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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































some 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cre as tagged

































































































































































































































































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Seohyun's Gorgeous Smiles: 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr:dcmarried (?) i saw it somewhere please pm if this is credited incorrectly!excl.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest scatterbrain

i know DDUK will translate for us. but since there's no live translate and this part should be shared before we spazz any further...

credit: baidu goguma

yong during blackroom interview after getting the wedding photoshoot mission

Yong: the mission is a bit unfamiliar. all other missions, feels like you just do it and end it. but because it's the first time doing wedding photoshoot.

Interviewer: there won't be anyone else who will make you do it the second time, will there?

Yong:right.won't be able to have the shoot for the 2nd time. anyway, because this is the first time, it't a bit...

i dunno if i translate it correctly...so...

does that mean that yong consider hyun to be his real wife already, since he said that he won't be having another wedding photoshoot????? :wub:

and he consider this wedding photoshoot not as a mission, but as a REAL wedding photoshoot!

another random part that i found cute. jonghyun happily gave yong his favourite americano. and yong rejected it. jonghyun looked so shocked and hurt there. felt sorry for him... hahaha... yong loves his wife more than his coffee now.

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Guest AngelVillian



Okay, i'm surprise that there's not much people who are posting.

Come on out you lurkers! Let's spazz together.

Okay i was soooo uptight to post my caps up onto soompi that 

i have no time for a proper spazzing post.

I was late to watch the live broadcast by a couple of minutes.

Thankfully i manage to watch where Seohyun tries on the wedding dress.

Let's SPAZZ!


When i was watching the live broadcast on this ustream link.

There's this chat box and people were saying they don't like Yonghwa's reaction

When Seohyun was trying on the dresses.

From that, i could see that they're totally not a true goguma (As in like we watch them since the start) like us!

Because from what we know of Yonghwa, he's just too shy to show his reaction.

(Maybe we can get Jo kwon to give him some lessons like Jo kwon did to Ga-in)



They were my favorite and it's just you know.

There's so much mixed feelings going through me watching this episode.

It's like finally.


When Seohyun revealed the dresses she wore to Yonghwa for the first time.

I was thinking that Yonghwa was a freaking lucky guy.

And then Seohyun smiled at Yonghwa with the smile that could melt anyone.

I kinda thought it was a smile to Yonghwa like 'I'm yours'

Hah! Alittle thinking too much ;D



I like that, i think Seohyun would become more open towards him

Because of that.


Yonghwa and Seohyun really look great in White.

Like some kinda angel yong + goddess hyun.

Awesome max.


I'm glad cause in this episode Seohyun could laugh along with CN BLUE in-laws naturally.



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helloo my goguma chingooo!!!
















































































































































































wait!!!! i not watching it live :(
















































































































































































because i have to take care my nephew :(
















































































































































































wait for me OK!!!
















































































































































































but thank you so much for everyone who share the pic and the link  :D
















































































































































































OK! watch it now!!
































































































































































































































































































































































BRAVOOO!!! Really a lovely epi. :wub::wub:
















































































































































































Huwaaa... Uri YongSeo really Handsome and beauty neeee :)
















































































































































































My favorite moment is EVERY PART i mean All the part is my favorite :wub:
















































































































































































Really haaa... <---- speechless...
















































































































































































cant wait for next week!! Seulong and Nayoung Unnie come!! iyeeee!!
















































































































































































thank you :)

















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Guest niiychan
































































































































































































































































  Planner J's caps credit to goguma in soompi.. :)
































































































































































































but i put wedding photoshot in this caps.. blush.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































17271799.jpg cr.kenjisam
































































































































































































































































































































































































wedding8.pngcr. keira53
































































































































































































































































































































































































and the last..
































































































































































































hope it will come true!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think the place is same..
































































































































































































another photoshot http://blog.naver.co...gNo=90106152948

































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jnj- LOL I left a message stating that I'm going to evaporate minutes before the show XD




































































magdal and fionatansl- Thank you! I am able to get rid of the frog!








































































































































Baby, why you so smitten? D:












































































credits: dc married




































































V Teehee. We posted the same thing. I'll just delete mine. ;)





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Guest kasia3goguma
















































































Dduk - Thanks a lot!































































































I'm waiting for translation to write more :P






























































































































































Aneng - Sorry! I guess we've done it at the same time! Love Your photos !






























































































































































Ok, more pics! I am in good mood, so want to post a lot today ! ;)

















































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lilmssunshine





waaah!!! this episode is one of the best!!! cant wait for next saturday!!



seohyun is definitely a goddess!!! and yong, he is truly beautiful!!



thanks everyone for the links and translations..



PS: how do i get rid of the frogs? im using chrome.. thanks!



EDIT: i already deleted my temporary internet files, but i still cant view pics from imageshack.. please help.. thanks


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Guest nafa_yongseo






some gif





*quoted image*





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cre as tagged









this wedding photoshoot was so daebak... natural... really... coz they really look shame for each other... this is LOVE....:wub::wub::wub:





n... thanks for uri nation chinggu jungshin chinggu, uri prince bro in law jonghyun, n love crazy Mcs seol ong n nan yong unnie... hpoe soshi bibt in law be there too...


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Hi you fellow gogumas!!!!!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the episode was AMAZING on so many levels!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and i love Yong being all cheesy~ it's endearing and hilarious!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































also the additional support from JungShin & JungHyun was really sweet~

































































































































































































































































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Guest Seychan
















dreamyboo thank u for like my pics. sorry u so chingu , I don't have bigger version because it had made after I croped.















aisuo415 thank u for your post. Thank semi-fly for your HQ video. Thank Dduck for your trans in advance.








Y: Nice to meet you, Seohyun-shi.















S: Hello.















Y: I'm CnBlue's Yonghwa.















S: I'm SNSD's Seohyun.















Y: I really was a fan.















S: Is that so?















Y: Was a fan.















S: How about now?















Y: Now... We're a couple.








OMG. I die *cry* fly to Go-chun huhu. Yo~ng seobang, I <3 you. Now... We're a couple. :wub:


























SeoHuyn is an angel. SeoHuyn is an angel. She's so beautiful.








I like PDnims chose the  background music "Nothing on you" Lyric is so nice & romantic. I love this song















I Love Yong groom's reation so much so much. Look at his eyes, when he look at his beautiful wife, his eyes sparkling :wub:















I love his eyes. They can't hide anything. Happy, proud & nervous & shy, all at his eyes...































































How beautiful they are ♥ uri YongSeo couple :wub:








I love you so much.
















Ah, Do you guy notice that? When Yong get the camera to take pic for Huyn. He get it from his bag :w00t: But this camera is Huyn's. They're so close and Huyn can put her camera at hubby's bag :wub:and Yong can use it whenever he want, they're so close lalala



























P.S: I cry too, magdal & jnj I'm so touched. They're so beautiful & good together. More than any couple I had seen.:wub:








Why didn't Huyn wear her butterfly necklace like she always do? 





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Guest MissBarbietch_0106






















































just want to share my fav caps this episode..













































On The Make-up Session.. stare..stare..













































Watching His Wife done the hair




























































He Just can Sing "OH MY GODDESS" LOL













































Drop his jaw 1st time seeing Buin in a wedding dressd772c54cadb108991443c1ad8e4ef26a_large.jpg






























Seeing Buin in a wedding dress that he choose the "BLING-BLING" one




























































and the last one is when he's watching her in her Solo/Single Photo Shoot.







































Ps: I cried when i see HYUN in her wedding dress, i even crying more when i see YONG speechless-Praise-Jaw Drop-Sing oh My Goddess reaction when seeing his Buin in that beautiful wedding dress.YONG, you are SO LUCKY!!!













































EDIT: I love the part when SeoHyun always ask YONG opinions for everything (her HAIR and WEDDING DRESS), it proves that YONG opinion is MEANS a LOT FOR HER, she just wanna Look pretty for YONG!! ommmooo...:wub::wub::wub:








Ahhh,, Just remember Happy Birthday DJHinata!!! Wish u all the best! :D

























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Guest mrsjoker
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello my goguma family~~ How are we holding up this week? aigooo i'm surprise why is the thread not "flying"...? are you guys still in go-chun? :rolleyes:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've been living out of suitcase this past few weeks for work and only able to lurk once in a while... I was lucky enough to be able to streamed live at incheon airport (oh...the irony of it...), but i thank the lord for the superb connection in south korea and the beauty of a private business lounge. muahahahahaha... :lol:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyway...since my plane will be delayed for 2 hours, i thought might as well spazz a bit on this thread...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ain't today episode a DARLING???? I was literally squealling and clapping my hand while going "omo omo omo...woahhh yepuda...woah..." totally neglecting the fact that my work partner is giving me the "weirdo" glare and my boss was like..."there she goes again" and moves to find another seat. LOL :P































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyway... aigoooo... how many times does Yong said Yeppuda? kekeke...the boy is at loss of words... Yup, Yong...your Hyun is a total goddess!! :wub: 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and awww... when Yong said his cheesy lines when they're trying to re-live those akward moments when they both first met... I tottally melt.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Nice to meet you, Seohyun-shi.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































S: Hello.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: I'm CnBlue's Yonghwa.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































S: I'm SNSD's Seohyun.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: I really was a fan.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































S: Is that so?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Was a fan.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































S: How about now?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Now... We're a couple. ==> i melt here!! :wub: 
































































































































































































































































trans credit to aisuo415
































































































































































































































































Oh and did anyone notice how cute Yong was when he was telling Hyun that the bling-bling dress is his favourite and he throw a glance at the camera and was like hurriedly compose himself again.. tsk...boy you are caught!!  ^_^ 
































































































































































































































































PS : I was at the SPD chatbox earlier and notice how some gogumas find today episode was "lacking"... tsk tsk tsk...all i can say is patience my fellow gogumas...patience. Today episode was only an appetizer...the main course is next week. Just saying...but i really suggest for gogumas to not put so high expectation...why? because with Yongseo its always expect the unexpected. lets all try to embrace those sweet little moments they share...those longing/mesmerize/love gaze they exchange, those laughter that they share over the smallest little things.
































































































































































































































































When you fall in love with the whole world watching, Those little moments speaks volume.:wub:

































































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Guest kasia3goguma
















































































The ‘Yongseo’ couple have a wedding shoot together
































































































On this week’s episode of MBC’s “We Got Married”, the “Yongseo” couple took part in a goregeous wedding photoshoot, which got CNBLUE’s Yonghwa making comments about how proud he is of his beautiful “wife”.
















































The moment Yonghwa saw Seohyun enter in her elegant wedding dress and natural waves in her hair, he couldn’t stop his jaw from dropping. Even his fellow band members complimented her beauty, as they said, “She looks like a goddess.”
















































Yonghwa then said, “Your legs look longer in the wedding dress. What is your body length to head size ratio?”, to which Seohyun wittily replied, “22:1″.
















































Many viewers are hoping for a kiss scene next week, as the teaser for the next episode shows the couple lying together on the ground and Yonghwa nervously saying to the director, “Pl… Please shoot it in one go!”
































































































































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Guest yongseorockin









Whatever! my last batch of caps


Am going crazy~




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Always showing this kinda preview.


It's just going to make me go crazy!












Somehow I think you really love them from the bottom of your heart actually. Today's episode was daebak.


I rushed all the way home after sending my sister to the airport!




My jaws drooppeed to the floor. Completely speechless. 




I seriously hope there is at least a peck on the cheek next week. I think Yonghwa said to do it in one shot because his heart  really wouldn't be able to handle it from kissing SeoHyun for the first time. Its like a dream come true but at the same time, his heart will really explode with happiness. 




I think they probably would have shooting in thailand as well. They will somehow see each other 2 days later. Smiles everyone!


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Another bunch capture;































A collection of picture for an angel on earth & Yong jaw dropping moment.... or Numbness of Brain moment....;)






















































Hyun 2nd dress;






























































This is how he react; With numb faces.. hehe2nddress.jpg































Hyun 3rd dress;3rddresssh.jpg































He's happy because he choose it.. With bling bling...3rddressbling2.jpg































Proud.. Yeah!!!shappy.jpg































Hyun 4th dress;4thdresssh1.jpg































& I love this dress, simple & serene...4thdresssh.jpg































& he totally loss his mind, I think.... hehehe. Who don't when you see an angel infront of you...4thdress.jpg































Hyun 5th dress;5thdresssh.jpg































It's cute...;)






























































Hyun 6th dress;6thdresssh.jpg































Just like "Athena: Greek Goddess of Wisdom"






























































Hyun 7th dress;7thdresssh.jpg































Last of jaw droping moment;7thdress.jpg









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I will take Zealous pic (please, just one)
































































































































































































Can you gogumas see her??? She is in his eyes :wub:... sooo cheesy but true ^^.
































































































and Yong singing OH MY GODDESS 3 times is just daebak!
































































































Thank you aisou for that translation, OMO!! so sweet... I can´t wait for next week ^^
































































































EDIT: lol at this part
































































































































Hyun should have asked him "what are you looking at?, Do you like me or what?" LOL :lol:

































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Guest brown_07
























That was one HEAVEN of an episode!!!w00t.gifw00t.gif  I guess the GOGUMAS of IN-GO-PAEM are still in GO-CHUN trying to calm their nerves and looking for the right words to express how DAEBAK this episode  was... wacko.gifwacko.gifwacko.gif























Is there another superlative form of BEST to describe the next episode??? wub.gifwub.gifwub.gifw00t.gif























My song for Yong for this episode is WEAK by JOJO... tongue.gif























Here it goes..















I don't know what it is that you've done to me 















But it's caused me to act in such a crazy way 















Whatever it is that you do when you do what you're doing 















It's a feeling that I want to stay 















'Cuz my heart starts beating triple time 















With thoughts of lovin' you on my mind 















I can't figure out just what to do 















When the cause and cure is you, you 













































I get so weak in the knees 















I can hardly speak, I lose all control 















Then somethin' takes over me 















In a daze, your love's so amazing 















It's not a phase 















I want you to stay with me, by my side 















I swallow my pride 















Your love is so sweet, it knocks me right off of my feet 















Can't explain why your lovin' makes me weak 






























Time after time after time I've tried to fight it 















But your love is strong, it keeps on holdin' on 















Resistance is down when you're around, pride's fading 















In my condition I don't want to be alone 















'Cuz my heart starts beating triple time 















With thoughts of lovin' you on my mind 















I can't figure out just what to do 















When the cause and cure is you, you 













































I've tried hard to fight it 















No way can I deny it 















Your love's so sweet 















It knocks me off my feet 













































I get so weak 















Blood starts racing through my veins 















I get so weak 















Boy it's somethin' I can't explain 















I get so weak 















Somethin' 'bout the way you do the things you're doin'















Knocks me right off of my feet















Can't explain why your lovin' makes me weak






































It really fits, right??? i think that's how we've all felt while watching a while ago... 























Stay IN LOVE Gogumas!!!









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