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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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can someone tell me how to post picture at here !? when i post it always say must be 20 character ~ i not understand~ pls someone ? im still new at here~:sweatingbullets:






I'm not quite sure, maybe you have to add some words in addition to those codes for pics.






As CallMeDayDreamer already posted how to post pic here, so I just quoted that post again.






How to insert pics:





























or this...












Just found this new fmv for the latest ep by youmustknowme88. Yongseo 42 (Oh Baby)


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Guest The Hamzter
















































Hii this is my first post. I have been lurking for weeks.
































First of all thanks to M3, DDuk and all who provide the translations. I can't remember all the names so hope you guys don't mind
































Just want to share this little image that I made for fun using Photoshop.
































I hope you all like it.
































*quoted image*
































Original image credits: DC married (from aneng post)































































So i made a gif signature today using the images of Aneng and Oniza and i turned it into a gif the link for the gif is http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/5283/seobabyapproves.gif lol lurveeee it!

















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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
































hi guys....
























after watch this episode a several time...something pop in my head...
























this part when yonghwa said about the list of question that seohyun made for MIL
























i'm guessing it's after yonghwa watch their backroom interview so it means after busan episode they filming at their house in another week ?
























and also there is a line that yonghwa said in backroom interview that after seohyun perform hoot their go to japan straight away and that only happen when gayo daejun 3 days in the row (sbs mbc and kbs) happen...
























does it means that during between does gayo performance they have shooting this episode at night or before they doing the ski resort ?







































































Just to answer your question the hospital episode was film on Dec. 7 around the time where their 300th day anniversary happend. So yeah it was film before the ski resort that was film about a week and a half later.
























BTW I finally had a chance to watch the episode OMG I'm dying what a beautiful episode this is. I really can't waited for the wedding photoshoot is really going to be the cherry on top so far 2011 is the best year ever so far as the In-go-phae are concerned.









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OMG! This episode was sooo cute! I loved the part the 'arguing' when they were sitting on the sofa! They look sooo comfortable now and Seohyun seemed soo happy when she was talking to Yong, it was freaking cuute! They're soo adorable, every week I freak out because of the little things they do! I can't wait for next week's pinky holding!! I'm wondering though, when will we actual get to see the Wedding shoot..because after the hospital/massage episode, there's the ski trip and then there's the photoshoot and the shopping..But of course, the ski trip will most likely last more than one episode, at least 2 or 3 like they did with the Busan trip. So will we just get to see the wedding shoot in a month!? :( Maan that's sooo long!! But every episode is daebaak, so at least I can patiently wait for the Wedding episode by spazzing over the other episodes :)


But there's something else that I've been asking myself..Hyun and Yong were at their house at 9 AM and Seohyun was sleeping..So does that mean they actually slept in their house? Or did they just meet at 8 AM and since Seohyun was tired she went to sleep? I was just wondering if they actually used the bed xD I saw an Adam couple scene where GaIn was sleeping and Jo Kwon was waking her up by playing piano, so it just kinda intrigued me and from then on, I wondered if the couples actually slept in their houses... xD



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Guest gogumaforever






As expected, all I can read on everyone's post is this episode is daebakk!!!!


Hello fellow kamotes (gogumas). Wahhh after the japan episode (ep31), we’re receiving better and lovelier yongseo moments every week. The skinship comes out so real and natural especially on this one.


Just want to share my 2¢…, actually it’s more than 2¢, thereare a lot of beautiful scenes that I have to mention for me to be able to return to earth…especially on the last part. Please allow me as I am in GO-CHUN for quite a while now, kekeke.


1.      Yong husband’ chingus are so nice, giving away points to hyun on handling her nampyeon. And when Okhun (did I get his nameright? friend sits across yong) says show all the sides,couple fights, but without divorcing. Don’t let a scandal erupt. “  ahh the entire goguma universe wishes the same thing too, especially the don’t divorce thing.Kekeke


2.      I just hope they held hands while going to school (am I addicted to their sweetness? Please tell me? Hehehe)


3.      The Banmal Song as a background, nice to hear it,hope they will use it as often as possible, until yongseo talks about it. Though the MC’s didn’t comment about the song when it was played.


4.      I melted when yong wakes up his buin, from the whisper to tapping her hand, so gentle and sweet. Can yong’s sweetness be included as one of the existing contagious diseases that men will get whether they like it or not? Girls love those kinds of treatment. He is reallya nice, warm and gentle person. You can clearly see his true feelings, he literally gave it all a way, for us to witness. I envy SeoHyun.  So lucky.


5.      Hyun is all over Yong, he cooked for her, he serves her, he composes songs for her!!! My thoughts are same with mrsjoker. HE CAN COOK!!! He’s so versatile.  Love him following her, he knew about the diary and hyun calling his mom. (which btw is already BTS)


6.      Conversation with Yong’s omoni. Tell me, if they aren’t real, why hyun exerting so much effort to be close with yong’s mom outside WGM? They look so close already, and the husband’s facial expression shows how happy he is. wonder what hyun's real mom says? will she be jealous to yong's omoni?


7.      The necklace and the “flirting on the couch”scene. The distance between them sitting on that couch before disappears. See how yong leans to hyun and how she leans to yong. I can’t get over it.


8.      Yong is afraid of hospital and needles. Men… what it is with them acting so tough but scared of needles … so funny that hyun needs to really persuades and bribe (go get a checkup and then get a massage) him to go to the hospital.


9.      Preview. Hyun holding yong’s pinky. How comfortable is she only to him? ( I watched the famous SMtown duet, its way way way, beyond better if it is with yong)


Isn’t it a wonderful, fantastic, magnificent, impressive, excellent episode or what? (did I mention all the adjectives to describe it?kekeke)


Does anyone has a full part 3???


Lastly, my warmest thanks to DDUK  for a complete translation. M3 for the live translation, vmasterpiece and destinedsone_tifanny for the translation as well, TheSoneSource19 &SmiLe@YS fb for the videos and to everyone who made an effort to upload screencaps and to all who are present at the live chat, that was really fun and till next week goguma chingus. (it sounds like im giving a winning speech hahah)


Sorry for my essay. Hope you have time to read and comment on it.



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Can I ask which part is the first cap of aneng's post? _I rewatched the episode like hundred times, and still I cant find that part. Im curious cause it looks cute! n_n please help me n_n
































































































































































Hi, sorry to cut your post, here you go the scene from aneng´s pictures :rolleyes:  ep 42-5 . (min 4:47)
































































































































































After read the translation (thank U again Dduck) I have a lot doubts, haha, this two are becoming mysterious to me haha...
































































































































































First the meeting with Yong´s friends was really sweet. Yejie is super cute ^^ and the others friends too, such a good friends and we can see they really love Yong.
































































































































































I liked it when the last shy friend said to them to show all the couples´s sides, even fights but don´t get divorce!!! LOL Hyun looked inmediatly at Yong, was so sweet ^^. Also like the phonecall with the army friend, such a funny guy!.  I want him in another episode teasing Yong around :phew:.
































































































































































Then the Banmal song was so perfect with their final thoughts about Busan trip. Seo was so sincere with her words. I think she loved the fact that Yong´s personality has been the same throughout his life. I also think she really loved to confirm that he is sincere, that he is himself when they are together. Must be hard and confusing for them, as many of you had say, been in this tv show having real feelings for each other (ok, we don´t know for sure but our hearts are yelling to us that they have feelings ^^).  They must have questioned  their actions everytime. I really want them to talk about it (off camera, of course), they really need it :wub:.
































































































































































Hyun saying that she miss her friends kind of broke my heart... if she wants to, I hope they can hang around in WGM too, even without Yong LOL, I would be so happy for her...
































































































































































Now second part... :wub::wub::wub: ottokee, I´m not good enough to express my feelings about it.
































































































































































Did you see how shy got Yong when he was saying that he cooked because Hyun was tired??? ... In my country there is a word (idiom) for this kind of guys, it is "Macabeo". which means that the guy would do anything his girl ask for LOL!!! I think Yong is like that, he would do anything for her :rolleyes:.
































































































































































He looked so cute, sweet,sexy, manly during the whole episode!. The way he woke her up was just too dlkjldajdsadlk (following the new trend here). Flirty Yong is jkallksdjajd, also choding Yong was jksdadjlksdljak, and don´t let me to start with puppy Yong LOL.
































































































































































What was that about Hyun talking with MIL on the phone??? Could this be true or only for the show? Cause, if this is true then speaks a lot about YongSeo relationship ^^. I will be Delusional again but it seemed to me that MIL knew that was Hyun´s phone cause she got surprised when she heard Yong´s voice... I´m really really curious about it. I liked the way Yong got ashamed when MIL asked Hyun to take care of him.
































































































































































The diary thing was cute too. Can you imagine how many pages must be dedicated to YongHwa in it? Not wonder why Hyun didn´t want him to take a look! hehe... and talking about the diary, she did plan to ask about Yong´s ex girlfriends after all... Good Hyun, well done!
































































































































































Hyun can´t help but get nervous when Yong is sweet with her, she is so cute! I think they really need to spend time alone (and if it is in a very small room much better) LOL!
































































































































































The rest has been mentioned for all of You, I like, love this episode completely! the chemistry between them can´t be controled anymore XD!!!
































































































































































Sorry for this essay -_-.

































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Guest yongseorockin


Sorry guys, just something on my mind. I watched the previous episode and the book Hyun was holding was PINK in colour. So why did it change to GREEN in this episode. The weird part is, they even showed a replay of it that the book was PINK in colour. Here's the screen shot








Notice in the small box below, its PINK.








Now it turns Green!




Anybody have the same thoughts as me?


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Guest Fluorescent.Flower
































































































































































































Sorry guys, just something on my mind. I watched the previous episode and the book Hyun was holding was PINK in colour. So why did it change to GREEN in this episode. The weird part is, they even showed a replay of it that the book was PINK in colour. Here's the screen shot
































































































































































*quoted image*
































































































































































Notice in the small box below, its PINK.
































































































































































*quoted image*
































































































































































Now it turns Green!
































































































































































Anybody have the same thoughts as me?































































































































































































































































































































Oh, you're right. But I believe the book doesn't have a hardcore cover therefore Seohyun has different coloured covers for it. If you go back to episode 39 and watch part 3 at 8:23 - you can see the pink is just a cover and is almost revealing the nude book. That, or she copied and pasted her questions, lol. Not sure, but those two are my best guesses.

































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Guest Yangie12



Oh, you're right. But I believe the book doesn't have a hardcore cover therefore Seohyun has different coloured covers for it. If you go back to episode 39 and watch part 3 at 8:23 - you can see the pink is just a cover and is almost revealing the nude book. That, or she copied and pasted her questions, lol. Not sure, but those two are my best guesses.














I agree. I think Seohyun indeed has different covers for her notebook. If I remember correctly, didn't she mention that because her notebook is originally white, that it has become a bit dirty? Not sure in which episode she mentioned it though..














I had such a busy day today..wasn't even able to watch the newest Yongseo couple until I came how in the late evening. This episode is again, amazing! Didn't anybody's heart fluttered when Yong scooted very close to Seohyun when he mentioned their necklace? I mean, he was like suddenly..REALLY REALLY CLOSE. Of course, I'm always very excited when I'm watching Yongseo, but this time, it was very extreme haha. I noticed that Seohyun shyly scooted a bit away after that and I think that's such an indication that her heart skipped a beat too. Usually, when our crush suddenly does a unexpected and intimate movement, don't we all back off a bit because we are so overwhelmed? I remember when my past crush suddenly placed his hand on top of mine, I quickly withdrew my hand because I was so shy and didn't know what to do. My hear was beating so fast that I almost thought I would faint..(okay, bit exaggerated, but you get my point). My god, imagine how Hyun's heart was at that moment!



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Guest gogumaforever
































































Just thinking, while streaming yesterday, after our couple, its khuntoria, their house is much bigger and has a nicer kitchen as well as with adam’s… I wonder why? Yongseo’s is much cozier and simpler, though I find it good and real, I can’t help to compare.dont you?
































Btw, CN Blue Thailand concert wasjjang!! Extremely! The ring ding dong is all over Thailand kekeke

















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Guest Fluorescent.Flower
































































































































































































Just thinking, while streaming yesterday, after our couple, its khuntoria, their house is much bigger and has a nicer kitchen as well as with adam’s… I wonder why? Yongseo’s is much cozier and simpler, though I find it good and real, I can’t help to compare.dont you?
































































































































































Btw, CN Blue Thailand concert wasjjang!! Extremely! The ring ding dong is all over Thailand kekeke































































































































































































































































































































I always wondered about that too. Adam couple's situation is understandable, they did have a pretty horrible house (it couldn't even be called a house, more like a caravan) in the beginning and eventually settled in a nice apartment towards the end. But KhunToria's first house was exclusively available to foreigners only, so the PD put a lot of effort in getting it, as well as a lot of money. It is quite unfair that the seniors of WGM (YongSeo) are still living on the second floor of somebody's house. However, they are younger than KhunToria (Nichkun is 23 and Victoria is going to be 24 in four days) so I believe they as well as the PD find it suitable for their age. Still, I was expecting them to move to another house, a much nicer one. But this house seems more like home now, even though I'm not living in it. The yellow sofa, the Avatar themed balcony, the small kitchen and their cozy bedroom has given us unforgettable moments, so now I kind of want them to remain there.

































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Guest aya otohata

I don't know what the Adam couple's house looks like. I only saw Khuntoria's and you guys are right...it looks pretty and expensive. But, I get more feeling of warmth in Yongseo's. So, I don't wish for them to get a new house...they've made so much memory in that place...and they really made it their own..it's home. When you enter their place, you immediately know it's theirs.

And of course, if they move...what will happen to the fashionable owner that lives on the first floor and her dog, of course? lol.

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Guest Yangie12


















Don't know if you guys has seen it already, but SONEms.net has already subbed the first two parts! They are so fast!










































credits: Tetsuya @sonems.net














edit: Oh wells, just saw that Tetsuya9 already posted it up..hm, well, nothing wrong with reposting it right? ^^



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for the house, i dont want them to move at all. i even not jealous when i saw khuntoria house. because i want yongseo in this house. they are young, and still alot to learn. thats why i love PDs, they always try to make their missions simple but meaningful not glamous. you can be glomous on the stage but when they are outside, they are just normal person. i really like they work for charity some days. young people need to learn and appreciate then they can have more meaningful life. thats what yong and hyun doing now. and make me love them.


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Guest gogumaforever
































































like linh80, aya otohata & Fluorescent.Flower i dont like them to move from their house as well. they had all the memories on that house. they made it their own. it suits both of them.































































with all the experiences they had in it, from decorating it, meeting SILs and BIL, the making of sea-flavor kimchi, first foreign visitor Ueno Juri, banmal song recording and first cooking of yong for hyun.... and more more more to come.































































but it made me wonder... khuntoria's (saw it only yesterday) and adam's house (saw it during their final ep) looks really fabulous and expensive.  Saw one and final episode also of lettuce couple of WGM1, their house were much bigger, i guess it was a 2-story house (if i remember it right). just curious on what are the basis of PD in choosing every couple's houses? ....just a question... nothing to argue about ^_^































































(yongseo is the only couple i watch from beginning up to now. as my soompi name says it all)laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif 































































but anyway, the sangdodong house will never be the same again. its yongseo house in goguma village. that's their address, kekeke...

















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Guest Hajin100




What a fun episode! Like everyone's already said so many times, these two are just fun to watch because there are genuine feelings of friendship and warmth between them, whether they are a real couple or not.




A few of my favorite parts?




I really liked when they hung out with Yong's friends and when his friend called, Yonghwa told him to speak to 우리서현 (our Seohyun). Cute!




Also found it hysterical when the MC mentioned that the meal Yong was cooking looked like Shabu Shabu, but they kept calling it bulgogi. Hah! He looked so put out!




Also thought it was really cute when Hyun mentioned Yong going to the bathroom, she was massaging his neck/shoulder knowing he would be embarassed (haha, rightly so)!




I started following WGM because I'm secretly in "love" with Yonghwa from the time he was in YAB through CNBlue's debut and he consistently shows me why he is worthy of my ridiculous schoolgirl crush.



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What a fun episode! Like everyone's already said so many times, these two are just fun to watch because there are genuine feelings of friendship and warmth between them, whether they are a real couple or not.
































































































































































































































A few of my favorite parts?
































































































































































































































I really liked when they hung out with Yong's friends and when his friend called, Yonghwa told him to speak to 우리서현 (our Seohyun). Cute!
































































































































































































































Also found it hysterical when the MC mentioned that the meal Yong was cooking looked like Shabu Shabu, but they kept calling it bulgogi. Hah! He looked so put out!
































































































































































































































Also thought it was really cute when Hyun mentioned Yong going to the bathroom, she was massaging his neck/shoulder knowing he would be embarassed (haha, rightly so)!
































































































































































































































I started following WGM because I'm secretly in "love" with Yonghwa from the time he was in YAB through CNBlue's debut and he consistently shows me why he is worthy of my ridiculous schoolgirl crush.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i know exactly what you mean , i was a big fan of Shinwoo from the drama "you're beautiful " before he is Yong seobang

































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Guest seohyungeneration
































HI. I wish PD of WGM will see this.
































Wish lists:
















1) Yongwha to pick up Seohyun after school.
















2) Seohyun to surprise Yongwha in a guitar performance any of Yongwha's favorite song. 
















3) Another activity at home like any normal couple do.
















4) More backroom interviews.
















5) No cameramen with them. Just install camera around the house and let them do whatever they want so it will be spontaneous and they will not be conscious.
















6) Seohyun's family and friends to meet Yongwha.
















7) Seohyun to randomly shout or call Yongwha "Yongwha ya" like he wished to be called.
















8) Surprise Yongwha with his favorite food.
















9) Yongwha to go see Seohyun perform in SNSD concert.
















10) Both of them in a trip out of the country for a print ad commercial, magazine cover or TV commercial.
















11) Both of them in a variety show.
















12) Seohyun to dance GEE for Yongwha (he wished for this the early epi).
















13) Yongwha to play the guitar and sing the banmal song inside their house for Seohyun. Even 2-3 paragraphs is enough. As long as he sings for her that song.
















14) Seohyun to buy Yongwha other gifts instead of books. Something he likes (accessories perhaps?)
















15) Another episode with SNSD and CNBlue.
















16) Seohyun on every episode to at least speak Banmal to Yongwha so she'll get used to it. Remember Seohyun this is "self-development".
















17) Spent more than one day together all by themselves. At least two days together outside Seoul or outside the country again without pressure from work.
















18) Seohyun to call Yongwha to compliment him on his activity. Just to let him know she is also monitoring him (example: being on the orion chart, etc.). Remember the advice of his friends.
















19) Any activity that will be meaningful that will be different from Yongwha's activities with his previous girlfriends. So he will never forget Seohyun. Activities which is uniquely with only Seohyun and him alone. 
















20) Gogumas to add more of this wish lists so if ever PD will see this I wish he'll/she'll do this for Yongwha and Seohyun.
































Another wish list
















20) They never had a romantic dinner date.
















21) Jeju island trip (mentioned by Yongwha in his previous interview). 
















22) A trip outside the country for a Carribean trip, hawaii trip or any island trip.
















HI. I wish PD of WGM will see this.
































Wish lists:
















1) Yongwha to pick up Seohyun after school.
















2) Seohyun to surprise Yongwha in a guitar performance any of Yongwha's favorite song. 
















3) Another activity at home like any normal couple do.
















4) More backroom interviews.
















5) No cameramen with them. Just install camera around the house and let them do whatever they want so it will be spontaneous and they will not be conscious.
















6) Seohyun's family and friends to meet Yongwha.
















7) Seohyun to randomly shout or call Yongwha "Yongwha ya" like he wished to be called.
















8) Surprise Yongwha with his favorite food.
















9) Yongwha to go see Seohyun perform in SNSD concert.
















10) Both of them in a trip out of the country for a print ad commercial, magazine cover or TV commercial.
















11) Both of them in a variety show.
















12) Seohyun to dance GEE for Yongwha (he wished for this the early epi).
















13) Yongwha to play the guitar and sing the banmal song inside their house for Seohyun. Even 2-3 paragraphs is enough. As long as he sings for her that song.
















14) Seohyun to buy Yongwha other gifts instead of books. Something he likes (accessories perhaps?)
















15) Another episode with SNSD and CNBlue.
















16) Seohyun on every episode to at least speak Banmal to Yongwha so she'll get used to it. Remember Seohyun this is "self-development".
















17) Spent more than one day together all by themselves. At least two days together outside Seoul or outside the country again without pressure from work.
















18) Seohyun to call Yongwha to compliment him on his activity. Just to let him know she is also monitoring him (example: being on the orion chart, etc.). Remember the advice of his friends.
















19) Any activity that will be meaningful that will be different from Yongwha's activities with his previous girlfriends. So he will never forget Seohyun. Activities which is uniquely with only Seohyun and him alone. 
















20) Gogumas to add more of this wish lists so if ever PD will see this I wish he'll/she'll do this for Yongwha and Seohyun.

































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The ratings for We Got Married Season 2 on January 29th 2011
















































































































credit: TNmS
















































































































































































































































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Yayyy just finish download for eng sub,, i hope part 3 is coming out soon.. it was my fav afterall but for uploader,, dont work too hard, we can b patient anyway^^ goguma is patient hoho































































































































maybe my point of view is just the same with all of goguma here but i just cant help but Post kyaaa






























































































































































































































































first its really nice to see them wit yong's friends, hyun look comfortable and didnt force herself to get a long well with them, in the past i believe hyun will make the other uncomfortable bcoz of her no matter with same age or even older?? *flashback first meeting with CNBlue BIL*, thanks to yonghwa *oh i cant stop thank him* he just create a big change to SNSD magnae Seohyun life less than a year, its wonderfull































































































































and his friends look nervous until the end except yejie, thanks to yejie too,, i think bcoz of her we got to know the upcoming date at ski resort yaaayyyy, our yongseo even still playfull in front of people, when yong refuse to teach hyun snowboarding, not awkward at all, love it!!!






























































































































































































































































and the second part!! oh how i love every second in it, starting whit yong make the breakfast even the MC didnt know what will he make, yes yes he's good at cooking XDXD,, kyaa i want my own yooonggg,, he is just perfect version for a future boyfriend/husband for all girls, lucky you hyuun































































































































i wonder how did hyun end up sleeping there? is she arrive first?? or yong first?? or was yong who told her to sleep a bit?? or she was already sleep when yong arrive?? oh i cant make a theory i just can imagine my own version kekke. and the bed scene kyaaaaaa seohyun is really pretty,, sleeping beauty XD, how can yong just sit there without kissing her lips to wake her up?? when the goddess just infront of him, i bet his heart when dugeun dugeun ever since he enter the room,, now they really looks like a married couple. even as a girl i admire hyun beauty as well the more i see her the more she look pretty. and also in the blackroom interview!! how can i describe her?? she just looks like a princess,, i mean really really princess, from fairy tale, with the pigtail but the story is not about prince anyway its all about rocker who fall in love to princess kyaaaaa *should i start to make a fairy tale then?* oh my im going crazy






























































































































































































































































and WTH..... hyun have MIL phone number?? wow that was unexpected, i always imagine that sometime hyun will phone talk with MIL but for all godness its just my imagination and i didnt expect it to be true but now its All true, XD dream come true XDXD i wonder how did she get MIL number?? did they exchange number at busan?? i believe it was not yong who give hyun,, maybe he give his mother hyun's number kekke































































































































and looks like hyun and MIL had talk before this eps record, i heard this eps record its just 2 days after the went to busan?? and they had talk less than 2 days after they met *despite her busy schedule?*?? WOWWWW what did they talk about?? secret??? its not only yong who curious about it.. me too me too!!!































































































































and yong teasing hyun about the necklace is just hilarious XD yeah i never saw hyun that happy, not everywhere,, yong is leaning really close with her,, yong puppy is funny too haha..































































































































and yeah i just realize when they talking about mission yong held hyun's phone,, ummm it is really personal, even for me i cant even let my friend to take a look at my phone freely,






























































































































































































































































anyways who is the MC?? i can recognize that guy from ZE:A,, he talks looks like ajuma *no offense*































































































































and the girl.. is she from CoEd?? where is seulong and jinwoon?? dont tell me they will quit as WGM MC bcoz adam couple is end?? no no no they cant,, i love the original MC






























































































































































































































































OH i need to go, need to eat breakfast if not my health will gone bad *Seohyun advice*































































































































Too much too spazz i can make a papers with this, oh not to forget to thanks all our goguma hero M3, dduk and i cant remember your guys name one by one thanks for all your effort, may our love for this couple gain so much positive thing for all of us































































































































Anyeong goguma i will leave the rest for you!!! :D
































































































































































































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