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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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My sentiment exactly. i dont know..i think the way he say it was a bit harsh.. and hyun was a bit taken back when she heard that, but she quickly covered it up by mentioning about his backpack and coat...
















If you realised afterwards, Hyun doesn't nag anymore..even when they were sitting closely  together on the couch waiting for the result, hyun just kept quite.























































Well, I think her two mistakes was telling him "I told you so" and dismissing his comment about not being able to see her "properly" if he doesn't drink coffee. I think he meant something by that, it didn't seem to be a joke. It seems that Yong sure likes his coffee and caffeine. :lol: and if he doesn't get it, he's wondering what else could help him stay awake except things he should not be trying and/or taking? Still, as women, we know that if we nag our bf/husband's about their health, it it is because we truly care and don't want to think of the alternative. Her comments later about dying and needing to "die together" pretty much said that she cannot picture her life without him in it... at least at this point in time.
































But another thing that I've noticed for the first time in these past 2 episodes is how cute and adorable and beautiful she really is. She has also become quite chatty! I don't think I've ever heard so many words come out of her mouth. ^_^ I love that she has so many opinions and is now comfortable enough to voice them freely. It is adorable.
































Also, the sucking fishies and the foot massage scenes were hilarious, and rather interesting to watch! :phew: I really liked the episode and its great that it highlighted them both enduring "painful" situations to satisfy and/or make the other happy.

















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Such a beautiful girl.
































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































I've typed something but soompi is being a b.tch.









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Guest Purehearted11












sorry guys im new im just gonna repost what eric-original said, i dont know how to quote it though. 











You know about the whole, "You're worse than my own Mother." part is very understandable as a guy's point of view.







I think she was nagging way too much and I do agree that if he didn't snap at her at that time, then she'd lose her fans.







Taking care of someone and nagging constantly is two totally different things. Nagging can ruin relationships. 











its very immature to give him minus points, he is just voicing out his opinions like us, but its unfortunate that you guys always look on the bright side and never take notice of the other peoples perspective, like once you read it, u think " oh, he is an anti " its not like that. he is just voicing out his opinions. 











very disappointing.





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Guest hihi_hehe
















































































































































lol I think we go little far from this :))
















































































































Boys don't like to be told what to do, even the things they do are bad, they won't like to be told fix it or change, that is the way boys are. Girls like to nag (don't tell me u don't, u may not nag "often" but u Do nag)
















































































































I find that scene really cute. U don't nag some one who u don't know WHAT TO NAG, Seohyun knows about Yonghwa's health conditions, she cares and she nags!
















































































































Do you find it NORMAL? Cuz I find it normal, apparently I've been nagged by mom for 18 years, and still ~
















































































































"You're worse than my mom", I've heard it a lot from my male friends when they are being nagged by their girlfriends, that doesn't mean their moms are bad and their girlfriends are worse :blink:
















































































































Do not take every word serious, ;)
















































































































I don't feel anything bad about this nagging. I think that is a way to express Seohyun's feelings, don't you think so?
















































































































U guys always want Seohyun to express herself more, So there you are , through this nagging, SH showed that she CARES about Yonghwa!
















































































































let share this experience "Boys say they don't like their girlfriends nagging, but when their girlfriends stop nagging, they say they don't care about them"

















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Guest eric-original



Boys usually feel very nervous at the hospital, especially when they go there with someone they really care about.


Here's an example of how a CARING person would sound like:

Seo: I hope there's nothing wrong with the results.

Yong: Me too.

Seo: Don't worry. Everything will be okay.

Here's an example of how a NAGGING person would sound like:

Seo: See? I told you we had to come here.

Yong: ...

Seo: Stop drinking coffee. That's bad for you.

Have a great day!


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@eric-original  Hi eric! It seems like you're against on what Hyun did in terms of reminding Yong about his health and all. Most likely, you're a guy? Some guys really think that way whenever a girl cares for them, but actually what Hyun did cannot be considered as NAGGING. The word NAGGING gives a negative connotation that you keep on bugging or annoying someone with your repetitive words without a good reason for doing so or you keep on talking without being beneficial towards the other party. For SeoHyun's situation, she was just concerned for Yong's welfare since it's pretty obvious that Yong has been doing everything that is bad for his health. Yong is one tough nut to crack just like any other guys, but too bad Hyun is a tougher nut.































































































I salute Hyun's actions towards Yong's health. She genuinely cares for him in and out of WGM that she became more observant in his actions most especially his diet. As a singer/idol, YongHwa needs to be at the best condition possible everyday despite the hectic schedule. YongHwa seems to have forsaken his health just to keep himself awake to cater on all his commitments. His improper diet and lack of sleep have summed up to a problem on his intestines. Lucky for him that he have an in-born nurse on his side to keep him fit and healthy. SeoHyun has been a constant reminder to him that despite a busy schedule you have to take care of your health if you want to stay in the business long enough.































































































It could have been an easier option for SeoHyun to just say "Be Healthy!" but she preferred the hard way. She opted to be YongHwa's conscience in terms of his health. She knows the fact that YongHwa might consider him as a nosy person for getting herself into something she shouldn't be but she took the risk since she knows that YongHwa's health is much more important than what he thinks about her.































































































I may not know what's on YongHwa's mind but I believe that more than considering SeoHyun as a NAGGER, he considers her as a GIFT. I'm pretty sure that he's thankful to have a HEALTH-FREAK wife. With SeoHyun on his side, he's sure that everything will be better for his welfare. SeoHyun have been a good influence to YongHwa in terms of his lifestyle. As a fan, I'm very much happy that it was SeoHyun who was chosen to be his wife because who knows what could've happen to YongHwa if he had a wife who lives an unhealthy life. 































































































About SeoHyun losing some fans if she continues to NAG on YongHwa, I disagree on your point. It has always been a pleasure for fans to see their Idol taking some actions on their health. If there's one thing a fan wants for his/her idol, I'm sure it is for their Idol to stay healthy everyday. A healthy Idol means he/she will stay long in the business and will be able to do more shows. One thing more, SeoHyun is not a NAGGER! and if she happens to be one in the future...I think I'll still be a fan of a HEALTH-FREAK NAGGER IDOL :)































































































This is just my opinion and I prefer to stick to it no matter what. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings :)
































































Boys usually feel very nervous at the hospital, especially when they go there with someone they really care about.
































Here's an example of how a CARING person would sound like:
































Seo: I hope there's nothing wrong with the results.
































Yong: Me too.
































Seo: Don't worry. Everything will be okay.
































Here's an example of how a NAGGING person would sound like:
































Seo: See? I told you we had to come here.
































Yong: ...
































Seo: Stop drinking coffee. That's bad for you.
































Have a great day! 





























































































































































































For this one, I think that there are different types of approaches on certain situation. Basically, YongHwa showed stubborness with regards to having a check-up and Hyun was just pointing out the fact that if they didn't go there something worse could've happened. At times, GUYS need to be pacified and brought back to their senses through not so kind words, but it is still not considered as NAGGING :) You can't expect a person to be always nice when it comes to serious matters :)































































































Have a great day too!

































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Guest lovekin








two roads diverged || one-shot




wow, so i hadn't anticipated finishing this at all in one day.  but i did.  still kind of bummed that my personal computer is out of commission and had to write this up on a shared desktop, so i don't feel like it's up to par.  dry.gif  but anyway, here you go.  and!  i know i've been posting OT3s for the past one or two ... or three ... times here, but this is YS.  sort of.  there's a bit of fluff, but it's ... well, you'll see.  sweatingbullets.gif

















You never thought things would turn out like this, did you?

 Yonghwa and Seohyun after his mandatory service (and a love that could have been).












One of the first things he does is walk into a local café.  He wouldn't have noticed her if not for her distinctive laugh, but he does so he walks over to her.







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Guest -insideout




































idk if anyone else noticed this tiny part where the mc made a little slip-up, but omg it made me so happy lol~




























in part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj9p1AWCMlA at 00:54




























MC Kwanghee: Usually your mother does those kinds of things for you, but now since it is your girlfriend doing it, it's a different feeling




























Subtitle: Usually your mother does (the health diagnosis request) for you, but when your wife does it for you, it's a different feeling




























eeeeeeeh! the wgm editors obviously noticed (cuz they rewrote the subtitle to say 'wife' instead of 'girlfriend') but the fact that they still used the clip made me happy heehehehe~ i know it doesn't mean much but stilllllllllll, my delusional and hopeful heart is happy hahahah




























anyways, i also really liked the part when hyun was talking about all his bad habits of eating (like the coffee), cause it just reminded me how much more they know of each other than simply what we as the viewers are able to see from the episodes. for example, the wgm editors only replayed back to one episode when yong was drinking the iced coffee, but the fact that hyun said he drinks it a looot shows that there are so many things going on that we aren't able to see. i guess that's why we shouldn't analyze tooo much of their words/actions from the episodes, since it is a good reminder to us that what we are shown is a result of heavy editing/cutting~




























and just a quick bit about the jansori/nagging part! from his tone of voice and the way in which he said it, it was said in a somewhat teasing sort of way, and it is something that families and couples often say to one another (in korea at least) so let's not take it too seriously~




























on a better note, this scene shows us something about yonghwa. he just told seohyun, the maknae of nation's girl group snsd, to stop nagging, and we have to realize that's not something who isn't extremeeeely comfortable with her can really do, given the type of person seohyun is. i can't really imagine anyone besides her parents and her snsd sisters being able to say that to her, nevertheless yonghwa did in-public and on-camera.




























in the very first episodes, i'm sure a lot of you remember how he mentioned in the backroom interview that he was scared that he would "get dirt on her" and "dirty her" since she was so pure. as a result, he acted with so much caution around her in the beginning, giving her almost everything she wanted and never ever pushing her too far. though some people might not like this 'nagging' scene too much, we are atleast able to see just how comfortable and confident yong is around her now to be able to say that :) also since hyun doesn't know too much about guys, i guess it teaches her a lesson not to mess with her man's pride (lol)





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Guest eric-original


@eric-original  Hi eric!


This is just my opinion and I prefer to stick to it no matter what. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings :)

Hey, I didn't read anything from your post. It was just way too long, but you didn't hurt my feelings. Have a great day.


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Regard to Yong's saying " Cut it out with the nagging. You’re worse than my mom."
































I think he is just choding~... cuz we all know that Yong's blood type is A and from earlier episode, his CN Blue bothers said that if he have anything in his mind.... he ain't goin' to say it :o. I maybe wrong, but I know Yong would never intentionally say anything that will hurt Hyun. And later on when they were waiting for the result, they wasn't talking much, its becuz they both were nervous...you will know if u went to the hospital for medical examination.
































Anyway, another jjang episode this week, Im dying in happiness......
































Gogumas Fighting!!
































DAMN, cant wait for the photo shoot episode.
































PS: Forgive me if I said anything wrong :>

















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Guest outofurReach








































































I think everyone's making a big deal out of the whole nagging issue.
























































It seems to me as if Yong actually appreciates Hyun's so-called nagging. His comment about her acting like a mom is just him being his choding self. It might have come off as rude, but it looked like he didn't have any intention of that sort.
























































If she weren't nagging, it would probably make him worry and wonder why she isn't giving a damn about his health issues.
























































And who cares if she really is a nagger, it will benefit him in the end.
























































So much for not making a big deal out of the nagging :lol:
























































Why dont't we just enjoy the recent episode now, shall we? :sweatingbullets::rolleyes:









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Guest MiSsZiRa

herm.. i think that's normal habits either woman or man, no one like others people nagging to us..nagging not too bad, but just to show that she cares about him and want take care his health like she does for herself..also, she knows her husband like eat something  which is not good for his health..and we must relieve she is very caring person and want her hubby stay healthy all the life like she said 'we must die together', and as we knows she very caring about health compare other SNSD member's..maybe she feels a little bit sad, but she can control that situation because from the start she knows that her hubby don't want go to hospital.

i really like them..it is usual if we fight or dislike something with partner..because for me, different things can fulfilled a blank things..same thing can fixed it to be tough..so finally we completely each other..;)

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Hey, I didn't read anything from your post. It was just way too long, but you didn't hurt my feelings. Have a great day.
































Yeah! It was too long but I guess I was able to elaborate my thoughts through it :) It's also important that you read other people's POV so that you won't end up as close-minded on certain issues. Just an advice  :) 

































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Guest eric-original


Yeah! It was too long but I guess I was able to elaborate my thoughts through it :) It's also important that you read other people's POV so that you won't end up as close-minded on certain issues. Just an advice  :) 

I really don't need advices from you at this moment.


If you really want to start nagging, just private message me. This is not a blog, it's a forum post.


Your opinion is yours. Don't try to rewrite over mine.

Thanks a lot for calling me close-minded. I don't even know you.


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Guest lovekin












Boys usually feel very nervous at the hospital, especially when they go there with someone they really care about.






Here's an example of how a CARING person would sound like:




Seo: I hope there's nothing wrong with the results.




Yong: Me too.




Seo: Don't worry. Everything will be okay.








Here's an example of how a NAGGING person would sound like:




Seo: See? I told you we had to come here.




Yong: ...




Seo: Stop drinking coffee. That's bad for you.








Have a great day!













sorry if you're getting (-) because i don't think it's fair at all.








however, while i do understand your opinion - that you think there is a distinct difference between caring and nagging (and there is) - i do think it's unfair to imply that nagging can't be synonymous with caring about someone.  seo indeed nagged yong about his health and disregarded the probability that he was already thinking about changing his habits (as per his blackroom interview), but she's also not a mind-reader.  and i suppose if one is more aware of seo's personality, they'd also realize that she inherently worries - more than is necessary.








but it still comes down to the fact that she's doing it for his benefit.  yong and seo are both human, and there are going to be ways in which they address things that the other doesn't find favorable at all.  but if you're going to come here with a topic that's likely going to ruffle some feathers, at least consider both sides of the fence before trying to portray a side that's strictly black and white.





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




























I've read something here that made me come out of lurking.




















About Yong telling Seohyun that "your worse than my mom.", from a guy's perspective, is a natural thing to say, especially if your really close to that girl. if you are comfortable to that girl, things like this can just pop out without thinking about it. and we guys don't like it when our girl is nagging us. this goes to show how comfortable he really is with her. although it came out a bit harsh. but trust me, these kinds of statements comes out once in a while between a couple. I believe I told my girlfriend that she was worse than my mom when she nags me about something. we've been dating for 4 years and things like that are just blurted out since we are very comfortable with each other.




















Yonghwa is also from Busan. I believe that Busan people are tough with their words. So Yonghwa could have said it without meaning any harm, but as outsiders looking in, some of us felt disappointed when he said that Seohyun was worse than his mom. but Seohyun took it quite well in my opinion, although she might have felt a little hurt, after that she was ok. that happens between couples. It may have sounded harsh and she might have been hurt by that a little bit, but I feel that Seohyun understood Yonghwa when he said that.




















Men and women will always be different, but if they understand one another, things will work out. and I do believe that Yonghwa and Seohyun understands each other well.





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Lol, what's up with these petty arguments?
















Has everyone forgotten that this IS SeoHyun's first "relationship" with a guy? Fake or not, it's already evident that she's invested much of her emotions and trust in this particular guy, and vice-versa. She wouldn't have prepared such a romantic yet simple event for him for his birthday, or give him a silver couple ring to signify that he's hers. or clung onto his arm. She thinks and cares for him more than just any guy friend she has/had.
















As mentioned, this is her first time having a "boyfriend." She is only human and therefore not perfect. She's still inexperienced than most females of her age and status. For her to "lash out" or "nag" at Yong is the perfect example of her showing her still immature (innocence in this field), for the lack of better word, self. It is a normal reaction. Likewise for Yong. The flow of conversation was natural. Plus, as soon as Yong pointed the fact that Hyun was actually "nagging" him, she immediately stopped and started picking out more eloquent words so as not to offend him.
















Why would Hyun even have lesser fans? Just because of voicing her own opinion? Or being herself? If anything, it was adorable and interesting to see her get out of her shell and finally see her attack or be someone who is her age. Why does she have to act so upright all the time? Didn't we love this couple for being natural and for their humility? Or am I in the wrong club right now?
















Also, the negative remarks are more of a sign of disagreement or warning (if you have disobeyed one of the rules of this thread). It can also be used to voice out one's opinion, that "I don't see why this is relevant, or I disagree with your POV." Plain and simple like that. Each negative does not necessarily mean that you are classified as an anti fan, but just a guy with a different perspective than most. Just saying.









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I really don't need advices from you at this moment.






























































































































If you really want to start nagging, just private message me. This is not a blog, it's a forum post.






























































































































Your opinion is yours. Don't try to rewrite over mine.































































Thanks a lot for calling me close-minded. I don't even know you.































































I never said that you're close-minded...you might wanna reread my post :) I would never say anything bad to you since I don't know you personally :)  
































I'm just quoting your post to determine which post of yours I'm replying to :)































































































There's no point to debate on things which is a s petty as this but I must say that your choice of words are way over board. It's a forum so everyone's entitled to say something as long as they don't bash or hurt someone. Just like what you've said I didn't hurt your feelings so I'm free to post here :)































































































To the others out there, let's enjoy the previous episode and I'm sure that the next one will be another Daebak episode. It will be nice to see the unpatient side of SeoHyun. It only shows that she's not perfect and that YongSeo matches each other well. SeoHyun's strengths anre YongHwa's weaknesses and vice versa... Let's keep the thread rolling :)

































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You know about the whole, "You're worse than my own Mother." part is very understandable as a guy's point of view.

I think she was nagging way too much and I do agree that if he didn't snap at her at that time, then she'd lose her fans.

Taking care of someone and nagging constantly is two totally different things. Nagging can ruin relationships.

guys don't like to be nag even tho they know its all done for a good cause. :rolleyes:

hyun is in the process of learning, its her first relationship anw.

she nags because she cares/worries and also she knows his bad eating habits,

but can't get him to stop, only when the dr confirms it, that's why she is

brave enough to say "i told u so.." :sweatingbullets:

yong is not the first guy to snap at his wife/gf and hyun will definitely not be the

last girl to be snapped at.

yongseo is real.. :wub:

but the day will come when yong will miss that nagging part and will start to wonder

"does hyun stop caring abt me?" :phew:

and lucky for yong, he has the most patient buin who takes things into her stride.

one more thing, eric, care to share what do u mean by 'lose her fans?'

u mean to say hyun's fanboys?

oops! what happen to this thread? :unsure::(

hi ammel! nice to see u here.

anymore parodies? do one on the leg grabbing! lol

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Guest The Hamzter
































































Backup Links via DailyMotion for this weeks WGM 43 English subbed by Tetsuya and Sonems.
































part 1 - Daily Motion You Tube

















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