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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest dede_2pm

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest linh80


I Hope someone knows can translate this article, using google translate make me having heartache, but i dont want to make a bomb in this thread without knowing that true or not. really patiently waiting for translation. how i missed all the translator.




Our couple have had so many up and down period. the only thing i hope that they are honest to each other and there feeling then we fans still can going on.






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V lol They'll released their song on the 14th. Soribada is a Korean Music Website. XD

















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@ aneng: you wanna see me die?!! what confirmation, please verify it or else I am dying right now. the banmal song or our couple quitting?!! ackkkkkkk




Oh I got it, never mind :)




thats great news!!





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Guest lunasol


Hesperide!! aneng!! Wow!!


If the banmal song is released officially as a single it is extremely important that we buy the single!! Remember that in a way it serves as proof of the number people that support them!!




I am going to repost the good news since I topped the page!








*quoted image*




V lol They'll released their song on the 14th. Soribada is a Korean Music Website. XD




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Just Dropping by to Congratulate SNSD & CN BLUE for having the only Group that has 2 songs on TOP 20 songs of 2010 @ Dosirak and LOVE LIGHT is #39












2010 dosirak rewind'












Artist of the YearSNSD












2010 Soompi Gayo Awards Results












1. CN Blue - Love (6683 points) *** 2010 SONG OF THE YEAR ***



































5. SNSD - 훗 (Hoot) (5757 points)












Top Newcomer of 2010:












Gold: CN Blue (12167 points)





































Top Female Group of 2010:























Gold: SNSD (14131 points)
























The Top 10 Singers of 2010:




































1. SNSD (915 points out of 1000 max)















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*comes out of lurking mode*
































































Wow, they're releasing the Banmal song?
































































I'm surely gonna buy the single!
































































What's more, on the 14th of January. If I'm not mistaken, that day will be CN Blue's 1st Year anniversary since debut right?
































































Soo many things to spazz to in 2011.

















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hey guys i just found this  :D  








There are rumors that they have been confirmed to be We Got Married Couples.




I don't know when, and I don't know why. You have the right to believe it or to ignore it. 




Here are the list of rumored to be couple APPROVED by PDs of WGM:




Chansung - Jooyeon




Wooyoung - NANA















Yoseob - Jiyeon
















Taeyang - Hyosung




Seungri - Krystal




What do you guys think? ^_^^_^^_^




credit to kshownow.net







The PD of WGM already state that this list is untrue..




it's just a poll/petition by fans who wish to see their fav idols together on the show..




i know the fact that Goguma couple slot in WGM will end sooner or later..




it's a true fact..




but i prefer to enjoy what we have now..why bother of the sad ending.. :tears:




cherish what we have now than worrying unknown possibilities ahead




Yonghwa-Seohyun share a beautiful relationship together, i have no regrets if it's finally time to say goodbye to them because i know they've created beautiful memories together..




deep inside i know they already have each other in their heart..




love, like or whatever feelings they have for each other, it's truly genuine..




they'll be sad and also us when it's already the time, but we always have each other..gogumas villagers who love Yongseo..








Yongseo's banmal song will finally release officially!!! :wub:


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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello fellow kamotes (gogumas) why everyone is panicking about the end of yongseo of wgm?sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we all know that it will happen eventually, because its only a variety show. either they will continue their relationship outside the show or not its really up to them. that's a fact.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but im all with you, i have grown to love them and follow them in every way possible. i've started to join groups that are related to our favorite couple.  and seeing it's end will really break the heart of the entire goguma village. but let's hope and pray for the best that they will continue to show us their love to one another thru wgm . 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lets all enjoy while it last. lets deal with our broken hearts when it happens (but i hope not too soon)vicx.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i have some questions though,































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they were just recently given an award for most popularity, why the rumor of yongseo ending in wgm never stops???































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































are the other two couple receiving same rumor or the goguma couple only?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we know that they are popular globally but how they were receive in korea? i've read that they were voted last out  the three couple regarding their popularity. is it the reason that ending rumor never ends?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you goguma villagers, lets continue to spread the yongseo love

































































































































































































































































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aneng~! another daebak post from u! goshhh these sentences... ahhh sincha sentences of the day haha! :w00t:

Now don’t you think he meant those mistakes just to prolong the filming time with Seohyun? We know how abrupt this filming was and if they’ll finish early…they wouldn’t know when they’ll meet again

aigoo, why didn't i think of that! u have the same thinking like my mom! i let my mom read ur post & she told me..."i told u so!" but uhh i guess i was too engrossed in watching the ep at that time till i didn't even know she was telling me that LOL -.-" (oh, maybe it's 'cause of the different sources... i always watch thru' my lappy while she watches thru' her own PC hahaah! yahh we're selfish mother & daughter at times LOL~! will only spazz once we've watched enough. keke what yongseo can do to ppl!)

btw, i saw something in cnblue thread... did yongseo film their wedding photoshoot on 28th dec????

The day CNBLUE visited IADD filming is Dec.28 10pm.

Yonghwa did wgm filming and all CNBLUE must be busy for preparing special stages, but they went to support Minhyuk. Only 4 more episodes are left. Minhyuk's filming will be finished before he goes to Japan.

Yeondu, you did a great job!

Posted Image

On Jan.03 CNBLUE went to a school for multicultural children and orphanage.

Actually a concert was planned on that day, but there was not enough time to prepare, so it's cancelled after ticket was sold.

Well, it's a good charity event for children, but it was planned by political purpose.

Do you remember Mr. Jung Yonghwa who had come to 2010.Jan.14 debut showcase? He was presidential secretary at that time. (The man of orage necktie in the picture) He said he came to celebrate a new musician who had same name with himself.

After that, he ran for the National Assembly. During the campaign, he planned a charity concert of CNBLUE in his district. He once came to CNBLUE performance and took a picture with Yonghwa then published that picture in his local newspaper. We fans really worried, but the charity concert was not held.

Already, CNBLUE is being used in various events by who want to use them for their own credit.

Of course each event is of good purpose. The children must be very happy to see CNBLUE and CNBLUE members must be happy too they could help them. but I can't help but worrying.

Especially any connection with politician is so much dangerous. It may destroy their fame in one moment.

Koreans are very seneitive to ideology or political tendency.

Yonghwa is already being held in this and that broadcasting stations. How is even a politician trying to use him?

One heart warming article:

A cable TV staff wrote a short witness account of CNBLUE. This person was touched by the relationship of CNBLUE members. Especially Yonghwa was so devoted and considerate to his brothers, he looked like he could do anyting for the team.


This Sunday and next Sunday, Hongki will replace Yonghwa for SBS Ingigayo MC.

cr. saturn@cnblue thread

if they did film on 28th dec... wow, it must be very tiring for yong! but i can't help to wonder how long did yongseo take to do the wedding photoshoot! i bet it must be till evening :wub: oh, i didn't know there's a politician with the same exact name as uri JUNG YONG HWA haha :lol: and wow how time flies! yong is going for his erm... was it Zepp Tour or something this sunday? uwahh i wish cnblue all the best in their coming sched!

haha yes jnj... easier said than done! i'm still struggling to stay positive so that's why i haven't open aneng's link :sweatingbullets: ... i hope i won't open! stay put fingers!


btw, i couldn't believe my eyes when i saw SNSD's interview in the local papers today! what's more amazing is that taeyeon's bold statement was from that particular interview... the interviewer asked SNSD what are their wishes for 2011 & that's when taeyeon came out with that statement. also, yoona's wish was to have hyun be less stubborn 'cause she's becoming more stubborn(?)... i wonder what is hyun stubborn at?? hmmm... anyways, i'm upset that they didn't state the date & place of the interview?! fury.gif

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Guest SophiaPia








































wow! that's good news Banmal song in cd great. Another congratulation's for YongSeo couple. Meaning YongSeo will last forever and ever amen!
























2011 just started and this kind of news is nice. Year of Rabbit i think wife SeoHyun year. I just hope more blessings to our YongSeo couple. More rings, more skinships, more sweetness, more call or txt, more hi-5, more gogumas, more leaning on shoulder, more eyeships, and who knows we will see HUGGGGG soon why not? YongSeo are husband and wife HUG is not bad wub.gifw00t.gifwub.gif CHEERS TO YONGSEO. Guys cheers this is Gu-Chun.
















































To all chingus, i hope u all don't mind if i suggest pls. don't all panic right away if there's any negative vibes. Loads of good things we can talk about, our YongSeo couple are doing fine and so are we. Let's all TRY to be positive even i know sometimes it's hard for others. But let's all be happy like what in YongSeo bedroom their pillows say Don't worry be Happy
















:) Thanks guys
































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Great news indeed!~ A great way to start the year~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So do they get to promote it in music programs? I hope so and i know a lot of us are looking forward to it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We must enjoy every single day spazzing everything about this couple while they are still in it.Do not worry about the future i know all good things come to an end but enjoying every single thing would ease the difficulty right? Let's stay positive. Gogumas fighting~ YONGSEO fighting wub.gif

































































































































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Guest gembul10




















Thanks aneng for the news of Banmal Song CD release.












Is it only sold in Korea only? I can't wait to buy if it is sold for international fans. After increasing the viewership of their Banmal Youtube video, we can show how much we love them by buying the CD.












Actually with the increasing number of YongSeo couple fans, I was wondering if MBC ever think to legally sub the show for youtube? just like the Kdrama of "Playful With A Kiss". Therefore no need to shut down some account in Youtube, and MBC can actually check howmuch international fans watch the video in Youtube.












Probably someone can post the suggestion to MBC sites? Need some help for this, because I don't know how to put suggestion in MBC site.





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Guest blueeye
















































































I'm happy that the moderator change our thread name. I just realized it. :D
















































because I think seohwa is not popular anymore, it's YONGSEO everywhere!
















































I remember someone in this thread said that if we change our thread name then people will recognize our thread if they type Yongseo on google search or other search engine.
















































It means more family in Go-Chun. :D
















































New Year, New Thread name. :):)
















































p.s: oh yeah, Banmal songs in CD is great PDs! Thank you! ;)

















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What a wonderful news! I can't wait until the 14th.
























Does anyone know how to buy it from Soribada though? I've checked their website and they have 'foreign' one for non-Koreans I think. There you can buy a music card and listen/download music. The normal one costs 7000 Won and the premium one 11000. I wonder if that's the way for us to support and buy the song? I'll be able to buy the song as long as they accept Paypal, so hopefully that'll be the case!





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Congratulations....축하 해요....












So our earlier wish for this year has been granted....












Can we expect them to perform together on stage???







Ermmm.. it maybe should be our next wish to complete....



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Gogumas please, can we just stop talking about YongSeo´s end in WGM? Please, please? we know that this will happen someday but Why torture ourselves right now? We will know for sure one day, when MBC states it, but now they are only a bunch of heartbreaking rumors that the only thing that they do is making panic-_-.































































































































































Let´s enjoy what we have and what we will have. Let´s cry all together when "THE DAY"  finally comes, but let´s stop doing this painful thing to ourselves, we don´t need this, YongSeo doesn´t need this. They are always with a smile in their faces, showing us happiness, and we should do the same for them, give them all our good vibes, send them our joy, not our lament, because fans are important to them and they want us to be happy ^^ and want us to enjoy their journey (Seo kind of said it in her New Year greeting).































































































































































 I´m sure that when "the day we all are hoping to be delayed as much as possible" comes, they will tell us by themselves, so please let´s stop this ^_^.































































































































































EDIT: Good we already stoped ^^































































































































































Now I´m Really happy about Banmal song!!! I just can´t wait :wub:!!!!!
















































































I want to spazz about last episode:
















































































Did SeoHyun say "our kids"???  awwwwwwwwwwww so cute... it sounds good right? OUR KIDS!!!!.... ♥
















































































Thank you gogumas for all the goodies... love love love for you ^_^

















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wow! so they're going to release the banmal song as single?!

wow again! :w00t:

hmm..i'm thinking more abt the cd cover. what will it be like? :w00t:

and how do int'l fans go abt buying it? any pre order or something?

and looking at the number of viewers on their channel, i think we

can hit the 2 mll mark..

rewatching the latest episode, i notice how happy and talkative hyun's fanboy jw was,

while SO has not much comment.

and since yongseo had lots of NGs, i :lol: at how the MCs sang along with them ^_^

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Here's how you could buy the song on Soribada. I know it's too early but whatever. And please do not take out without proper credits (you don't need to add my name). I got this from sj-world, an international forum for Super Junior. So yeah...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































► Only works if you have a VISA card (or other international cards like mastercard)
















































































































































































































































































► There is no other way, so don't ask how to do it if you don't have a Visa.
















































































































































































































































































► It will cost you 7700wons -Tax included- ( ~ USD 6.8) [ It's a "music card" with it you will be able to download 40songs within the month! That means you can also easily get every other super junior 4집 when they are released]
















































































































































































































































































Almost everything is in english so it's very easy!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































No need to register!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First go here
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the pop up close as soon as you clicked confirmation!
















































































































































































































































































Now go check your emails! You should have 2 mails: one with your bill to soribada, and the second with the card number!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































back to the main page
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































put on your card number and valid!
















































































































































































































































































you will be redirected to soribada main page
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You can see your "special ID" at the top
















































































































































































































































































now select Super Junior page~!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And you are done!
















































































































































































































































































It will ask you in which folder to save the song, there is no software to download, it's like a direct download~~! ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There is something else you can do to help the boys on the charts! not only the downloads but also the listenings are counted~!
















































































































































































































































































You just have to click one button then play it with the player at the top of the page, put it on loop (even keep it when you leave your room!! XD) Every single time you listen to it it will count! ^^ 100 listenings = counted 100 times.Etc.~
















































































































































































































































































Credits to Alice @ sj-world.net































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've spent two days looking around korean sites to find one working for foreigners so please credits if you take out.
































































































































































































































































































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I hope that they will add more lyrics to the song. Honestly it felt a bit short but don't get me wrong, I LOVE EVERYTHING about it BUT...  I will love it more if they will make it a bit longer with more MEANINGFUL lines.... hehehehe...








I also hope that they will make an official MV, one with a humongous budget...








...this is just me and my imagination...



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