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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest AngelVillian



I was in a hella good mood. Then i came to this thread to see whatsup.

And i found that Yongseo might be leaving wgm / filming their last episode for wgm.

I was like : NO way...



This article shows that yonghwa would be quitting Inkigayo as he have a packed schedules ahead.


I'll get the whole article paragraph down here :


According to an SBS representative, Jung Yonghwa will be hosting his last episode on March 13th. He decided to end his ‘Inkigayo’ career because his schedule was becoming too packed; Yonghwa will not only be preparing for CNBLUE’s upcoming promotions, but he will also be filming for MBC’s new drama, “Festival“. He also has to film for MBC’s We Got Married.”

So Yongseo shippers.

Please don't panic too much yet.

There's no official statement about them 

filming the last episode or leaving we got married yet.


Lastly, there's not even a new couple up on we got married yet.

Don't tell me We Got Married is going to broadcast only one couple?



Well, i'm just guessing that tweet is just a random tweet.

But if it's not, well... no comment.


Off to write my fanfic~


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Guest calmocean






the show did as intended in lifting both of their fanbase to another level right! international!    plus earning them money they dun have to split with their group!  guess time to focus on their individual careers, no doubt they will stay friends right since same industry.   are there a lot more of you guys in the north america and europe  watching this?  i know there are tons of ppl from asia.  are the ppl that said they have tears and crying mostly girls right?  are there guys out there that are crying too, just curious?  what happens to all the fans from this thread?  what will you guys and gals do once it's all said and done?  i now watch snsd as before wgm i never did and cnblue too.  



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Guest rizeleth
























i was thinking of actually not actually coming out of my lurker mode








But some of your depressing mood is really :crazy:








SO here is my stand:








Well, i know their stint on WGM will end someway or another but I don't think it's this soon.








So let me point THREE of the things why I think that they are still continuing WGM:








1. I've read here before that SM wants Seohyun to celebrate her birthday on WGM








If I stand corrected Seohyun's birthday is on the month of July and that's still a few months before that happens








2. Another, is I heard that their contract is almost ending but if they want to reach until Seohyun's birthday








then they need to extend their contract. Am i right? (this is purely my opinion)








3. And lastly, Yong just quit his job as an Inkigayo MC and the reason stated in all kpop is "According to an SBS representative, Jung Yonghwa will be hosting his last episode on March 13th. He decided to end his ‘Inkigayo’ career because his schedule was becoming too packed; Yonghwa will not only be preparing for CNBLUE’s upcoming promotions, but he will also be filming for MBC’s new drama, “Festival“. He also has to film for MBC’s “We Got Married.” cr. to allkpop.








Well my opinion, is he could very well let go of we got married than Inkigayo because as you see the new drama is in MBC








and it was a topic before that Yong must not tie himself to one network but whether it's his decision or his management








he still choose WGM than INKIGAYO








Well, that's my stand.








And I'm not worried with Yong's new drama. I think this is a good opportunity with him. He is a new artist and yet he is already in demand








and I believe Hyun Buin would support him all the way.








And If ever they end WGM, I WOULD BE SAD but I WOULD ALSO BE HAPPY because I know in my heart that they consider








one important in their lives for this EXPERIENCE help them grow as a person.








Well, that's that. BACK TO LURKER MODE :ph34r:








and sorry for the weird sentencing just a little frustrated with all this sadness

















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Guest loybing
































































































































































































































































































































































































I really dont believe the rumour...
































































































































































































































































































































































My explaination
































































































































































































































































































































































Rumor says today they film WGM Yongseo couple's final episode.
































































































































































































































































































































































from SYlovesme tweet
































































































































































































































































































































































So I went to STlovesme tweet to see the post myself..
































































































































































































































































































































































Then something caught my attention
































































































































































































































































































































































I saw SYlovesme retweet something
































































































































































































































































































































































                     itnw0628                            Rumor says after divorce, Seohyun will marry @itnw0628. @itnw0628 will forgive her marriage with Yonghwa cuz he is such a nice guy.
































































































































































































































































































































































So this guy itnw0628 is quite obsess with Seohyun...So I went in and take a look
































































































































































































































































































































































@Ballentines Sometimes making lame joke is better than doing nothing. :D It's my way of celebrating the divorce of Seohyun lol
































































































































































































































































































































































@energywen Please retweet this so everybody can hear the good news.
































































































































































































































































































































































Then from energywen tweet I found
































































































































































































































































































































































yesssssssssss~ RT @SYlovesme: Rumor says today they film WGM Yongseo couple's final episode.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































itnw0628, energywen and Ballentines are hamburger (Am I right?)
































































































































































































































































































































































SYlovesme = unknown but since he/she post itnw0628(hamburger) stuff, it clearly shows that SYlovesme is either a hamburger or he/she does not do quality check....Whatever news or rumour he/she got, he/she will just spread it...So the source might be from gogumas, hamburger, even somebody talk to him/her in the dream.
































































































































































































































































































































































You guys be the judge :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ Rize Thanks for Posting this.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this is not the first rumor we heard and definitely not the last. with all i have heard, read in the past. i learned my lesson. that's why I DON'T believe such initially and patiently wait for the official news.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so guys, chillax!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































let's wait for the PD or the official MBC statement.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if the truth be told then let's all still support Yong and Hyun on Their individual endeavor. Who knows they are a couple already.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hope uri yongseo will be another park han byeol and se7en story.

































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Guest yonghyunforever


hey chingu, this is time for our couple to leave the show. im really sad. but we have to accept it. it is rumor, but really high chance they will end soon. because yong have his drama and Hyun has her concert.




this is the right time for them to stop and all we can hope that they have the real strong feeling to each other then the show end will be a good start for them off camera.




yes, i will support Hyun and Yong. but im crying right now, accepted but we need time to adap. we fans will feel empty for a while before moving on.  hope yongseo will not dispoint us, at least i hope they are good friend.




the sad thing when we move to new thread, than it is the time to say goodbye. :(


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Guest ematot
















































































i just have to post here to ease my uneasiness and sadness.
















































i want to believe that its not yet the end!
















































they will still continue WGM!



























































































































































































































































































































































































































ugh! i can't work on my research paper because of this T.T
















































































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Guest armedbattle








Hi Gogumas, I know the rumour is invading everyone's mind right now and we're all worried about it. Personally, when I first saw it, I thought to myself "Just another stupid rumour". And I really do think it is a rumour. Unless we have a clear notice from MBC, WGM, SM and/or FNC, everything that surfaces about Yongseo are nothing but just rumours stirred up by anti-fans of Yongseo. A rumour passes through cyberspace really quickly, and you know what's it like when rumours passes on and people twist and turn it. Fret not, I don't think Yongseo will be leaving WGM anytime soon unless we get a notice from the representatives as mentioned above. Don't let rumours bring us down, they'll just serve their purpose.




Besides, if you read the article from allkpop, it clearly says that " He also has to film for MBC’s “We Got Married.” ". If WGM is really ending, they wouldn't have said that. I don't think WGM will let Yongseo go that easily. Yongseo have worked hard in their "marriage" for a long time, overcoming various obstacles and we all knew how they squeezed filming into their tight schedules even in Japan. Let's trust our couple that they wouldn't give up so easily. Perhaps, Yong Hwa's departure from Inkigayo will free up more time.




With regards to the lack of news about Yongseo's filming, could it be that they have filmed in less crowded/secluded areas or in their home, such that people aren't aware of it? WGM PD's might be more careful and weary of letting people find out about their filming as it removes the suspense we get.




So dear gogumas, keep calm.



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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































For gogumas who are not active SONEs, I'm sorry I'll have to say that whenever the famous korean SONEs on twitter posts a rumour, it's most likely the highest possible to happen rumour.
































































































































































































































































I hate to dampen anyone's spirits but I have to say the end is most likely VERY near.
































































































































































































































































Please don't hate me...I'm a Yongseo fan too.

































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Guest vhigolda











Today is a tired day for me....




:(from morning untill now, my tears doesn't stop to fall... I just sulky with all of the news today...:angry::angry::angry:












but I wanna tell you my sisters and brothers who love uri YONGSEO couple.. Untill the official announcement from WGM or FnC or SM, just stay calm..













I heard that this saturday will be another great episode...









let's pray for them.. so they get all the best..:w00t:





I don't know what to say...I can't think more now....:(














God Bless them and us...


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Guest uh-ohxev
































































i was thinking of actually not actually coming out of my lurker mode
































But some of your depressing mood is really :crazy:
































SO here is my stand:
































Well, i know their stint on WGM will end someway or another but I don't think it's this soon.
































So let me point THREE of the things why I think that they are still continuing WGM:
































1. I've read here before that SM wants Seohyun to celebrate her birthday on WGM
































If I stand corrected Seohyun's birthday is on the month of July and that's still a few months before that happens
































2. Another, is I heard that their contract is almost ending but if they want to reach until Seohyun's birthday
































then they need to extend their contract. Am i right? (this is purely my opinion)
































3. And lastly, Yong just quit his job as an Inkigayo MC and the reason stated in all kpop is "According to an SBS representative, Jung Yonghwa will be hosting his last episode on March 13th. He decided to end his ‘Inkigayo’ career because his schedule was becoming too packed; Yonghwa will not only be preparing for CNBLUE’s upcoming promotions, but he will also be filming for MBC’s new drama, “Festival“. He also has to film for MBC’s “We Got Married.” cr. to allkpop.
































Well my opinion, is he could very well let go of we got married than Inkigayo because as you see the new drama is in MBC
































and it was a topic before that Yong must not tie himself to one network but whether it's his decision or his management
































he still choose WGM than INKIGAYO
































Well, that's my stand.
































And I'm not worried with Yong's new drama. I think this is a good opportunity with him. He is a new artist and yet he is already in demand
































and I believe Hyun Buin would support him all the way.
































And If ever they end WGM, I WOULD BE SAD but I WOULD ALSO BE HAPPY because I know in my heart that they consider
































one important in their lives for this EXPERIENCE help them grow as a person.
































Well, that's that. BACK TO LURKER MODE :ph34r:
































and sorry for the weird sentencing just a little frustrated with all this sadness































































































I still don't know where that rumor about SM saying they want Seohyun to stay on WGM for her birthday came from. Does anyone have a link to an article? I've read a lot of people talking about it, but I never actually saw an article. I'm not doubting anyone, just being sure that this is indeed a fact and not another rumor that was spread around little by little with no confirmation.
































From a business standpoint.. even if it were a fact, WGM is with 2 people. So, it's not only up to SM to decide how long they last. If FNC feels they need to take Yonghwa out of the programs he's active in to shoot his drama, they will do it. The pay and publicity for a drama is a lot higher than the other shows he's on. Shooting for dramas also requires a lot of time. That's why you hear so many people getting fatigue when they're filming.
































I of course, as any other goguma, do not want them to end. But, with the withdrawal from Inki and news about the drama, I feared this was next... we will see if there's any more news on the 14th. Whether it be a fanaccount or MBC announcing...
































This of course is ONLY a rumor, but I really want to say again for those who aren't familiar with @SYlovesme, that he's a very reliable samchon fan who posts rumors about the girls. I've been following him for a couple years and about 90% of any rumor he posts are true.
































And to the post up there... they are not hamburgers. They were just joking around. They are very nice, reliable and supportive sones.. but, I could see how you would misunderstand from reading those tweets. It was a joke between 2 friends. Don't take it seriously.
































I have a feeling I'll get a lot of hate mail for this post even though I'm just being realistic :tears: .. please don't throw gogumas or hamburgers at me.. I'm trying to be realistic. We can't be in denial forever.
































I just want to say to all fellow gogumas, that we should stay strong. This day would come eventually, and though I really hope it isn't this soon, we have to face the reality that it MAY be... so just enjoy YongSeo now and continue to support even if they end. I think regardless of what happens, their relationship whether it blossoms into boyfriend/girlfriend or just a friendship is a very special one and neither of them will forget the memories they've shared together.
































Seohyun has changed so much from WGM... Yonghwa will forever be an important person in her life. No matter what happens. Til' the day she dies that will always be known to her as the guy she had many "first"'s with. And vice versa. They've both learned a tremendous amount by being together.































































































FIGHTING! Let's be happy and not get too sad about this.. we still have episodes to look forward to and a lot to spazz about.. YONGSEO FOREVER!<3er.

































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Guest greed_island
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i just have to post here to ease my uneasiness and sadness.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i want to believe that its not yet the end!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they will still continue WGM!



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ugh! i can't work on my research paper because of this T.T






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Same here..I have a paper deadline on 15th, but I just can even start it yet, because since morning I've been checking this thread...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Be strong In-Go-Phaem...! I hope we will hear a good news from MBC soon..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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And this is my POV for this rumors...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To rizeleth I like your post.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That's the positive + the truth side + already reported in the news.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From WGM side, from what we heard, the last filming was only when they go shopping @Myeondong, right.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































+ filming @ their house.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's been almost a month.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So if we calculate the time for all episode we can get was only less than 10 ep... right..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And if they filming, let say 14 March as last ep.. still in range 10 episode.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But, WGM will not try to lose their rating + popularity by let this couple go and stick by 1 couple b4 new couple coming in..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Am I making sense here...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They need proof that 1 couple + new couple can bring the popularity for this shows and "stabilize" the weekend rating. & acceptance from regular viewers for new couple.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If this is business, and I'm the PD, of course I will try to get this YongSeo couple to be in this shows for quite sometime before make a very big decision. They can test it, if MBC shorten the broadcast time for this couple, what will happen then.... Now I'm curious. They just lost Adam Couple not long ago, & I don't think they prepared for the lost of this couple also.. Not in this shorten time.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We know both of them will be busy, too busy I think, but they don't have a fix schedule to filming this shows.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is 1 of "lenient" schedule for both of them. It doesn't burden to them, I hope.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































BTW, SNSD will be back in Korea for a few days, maybe they will shoot some scene for us.. Since the boys still have some time b4 the comeback date. Who knows right. Maybe they really are filming on 14 but maybe not their last.. Let's hope...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































& did we heard anything from DC + K-Goguma....???































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They will tell us something if this rumors are truth.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Until then, be calm every1..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma
















































































I read the rumour on facebook so I immediately came here, cause all your post are important to me..!






























































































































































Ehh this rumour is totally killing me... I wish MBC would write official announcement.... No matter how I think about it, my heart will be broken when they leave... I will support them forever, but it's still pretty hard....! But I'm waiting for some official news, cause if it's another stupid rumour then argh....!






























































































































































About Yonghwa:
















































He really has such a busy time... It's good that he's leaving Inkigayo, cause he don't have that much time...!
















































About drama: Congratulations! Yonghwa really can play weel so I keep my fingers crossed for him. PSY is his good friend and also is on goguma side ;) So I'm not worried about it. Only I remember how Kim Hyun Joong had to leave WGM because of filming of the drama...

















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Guest missmoomin101




I'm going to de-lurk because the hysteria of WGM ending for Yongseo is driving me crazy.  





It's completely ridiculous.


I suggest that people save their sadness and energy for the time that both MBC and FNC confirm that Yong is leaving WGM.  Until then, no matter how credible the source (and I read some of the tweets, so I doubt it), I choose to believe that WGM will still continue filming.





From a practical perspective, WGM is the best free publicity SNSD and CNBLUE could have.  Look at how popular the couple is in Thailand, and perhaps in Japan as well? It would be quite pointless for them to stop when they are becoming the most popular couple on WGM.


Please stop worrying and taking baseless rumours to heart.  Just enjoy the time they have spent together and will spending together in the near future.  


Also, some people have to remember that it's not just Yong who is busy.  Hyun's schedule will be equally packed with their Japanese tour etc, so let's just hope that MBC is willing to incorporate that as well!





Team Yongseo GO GO GO!!



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Guest Xanshi












@ Rize Thanks for Posting this.






this is not the first rumor we heard and definitely not the last. with all i have heard, read in the past. i learned my lesson. that's why I DON'T believe such initially and patiently wait for the official news.



so guys, chillax!



let's wait for the PD or the official MBC statement.



if the truth be told then let's all still support Yong and Hyun on Their individual endeavor. Who knows they are a couple already.






hope uri yongseo will be another park han byeol and se7en story.













We are thinking on the same page......








As a long time lurker of this thread (didn't made an account when I started lurking here). I heard the countless rumors of the couple ending their stint in WGM. I practically believe the rumors especially the time when SNSD were going to start their promotions in Japan. Seeing Taeyeon left Chin Chin radio and Win Win, Yuri and Sunny leaving Invincible Youth and Jessica on Happy Birthday. Made me convince that  Seohyun is going to leave WGM. But it didn't happen, I  learned my lesson not to believe on those rumors immediately and wait for official announcement.








So to my fellow gogumas who feel sad. Hold back your tears because we still don't know what will happen. Let's hope for the best and think positively.








But if the rumors are true then let us just be thankful for giving us a wonderful experience. WGM is hard show to participate. Like many have said, the show is dangerous because it plays on the emotion of the participants. I still believe that these rumors are not true, like I said in my previous post. I don't think the PD's would let the Khuntoria couple manned the show alone. So think positively!








P.S: Also I do wished that the Yongseo couple do become another Se7en and Park Han Byul couple. I'm amazed how they have kept their secret for so long before revealing to the public that they are indeed a couple. 





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Guest Hsiao Yence






I’ve been a silent reader of this thread for few months. And thank you is just not enough for all of you the gogumas here. YongSeo and you guys always make my day since last year.


So about the ending, I think after all the rumours going around every once in a while, I am kinda prepared for it. I don’t know, maybe I’m just so thankful that they have been willing to share their heart with us for more than a year, which is to me a privilege.


Somehow this YongSeo thread has been a therapy for me towards everyday life. So when YongSeo ends I am sure that we gogumas will go through this phase and stick together. Let’s cry together and give strength to each other. Later in the future, maybe this thread will not be as crowded, but I, for sure, will come here once in a while and hope there’s always some new stuff about uri YongSeo to read.


This go-chun will always be the heaven for us gogumas. And the memories YongSeo share will always be in our hearts. So let’s just continue our support for YongSeo, although they are not in WGM anymore. Cherish every moment of their togetherness which we can still witness for days to come. (Of course I am hoping they will create more memories together after their WGM stint off-cam! Kkkkk…)


Big thanks to everyone who translates, subs, makes screencaps/fmv/fanfiction, provides news/insight/opinion, prepares projects, etc. Gogumas and YongSeo are jjang!!!


PS. It’s my first post; forgive me for any grammatical error as English is not my first language.



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Guest yongseomania




For gogumas who are not active SONEs, I'm sorry I'll have to say that whenever the famous korean SONEs on twitter posts a rumour, it's most likely the highest possible to happen rumour.


I hate to dampen anyone's spirits but I have to say the end is most likely VERY near.


Please don't hate me...I'm a Yongseo fan too.



Remember about the jinx incident...whenever the jinx appear on a certain show somebody will leave... But when the photographer appear on the photoshoot .... Yongseo still stay strong until now... 3 month had pass... In fact, the photographer fulfilled many  goguma dreams ( Kissing part)..... So what I am trying to say is rumour is still a rumour, Yongseo is different. lets wait for the official news.


Even yonghwa is trying to give up his Inkigayo MC. But not WGM or Seohyun. This shows how much Seohyun mean to him.



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Thai goguma are jjang..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Tweet by rxp_sonoiceguma






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Believe this 1 is for the concert..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thai Goguma : Please bring some pic for us....;)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest chachann
















































there's mix vibe in this thread today..































first it's about yonghwa drama and he leave inkigayo and now about YONGSEO leaving WGM..






























































i think we must already expected this. everything need to come to an end.. i'm fond to yongseo from day 1 as i'm sone and seohyun biased..































and i didn't realized that i already follow them for a year!!






























































this seriously heartbreaking.. but tweet by SYlovesme always reliable to Sones..so it's hard to deny them although it just a rumor.






























































let's just wait for official statement by MBC, FNC or SM.. although i don't think that they will release it anytime soon..






























































i just hope they end this nicely in yongseo way.. until then, we need to enjoy all their precious moments in WGM..






























































yongseo & goguma hwaiting!!!

















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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































Remember about the jinx incident...whenever the jinx appear on a certain show somebody will leave... But when the photographer appear on the photoshoot .... Yongseo still stay strong until now... 3 month had pass... In fact, the photographer fulfilled many  goguma dreams ( Kissing part)..... So what I am trying to say is rumour is still a rumour, Yongseo is different. lets wait for the official news.
































































































































































































































































Even yonghwa is trying to give up his Inkigayo MC. But not WGM or Seohyun. This shows how much Seohyun mean to him.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About the jinx issue, I'd like to correct everyone that it wasn't a rumour, it was just a speculation from superstition.
































































































































































































































































The rumour we're talking about now are rumours from famous korean SONEs.
































































































































































































































































As a 100% active SONE, when a SNSD rumour starts, the topic has most definitely been activated and in progress. The issue is when it will be confirmed.
































































































































































































































































Most of these reliable korean SONEs has never mentioned about Yongseo ending in the past.
































































































































































































































































I'm just a SONE who really believes in these sources and you're right, a rumour is a rumour. Gogumas fighting :)

YongSeo's last filming of WGM on 14th is still a rumor. Even if it's true, they have a lot of materials to air for a long while. CR. SYlovesme

































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