for us....;)


























Zealous, sorry to cut your post








I just want to add full image of our banners and there will be another surprise on the day too!!! So, please participate in our clip art/ vdo for our couple. (Hope I don't annoy anyone with this super large picx)





























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I got this from tweet;






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe our Chinese Goguma can help to translate this...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From Baidu page.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If this is the truth & this is my POV;






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We already be together for some time. More than 1 year to follow this beautiful couple from awkward relationship to cute/beautiful & lovely relationship.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We got almost wishes what we want them to do/be.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































With the latest Daebak episode, "The Wedding Photoshoot".































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That's the highest point of it.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We already been together for 47 episode with them.. (only last week ep ;)).































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So, let's take a few step to calm ourselves and enjoy this "wedding + marriage" as a "Special Preview" for us.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, we already been warn bout the parting.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I hope their parting will be beautiful instead for sad parting. (& I know I will cry for it...)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And not all separation means sad. It also means start something new.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Instead of saying Good Bye they will say let's meet again or see you later.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you ouichan. We will waiting "patiently" for your update here...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good Luck to all & enjoy the concert..;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest transformer86








Wow, totally was certainly a big day with all the news about the drama, quitting Inkigayo and now the rumor about the last filming. I wasn't too surprised about Yong quitting Inkigayo, he does have a very busy schedule and if anything was going to be dropped from his schedule, I thought it would be his MC job.






I'm not too worried about the rumors of their last filming, I do hope that they continue as a couple on the show for alot longer, I can honestly say that Yongseo takes up a good portion of my day, whether it be checking this thread, SPD or reading various fanfic about them, if they were to leave the show, I, like many of us would be devastated.






However, I don't think that the last filming rumor is true for two main reasons, one, if they left the show sometime soon, Khuntoria would be the only couple on the show. With no official news on a new couple that will join the show, I don't think that the WGM PD's will take off the Yongseo couple, a couple which they know has a great deal of fans both in Korea and internationally. No offense to Khuntoria fans, but with ratings generally down from when the Adam couple left, I don't think they would be able to support the show by themselves.






Secondly, I don't think that WGM would want news to break about them finishing up on the show this early, possibly weeks or even longer before they run out of footage for the couple since this could have a negative impact on the show. Until we get official news from the WGM PD's I will remain hopeful that our beloved goguma couple will stay on the show to continue to show us their journey. Sorry for the long essay!!











i agree with your post, well they must have a contract right? like adam couple, the rumour start when adam couple didn't extend their contract... so they will automaticly end... but for yongseo.. i heard around middle of the year... so until that day they can't just leave the show like that... i think we can prepare for ourself in the next 2 month.... and for new couple i heard eunjung (t-ara) and kim soo hyun will be next couple.. although its just a rumour (another rumour)






And i think PD nim WON'T tell us a single thing about "leaving" of any couple just like adam.... so don't expect they will announce an official statement... they won't...






And yes with this rating i don't think khuntoria will survive alone with 1 hour airing... they must have a new couple first then they can stop...:P



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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































I got this from tweet;






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe our Chinese Goguma can help to translate this...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From Baidu page.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If this is the truth & this is my POV;






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We already be together for some time. More than 1 year to follow this beautiful couple from awkward relationship to cute/beautiful & lovely relationship.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We got almost wishes what we want them to do/be.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































With the latest Daebak episode, "The Wedding Photoshoot".































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That's the highest point of it.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We already been together for 47 episode with them.. (only last week ep ;)).































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So, let's take a few step to calm ourselves and enjoy this "wedding + marriage" as a "Special Preview" for us.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, we already been warn bout the parting.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I hope their parting will be beautiful instead for sad parting. (& I know I will cry for it...)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And not all separation means sad. It also means start something new.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Instead of saying Good Bye they will say let's meet again or see you later.



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you ouichan. We will waiting "patiently" for your update here...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good Luck to all & enjoy the concert..;)
































































































































































































































































































PART 1 消息是非题正确答案

































































































































































































































































容和新剧确定出演 TURE
































































































































































































































































容和人气歌谣MC下车 TURE
































































































































































































































































红薯夫妇金日最后一次拍摄 FALSE(已与徐贤经纪人联系确认)
































































































































































































































































红薯夫妇仅剩1-2次拍摄 TURE































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa and drama confirmation: TRUE
































































































































































































































































Yonghwa and Inkigayo resignation: TRUE
































































































































































































































































Last filming is today: FALSE (already checked with hyun's manager)
































































































































































































































































There is only 1-2 days filming left: TRUE

































































































































































































































































From SONEs' RUMOUR spreading now: Last day filming is on 14th March.

YongSeo's last filming of WGM on 14th is still a rumor. Even if it's true, they have a lot of materials to air for a long while. CR. @SYlovesme
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm sorry if I brought down anyone's mood. I didn't believe any of the yongseo rumours before but as a SONE and hearing a rumour from the SONE side today plus all yonghwa's official news, I was upset.
































































































































































































































































I hope the rumours won't become true too :)

































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At first I didn't want to comment or share anything regarding their last episode rumor..but I can't stand..phhewww







Despite it's true or not I just hope all the BEST for both of them...! it's not that I'm not sad or anything...to be honest I'm sad sooo bad! :(














Hope they will still maintain their good relationship (whatever relationship they have) and we just be there to support both of them!







omo...omo I'm crying right now!!







okayyy..I just wanna share some song that I think suits this situation very well (from Seohyun's perspective)














It's a very nice song from Lady Antabellum - Thing People Say




























There I was at the bus stop begging you just to stay







Can we work this out?







Baby we can work this out







Dust trail from a greyhound headed for the west coast







As I watch you leave I find it hard to breathe







No this ain’t how it was supposed to be







If you're out chasing all your dreams







well tell me where does that leave me





















what about the plans that you left behind







the little white house by the railway line







the one we picked out







We even put the payment down







What about the promise that you made







To stay with me til your dying days







Said you’d never go away







Well they are just things that people say







They just things baby














Preacher stopped by the house last Tuesday







Asked if I was fine







We sat and talked awhile







He tried to make me smile







It;s so hard to show my face round lately







In this small town







I guess they heard the news about me and you







Its 3 am and I can’t sleep at all







I wonder where you are tonight and do I ever cross your mind




























Well my mamma won’t stop crying







She wonders what went wrong







Could I have loved a little deeper?







Did I hold on too strong?




























They just things baby






























Be strong unnieee..ajuhma..ajuhsii..chingguu gogumass!! hope they have a beautiful and meaningful goodbye in their last episode...









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Guest butterflyz
































aaaah seriously i want to cry right now....tears.gif
































i'm just learning to enjoy this two but now, the rumor...seriously it's just too much to handle...tears.gif
































anyway,as much as my heart wanna break.....we all know that the E-day will come, and we can forever live in denial...with the confirm rumor of yonghwa being in a new drama,
















the possibilities of him leaving WGM is higher...i think that all of us gogumas, just be prepared...yes, we will cry..but it's a reality...and please don't hate me for posting like this..i'm their biggest fan also n i'm crying rite nowtears.gif
































no matter when they will end, i just hope that they will continue their beautiful relationship together after this WGM... whether as bf/gf or as oppa/dongseang or as a friend...i do feel that both of them a really2 care towards each other..
































hope for the best of their future...as a true fan no matter how hard it is we need to respect n support their decision...and hopefully they'll end it in a beautiful way like announcing that they were both dating....delusional mesweatingbullets.gifhaha..at least it help to ease our sadness...
































my POV, i sense some sadness in both yonghwa n seohyun for the past few event...not as cheery as they were usually in other event before...esp yonghwa in the last NAN episode..his eyes look sad...
































for the drama, dont u think his taking consideration of seohyun's heart by acting with PSH as seohyun highly recognize these two as good friend...?
































i will forever follow yonghwa n seohyun, no matter what they do,drama,music,variety show whatsoever....
































really sorry if i might offend anyone,just dont know how to put it in spoiler.....I'LL TRY TO BE POSITIVE AND PRAY FOR THE RUMOR WASN'T TRUE!unsure.gif

































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Guest honeyjade11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can't compose a nice message now. But I just need to pray that the THAI GOGUMAS may PROVE that ending YONGSEO couple at WGM shouldn't be an option... I GREATLY believe in you. I really  hope I can be there to show my support too..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let's all hope that unwanted RUMORS surrounding our beloved thread is not all real... It's acceptable that yong has an upcoming drama, officially quitted Inki Gayo, but not the last filming on the 14th....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please let our YongSeo couple stay a little longer... We still need time to recover from the heavenly feelings we've got from the wedding photoshoot. A bit more time please, just for us to adjust and make ourselves all ready and easier to let go of this couple.... A little bit more time.. please!!!!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(sorry, I'm not in the right state of my mind at this very moment. I had a blank mind now, honestly.....)

































































































































































































































































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Guest Jess22803
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why suddenly all news just pop up in just one day???? How are we going to handle all these!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just read from baidu china that uri couple just has 1-2 times filming left and the news they have checked with
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun's manager.  Today is not that last filmingggggg.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All these shocking news really made me very sad and wanna  cry.  Uri yong and hyun just showed us a deebak
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































episode and i am still in go-chun and the news really made me felt uneasy. I am still do know how to digest all 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































news in one day.sweatingbullets.gif need to calm down and think before i make further comment.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogumas chigus please stay strong and let's hug and comfort each other.

































































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Wow, reading this thread and posts are really like on a roller coaster ride felling. First we’re in Go-chun, spazzing away for the daebak photoshoot episode, CN BLUE’s new teaser MV, appearance of ringdingdong at Inkigayo and Nan braoadcast, YongHwa’s new drama and now, the rumour of WGM ending. Aigoo, well that what makes life and shipping this couple interesting right? Being a fan of YongSeo let us to always remember that relationship is not always lovely and beautiful like a fairy tale but in my humble opinion, it is things like this is what makes YongSeo’s relationship seems real...life will always have it’s ups and down. (I hope you all get what I mean- I’m not a very good at writing down my feeling and thoughts like other awesome Gogumas here :P )






























































































































I just want to quote Seohyun in one of her letters to Yonghwa for the 200th anniversary






























































































































As life goes on, you get to difficulties and hardships. I hope that from now on, we believe in each other much more, and encourage each other to fulfill our dreams, and to fulfill our dreams, let’s work together…..~Hyun
































For me, I’m glad that YongHwa is going to appear in a drama again and is trying hard to achieve his dreams. We as YongSeo lovers should support him and also Seohyun for their future undertakings right?
































Well for now, the rumour is still unconfirmed so lets put a positive thought here okay Gogumas? And if it is fated that the rumour is true let us just thank both Yonghwa and Seohyun for the wonderful memories, friends that we gain through this thread and many more life experience that we’ve learned indirectly while watching this couple for more than a year. Each and everything will have it’s ending and I sincerely wish their end will be the most beautiful of all the WGM couple ever had.
































And as rizeleth suggested : Go and watch a marathon of all the episodes of YongSeo one again to lift up your dampen mood. It really works!!! I did this before when my mood was down due to the drama rumour last time(lol, I admit, the drama rumour did have an effect to me but it’s all good now :lol: ) The best episodes I would suggests are Busan trip (can they be more real than that? :wub: ), double birthday, Japan trip and the lastest daebak wedding photoshoot episode. Hope this helps.
































So to share another random post :
































My crazy YongSeo shipper self was on full spazzing mode after the wedding photoshoot and so I did a lil research and found out that the caption in this cap mentioned that Seohyun says that YongHwa looks like a puppy (강아지)
































































and being a SONE and Seomate I’ve found out an old clip of Seobaby stating this:
































































So let us make an equation shall we?
































































Haha. I know I’m crazy for coming up with this but I hope that it’ll put a smile on your face. I’ll post my full spazzing moments later on Friday I guess. I really shouldn’t be posting right now but I can’t help myself :sweatingbullets: . Need to concentrate on studying this week. Himnae Gogumas!!
































Ouichan, thanks for the lovely YongSeo banners pics. Thai Gogumas daebak!! Love that they choose yellow as the background colour – Yellow couch anyone? :wub:
































EDIT : aneng i love your post. The truth really hurts as we're becoming more and more attached to YongSeo. Like you, I really,really wish YongSeo will have a different story altogether from the other WGM past couple once the show ends. Lets us wish that they'll remain close and hope it'll come true.
































and thanks kasia3goguma ^^

































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Guest lovekin
































































































































































































































this is how we disappear || one-shot
































































































































































your resident cynic is very sad, and it's 2:15 am, which says i must have been bothered enough to stay up just to write this because that's just how much it bothered me.  sleep.gif  but what can you do, right?  i guess what we have to look forward to is - i don't know - hope that they have more interactions when they're no longer bound by contract stipulations.  i don't know, it sounds like hollow comfort at the moment.  that being said, this might be the last thing i'll be writing for a while.  need to get out of soompi, etc.  out of sight, out of mind, as they say.  works for me.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 It's time to leave.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There's something unsettling about distributing belongings that you're supposed to share.  Or impossible, like trying to split the clouds on their ceiling between them or cutting their plants and fake grass in half for the other to have.

































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Guest aneng
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I knew it. I knew it since MountainMadman came to translate the confirmation of the drama this morning (right before I go to school, that's a heartbreaker).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Everyone, can I be a butthurt just for now? Can I just think of it as bad rumor and sooner someone will say 'I GOT YOU. IT'S ALL JUST A JOKE'? But it's different now, it is much more different than the rumor we got last December. This time, I know it's for real. The drama confirmation, more hectic schedule for the both of them and the sad feeling in all these.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Truthfully, it hurts. It hurts because I love them so much. It hurts because I am now unsure of what will they become after this. We can all speculate, wish and pray for different good stuffs but I can't just rely on that anymore.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seriously, I am not scared about this last filming (I am actually looking forward on how they'll spend their last filming...will it be with tears or what?). What I am scared most is Yonghwa. I can see the similarity of Kim Hyunjoong (Joongbo couple) here. I'm scared that he'll be like that too. I'm scared that one day we won't see our Yong choding anymore. I'm scared that one day we'll see him in a different sense that can lead us to doubting whether their whole journey was real or not...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway...where's the positivity we are all known for, International Yongseo fans? Let's cry about this for an hour then let's be happy for them forever, okay?

































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma
















































































We really need to WAIT for more news, infos etc...! While we're waiting, click here:














































































































































































































and VOTE FOR OUR COUPLE!!!:DWe still can win! ;) We need to show our Goguma Power!
















































maybe07 - I like Hyun's quote that you post a lot !!!






























































































































































aneng - I have same worries as You have... I also remember very well Kim Hyun Joong... after show ended, everything ended. In their case it was just a show...































































































 I'm scared that when they leave (IF!) we won't see them as we used to, they will change, will be busy... I am scared about how it will look like after the show, their relationship, but also their characters... It's really hard because I love this couple soo much...
















































































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Guest deeana55








okay...i've been read all the post for today and really sad if that rumor is true...and i feel like cry this whole day








but no matter what happen, let's us support them....for the greater good...








and why don't we make a promise that this thread will always alive and bussy like today and give a report for whatever they doing as seo hyun and yonghwa and keep waiting until they announce their relationship in public....








and let the Goguma FBI give us a report about what they're doing after WGM...who knows maybe the news and the story about it will reveal the biggest truth about them...that they are indeed actually a couple in a real live....





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Guest lahabana






Hi every goguma.




I feel very sory for our goguma today.




I feel simly die with the news. I have just start WGM for a week, but the love for yongseo are up to sky. Tears! I feel like I was broken up with my bf. WHat is going on?.....




But I still believe in yongseo, with the last ep, we can be sure that they are real. Maybe, it is easier for them to get out of WGM and go into a real life. SHould I let them go? I feel that I am too self-fish to ask them post all thier lives. Maybe, a silent love will make seo more comforatable, make yong more manly. Maybe, after WGM, I could got the news of a love declaration. ... Let's positive. Be optimmistic, ur gogumas. Yongseo forever:X




This week is totally hard with every gogumas. We go up with hug, we go down with "Festival". As usual, I think our gogumas will be happy, how long WGM is.


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Let's try to be positive.
































Ok, maniage, YongSeo's last filming is on March 14.
































March 12, is the MBC concert.
































March 13 is the rest day.
































March 14-15 would be the last two shooting days.
































I hope it would be filmed in Thailand.
































When you are in a foreign land
































you tend to be more carefree (even reckless!).
































That's why, IMO, when they were in Japan
































they were less conscious, more spontaneous.
































So, if they end their filming in Thailand,
































we are going to hear what they think of their WGM experience,
































no hold barred,
































they will be more honest to what they feel for each other.
































I doubt tears coming from them,
































but more intense eyeships. :wub:
































If this really happens, we are going
































to have our memorable farewell,
































and not the rushed ones that WGM is known for.
































I just HOPE, that all's well that ends well.
































Yet, I pray you:































































But with the word the time will bring on summer,































































When briers shall have leaves as well as thorns,































































And be as sweet as sharp. We must away;































































Our wagon is prepared, and time revives us:































































All's well that ends well; still the fine's the crown;































































Whate'er the course, the end is the renown.































































- Shakespeare
































EDIT1: ouichan, Thai gogumas jjang!!! I love the banner! This maybe our last hurrah for our couple, to show them our support. Go! go! Gogumas!
































EDIT2: Oh my. I'm trying to be positive, but reading Lovekin, about your post on splitting things together, is overwhelming me now. My eyes are welling up. It's just so visual for me.
































Edit 3: (Like any of you, I am not in my right mind right now, so I'm rambling.)Since we now have forebonding of the end, can we flood the WGM-MBC webpage to give our couple a nice ending? Can we, please? Mountainmadman, help!!!

































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Guest MountainMadman


...Yeah, it's hitting me harder than I thought it would. And these are only rumors; I can't even begin to imagine what would happen to my sanity if there would ever be an official announcement from MBC.

Even my excitement at the Yonghwa/PSH drama is fading a little bit. 

But still, rumors are only rumors, and I wouldn't get caught up in the frenzy until we get confirmation from an external source. I'm currently monitoring the DC Gallery, Nate, and Naver for any bit of news, and rest assured I'll report whatever I can find.

In the meantime, I cranked this little bit of fanfiction in the past hour. It's kind of rambling, but I hope you enjoy reading.

[ONESHOT] - La Vie En Rose

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Well, just when I was about to come into this thread to lighten up my mood (I got a bad mood today due to some work stuff). Tada~~!! this is what I got !! Yonghwa confirmed in the new drama with PSH, left of only few more shooting of WGM, YongSeo coming to an E day !!?? My mood is like suddenly sank to the negative level. I feel heartache.. really..Pls pardon me, this is human nature, why I will have such feeling even tough some of it is just rumor (which is not officially annouce yet by any offically party)? This is because I love them so much.
































I composed myself before I can proceed to write this post. I still remember back in Febuary I think (if not mistaken), I was so shocked on the fake news make by the antis saying that YOngSeo will end on April bla bla bla and I was sad. Then it turn out to be fake news. But then, I know now the reality seems to be clear and will be true very soon.
































What I can say is, I'm preparing myself to face the official announcement, which everyone of you here know that it will come eventually.  All I wish is just that, we have to stay strong no matter how cruel the annoucement will be. Life goes on for you and me and uri YongSeo.
































YongSeo will be blessed with all the wish and LOVE we have for them for all these time. I just wish that, both of them appreciate what they have been through together, and this will always be a unforgettable memory until the end of their life.
































Anyhow, I will support them for all their future undertakings regardless of individual or group activity. This is my Love to them.
































I hope that one day, (perhaps 7 years later? Just like Se7en & Park Han Byul) I can see a surprise news of YongSeo dating + getting marry, then I will tell my children about the beautiful love story of them, which I've withness.































































Cheer up~~!!
































Oh ya, don't forget we will have our coming Saturday episode together with the MBC Bangkok concert on the same day right? We have to depend on our Thai YongSeo fans to share us the immediate news~~ Thanks in advance!!

































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Guest wallpaperfood


I was planning to have a mini-yongseo marathon tonight after a long day at uni....I so wasn't expecting this, but the minute I read about the drama confirmation, and further unsavoury bits of information, I knew the e*d was nearing...

What got me was the specific date "March 14th". I know it hasn't been confirmed, but just the fact that it's been pinpointed makes it appear more credible :(

I'm not cyring. Surprisingly, I have cried numerous times over previous rumours, and have "buffed up my heart" in preparation for this - but today's "rumour" just...

...left me feeling very empty and hollow, as if my tears have dried up before I get to the stage where I let them flow out.

For nearly a year, I have spent practically 90% of my spare time on this wonderful, wonderful thread.

I've re-watched various Yongseo eps every night without fail on my ipod, before I go to sleep.

I have been watching fmvs and reading fanfics based on yongseo only.

I spazz to my friends about Yongseo everytime I see them, even though they think I'm nuts.

I've been following Seohyun and Yonghwa's activities as a supporter of each as an individual.

I just don't know what to do now that I know I won't be able to do those things with the same heart & mindset, simply because Yongseo will cease (sooner or later) to be on WGM.

The thrill of watching their progression, I'll never forget - it is one of the most precious things I have encountered, and I never knew I could learn so much about love just from watching the way two people interact.

I know WGM will give them a beautiful farewell.  This is YONGSEO we're talking about. They have that special quality that's got us all hooked on 24/7 - you can't just watch one ep, skip the next few, and then join in again when you feel like it. And I think that everyone around them, including those who film them, can feel what they have, and hence I know the farewell will not let us down.

I'm just so afraid for Seohyun. He's her first love, and as cruel as it is to have the story of your first love filmed around the clock, available to the public eye, it's even more cruel to have to make them "break up" this way. This goes for all WGM couples, but in Seohyun's case, I just hope she handles it well. I don't want her to retreat to her shell - like Fany said, she seems like she can take care of herself, but it is so very much the opposite in reality. I know I should have confidence in her decisions (she is Hyun after all), it's just that you never know the consequences with these rare situations. The day of the last filming, whenever that may be, will break this one girl's heart very much, but I have this gut feeling that Yong and Seohyun will keep a very tight, trusting and strong relationship for life. The way he treats her - it's not how you would treat a short-term colleague - I think he genuinely values what they have, and will always be there for her, even if it's just as a friend.

There's so much more I want to say, but since my fingers seem to be weakening due to this sinking feeling, I'll stop here. I was so excited to spazz but I'm not in the mood, so please do forgive me. I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight for once, sigh.

PS Thai gogumas, you are FANTASTIC. You better scream out their names even if your lives depend on it! ^^. Take lots of pics and fancams :) Lucky things.

PS2 soshi3, and dduk, glad my avatar made you guys laugh, haha. Quisty suggested I tweet it to MCJake, which is a daebak idea, but I don't know how ><


I forgot to add that I'm happy that Yong's got this new drama under his belt, I just wish it came under different timing...maybe later in the year or something. It all seems so rushed and sudden ><. I think WGM's his most relaxed and "fun" filming, so I'm sad that he will have to leave that. A gf can help you relieve a lot of stress ^^, and as we all know, he is one busy young man...


UGH scrap what I said about not being able to cry...I've just cried a sea of painful tears ! :"O (sorry Trent..). Try occupy your minds with something else, gogumas - if you just sit there trying not to think of Yongseo, you will end up like me too :( . I'm going to take lovekin's cue and try not to think about Yongseo-related things for the timebeing...


great post, moniertu

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The mood here is depressing. I guess it's natural because I went through that too. 1st the barrage of drama and inki news, then the rumour. My heart sank so low, for a moment there, I thought I lost it for good. I was moping around until my choding lovelies knocked sense into me.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've tweeted this earlier & I'll say it again:




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Chin up Gogumas! It's not the end yet. YongSeo still has episodes to broadcast, don't make it seem that they're leaving right away. I ♥ YS!































































































































































































































































































































For now it still remains a rumour. Though we know nothing is forever, I wish we'll just enjoy whatever YongSeo still has yet to bring us. Hopefully MBC has stored footage, that we weren't aware of, to last many more episodes. The ride is not yet over.
































































































































































Please stay focused and support YongSeo in their careers & individual activities. I'd love for Yonghwa Seohyun to be happy, contented and to fulfill their dreams. I harbour the hope that in future, we might hear wedding bells from them though this is purely my wish only. As long as they find someone to love and be loved back, that's all that matters.
































































































































































YongSeo brought us so many lovely memories, I don't know where to start. Most importantly, they brought me many lovely goguma friends who are so supportive and loving. I can safely say these are friendships to keep, beyond YongSeo.
































































































































































I YongSeo, through the good times and bad. Because of them, my heart sings & it breaks, but another day passes and we still live on.
































































































































































Let's all hone our goguma FBI skills to spot YongSeo moments during the music programmes that they appear on together and let us never stop sharing YongSeo updates, FMVs, artwork, fan fictions, etc. with each other. ^_^
































































































































































*group hugs to all gogumas* Be Happy!

















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