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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest MissBarbietch_0106










Anyeonggg Gogumas..


















Seriously, this news (YONG playing New MBC Drama) make me want to write something, since all of you are write what you all been thinking.


















Little deep inside me, i'm a little bit disappointing, not a little actually, but very SAD. there i write it! but as a true and genuine fans, i still have to support whatever Yong/Hyun do, not only with WGM, also for CNBLUE/SNSD or their personal career.

























As many others say, PSH is the best pairing to Yong Hwa since, she already introduced to uri Seo Hyun, and we see her support for their Banmal Song. i believe Hyun (and us) are more relieved that Yong got pairing with her than any other female actress.

























This Drama, for me, is just a little "Obstacles" in YongSeo journey, because there will be a lot more "Obstacles" to overcome (example: Rumors, busy schedule, etc). Not only for our YONGSEO, but we in daily life must through any Obstacles to strength our Relationships, right? we can't expect that in any relationship will be always smooth.






So 1 thing that i always believe, if they are TRUE LOVE, they will end up together no matter what, how and when, they will fight for their LOVE.




















Like we always say Gogumas, YONGSEO Meet by Destiny/Fate, so we hope and believe they will end up together also by DESTINY/FATE.

























Believe in YONGHWA & SEO HYUN. Believe in YONGSEO.






edit: Hi to Hacker8, i like your post too :D



























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Guest hihi_hehe
















































































































































Funny, first of all, when did u get it from?
















































































































second ...... so if Seohyun wanted to be out of WGM, SO WHAT?
















































































































She doesn't have the right to do that?
















































































































Cut it off ! YongSeo consists Yonghwa and Seohyun ! yes Seohyun has her right to EXIT WGM
















































































































If it's her choice ain't we supposed to support her?

















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Guest Anink
































































































































































































































































I saw your previous post, I just ignore it.
































































































































































































But since you keep on insisting on posting this information that Hyun wants out of WGM. Care to divulge some links to prove your claim? If not, then don't insist on posting the same information again. Sorry, one thing I learn when I started to follow the korea entertainment. Is that, rumors keep on coming out, I have to learn not to react on every shred of information until official announcement does come out.































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry cut your post but this is fact that yongseo will Ex on WGM late june , this is not rumors
































































































































































































She want best for Yonhwa , she care him , she got good heart
































































































































































































"SHE CARE YONGHWA  is not that she don't want WGM or YONGHWA"

































































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Guest laila-chan
































































I saw your previous post, I just ignore it.
































But since you keep on insisting on posting this information that Hyun wants out of WGM. Care to divulge some links to prove your claim? If not, then don't insist on posting the same information again. Sorry, one thing I learn when I started to follow the korea entertainment. Is that, rumors keep on coming out, I have to learn not to react on every shred of information until official announcement does come out.































































































from what i know it's just a rumour and chit chat at spd-box..
































so none knows what exactly the reason except the respective people :)
































and just reminder: if you followed the conv of chatbox at spd,please don't take everything out if it's not really confirmed news :sweatingbullets:
































thanks ^_^

































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Guest nirv_suria




it might possible that yonghwa quit WGM to focus on the drama..


just like Kim Hyun Joong did when he was busy wit' drama "flower boys"..


but, i'm still hope that he can stay wit' WGM... :tears:


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Guest Anink








































Sorry for everyone if i make you sad or bad , but i will keep in my mind ... i don't want bring any new of yongseo anymore... even i know something...what is going on with them






































































































Edit : my friends is BOICe and YONGSEO fans She know what is going on









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Yonghwa in a drama.
































With Park Shin Hye.
































It’s an MBC drama.
































Yonghwa quitting Inkigayo.
































Like any of you I am overwhelmed with these news. I’m just trying to lay down facts; trying to understand them and their consequences. I’m trying to be influenced by other gogumas here who are staying positive and real; trying to see the brighter side that instead of dropping WGM, he is leaving Inkigayo (why not NAN?! NAN takes a longer time to film.)
































































But like we want YongSeo to be real, my feelings are also real. I cannot deny that I feel sad.
































There I said it.
































Yes, nothing last forever. We have anticipated the END. And I know we are preparing for this. We were even paranoid that it would have ended months ago. But the gods favoured us. Until now, news of their WGM stint has yet to be announced. We still see them wearing their rings outside WGM. I know that it has been an issue here before that we should not give a big deal if they wear it or not but we have to admit that lately, even without news of them filming WGM, seeing them wear the rings gives us comfort (thanks Lovekin, for revealing yourself that you also anticipate these ring sightings).
































I have so many things running in my mind regarding YongSeo, lately (or was it for the past 9 months, since I first watched them). I was planning to ask Mountainmadman, Dduk, Juhee, or J2dlee, to write WGM-MBC webpage and appeal to bring back Jinwoon and Seulong as a lot of us miss these two guys. Or maybe let Eunhyuk host, as I find him hilarious facilitating the Khuntoria couple (I even want to suggest Lee Hongki and Simon D to be co-hosts since they are good in hosting and knows a lot about Yong but they are at the other station, competing in the same time slot as WGM).
































I also want to request our Korean-English translators to ask WGM-MBC to suggest YS preparing a birthday party for one of the SNSD (was originally planning for Taeyeon’s March 12 bday). Girlfriends usually ask their boyfriends help them prepare surprise birthday party for their friends. I’m still looking forward for an out of the country honeymoon, as Yong was also anticipating it (episode 46)(Bangkok-MBC, hello!). Hell, I am even anticipating another couple fight just to spice their married life and create more memories and proceed to another level of relationship.
































I know we want to avoid the “E” word but the rational me thinks that once “Festival” starts, they have to remove YS at MBC, precisely because it is in MBC’s backyard. MBC would want the couple “Yong and PSH” to be established just like JoKwon and Gain establishing their sibling characters in MBC’s All My Love. Plus, I don’t want to see a tired Yonghwa doing halfhearted filming in WGM. I don’t want to see another HyunJoong or Kangin sleeping in the set. I feel pity for their virtual wives HwangBo and YoonJi. I don’t want SeoHyun to feel neglected. If they are going to film WGM, I want them to be in their fresh and alert minds. I want them to act like in their first episodes where they look natural and do things naturally and spontaneously, because that’s the reason why we were attracted to them. If they film in their tiredness they would just be directed by the PD or spend half of the time lying down on the sofa, etc, I don’t think I want to see that. I don’t want to be disappointed. (Or maybe I just don’t want to see a virtual virtual-marriage.)
































So, if it is really true that YS will end at the end of May or June, I hope that they end well. I HOPE their ending will give us HOPE as well. I thought Korean dramas/movies are not into recycling “pairings” but shippers of Shinwoo and GoMiNam are going to live that HOPE now that JYH and PSH will be the main lead characters of Festival. (But, hey I have not yet decided if I am glad that it is PSH and not another actress being paired to JYH. Familiarity and proximity are strong factors in a love relationship.) The HOPE of second chance. I HOPE that second chance will also be given to Yonghwa and Seohyun as well.
































And for us gogumas…or for me… for now I’l live for this:
































YongSeo is real.
































Expect the unexpected.
































Hope springs eternal.
































See you on Saturday!!!
































(sorry for the long post, treat it as a long sigh…)
































PS1. MissBarbietch…first of all, I like your name. Second, lately, I am liking your posts.
































PS2. Ouichan…this is great news. It means MBC Bangkok is brewing something for our couple. I’m cheering out for your Thai Gogumas!!! You are so lucky guys!
































PS3. Anink, don't be discouraged to post. Sometimes, us gogumas, just want to be careful. But for me, rumors or unwanted news have a bit of truth in them. Just like jokes, which have half-truths in them. Cheer up!

































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i want to know it's MBC official about this FESTIVAL DRAMA...(i Love if seo hyun is the lead artis..because make yong and hyun grow up in the akting not just about music..and WGM can recording in BTS drama) he..he...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































because..MBC always make PSH have a lead artis in MBC drama...and in final is not PSH but another artis take this role (like Playfull Kiss)

































































































































































































































































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Guest b229b24k

posting news is okay...since it's the truth

no matter it brings happiness or not

but giving unconfirmed info/no proof

and state it like it is a fact already

i'm not sure about that :sweatingbullets:

anyway good for yong...i'm happy for him to land a leading role in a drama

i'm sure hyun happy for him too

though maybe there is still conflicting feelings...

my OWN man with other woman??lol

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Guest didienazrin












it might possible that yonghwa quit WGM to focus on the drama..










just like Kim Hyun Joong did when he was busy wit' drama "flower boys"..










but, i'm still hope that he can stay wit' WGM... :tears:



















I share the same sentiment as well. As much as I love both of them (I can't even think straight right now..T_T), I hate to admit that Yonghwa might seriously need to consider exiting the WGM stint. It's not because he doesn't love Hyun (we all already know, he does!), but he will compromise the marketing of the drama if he does both of the shows. Imagine if the drama has an amazing kiss scene (it's to be expected, think of Dream High or YAB), and the reporters asking him afterwards what does it feel like to kiss shin hye while being "virtually" married to seo hyun.. It would be total disaster! I can only imagine how heartbroken seo hyun would be (even though it is just acting!)..










If they had to exit, I just hope they will have a beautiful farewell. All first love deserves that.










* Running away, crying..T_T



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I share the same sentiment as well. As much as I love both of them (I can't even think straight right now..T_T), I hate to admit that Yonghwa might seriously need to consider exiting the WGM stint. It's not because he doesn't love Hyun (we all already know, he does!), but he will compromise the marketing of the drama if he does both of the shows. Imagine if the drama has an amazing kiss scene (it's to be expected, think of Dream High or YAB), and the reporters asking him afterwards what does it feel like to kiss shin hye while being "virtually" married to seo hyun.. It would be total disaster! I can only imagine how heartbroken seo hyun would be (even though it is just acting!)..
































If they had to exit, I just hope they will have a beautiful farewell. All first love deserves that.
































* Running away, crying..T_T































































Set in bold letters - My sentiments as well...I cry with you!!! :tears:
































On a hopeful note:
































"Jokwon recently tweeted,"Geumji and Ok Yeob after a while~ When we go to Thailand, we are going to sing "We Fell In Love" as Adam...!" hinting at the reunion of WGM's most beloved couples, Adam Couple." from http://www.soompi.com/news/adam-couple-to-reunite-in-thailand
































So, a YongSeo stage is not faraway, right? Lucky Thai gogumas!!!

































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wow... big news, fragile hearts (i'm one of the fragiles >.<), & many reactions that made this thread lively again.

after much thought, & after watching how close they've gotten, i believe that yongseo have thought over the possibilities that they'll hafta face after WGM. it seems like they contact each other enough for both of them to act the way they did in the latest ep. they were like BF/GF. here're some proofs:

1) yong handed hyun her personal water bottle (i saw hyun carrying the same blue water bottle that yong handed to her during the shoot) after her shoot. he even knew where her water bottle is!

2) yong who immediately helped hyun up after their shoot on the floor (the one during hyun "sitting on the clouds").

3) yong who always made sure that hyun is feeling comfortable. he always stays around her. he even sat on hyun's wedding gown just to be very near her!

4) yong stealing glances of beautiful hyun getting ready.

5) yong letting hyun "bullies" him.

6) yong who tries his best to accommodate hyun during the shoot & even during their normal conversation.

ok, can't think anymore... but they sure gave out a very strong BF/GF vibe. in a successful relationship, the other party will always be considerate of each other. IDK if yong told hyun about his drama beforehand, but after knowing who is the leading actress, i believe he has put hyun into consideration before choosing the drama.

i remembered a clip showing the BTS shooting of yong & han gooru during V-day. yong looked very careful & guarded, he looked like he has a GF to take care. i believe that once u love that somebody deeply & that u know that u want to be with that somebody, it won't be easy for u to fall for another person. like what seulong said, "u've got a catch". and yong certainly has got the biggest catch ever! for him to let go of his catch would be a pity. even MIL would think so :lol:

on a side note, i notice that in most family Kdramas, it seems like the children respect their parents a lot that their parents will have much influence on who they should marry. heh heh i feel that yong was very happy to know that his mom likes hyun veryyyyy much. maybe... just maybe, yong has even thought about "it". :lol: kekekekeke

sorry for rambling. ok, back to work! <_<

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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh my god. reading all of your opinion make me wanna cry T_T































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We all know everything has an end right? Can we just prepare for that? And not exagregated the big E anymore?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And can we just spazz about MC Kim Tweet today? Did he write something about Yongseo Daebak?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Aren't you guys curios about it?

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































우결 이번주 대박!.ㅋ용서대박!.쿤돌달달..토욜 닥본사!..즐건하루되세요~

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest MagicKBubbles305
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi! well this is my first time posting here and i've been a fan since forever! heheh i have been lucker for a very long time :S































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyways i get that yong is in a drama and im happy for him i know he really likes to act and every person had the right to do what they want, im also aware the Seohyun has a pretty busy life right now. but theirs no need to be upset if you really love them and are positive nothing bad is going to happen. Even if they do go (WHICH I WOULD CRY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE) their memory will still be with me forever. I would a least be happy of they keep contact with each other and become good friends (OR REALLY GET MARRIED!!! :D).































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ALSO!!!! i get really upset when people say "news" about yongseo that will make other Gogumas sad. i really love them and i think a true goguma will never post something that will bring others hopes down, even more when its not conformed.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We all have our own opinion and we all should respect that but their also a line where you cant cross and say things that will hurt other people. (like me :( )






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But i learned to stay positive and its the present and yongseo is still with us and thats all that matters!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































plus i cant wait for the next episode!!! heheh im going crazy!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hehehhe :P im a very emotional goguma lol






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest l1nn3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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please DONT post anything...if you only 'heard smth' and do not have link or facts to substantiate the rumours you are hearing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































please be my guest also not to share any info regarding yongseo...even if you claim to have good source...because most of the time...the source is from a friend...who hear it from other friend..who have a friend..who have a source that is close to yongseo.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































also ESPECIALLY...when one visit sweet potato days chatbox...DO NOT EVER quote anything base on those chats... because most of the time...we chat-ers...just chit chat anything under the sun...and most of the time...we are discussing abt baseless rumours just for the sake of discussing....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to other gogumas...I LOVE U ALL...keep the news coming...with facts/link...of course if u need a translation from our korean speaker here...dont hesitate to post the link...it is considered as clarification...not baseless rumours

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I remember watching YAB and I really wanted Shinwoo and Go Mi Nam to be together back then. But after hearing its already confirmed that they are going to be on the new drama Festival, why am I not so happy. Yes I'm not, it breaks my heart. Maybe because I only started watching Yongseo couple last week. I tried to finished all their episodes in just two days. I love them so much and hearing this news about the new drama and him quitting as MC of Inkigayo makes me worry so much for WGM. I absolutely love this couple and eventhough they have been together for more than a year already, it feels like they are just starting. I want to see more of them! I am aware that all couples comes to an end at some point in time, I remember how heartbreaking it was when I watched Solbi & Andy, Alex & Shin Ae and Hwang Bo & Hyun Joong left WGM. I dont want this to happen, not yet. Yes, its normal to feel like an E is coming because of Yong Hwa and Seohyun busy schedules but I just wanna stay positive that we still see more of them atleast in the few more weeks or months. I just can't get enough of them. I am basically addicted to this couple and I got so much love for them. Feels like it would be incomplete if I don't see them together.






























































































































































































































































Goguma fighting! :wub:
































































































































































































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Guest vanilla88
































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyong Gogumas!
































































































































Maybe I'm a bit late to spazz the latest episode..but i really love love this epi!!
































































































































Uri couple just finished their FIRST beautiful romantic wedding photoshoot based on their own story! How cool is that? I found it very special moment and priceless..*at least for me* ^^
































































































































Start to SPAZZ : *this will be a long long excited post, i warned you..*
































































































































And please allow me to borrow daebak pic & GIF from awesome goguma here cr.as tagged..
































































































































1. I love Godfather skinship of Yongseo is coming "ONG Ahjibem" and Nayoung was so hilarious funny! "Mouthwash idea" just make me ROFL! but they don't have to use mouthwash, they already shared their GARLIC BREATH at Ski resort remember?
































































































































2. Yong got A LOT of SLAP from his angel buin..but hyun always Slap him with laugh..awww touchy Hyun now coming up..i like that..=)
































































































































3. We usually hear Jashik from Yong but in this wedding epi (46&47), do you notice Hyun call Yong Choding so many times? Hyun is braver to tease her nampyeon now... :phew:
































































































































4. Jungshin cingoo is everyone FRIENDS! not only at Korea..but worldwide! I love this cingoo so much! He really have a charm to be a main comedy actor besides a great bassist..
































































































































"it's Yonghwa's hyung first kiss as well"
































































































































LOLOLOL.. He unconsciusly said that maybe.. then He was laugh so hard with tremble shoulder..
































































































































































































































































5. I love that Chubby Brilliant Photograher Ahjussi! He really know how to build good mood his models..His short sentence always successfully make me smile and laugh!
































































































































first : "That's what I was going to do right after" his answer to Seulong kiss scene request.. YES! YES! YES!
































































































































second : "Okay.. now the book..what is the book" his idiom to tell Yong move that English book..YEAH Ahjussi! you know what we want..kekeke..
































































































































third : "You're not trying to smell her hair right?" hahahaha..Ahjussi! you can hear Yong heartvoice huh?
































































































































fourth : "This is the final scene, where before he bought you spicy rice cakes, and even got hit for you. You're so grateful so you give him a kiss on the cheek" OMONA..I'm shock and clap my hand so loud! feel like the fireworks is around me what a DAEBAK excused you have thinking Ahjussi?! two thumbs up for you..
































































































































Fifth : "I'll do this in one shot" .. " Eonjesso? #when did you do it#" LOL Ahjussi! Yong will love you more because you are repeat Hyun 0,001 sec kiss..































































































































































































































































6. Nervous Yong and Hyun when Floor scene..
































































































































Yong Aegyo : "Ahh..shinca.." *after the photographer said to move lower the book little*
































































































































Hyun : "I have to be a sleep?" but photographer offer her to open her eyes.. "No..no..that's alright" then closed her eyes immediately..
































































































































Yong : "Seohyun should i really do it?" Hyun : "Eiiii...(nodded her head).." ended with cute chuckles from Yong..
































































































































*dies* I've got butterfly in my tummy at this scene..































































































































































































































































7. Pink mini dress & Pink ribbon
































































































































There's one thing again return to PINK mode : Hyun cheeks.. when Yong hold onto her waist! LOL
































































































































































































































































8. Elementary Yong-Hyun CHODING students
































































































































it was so awesome when these two show off their musical ability.. They are really a musician yet entertainer! They can be cast for Uniform CF.. spicy rice cakes CF..Glasses CF..whatever is that.. it MUST be SOLD OUT product..d("u)b *I became commercial huh?*
































































































































9. Yong : "I don't thnk I'll be able to see or pick a dress or tuxedo anymore"
































































































































You don't have to Yong! just wear the same tuxedo.. and walk the aisle with same GODDESS Girl who already wear your choice Bling bling gown...And we goguma villager all over the world will celebrate it!! ^^
































































































































































































































































That scarf was a LOVE proof from your buin Yong! not every girl able and want to do things like that nowadays.. yeoja goguma, is there any of you put a lot of effort like Hyun knitting a scarf by yourself? Ok..I've done a book handmade before for my special one..but never thought to make a scarf which is complicated to learn and waste a lot of time..I mean A LOT.. Aigoo..that superbusy snsd maknae do that? SALUTE..
































































































































11. I'm just imagine what is Yong Mom reaction for last epi..
































































































































She called Yonghwa? " Yonghwa yah..you look so cool wear that tuxedo, I saw you very nervous when you kiss her forehead? you must show your BUSAN side arrasho?" then called Seo Hyun too "Seohyun-ssi u're so pretty..thank you for give our son your first kiss..please take care of him and his heart too arrasho?"
































































































































































































































































I want to see this scene badly..*dreaming..dreaming* my imagination there will be chaotic dorm when they know their SHY MAKNAE already DO her FIRST KISS.. and GOT her FIRST KISS from the same person.. I guess Hyoyeon can't sleep that night because Hyun brag her with a fairytale story she through that day.. #ladylia ur fanfic was so right with my imagination# :wub::w00t:
































































































































Pic spam..
































































































































Yong with his TWO Precious things.. "Hyun & guitar"































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun love her nampyeon favourite instruments too
































































































































































































































































Hyun with her TWO precious things "Yong & Goguma"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And for next week epi..
































































































































Where is our brother Game King Trent? Yuhhuuu.. don't you offer us a bet what is the MYSTERIOUS MISSING THINGS? hehehe..
































































































































My guess is one of gift book that Hyun gave to him.. *gift 200 days*
































































































































based on Jungshin statement at epi.46 that yonghwa lately seldom reading a book..and for Hyun book is her treasure right?
































































































































Thank you AWESOME Gogumas!
































































































































you know who you are.. *warm hug for you all*
































































































































special to : Crystal_malfoy, J2dlee, heartbreak : Where are you guys? I miss read your post..^^
































































































































Today we have a lot of news.. YOnghwa resign from Inki, confirmed to new drama FESTIVAL..
































































































































And great MC KIM tweet!
































































































































Don't be sad gogumas *for some worried gogumas about WGM end because Yong new drama*!! We have to stay happy and smile along this couple..

































































































































































































































































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Guest hyuksu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My heart just sank. :(

Rumor says today they film WGM Yongseo couple's final episode.

credits: SYlovesme































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sigh hamburgers are already rejoicing on twitter. Urgh.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's probably true..right now is the perfect time to end it because they'll both be busy in the next few weeks/months and they'll have no time to film.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Seohyun: 3rd Japanese single, Japanese tour, first Japanese album

































































































































































































































































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Guest Anink
































































































































































































































































































































Rumour from twitter 
































































































































































































SYlovesme Rumor says today they film WGM Yongseo couple's final episode. 
































































































































































































yongseofacts 소시)오늘 서현이 우결 막촬 http://bit.ly/dWw7G4''>http://bit.ly/dWw7G4'>http://bit.ly/dWw7G4
































































































































































































SYlovesme okay, it's not today, but on 14th.

































































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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































I'm really sad... I think it might be true that today is the last filming. Nobody thumb me down or hate mail me for saying that.
































I just want to say that @SYlovesme on twitter is a VERY credible sone who's rumors almost always come true. I've been following him for a very long time, and it's almost more rare that the rumors he posts AREN'T true. Regardless, it is still a rumor... but, since he posted it, now I'm very worried because it's more than likely going to be true.
































I know YongSeos end would have to come eventually, but I don't want it to be now.. I'm just not ready... I really hope they'll give us a sweet ending... I also expect Seohyun to cry.. this is the first guy she's ever been this way with :(
































I'm so sad right now...

































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