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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Wow! Thank you mountainmadman for that translation! I'm sitting here spazzing to myself, just about managing not to squeal!! Can't wait to hear Yong's version of the song! And the lyrics! What will Yong SAY?????
















































I LOVE the new title!!!!!!!
















































For the first time couple in love
















































How cute is that!!
















































Aaaaah!! Is Yong trying to tell us something???
















































I'm convinced all those cheesy lines he throws at Hyun are deeply meant....... (delusional, much?)
































































































Aah, my MIL just passed by, need to stop grinning like a moron at my PC screen. She'll wonder what I'm up to :blink:
















































Have been watching and re-watching Episode 39 and I cannot get over how manly Yong is in it! And hyun is like the perfect feminine counterpart. Can spazz all over again about how much I loved this episode but will restrain myself.....
















































Sorry - topped the page, so will post mountainmadman's translation again.....
















































Aneng's article, translated (after spending a few minutes quietly spazzing to myself):
































































































The 'Banmal Song' will have an official release as a single.
















































The 'Banmal Song', which Jung Yonghwa composed and wrote himself, was shown on MBC's 'We Got Married 2' and will be revealed to the fans with a new name on the 14th: "For the First-Time Couple in Love".
















































The single was part of a mission for 'We Got Married 2' in which they had to film a UCC. Posted on Youtube, it received over 2 million hits. It has drawn much attention and parodies from different countries.
















































After the UCC debut, the interest of the fans were high and there were many requests and questions about the single release.
















































The song to be revealed has changed its name from 'Banmal Song' to 'For the First-Time Couple in Love (subtitle Banmal Song)'. It was rewritten as Jung Yonghwa's solo effort with an easy melody and a light acoustic sound with loving lyrics that allow new lovers to get closer to one another.
















































Currently, CN BLUE is performing in Japan, starting in Osaka and traveling to 4 different cities as part of their 'Zepp Tour' along with their new Japanese album.
































































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Guest Kerube-Chan














OMG I am stupidly grinning from ear to ear... OMG I am so gonna buy the song... And the new name is "For the First-Time Couple in Love".... Ahhhh Yonghwa are you sending us a message!!!!










If this have me spazzing so badly, I dont know what is going to happen when the song is out!!!










And what a beautiful pic for the song... I love it!!! I love it, I love it, I love it!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!! I cant control myself this is bad..... @_@ XD










MMM, thank you so much for the translation of the article and Aneng for the news...










Does anyone know if they are going to release a CD, I prefer to buy the CD, but if it just the digital song, I will buy it regardless of what!!!










Happy spazzing!!! What a great way to end my day!!!!










Edit: Just because I love the cover... there are cats and birds, and SH and YH together and YH is holding roses... He is such a romantic... kekekekeke I am being delusional I know.. dont worry.... XD













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OMG! OMG! OMG! spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I´m so happy, shaking just like I was when I watched ep 27, OMG!!! hahaha.:wub:








































I´m dying to know the lyrics, thanks Mountainmadman for the translation, thank you so much aneng for bringing the picture... OMG, sorry, I only have my yongSeo neuron working now :)!!!!















































































EDIT: For the title, he said that he want this song to be a present for Hyun or a message for her and for the couples that are in love for the first time or something like that ^^ (I need to check) (Ok I think I dreamed about it? LOL, I can´t find it, blush.gif). For me, YongHwa is giving his song to Seo as a present, for her "real" first love (who we all hope cough including Yong cough to be him) :wub::wub: ottokeeeeeee!!!









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Guest niiychan
































































































































i really wish yongseo did photo shoot like Fluorescent.Flower posted.
































































































kyaa.. cant imagine it... saturday.. palii !! pali !! >_<































































































































































































and also eric-original cap.. is it from you're beatiful ?
































































































that scene is really sweet.. hope it also happen in wgm with our seobaby. kekekeke. :P

















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Guest fabiistar07



















i can't wait for the realease of "For the First-Time Couple in Love".




but i have a question abt the title




does it mean that it's for a couple (who have never dated before, which is why it says 'first-time couple') and are now in love?







or .. that the couple is feeling in love for the first time ever?




sorry about the random and very confusing question, it made more sense in my head :sweatingbullets:





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gogumas!!!! i just wanna say..








































 i can't wait for their wedding photo!!!!!!!!!!:wub::wub::wub:








































.. i hope PD-nim will use the song "marry me" by train as the song :wub:








































if i only know how to make videos with our couple's picture with this song hahahaha...








































this is the lyrics :








































Forever can never be long enough for me








































Feel like I've had long enough with you








































Forget the world now we won't let them see








































But there's one thing left to do








































Now that the weight has lifted








































Love has surely shifted my way








































Marry Me








































Today and every day








































Marry Me








































If I ever get the nerve to say








































Hello in this cafe








































Say you will








































Say you will








































Together can never be close enough for me








































Feel like I am close enough to you








































You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love








































And you're beautiful








































Now that the wait is over








































And love and has finally shown her my way








































Marry me








































Today and every day








































Marry me








































If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe








































Say you will








































Say you will
















































































Promise me








































You'll always be








































Happy by my side








































I promise to








































Sing to you








































When all the music dies








































And marry me








































Today and everyday








































Marry me








































If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe








































Say you will








































Say you will








































Marry me








































and this is the link for the song:























































































































enjoy :wub::wub::wub:









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Guest MountainMadman

I apologize for posting two posts so close to one another, but I have my daily update of Love Story posted to LiveJournal. Enjoy. :)


EDIT: @fabiistar07: I think that it can be taken both ways...it's very ambiguous, even in Korean. It can mean that they might've had relationships before, but this is the first time being in love...or it could mean that this is their first time in a relationship, regardless of being in love or not, and the word 'sarang' is used simply to refer to them being in a relationship.

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Hello my lovely gogumas....































































































































































































Thanks for translating the news biggrin.gif
































































The cover is cute... The boy has roses in his hand, I want to see Yong give Hyun rose someday. In the back there's couple of someweird animal. What is that animal? cat? But, that animals is cute, they leaning on each other remind me when yongseo sleep in train laugh.gif. So, the title is 'For the first time couple in love', right? From my understanding, Yonghwa always wrote a song based on his feeling or his journey so I really hope that this song resemble his true feeling for Hyun. Can't wait for tomorrow and saturday. And after that I will be away for a moment coz I am going to the place with limited internet. I will miss yongseo...































































































































for soshisoshisoshi
































































































































I think there's a forum for WGM in IDWS but i never join it. And i don't know if there's one for Yongseo. If you have twitter you can follow Yongseo_Indo. I'm not the admin but i know some of them. And I know some indonesian gogumas in twitter too. 
















laugh.gif You should join us spazzing at twitter. 






























































































































































































for manimani25
































































































































can you write a fanaccount for Cn Blue's zepp tour in CN Blue thread? I would love to read it 































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia








































For The First Time Couple In Love wub.gifw00t.gifwub.gif























































Can't wait for the whole lyrics. Hubby Yong trying to tell us something? For the first time couple in love? yes! so Real and InLove.























































yes, now i realized this song own by hubby Yong and his gift to his wife Hyun. He composed this song thinking about his wife Hyun. We're just lucky cause wgm make it as a mission. But, i must admit this is his personal song to his lovely wife Hyun. Now, i was thinking everytime hubby Yong write a song It's always for his wife Hyun :) His always thinking about his wife Hyun.























































Thanks to all who always gives translations, screen caps, all your diff. POV, for all the news about our lovely YongSeo couple. Thanks to all.























































MountainMadman good luck to you.























































As always, we are all can't wait for Saturday. Saturday paliiiiiii as we always say. Maybe, YongSeo couple are too sweet on that beach that's why seagull attack them, jealous seagull hahahaha. I hope the editing is not so much. So, that we can see the sweetness of our YongSeo couple in Busan date wub.gifwub.gif
































































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Guest LennieYongseo




Anyeonggg goguma loversss <3


OMG! I just woke up from my sleep and had the good news w00t.gif



Tomorrow the yonghwa album digital will come out ..


Yonghwa version..


sure 100%, there would be many who make a fanmade yongseo with that song .. hahaha ~ ~



and also I can't wait to hear lyrics that others (because I'm sure his lyrics added)



And what I believe, not only we the fans are curious but all members from snsd, CN blue and MC WGM  will definitely curious >!! <


i like the album coverrr.. i imagine the woman is seohyun.. (certainly)



hmm, I just imagine, Seohyun was the first to hear the song that .. c'monnnn yong, your wife should be the first!! hahaha ..



and 2 days away SATURDAY! can't waittttttt..



YONGSEO time may be slightly (less than 20 minutes), because the separation ADAM Couple, but it is very appropriate because ADAM should have plenty of time for their separation.



next saturday maybe we could watch yongseo more than 20 minutes biggrin.gif





I am very happy because the fans goguma come from many countries  and the most for me was surprised, but many come from Indonesia laugh.giflaugh.gif


* HAI, saya dari Jakarta * 





And what I see, many people say they not good english, don't be afraid darling, we are to spazz about yongseo here, not showing who's english is better ^____^



I think you guys could use google translate ..



* I use it too because my english is also messed up *sweatingbullets.gif





I think I have much to say..




anyeong all..


maybe i'LL spazz on saturday..


cause I don't often to spazz here, but every time I read spazz you all here..you'r all amazing ..



I am very proud to have friends like you all heresmile.gif




tomorrow: album digital single yonghwa will out


day after tomorrow : Saturday, it's mean......tongue.gif


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Guest camjenny


i was over the moon by that name. For the First Time Couple in Love  my mind was turned kind of blank when i saw the title of the song. but after several times of reading, i was amazed. is that supposed to be a message he sent to us? anyway, i got it, yonghwa ya! kekekekeke....... can't wait for tomorrow.


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i can't wait for the realease of "For the First-Time Couple in Love".
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but i have a question abt the title
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































does it mean that it's for a couple (who have never dated before, which is why it says 'first-time couple') and are now in love?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































or .. that the couple is feeling in love for the first time ever?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry about the random and very confusing question, it made more sense in my head :sweatingbullets:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It could actually mean either one...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The song title can also be translated as "For Couples who are in love for the first time" or "For Couples who love for the first time" or "For Lovers for the First Time" or "For First-Time Lovers", etc ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Once we see the all the new lyrics for the song, we will know better what Yonghwa meant by the title.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Phoebechiu

Just want to share what I read from Taiwan PTT2 sweetpotato forum

Yong wore the ring in their second concert.  Japanese fans were so excited to see Yong with the ring.  In their first concert, Yong received lots response from fans when he sang lovelight.  Japanese fans guess that it's probably the reason that he wore the ring in next concert because he felt the support from Japanese fans.

For icyychong: Could you tell us where you got the information that Hyun had gone to Japan last night?

By the way, I am from Taiwan (It seems like that I am the only one from Taiwan.  Actually, lots people in Taiwan love this couple)

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Guest niiychan
































































































































i love the cover album..
































































































and the girls and the boy wearing  the same colour. PINK !! (pink is the hyun favourite color, right?)
































































































and also the boys wearing the blue jacket. Blue and pink !! Yongseo Colour ! :wub:
































































































kekeke... :phew:
































































































cant wait for tommorow.. :D

















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Guest Seychan
































Oh. yes. Before I forget. Trent asked me to look out if Yong wore the ring during the concert.
















I was standing quite far but I did see a silver ring on his finger! I think it's the ring coz' that's the only ring that he wore on that day :)
















Yong wore the ring in their second concert.  Japanese fans were so excited to see Yong with the ring.  In their first concert, Yong received lots response from fans when he sang lovelight.  Japanese fans guess that it's probably the reason that he wore the ring in next concert because he felt the support from Japanese fans.
















manimani25 and Phoebechiu : Thank u guys so much. I'm not ring shipper but recent days, I really miss it. Long time, we have not seen it.  And now I know he always wear it. And I know in Japan, have a lot of YongSeo shipper and Yong can wear it comfortably . I like it :X hope CNBlue go to Vietnam someday and he can wear it comfortably because there are a lot of YongSeo lover at here :wub:
















I found it in CNBlue's thread at here. Picture from concert at Japan. The couple ring :wub: cr: rainyhuynn@tumblr
































aneng: thank u so much. I love this cover. It looks very gentle and romantic. Concept of the album cover totally consistent with the story of YongSeo couple. And please read the title of it. It really makes me crazy. "The digital single of JungYongHwa special." It's special because it is dedicated to Hyun. He can write "YongHwa digital single," nobody will say anything to him. But he is using the word "special." And its name "For the first time couple in love" OMG, so sweet. Yo~ng seobang :wub: I love you so much huhu
















Hyun now have a single individual, which was composed specifically for her dedicated, was singing for her own listening and understanding. The single was recorded carefully, have album cover, and have official release date, not a mission they must do, from a trip to write songs and prepare for its release are made by Yong. There are no mission or WGM here. Just thought of that made me very happy. I'm very happy for our couple :wub:
















Thank u MountainMadman for your translation. Luv it
















* I saw Haha Mong show and YongHwa wore white vest and jeans. OMG I love him OMG I love this white vest, so simple but nice and style :wub: I really hope at wedding album, Yong seobang wear white vest. So handsome *faint* and he stand with his Huyn. OMG look like two angels falling in love. *die*

















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Guest ikekeyou
















































omg omg omg i cant wait for the single to come out!!!
































im so excited!!! the title changing to FOR THE FIRST TIME COUPLE IN LOVE!
































how cute! i seriously want to know his lyrics to this song!
































im so glad its going to be out tomorrow!! (:
































the cover for the song is totally cute!
































i mean we all know who that special couple is :]
































another thing to spazz about!! (:
































































also about the ring im happy to hear that he wore the ring on his concert :D
































goshhh how i love love love this couple!!! (:









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Guest eric-original





Something I made again.


I can't wait until the singles CD comes out too.

I'm guessing it's coming out on Friday. O_O;



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Guest chilipadi_22


i think most of us fell in love with the title as soon as we see it! OMG~

the title of the song is already so sweet and loving. and i expect the song to be even more loving then that!!

tomorrow will be the release of the song! i will anticipate it! :)

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Guest DJHinata

OMo!!! when i was reading the article, i was smiling so slowly ear to ear . i'm so happy right now !! I can't wait for 14 of Jan !! *o* YongSeo Couple !! Yonghwa version it's gonna be DAEBAK . When banmal song was released, i was very happy, but i really wanted was the yong singing at the entire song for hyun. you know for know more about his feelings about her. and well my wish came true . i thought. kekeke fighting 

PS. To all those Gogumas who say they can't speak English wellDOESN'T MATTER! We are glad to have you! Write something, no matter how well you speak English! Writing here will improve your English skills, trust me! It's exercise! Nobody will laugh at you! Be brave!

Thank you ; o ;  you are so sweet ! ♥ 

For all the latin gogumas please read this 

Hola gogumitas latinas o que hablen en español !!!! Es un gusto poder conocer muchas más gogumitas que amen a esta pareja en latinoamerica!! solo queria decirles que aunque algunas de nosotras no podemos escribir tan bien en ingles existe un lugar muy lindo para expresar todo su cariño por esta pareja en español


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