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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest mrsjoker
































































































Wow...December is really turning out to be a heavenly month for Yong and Hyun isn't it? So many filming news coming out (Busan in end of Nov and Ski trip in early dec), banmal MV is uploaded, awesome fancam from GDA was spotted and now a wedding photoshoot is confirm? (or so i think... ) WOW... I'm extremely happy that me as a Yongseo's avid noona/unnie fan has been pampered a lot by the WGM PD-nim and also YongSeo themselves with so many goodies in stores and waiting to come out...so many excitment to look forward. But i also can't help myself to feel overwhelmed... kekekekekeke... I think my weak fangirl heart can't handle this many "giddyness" in a go. *sigh*:wub:  especially the wedding photoshoot "rumour"...I have mixed feelings about it,  a part of me still feels it's too soon but then again the PD-nim knows them best and i think if they decided it's time for our Yongseo to have their wedding photoshoot then this might also mean that the level of their comfortness and closeness with each other is far more higher than what is shown in current episodes (gyaaa...this again makes me feel giddy).














































































































































































































Although i feel happy and giddy to know that december most probably will be the month where both Yong and Hyun had so many interaction in real life events with all this awards shows and also a couple of WGM filming going on...but a side of me feels a little sorry for them, because albeit the fun (I'm sure they had a lot of fun...) but it is also definetely one of the most tiring months for both with all of this crazy packed schedule. I hope they stay warm in the freezing winter and stay healthy...oh and hopefully the managers are well rested too and drive them safely (I heard the road is so slippery due to the excessive snow).














































































































































































































hmmm... and as for this suddenly rapid WGM filming schedule for Yongseo, my guess is that the PD-nim are trying to packed as many filming/footage they can get, because most probably in January both Yong and Hyun schedule are packed with overseas performance and February if i'm not mistaken both CN Blue and SNSD will have a promotion again in Japan...so yeah, their schedule will soon be extremely packed so probably finding time for WGM filming will be kinda hard.














































































































































































































@Dreamyboo : aigooo... Don't worry too much dear... I feel anxious too when i first read the translation, but just like what Trent said, "earliest" is still very much a big possibility for extension which means big possibility for a good news. Now until the date is announced/confirm, lets just wrapped ourselves with happy thoughts. Besides "stupid cupid" apparently is not that stupid afterall, he's been briliant in shooting "arrows" at this two lovebirds and destiny is playing really really nice also...plus we've been a very very good gogumas this year and we will continue to do so next year... so hopefully Santa will still give this two a longer stint in WGM and thus making us able to continue witnessing how this two lovely people bring out the best from each other and continue writing their own fairytale of a love story that is uniquely Yongseo.:wub:































































































































aigoo...i'm being mushy...mianhe...i'm writing this at 1 AM, i'm sleep deprived and extremely tired from a short business trip but just need to lurk the thread a bit. anyway don't worry too much okay... ^_^














































































































































































































@jnj : *waves* aaaaa...how was your korea trip? i'm sure you had fun... upload some pics will you dear? ^_^  I've been meaning to go to Seoul for a vacation but still can't find a suitable time... *sigh*














































































































































































































ps : Dear PD-Nim...we have a love-hate relationship, you and me, I might not always like your decision and sometimes akward thinking in the editing part BUT i must admit you've manage to always keep me in my toes and throws in so many goodies just when i'm about to put a "voodoo" spell on you. So i think we're cool right?! oh and THANK YOU for the banmal song ucc mission. THAT WAS BRILLIANT! :lol:














































































































































































































pps : aigoo... calm down gogumas...No crying till it's confirmed. Beside I agree with MountainMadman (yup your link is the one i've been stalking too), Trent, Lovely_Ocean and Baby_bo, the schedule looks fishy, and mr.google also not translating any kind of "end/ending" word on the post in dc married and it doesn't make sense to abruptly make "a divorce" right after "a wedding". A wedding photoshoot DOES NOT mean the show has come to an end, it never was!































































































































so calm down gogumas... Lets just rewatch the banmal MV make it into 1 or 2 million views, take a deep breath, have a drink, think happy thoughts and be chill~~ Yong MIDEO!!  :wub:

















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Please, please, calm down everyone!

We are all turning into sheep, running around in circles, panicked and we don't even know if there actually IS a wolf!! Calm down everyone. No crying, get your tissues, take a calming breath, read some fanfiction, eat some gogumas.

I'm also checking the DC thread for any sign of that schedule, and seriously, I don't find anything. I'm much slower than Mountainmadman, of course, but he is saying the same. So, until no confirmation and source of ANY kind is out, no crying on this thread!

Too much salt water will ruin the gogumas!

Don't panic! No crying allowed until confirmation!

Best regards,


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Guest lovely_ocean
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have to disagree to the yongseo timeline on wgm
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The timeline does not include their 300th day filming episode which wgm reliased on the news saying they filmed at their newly wed house on 7th and 8th Dec.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Everyone therefore stay positive, the timeline is not correct.

































































































































































































































































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Guest baby_bo
































































Hello everyone.














































































































I haven't posted for quiet awhile now kekeke














































































































Actually the rumor posted quite shocked me, even though i don't post often these days, the first thing i check when im online is GG and Seohwa thread.














































































































News broke my heart for about 5minutes LMAO.














































































































Yeah, that quick because somehow.. my heart tells me it's not true :)































































Im quiet confident and I believe it's not true. :)














































































































As per mountainmadman said,i even saw the post myself, no ENDING was said on that post if that timeline was indeed true. Even the ever reliable MR. GOOGLE agrees (lol).. no word as "end" was posted keke





























































































































































Let's all be calm and positive. I know news like this these days are heartbreaking and can shake our world since our couple is nearing it's 1st year anniv, it's inevitable but we will get there.. but for sure not this soon :)



























































































































































































































































































THE NEWS OF WEDDING PHOTHOSHOOT - and excuse me, wedding shoots doesn't mean it will end lol these kids.






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let's make it happen :)

















































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Guest missmoomin101






Oh fellow gogumas, I am crying as I am typing this. Before I go any further I love yongseo so so much. I just read on dc and I am in some way, a harbringer of bad news. Brace youselves goguma.




1) YongSeo will not perform BanMal at any of the Gayo award shows.




2) SNSD will prerecord their segment for tomorrow's SBS Gayo which Yonghwa is hosting including the special maknae stage which means no Yongseo moments.




3) The wedding episode.. and it breaks my heart to say this but I have read from dcmarried that it is the final episode and here is their final schedule as their 1 yr contract with MBC expires Feb 27th, 1 yr to the date of their first episode. I don't know why there is no renewal probably due to their busy commitments which seem the most likely with SNSD looking to further in Japan.






Oh I can't stop crying now... This is so sad, I am sure the final epi Seo will bawl her eyes out after Yong taught her so much. Oh I really hope they do film a season 2 in the future. Oh one delightful xmas present in the form of the banmal MV and now a crushing heartbreak.




Gogumas....... Oh my tears are dropping... I don't what else to type. Stay strong but now its so hard to take.







I'm sorry to say that I feel your post is quite unnecessary and upsetting! 




 I know you mean well and feel that you have to 'share' the news, but unfortunately nothing has been confirmed.  Until then, I would prefer to believe that they will continue filming into next year.  Also, I would like a direct link to this so-called post that you claim states the end of the road for our couple. dry.gif




Every one stop panicking and please calm yourselves down!  




We all know WGM is going to end one day, but I hope that they will continue on into next year with as much success as the Adam couple.



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Guest pointyui




Same here. I also read before MBC will announce the end a month before contract expire.


Maybe they didn't expect the response? I also read they filmed so much in Dec because they are not going to meet for Jan n Feb because they r bz. The link is somewhere in the forum. So it looks like it may tally up.


BUT! I read on snsdkorean that snsd will perform tmr so lindayeahyeah is already wrong. SNSD will perform at tmr SBS Gayo. So lindayeahyeah is wrong.


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Guest marmutgoreng

it's not even confirmed yet so don't cry gogumas..

even in the front page,there's people who give a quote from the staff right..

and for people on 1 page before this,please dont give false news to gogumas as it is a topic which is a very sensitive topic for us..

so cheer up and enjoy our yongseo couple!


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I agree with ancaemma10; let's wait for an official statement (if any be made).
































































































































































On the bright side (sort of), there is a We Got Married rule that says: no dating allowed while filming. For this reason, the Gundam couple (Lee Siyoung and Junjin) left We Got Married (they stared dating and made it official after the filming of WGM). So when filming ends (hopefully not soon), they can date officially.
































































































































































Even if Yongeo stop filming (covers head), don't forget that they're both highly successful and popular celebrities! If the media is smart, which they've seem to be (they take advantage of all popular couples (ei. Soeul couple), they will use Yongseo's success to advertise (couple photoshoots, cfs, songs, etc.) <3
































































































































































Anyway, this is a happy day for us, Goguma family!! <3 They're taking wedding pictures! ^^ ~ Don't worry, be happy! (Be Happy, SNSD).
































































































































































Ah! Cap time. I didn't see this earlier, but he says "You're mine"!! *goes crazy* What a bold statement! How many guys can actually tell our Seohyunnie that, huh? Just her hubby. <3
































































































































































































































































































































bonus* priceless comment & reaction.

































































































































































































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Guest Kerube-Chan







Until I get an official statement I will try to keep my cool, to tell you the truth my eyes are full of tears watching the screen of my computer at work...





So lets cheer up, one step at the time people lets ge the video to the 1 million target, better if we get there before the studio family recording, maybe it gets mentioned there....





Cheer up gogumas, until later happy spazzing!!!


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Guest yongseocouple












hello!!! there are so many rumours here........















here's my thought regarding the yongseo end. i dont think they will end soon. since, u know if look from bussiness view, yongseo is soo profit for MBC. and i dont think they will let them go that easily.
























bcoz i cant read chinese or hangul etc i cant visit DC gall or what, but as far i know, DC gall is somewhat like soompi too right? so, in conclusion, their news isnt always true. AND MORE, CAN U POST THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE SO THE SUBBERS HERE CAN SUB IT?
























my tips: do not post something that will make a huge rumour if u dont have assurance. world will be going crazy to it. okay goguma?















so now cheer up. i'm sure they wont leave wgm soon. keep supporting them, so MBC will consider them NOT TO LEAVE. EVER








MAKE LOVE NOT WAR :sweatingbullets:



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Do people honestly think MBC is gonna let go this gem of a couple after being a diamond in the rough for so long?
































































































I honestly think it's a bit too soon for them to exit the show because there are so much more progress on their part that I'm sure the PDs know better than to let them go.
































































































Yes, both of them are gonna get busier. When Invincible Youth ended its first season due to not being able to coincide the members' shooting schedule, there were some concerns raised that the same might happen to WGM; but the PDs had mentioned that they won't encounter such problem because they will go to where the couples are hence it's a more flexible shooting schedule.
































































































And I 100% agree with jatsubee; how could they 'get married' in one episode only to 'separate' in the next one? It's bogus and it never happened before in WGM.
































































































Though the sources can be accurate at times, I'm gonna take the rumours with a grain of salt until official news are released.
































































































*off to watch the Banmal Song MV for the nth time*

















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hi goguma villagers!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it's been awhile!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but yeah, let's all stay positive






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and let's trust people who are really bringing the news in this place :)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































let me just repeat here what I twitted






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"instead of drowning into it, why dont we just make the banmal song hit 1 million? its worth the time you know... ehehe"






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know we can do this, so yeah, himnae my friends!!!!












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































paalam!!! bye bye!!!! ^^




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: To all newbies here in Soompi, please don't forget to read the rules before posting. Thank you and good bye!!!!
















































































































































































































































































































































































































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linda, when u said u bring bad news...u are not joking!

some gogumas are getting panicky now, which should not be the case.

but i understand.

but i urge u guys to have faith in yongseo NOT to end like this!

yongseo midoh! believe in yongseo!


lets stay happy


huh? *puzzle*

trent, i'm the last person to be upset over the latest news :)

if u see my prev posts, i've been trying to cheer my fellow gogumas

who are already in the panic mode.

i think u are referring to linh80, she seems the most upset

btw, i'm a noona ;)


i hope linda will also wipe her tears now, since there is no confirmation

of the news that she shared..

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@jnj: Please cheer up!!! Is there a link or anything yet?? There is no confirmation, so, please, please, don't talk as if they have already left. We don't know anything up to this point - only some data about a schedule we don't even know is true.

Please, please cheer up!! Don't make this oppa (?) worry for you.

Best regards,


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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































Whoa whoa whoa....what?
































































































































































































































Where did you get that info? Because I've been reading the latest posts in DCMarried as well and there's no mention of any of the stuff that you listed. Strange. *quoted image* It would be great if you could post direct links to the posts in question so I can see it for myself - until I do, I think I'll reserve judgment.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































very well said, MountainMadman...
































































































































































































































let's not rush into things and create a havoc here...
































































































































































































































all shippers, please repeat after me:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"we, goguma villagers, promise not to listen to hearsay..."































































































































































































































































































































































































































































some people enjoy bursting bubbles, if you know what i mean..
































































































































































































































let's stay true to our favorite couple, and support them all the way!!!
































































































































































































































YongSeo FTW!!!!
































































































































































































































































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Guest gatorlow
































































Yeah everyone! Let's calm down. Let's not discuss that anymore like the view counts.
































































We take a step and wait and see approach.
































































Lets see if they will perform banmal song together tmr of if snsd perform first.
































































Anyway, I know contract renewals are usually end of the year maybe they will decide only in February? So not to worry people.
































































Sometimes when they film in their house it is jus t a few mins of airtime so the schedule has some sense but I still believe that they will renew in 2011.
































































As for now, let's watch SBS Gayo and see for ourselves. And cheer up evryone including Linda. I can understand how sad you must feel when you first read.
































































But everything can change. And 2011 Feb is still far.

































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Guest MountainMadman

Thanks to yoreizei for the PM...my guess is that this post is where the speculation came from:


UCC라는 변수가 있기 전에는 더 타이트 했었는데 

일단 이번주 에피가 UCC 제작과정 에피니까 그걸 다시 넣어서 날짜 재조정 해보면

부산 에피 (1.8 , 1.15)

300,301일날 찍은 에피 (1.22 , 1.29)

스키장 에피 (2.5 , 2.12)

웨딩 에피 (2.19 , 2.25)

이렇게 되거든? 근데 아직 300,301일날 찍었던 에피가 뭔지 확정적이지 않잖아.

이게 만약에 웨딩 드레스 관련 고르거나 그런거라면 한 주씩 땡겨지고 웨딩 에피가 2/12일에 나올 수도 있다는 생각이 ㄷㄷㄷ

근데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 내가 보기엔 지금 찍어둔 에피들이 모두 다 대박 소재들이라 ㅋㅋㅋ

2주 안에 끝날거 같지가 않아서 밀릴 가능성이 80% ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

그냥 대충 남은 라인업이 이렇다구 ㅋㅋ 보라구 ㅋㅋㅋ

It was a bit more tight and finished before the UCC came in and interrupted the whole thing, but

since we know that this week's ep is the behind-the-scenes one, if we add that in and adjust the dates

Busan ep (1.8, 1.15)

300,301 ep (1.22, 1.29)

skiing trip ep (2.5, 2.12)

wedding photo ep (2.19, 2.25)

So that's how it lines up. But we still don't know what they shot on the 300,301 day.

If it had something to do with picking out wedding dresses or something like that then everything could move up one week and the wedding episode could come out on the 2/12...

But kekeke...in my opinion all the episodes shot until now is all daebak kekeke

I don't think they'll be over in 2 weeks each so there's about an 80% chance that there'll be some kind of delay kekekekekekekeke

So this is the uncertain lineup so far...kekeke


My guess? It was a mistranslation. The final line that the original poster said could also have been translated to "this is all that's left" so...my guess is that's where the whole "THIS IS THE END" thing sprang up from.

It's important to remember that this post is 100% speculation...the poster is just making assumptions on how the episodes will play out based on the filming sequence. This isn't confirmation for anything, whether good or bad, so keep your pants on, fellow gogumas. :)

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MBC said their contract is till next mid year, so why are u guys worrying about stay or leave already?
































































































































































































And i 'm super super excited for their wedding shoot, and i am sure sure they wont leave after wedding pic
































































































































































































so guys, dont think too far.
































































































































































































And lets make their video to 1 million!!!!

































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I hope this is not true. but please dont be hash with Linda, she just want to share the news. and she is really sad. she should in the spoiler. but when you so sad how can you know what you should do.




i try to be not panic. but i hope when the sad news comes, please dont be so angry with the news bringer. because they just want to share what they know. because we all love Yongseo


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