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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bittersweet_


rxp. good try. but it's not a private pic. As you can on previews on the previous pages, Yonghwa is wearing the same sweater and specs when they meet his mom. This is definitely on the way to Busan. BTW does anyone know how long of a train ride is it from Seoul to Busan? We can estimate how much time they had to kill and sleep on each other's shoulders lol. I absolutely adore these two. I have been away from "korean things" for long long time. But with long winter break, I am very addicted to this two. Can someone tell me how many hours estimate are we away from seeing the next episode on youtube?


~I am pretty sure these two are growing attracted to each other very much. You can just tell by the amount of eye contacts and smiles that they exchange. More the eye contacts, more your brain releases the good hormones like the PEA love hormone etc. It's even a scientifically proven thing ;)


~Compare the YongSeo couple to other current and past couples on WGM. I think they have lot more eye contact and skinship.


~Hope they date in real life.


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Guest teuksunghae



hi all happy friday

as far as the camera thing, I think because they sit at the very front.... they install the camera against the wall... and they can just zoom in as necessary.... what do you think about this theory ?blink.gif

anyway, can' wait to watch our Yongseo in action again this week !! BUSAN , here we come !!!


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rxp. good try. but it's not a private pic. As you can on previews on the previous pages, Yonghwa is wearing the same sweater and specs when they meet his mom. This is definitely on the way to Busan. BTW does anyone know how long of a train ride is it from Seoul to Busan? We can estimate how much time they had to kill and sleep on each other's shoulders lol. Can someone tell me how many hours estimate are we away from seeing the next episode on youtube?
























I think rxp meant private as in something outside of filming, not part of the footage they're filming for our weekly WGM episode. Because it's quite clear that that picture is on from them on the way to Busan lol And the next episode will air in approximately 10 or 11 hours. So an hour after that you can catch it on Youtube.
























About the train ride, here's something I've found:




















Seoul and Busan (older spelling Pusan) are linked by a new high-speed train service known as KTX. The KTX runs on a new high-speed line built using French TGV technology. Trains run frequently, taking just 2 hours 35 minutes. The fare is 45,000 won (£25) one way 2nd class, 63,000 won (£35) 1st class.




















Source: http://www.seat61.com/















































Is it too greedy for me to be hoping it'd take a lot longer? Say, 6 hours like the last time? :lol:
























Edit: Just compared the train picture with YongSeo's one and it doesn't seem like they took the KTX train. YongSeo's picture cut the top part off, but it's the same train lol





















































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@MamiJune – I like your post!

It is good to hear from someone who is older and wiser (like me!) on Soompi, and find out that YongSeo has had a serious impact on your life, too!

I don’t know what it is about these two wonderful young people that have so many people trapped like an addiction.  When I watch them, for me, it takes me back to a time for of ‘first love’, a time I spent with a girl who I thought at that time I would spend the rest of my life.   Some of those feelings of the rush of young love, the fun, the anxiety, the jealously and the joy all come back to me.

I share them with my daughter also, and she is as hooked on their story as I am.  I hold them up as an example of how a relationship should develop between two young people.  As we all are on Soompi and the many other websites that track their every episode, performance, show, public appearance or fan cam.   We all wait and watch anxiously for any news that may come out of Korea and hope that it is good news.  You talk about your daughter, is she hooked on YongSeo also?  Are you also both Korean?

They are pretty together.  And although their personalities are not a perfect match, you can see they have grown together and that they have adapted their personalities to each other’s wants and needs.  They seem to be like that classic drawing of ‘ying and yang’ that flows together to make a perfect circle.  They are amazing people apart, but together they are beyond awesome – they are stellar!   Maybe that is why we are so fascinated by them, it’s like watching a pair of shooting stars flash across the sky, so brilliant and beautiful you can’t take your eyes off of them, and once they fade away into the night sky, you anxiously wait for them to reappear again.

I especially like your sincere words to Yong Hwa and Seohyun!   I do believe that Yong has a big decision to make (and I hope he has already reached a positive answer on this) but he needs to decide if he wants to love and protect her forever.   If, at this time he finds that decision too burdensome, then he needs to not accept her love, and let her down softly.

As for Seohyun, the saying ‘still waters run deep’ suits her perfectly.   She is coming out of her ‘hermit crab’ shell.   On the outside she doesn’t show much emotion, but deep inside lays a warm and deeply feeling heart.  On the outside she looks like a frail young girl, but on the inside there is a steel will - toughness - that we have only seen the very top thin layer so far.  Whoever this girl does fall in love with, will have a strong woman who will love with all her heart, defend and protect the man she loves with her entire being.  What we’re seeing is the flower just opening, hopefully someday we will be able to see the flower at its full potential – in full bloom and in an open romance with Yong. 

I hope that Yong sees and realizes what a rare gift he has been given through his extraordinarily good fortune.   I hope he seriously considers what is important in life – maximum fame and fortune – or the love of his lifetime.   And once he comes to that realization, he stays by her side through all the storms that may come their way.  In the end, if they will persevere, their love will be greater and deeper because they have weathered that storm, and their love survived.     

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Guest MaeDang
















































Hey guys there is only about 11 hours. So chill out. :wub:
















I couldn't stop thinking about the next episode when I was in class this morning. That's bad, isn't it especially me who gonna be a teacher next 2 years. What an awful teacher-will-be :lol:. So I came out of my class with this pic:lol:. Hope it will help you to not freak out for waiting.
















































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All - 

About Adam couple leaving WGM -

please go out to soompi's official adam Couple site and put nice words of encouragement to their fans!

Put aside your bitterness and mean comments and put yourselves in their shoes - try to imagine how you will feel when YongSeo will stop filming on WGM.  Your hearts will be broken and you will not know what to do except CRY.

Offer them your condolences and tell them to be strong and hope that Adam couple will find happiness in the future.

Also, remember that Yong & Hyun are good friends with Jo Kwon and Gain.  As supporters of YongSeo, we should show our love, also!

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Guest Yangie12


Lol, I realised that. Everyone has this crazy/random side to them, only  when you begin feeling comfortable with the people around you that you  steadily start letting that side out. Or maybe, it's just me. But I'm  pretty sure everyone is like that.









Sorry for cutting your post, but I really loved what you wrote there (: I totally agree with you that everyone has that crazy side to them that gives them a character. I too do not show that crazy side of myself unless I feel comfortable with the people around me. I think the reason is that people do not know whether their crazy side will be accepted by the other person if you are not comfortable around each other. Seohyun showing her randomness is just a sign that she opens up towards Yonghwa. She is not afraid that he rejects her crazy side because Seohyun doesn't feel uptight around him anymore. Of course, Yonghwa did a great job here too. He genuinely laughed at her randomness and by doing so he encouraged Seohyun to slowly open up even more. And about Seohyun comparing Yonghwa's hands to her dads..love how you think about that. Totally agree. Seohyun seems to value her parents a lot and for her to positively compare Yonghwa to her dad is really endearing.









The other day I was thinking about our Yongseo couple and I wondered why do I like this couple so much? The were the couple that sparked my interest into watching WGM after the lettuce couple left. I couldn't really pinpoint it at first but I think I figured it out a bit. I enjoy watching all the current couples..but there is something about Yongseo that makes them very real to - even more that the other couples. We have to keep in mind that this show is after all make believe, even though there is a possibility that the couples can turn into real couples after the show. If not, I expect some of the WGM couples to remain friends and look back at this as a wonderful experience. However, for Yongseo -especially Seohyun- it is a bit different here. Even though it is make believe..Yonghwa still is and always will be









- the first guy she held hands with









- the first guy she felt comfortable with









- the first guy that actually sparked her interest









- the first guy that brought her home









- the first guy she visited at his dorm; even went into their room









- the first guy that gave her self made presents









..Amongst many other first times. Most of them are so memorable that when you are old you will look back at it with a smile on your face. Yonghwa practically took most of her first times things you can do with a guy and I do not know about you guys, but aren't the first times the most special and memorable ones? I mean, how many people do not know their first love/kiss/hand holding? Plus, we are not talking about anyone here; we are talking about Seohyun, the epitome of innocence.









Anyway, it seems like I came out of my lurker mode and finally decided to post something here ^^ It's nice to you meet you all gogumas fans (:


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Guest Ae-Rin
















































































































































































































Hello goguma villagers!
















































































































































































First, thank you mountainmadman for the translation! What would we do without you? ;)
















































































































































































(And guys if you haven't check out his fic yet, go NOW! ^^)
















































































































































































I don't think it's a private picture. If it was, they wouldn't have the rights to use it all over the internet like they did, right? I think that the staff of WGM took the picture during the filming, or during the break :) We will know in a few hours! <3
















































































































































































I can't wait to see what will happen... Yonghwa's mum! Can't wait for Seohyun to meet her. She shouldn't worry too much: she's the perfect daughter :)
















































































































































































It's already 1AM over here, so I'll have a good sleep so that I can be able to catch the episode when I'll wake up in the morning :)
















































































































































































Goodnight everyone, have sweet potato dreams!
















































































































































































PS: And don't forget to show your support to Adam Couple fans! They are part of our great WGM family !

















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Guest lunasol


Another than that, I just watched the birthday episode and towards the end of the episode, inside the blackroom Seohyun said that Yonghwa's hand felt smaller than her dad's hand. So that makes me think "she hasn't held any guy's hand, Yonghwa was her first!"






Sorry for cutting your post smile.gif. Actually Yong was not the first guy she has held hands with. She did it before with SM brothers before WGM (ex. when they unite as a SM family on stage), as well as hi-5. However, instead of a family interaction, we can say that Yong is the first guy she has done it with a romantic/couple purpose, and the sufficient period of time for her to start to pay attention to differences compare to her father wink.gif. Thus, although it was not really the first, the fact that she was comparing it to her father, means that she was very aware of his hand, so it was not a simple friendly casual act as the other times she has done it. So indeed, Yong is VERY special to her! wub.gif






Come to Play






The following may be random and late in the thread but  I was thinking about the Come to Play show and in spite of her saying that thanks to Yong she is more comfortable with guys (something like that)... well, not exactly Hyun hahaha.






In the show 8 of the SNSD girls had to choose from 8 guys as their partner for the show. Seohyun was number 6 to choose from 8. From the three guys left she choose Leeteuk (SuJu Leader). I strongly believe she choose him because he is the only guy left who she is familiar with. They may have looked a little awkward as a 'couple' but that was just normal/familiar Seohyun with her older oppa/sunbae, who she is very polite. Believe me, it would have been AWKWARD if it was with non-family guys hahahaha.






Yesung was the only other guy from SM there, but he was previously chosen by Yoona. If he was one of the last three instead of Leeteuk, I believe Seohyun would have also chosen him before the other two guys. In fact, if she was first to choose, she would still have chosen from her SM brothers. Any other girl her age would have taken the opportunity to choose one of the cute guys, but she still choose her brothers. I thought it was funny and clearly shows that she is still not interested in couple stuff with anyone else, except with Yonghwawink.gif






So Yong, in a way, lets just say that Seohyun was showing that she is faithful by keeping herself with family and she even was wearing her ring!! biggrin.gif






Also did you guys saw Nayoung spazzing with Hyun words?






    Female MC (parent): "If your mom goes against your marriage, or you being together with your boyfriend... You need to reflect on yourself..."






    Seohyun: "I will reflect on myself. But because there is such a person that gave me a lot of help, that is why I have more strength to carry on" "This is my boyfriend. What do you not like about him that made you do this?...












and Nayoung is spazzing with her words haha






The Goguma in me strongly believes that Seohyun, as well as Nayoung, is thinking about Yong. Everyone is witness to her saying how thankful she is of him for helping her grow as a person and gain confidence, right? If you notice for her it is hard to answer question hypothetically because at first she was kind of stuck that 'my parents would not be like that etc' because she is the type of person to analyze things from her own experiences. So for her to answer to the hypothetical parents, she is using real reasons from her real experiences, to try to show that her boyfriend shall not be rejected by them.






    MCs "For Seohyun, however, if her family goes against her marriage, she would not give up! She is very stubborn and insistent"






I would like to think that if she really likes Yong, she would not give up inspite of family, angry fans, antis etc etc smile.gif












Almost 8 hours for next episode! hahaha I can't wait!






I was thinking that is so sweet that apparently she is nervous of meeting mother-in-law. I don't know about you guys, but typically you don't get nervous of meeting your FRIEND's mother. You will get nervous if you like the guy or are his girlfriend, so the part of my brain who is constantly in Go-chun is thinking that she is nervous because she really likes Yong, and wants his mom to really like her wub.gif












Awww, everyone is writing such beautiful posts! Especially MamiJune and luvtokki, with your words of wisdom about life! Thank you! biggrin.gif Also, luvtokki, have you thought of starting to write poetry or fanfics hahaha Your words were simply breathtakingsmile.gif


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Guest baby_bo
































































sharing this..
































as posted by shinhdeplol at GG soompi thread































































SNSD Seohyun to be featured in TVXQ's 5th regular edition album
































































TVXQ released their special edition album on January 5th, which included a 100-page photobook and 10 tracks. The normal edition album is set to be release next week on January 12th. This edition will have an extra track not found in the special edition version.
































The bonus track "Journey" features SNSD's maknae, Seohyun. The song will also serve as an OST track for Changmin's upcoming drama 'Paradise Ranch'. This will be the second OST track found on the album. The song "Athena" was used as an OST song for the drama 'Athena: Goddess of War'.
































'Paradise Ranch' will begin airing on January 24th on SBS on Mondays and Tuesdays. Changmin plays the lead role as the character Han Dong Joo. He marries Lee Da Ji (played by Lee Yeon Hee) at a tender age of 19, but ended up divorcing. Years later, the two reunite and rediscover their feelings for one another.
































Source: Interpark and @Yurui912































































Taken from: Koreaboo

















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when i meant private picture i meant not as if it was their private picture
































































































































private as in something that wasn't caught by wgm video cameras
































































wgm pd may have been there & they may have snapped the pic
































































but i think it may have been taken during a break time or something
































































either way
































































whatever the reality (only they know...)
































































this picture has mesmerized every goguma
































































































































i can't wait 8 more hours!
































































5:10pm kst pali!!!!

































































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abt the betting game, my vote goes to yong.

in their first train ride, hyun brought those cute couple neck pillows,

so i think yong thought its his turn to bring something now.

and also yong has a passion for those funky things..

so here's the final list of it.

trent's Q was...who brought the glasses


1. Trent 2. anne0129 3. magdal 4. shawie 5. dezadee 6. omgirly 7. Ae-Rin 8. K1L1On1Mr4

9. Souhir 10. melibu 11. wishwash 12. bizzie_b 13. areu1510 14. Adrianakian86

15. yasmin_waldz 16. R4TU 17. intoxd 18. sierralainewalsh 19. uh-ohxev 20. sweetcake_

21. maedang 22. cooleet 23. zcanby 24.roy_lover 25.scatterbrain


1. soshisoshisoshi 2. yongseorockin 3. Seychan 4. Hesperide 5. hafiq890

6. Fluorescent.Flower 7. ikekeyou 8. fabiistar07 9. kasia3goguma 10. InLove_WithYou

11. manimani25 12. Lizsch 13. winnieho 14. gita_cinta 15. justbulan 16. K.rivera19

17. Hapiangle 18. areu1510 19. lennieyongseo 20. ninashelovely 21. xxxiloveyouxxx

22. aisuo415 23. pangg 24. crystalblue 25. yuyusaiyuki 26. kun_cheero 27. shenibabi

28. CallMeDayDreamer 29. crushh_11 30. lunasol 31.zXavier 32. jnj

Yong's Omoni:

1. aya otohata 2. calculator

Fans(including SNSD and CNBLUE members).

1. glennpaulo 2. lain_laen 3. rxp080100 4. arwenarya

Both bought them while choosing gifts for Yong's family, it was Yong's idea:

1. crystal_malfoy 2. gmanalangster

yes rxp, we heard u.. ;):lol:

but u posted the time as 1710 and not the usual 1715.

so wgm starts early today? pls tell..

i don't want to miss even a sec of it! hehehe

deugun deugun...counting down to another daebak episode..


luvtokki oppa, yes, we have already done that.

will continue to support AC fans at a time like this..

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Guest Fluorescent.Flower




Sorry for cutting your post, but I really loved what you wrote there (: I totally agree with you that everyone has that crazy side to them that gives them a character.




Thank you and I agree with you as well. His acceptance of her characteristics (no matter how strange they may be) has allowed Seohyun to become so much more comfortable, not only with Yonghwa but with herself too. I might just be seeing things here but seeing her on variety shows lately, she appears to be a more confident/lively person and I believe it's largely due to this make-believe relationship. I also feel that Yonghwa is a perfect match for her, even though I've heard plenty of times that Seohyun is too good for him. I don't think the value of a person is amounted by their financial stability, level of intelligence and handsome appearance. He may not be stinkin' rich, or has the same IQ as Einstein and is good looking although not incredibly handsome but he knows how to make her happy, laugh and comfortable (the three elements she is absolutely in need of). He is immensely patient (didn't pressurise her with skin-ship initiations, instead he waited), a good listener (that time when she briefly mentioned her desire in wearing school uniform and eating patbingsu), considerate (when he made that Japan guidebook for her on their 200th anniversary), romantic (two words: "Love Light"), loving (bought two rows of sweet potato field) and caring (when he blocked the views of those Japanese fans who were taking pictures of her while she was eating ice-cream). He is still lacking but then again so is she, they both balance each other and that's what makes them so compatible. Though, I want him to be more supportive of her as she is of him e.g. that time when she showed him her driving license, he should have cheered for her but instead he couldn't help but be disappointed with himself. Nonetheless, there is hope for the two so I wish that the period in which they are apart gives them time to reflect and improve on themselves because they are capable of making the relationship work in reality as they have being doing on the show.




P.S. Sorry for cutting your post.




I need to go sleep it's 1:20am here and it feels like sweet potato sacks have been placed on my eyelids. I'll be looking forward to waking up to a great episode of YongSeo~~!


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Guest lunasol








Thank yo baby_bo for your post.






Is it possible that Yongseo's Banmal Song could not be released on Jan 14 because SM wants to promote TVXQ (DBSK) first?






With the group's delicate situation (problems) and highly expected comeback in the industry, I am sure SM is focusing all its forces on them, including Changmin's drama and Changmin/Seohyun's song for Changmin's drama. Since the album is on Jan 12, its possible that SM would think that there may be conflicts with the dates... Its a possibility, right?












glennpaulo: Thank you! I also read that article and we all know they are going to be extremely busy with their group activities. But I was thinking that in addition to that, if this was also an additional factor included in the mix, because in a way it may be viewed as a conflict of interest from SM's side, especially two duets with Seohyun. Obviously I am just speculating here and I don't work in the music industry so please don't take my words for it! Especially because by this time I should be sleeping so I am not too logical. So Gogumas, excuse my randomness (word of the day!)






But I was thinking of this because in that same article you posted or maybe it was 'lost in translation' or 'lost in my interpretation' biggrin.gif, for some reason I get the feeling that the difficulties in coordination is more tilted towards Hyun's side by FNC's statement that CNBLUE can release it although without Hyuns lyrics, but they won't. This may be interpreted as if CNBLUE CAN RECORD but they can't with Hyun copyrighted lyrics. 






Regarding the no recording together because of lack of time for promotions, Seohyun herself has recorded a song individually for a drama MBC's Kim Soo Ro "It's okay even if it hurts" but she didn't promote the song in music shows. Also, a lot of duet songs are recorded without much promotions. In other words, it depends if the artist/agency wants a lot of people to buy it and needs to do the promotions, or they just want to record it for people interested. Thus, they can still record.  






Anyways, no matter the reasons canceling the release, hopefully the song will be released later this year when they are not so busy. If the song will never be officially released, let's hope it is because it was Yongseo's own decision to not sell the song because it is very personal and I would understand. In the case they record it, they can use it to give money to charities. I am sure Hyun will love it!


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Guest glennpaulo
















Thank yo baby_bo for your post.








Is it possible that Yongseo's Banmal Song could not be released on Jan 14 because SM wants to promote TVXQ (DBSK) first?








With the group's delicate situation (problems) and highly expected comeback in the industry, I am sure SM is focusing all its forces on them, including Changmin's drama and Changmin/Seohyun's song for Changmin's drama. Since the album is on Jan 12, its possible that SM would think that there may be conflicts with the dates... Its a possibility, right?















If im not mistaken, FNC said that they cannot release this collaboration song because of busy schedule of both party. I don't know if it is only delayed. But FNC said that even though this song will be possibly release as CNBLUE song, they will not used Hyun lyrics.. If you want to know and make sure you can back the old pages...























I very excited about todays episode....pally!!!!
















This is the news:








‘Banmal Song’ may not be released officially afterall








It seems that Seohyun and Jung Yonghwa’s ‘Banmal Song’ will not be released officially, despite huge demand and anticipation from fans.








The ‘Banmal Song’ was composed and sung by Seohyun and Yonghwa on MBC’s ‘We Got Married’. The music and the lyrics for the chorus was written by Yonghwa while Seohyun helped to complete some other parts of the lyrics. The couple uploaded the ‘Banmal Song’ video clip on Youtube and to date, it has recorded more than a million views.















However, despite its popularity, this song might not be released officially. On January 5th, CN BLUE’s agency told Newsen, “There will not be a duet. Even if CN BLUE plan to release it as their own song, the part of the lyrics Seohyun composed will not be included”.








The duet between the ‘couple’ is rather impossible at the moment in view of SNSD and CN BLUE’s activities. Nevertheless, there have been talks among netizens about the release of the ‘Banmal Song’ on various sites.








A representative in charge of MBC’s ‘We Got Married’ said, “The song was composed based on Yonghwa and Seohyun’s feeling of being in love. That is why the song is so meaningful to them”.








Meanwhile, on the episode of ‘We Got Married’ which will be aired on January 8th, Seohyun will be making a trip to Yonghwa’s hometown, Busan to meet his mother for the first time. During the meeting, the ‘mother-in-law’ mentioned some of Seohyun’s favorite, the seafood kimchi and fist-sized fermented bean paste stew. Make sure you catch the goguma couple on January 8th to find out their reactions.
















source: nate.com/newsen.com
















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Guest Faith_memory






Good morning Gogumas! it is sad that they wont release the BANMAL SONG official, but I understand. I just hope that CN BLUE can make a revised version of it so they can release it. like a banmal song that only yonghwa composed for seohyun so he can release it with the cnblue. then on snsd, seohyun's own of banmal song for yong so she can release it with snsd. haha!




3 versions of BANMAL SONG would be great! haha!




one for both of them,




second a version of yong and




third version of seohyun. haha!




so they can release something from there. haha!




but yeah, will take a long time.




atleast, they know that fans are anticipating for the BANMAL SONG to be release, i understand anyway. Preservation of the BANMAL SONG i see. haha!!




im so excited for today's episode!! gaaah..!!




yeah, even though this is a make believe show. I personally think that for sure, they FEEL SOMETHING in REAL LIFE. lol. just like what Yangie12 posted. Yong is Hyun's first. she said it at the japan trip, because of yong helping and leading her, she's comfortable now and can talk to a guy. for that she feels thankful. and on the subs YONG replied, "I didn't do that to be thanked." i thought that was the sweetest. lol.




and on the banmal song..




hyun's lyrics says, she knows only THANKFUL and GREATFUL banmal words.




and on yong's lyrics "I want to hear more intimate words."








anyway, gotta do my homework early!!!! so that i can be with you guys later to watch WGM!!


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Guest rolling_snow
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































apparently yong and seo goes to the beach and yong tries to carry seo!!!! OMG!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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No, the ones you see on the beach are Victoria and Khun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Can't wait to see today's ep btw *___*

































































































































































































































































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OK so I broke most of my resolutions by 5:31 on New Year's Day-that is when WGM first shows here. So some thoughts:














When I first saw the train photo-OMG Shinwoo is back in the house!! And he is sitting in half of her seat!!














Then bizarre thoughts entered my head.














I know many Yonghwa fans think that being on the show is ruining his image but: Maybe he learned from the drama that being serious and mature only gets you second lead and being your choding self gets you the girl.














I can't remember if it was a backroom interview by RDRSubs or SMTownSubs (they do differ a bit) or an interview but Yonghwa said that he was told that if the relationship sort of hits a standstill that he should do something to make it change and that is why the push-pull came thing about. I then started thinking about who is he taking advice from. There is his band mates (all younger and I figure even less experienced than him), the Busan Boys (inclding Simon D), the MC's from WGM, Hongki and Lee Joon. I'm sorry but would you really follow the advice of any of these guys.














I remember that at the beginning of all this WGM said they were looking for a very young couple with not a lot of experience and SM said that this would show off Seohyuns acting skills. This all may have been a way to groom her for future dramas and CF's to get her more comfortable around guys and I think Yonghwa did it to help promote CN Blue as a band as they were just starting to get popular. But I think these two developed a friendship and /or deeply in like relationship along the way. Little did WGM know.














Did anyone watch the early Night After Night with PSY questioning Yong. Everything was fine and funny until someone said "Are you protecting her" and his face went dark and he ended it as soon as he could.














I was thinking that WGM is all about the couples spending time together but what about after the current backlog of film is done, showing Yongseo having to be apart. Since their schedules are so jampacked that they can't even get together to do the single why not show them having to do their own things and not be able to be together, but wish they were. So many couples nowadays work different hours and such so why not show them coping with being apart and only meeting when they can. Just a thought.














Still wondering about Yong's answer now to Hyun's question- "What is the difference between like and love".














I watch all the couples but Yongseo is my favorite. (They remind me of the time that my husband and I were first dating). I am sorry that Adam couple is leaving because I really like all the couples on the show,but if the list posted earlier is the potential couples- I don't really find any of them exciting. Personally I was hoping for Lee Joon and Jung Juri I but know that MBLAQ is going to be too busy to do any show like WGM.














Have to go to bed now in order to be up in the middle of the night to see the episode without subs. (It's actually OK since old people don't sleep alot and tend to get up early in the morning) I am now learning Korean so I don't have to wait for subs. Well, I am trying to learn Korean and still have to wait for subs but working on it. I watch and pause the captions, write them down , translate them, and they still make no since but am getting better.














PS. So glad to see that there was someone who admitted to be 40 on this thread. I am a very young 60+ Peter Pan person that never grew up. Good night (for the next couple of hours ) to all.












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Guest maggiemeisje




ommoya waiting new episode always make me tiring a whole week.....so busy with yongseo this weeks....many news about uri couple ^^




about yong umma reveald about yong secret WHAT IS THAT?? if she wanna tell hyun about yong feelings..yong like or love seohyun 'aigoooo




aah about duckduckduck i think he is yong hwa #crossingfingers




this week we got 3O mnt i loove it but so sad for adam




i love 3 couples on wgm huhuhu HIMNAE ADAM FANS



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