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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest JeanetteCham


 Hi to all the goguma unnies/oppas... I believe tat I'm one of the youngest gogumas out there as I'm still NOT in secondary sch .So, please take care of me.blush.gif (PSLE this yr )i decided to delurk today and post my very first post :) I'm not quite sure of the Soompi rules though. Can someone write the basic ones that EVERYONE have to obey? Early tks to that 'Someone'. I know there's one that's u cant write less than 20 words right? And I believe almost everyone freaked out at the preview. Honestly who didn't? I was like " OMFG!" and my sis was like scolding vulgar on me sweatingbullets.gif Anyway Seohyun was like super shy at next week's photoshoot and seems like the SNSD unnies aren't coming? tears.gif Anyway hope the subbing team would provide the subs ASAP. Have fun everyone! I needa go study for my mock exams now fury.gif. Once again, please take care of me~ :lol:




CNBLUE & SNSD 짱! ( Please correct me if I'm wrong ^_^)


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Guest keira53
































































































cant wait for next week
































Yongseo is awesome! beautiful! Prince Yong and Princess Hyun

















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anybody who has the link for the preview? i wasn't able to watch it.
























Seohyun was so beautiful even more beautiful from her circus performance and her trax photoshoot. Yonghwa is very handsome, hands down on that. Please someone give me link of the preview.















































Chingu here the link for neak week

































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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits to all uploaders from YONGSEO SPAZZ BOX.  that was really really fast..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































RAW VIDEOS- yongseo ep46wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part 1































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part 2






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part 4































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest AngelVillian




Whatever! my last batch of caps

Am going crazy~















Always showing this kinda preview.

It's just going to make me go crazy!





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Guest vmasterpiece
















































wow.. our couple is #1 in nate news search topic ^^. Everyone must be very hyper with the wedding photo shoot. just like us ^^








































cr: baidu
































PREVIEW is always spazz able LOL. Aigoo... why don't they just show it in 1 episodes.... 
































for me this is a 1 week torture... 
































going to bed now... it 4.25 am here
































THANKS EVERYONE!!! for the link, pict, translation, sub ^^









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Guest just_a_dream
















































waaah.,i'm still in Go-chun and i don't want to go down yet..i feel like staying here forevaaaaa...
































be back later guys, be watching again and again..happy spazzing everyone!.mwaah,,happy,happy,happyw00t.gif































































Edit1: @jnj: haha,i haven't touched my kleenex too..i was the one who said that, my jaw just dropped while watching because it was lagging.,hehehe...









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yong is speechless at the site of buin in the wedding dresses.

he is awed by her but at the same time..he is bored waiting for her to get changed.

that is soo typical of men! :rolleyes:

so...did anyone cry?

i didn't even touch my kleenex... :sweatingbullets:

i was sooo engrossed looking at these 2... aahh..lovely lovely lovely :wub:


hi jeanette!

u are doing fine dear.

looks like u are the magnae in this thread.. :)

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1 words.....












































































































































can we say here that this is the longest preview for us.....23 sec...
















looks like Seulong will make an appearence for this couple.
















Guess the photoshoot will be havoc with him there...
















Will he also suggest the kiss scene????









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din't manage to take more scaps of the preview but it's another DAEBAK ep.....






































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun is enjoying looking @ yong

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
















































just because I need to spazz with my In go phaem






























































Love the episode but I got to said the preview is even better Seoulong that was a bit unexpected but I love it.































BTW Yong really knows how to pick fashionable thngs looking at the preview that dress just looks stunning  from different angles. I mean the dress is stunning on itself but with Hyun in it is just even more so....

















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Great solo shots!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Okay, epic pre-epic episode.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Am I the only one who can't see pictures from Imageshack? All I'm getting is a frog.

































































































































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seulong for next week! i hope he suggest hyun and yong kiss :w00t:














now it make sense if he's the best man...he's always been their number one fan. great to see him again.














thx everyone for the links and caps!





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so hyun wears the bling bling dress that yong chose?

ahh... :wub:

during his solo shots, yong looks all shy..

and the suits doesn't fit him well...but he still looks handsome!

and hyunie..what can i say..the goddess angelic hyunie has captivated our hearts


me too aneng.

and when did u fly back to soompi? lol

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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































































































































































Seriously guys/gals, Hyun looked gorgeous in all of the dresses, and Yong, dashing in the tuxes....  They really look hawt together....  Now we have to last another week, LOL....
































































































































@jnj - "did anyone cry?" *points at magdal* :rolleyes:
































































































































@aneng - thanks for the caps, that was quick and crystal clear!  n Imageshack is a frog to me too!
































































































































Thanks for spazzing together in the spazzbox... I'm going back to youtube-land for my go-chun fix now.....  later!

































































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Guest LalaCAKES
































































































So... the preview looks DAEBAK just by watching it right?
































































Just wait until you see the subs... freaking epic....
































































I think we can expect a LOT from next week. :):):)
































































Translation preview~
































































































































<Yongseo couple's shooting continues>
































































C: Yes yes, turn towards Seohyun
































































C: Smile, smile
































































<A lovely memorable photoshoot with friends!>
































































C: Yes, slightly link arms
































































<But.. slowly.. the cameraman's wishes(?) continue to grow..>
































































SH: What??
































































YH: Why are you making me seem like a weirdo! TN: The direct translation might be weirdo, but it's more along the lines of pervert, just not as strong.
































































C: Yes this is good!
































































YH: You have to take this in one shot!
































































<Stuttering, you.. you have to take it in >
































































C: There is never a retake here
































































<What is the concept that flustered the couple>
































































C: I'll just shoot it once.
































































I don't want to get any false expectations or anything... but I really really think that we can expect at least a peck or a kiss on the forehead or SOMETHING. kekekeekee~

















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Guest glitterspark










yong's stunned expression...






he looked like he was frozen melting from her blinding beauty <3333









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Guest JeanetteCham


 Oh and yes, I forgot to share this with the Goguma Unnies/Oppas. I was quite disappointed with quite a number of gogumas and khuntorians today. :( A number of fanwars occured in JKpop3's stream today. It was really horrible. And please don't interpret this wrongly. I'm not saying Unnie/Oppas are the ones that made this happen but please. We should, no MUST be more respectful even if the people that we are talking to are YongSeo ANTI's or Khuntorians. I'm not a catholic but I'm in a catholic school and yesterday (25 Feb 2011) , during Canossian Saints Day, the father / priest (?) said one very important line and I learnt alot from it.


Love those that hate you. Yes, it's just these 5 simple words. But it means alot if u think about it. It applies to anyone here too. Please. Once again, let's be more respectful to each other.. Okay?  blush.gif And please don't think I'm scolding people. Just take this as a gentle warning. ^_^ And is it possible to attach a photo from your computer? Can any Unnie/Oppa here help? Thanks .:)




Edit: And thanks for the thumbs ups Unnies/Oppas ^_^


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OMG!! How can this two be sooo beautiful??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All the pictures are amazing!! I really like the concept!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Andd ohh their expressions...Yong was speechless!! hehehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun definitely is a Goddess...and Yong! looks so intelectual hehehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About the preview WOOOOOOOW all the shots are going to be beautiful, but I LOVE the one on the floor!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can't wait for next week!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I like that Seulong and Nayoung were there, but I wanto soshi unnies!!! =(

































































































































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